Brocade FCX Series Switches: Enterprise-Class Stackable Switches For The Network Edge
Brocade FCX Series Switches: Enterprise-Class Stackable Switches For The Network Edge
Brocade FCX Series Switches: Enterprise-Class Stackable Switches For The Network Edge
Plug-and-Play Operations for This stacked switch has only a single IP Optional 10 GbE Module
Powered Devices address to simplify management. When Brocade FCX-S switch models accept
The Brocade FCX Series supports the new members are added to the stack, they an optional 10 GbE module containing
IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery automatically inherit the stack’s existing either two SFP+ ports or two XFP ports,
Protocol (LLDP) and ANSI TIA 1057 Link configuration file, enabling true plug-and- enabling high-bandwidth connectivity
Layer Discovery Protocol-Media Endpoint play network expansion. to the aggregation or core layers, or
Discovery (LLDP-MED) standards Brocade stacking technology delivers extended switch stacking across long
that enable organizations to deploy high availability, performing real-time distances. Up to eight 10 GbE links can be
interoperable multivendor solutions state synchronization across the stack and aggregated in a stack, providing 80 Gbps
for Unified Communications (UC). enabling instantaneous hitless failover to of bandwidth between the wiring closet
a standby controller if the master stack and the aggregation layer.
Configuring IP endpoints such as
VoIP phones can be a complex task controller fails. In addition, organizations Brocade FCX Series Models with
requiring manual and time-consuming can use hot-insertion/removal of stack Four Optional 10 GbE Uplinks
configuration. LLDP and LLDP-MED members to avoid interrupting service. Brocade FCX 624 and Brocade FCX
address this challenge, providing a Brocade FCX-S switch models offer two 648 switch models accept an optional
standard, open method for configuring, dedicated, full-duplex 16 Gbps stacking 10 GbE module containing four Small
discovering, and managing network ports and can stack up to eight units, Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP+) ports,
infrastructure. The LLDP protocols help providing 256 Gbps of aggregated enabling high-bandwidth connectivity to
reduce operational costs by simplifying stacking bandwidth, essentially eliminating the aggregation or core layers, or creating
and automating network operations. For the need to work around inter-switch a switch stack horizontally across a row
example, LLDP-MED provides an open bottlenecks (see Figure 1). These of servers. Utilizing the SFP+ port form
protocol for configuring Quality of Service dedicated stacking ports free up the 10 factor enables higher density, more
(QoS), security policies, Virtual LAN Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) ports for high- flexible cabling options, and better energy
(VLAN) assignments, PoE power levels, speed connectivity to the aggregation or efficiency. The ability to use short-range
and service priorities. core layers—providing maximum flexibility and long-range optics, along with copper
in a compact access switch. Additionally, Twinax cables, supports flexible and cost-
Increased Flexibility and Scalability effective network architectures.
all Brocade FCX Series switches can be
The Brocade FCX Series provides a
stacked through their optional 10 GbE The 4-port 10 GbE module in a 1U
wide range of flexibility and scalability
ports. switch provides up to 40 Gbps of
advantages for dynamic and growing
The 10 GbE ports can also be trunked uplink bandwidth to the aggregation or
enterprise networks.
from different members of the stack core layers of the network. Even with
Simplified, High-Performance, High- the high-density 48-port model, this
to optimize performance and availability.
Availability Stacking bandwidth enables a near 1:1 subscription
For added flexibility, Brocade stacking
Leveraging Brocade stacking technology, ratio throughout the network. As a result,
technology also supports the use of
up to eight Brocade FCX Series switches organizations can deploy highly utilized
10 GbE ports with fiber-optic cabling
can be stacked into a single logical switch, networks to avoid congestion during
for stacking across racks, floors, and
providing simple and robust expandability peak hours.
for future growth at the network edge.
Figure 2: Brocade FCX 624 and Brocade FCX 648 switch models feature reversible front-to-back
airflow, internal redundant hot-swappable power supplies, and a swappable fan assembly.
Flexible Cooling Options Higher Reliability in a Compact Form and ICMP DoS attacks; Spanning Tree
The Brocade FCX 624 and Brocade FCX Factor Root Guard and BPDU Guard to protect
648 are Brocade Ethernet switches with In addition to stack-level high-availability network spanning tree operations; and
reversible front-to-back airflow options. capabilities such as hitless failover and hot broadcast and multicast packet rate
This design improves mounting flexibility insertion and removal of stacked units, limiting. Additional security features
in server racks, while adhering to the Brocade FCX Series switches include include dynamic ARP inspection, DHCP
cooling guidelines of the data center. system-level high-availability features snooping, and IP source guard to protect
Organizations can specify airflow direction such as optional dual hot-swappable, against address spoofing and man-in-the
at the time of order and can reverse the load-sharing, redundant power supplies middle attacks.
direction after deployment by swapping (see Figures 2 and 3). The modular design
Network Access Control (NAC)
the power supplies and the fan assembly. also has a removable fan assembly.
Organizations can rely on key features
These features provide another level of
such as multi-device port authentication
Reduced Power Consumption availability for the campus wiring closet
and 802.1X authentication with dynamic
In today’s rapidly growing business and the data center in a compact form
policy assignment to control network
environments, organizations need to factor.
access and perform targeted authorization
minimize power consumption throughout
Additional design features include intake on a per-user level. In addition, the
the entire IT infrastructure. The Brocade
and exhaust temperature sensors and fan Brocade FCX Series supports enhanced
FCX Series is designed to intelligently
spin detection to aid in fast identification Media Access Control (MAC) policies with
manage power usage, extending “green”
of abnormal or failed operating conditions the ability to deny traffic to and from MAC
initiatives to the wiring closet.
to help minimize mean time to repair. addresses on a per-VLAN basis. This
Power to connected devices is powerful tool helps organizations control
automatically negotiated using the LLDP- Comprehensive Enterprise Class access policies per endpoint device.
MED protocol, providing the powered Security
The Brocade FCX Series utilizes the Standards-based NAC also facilitates
devices with exactly the amount of power
Brocade FastIron® software operating best-in-class solutions for authenticating
they need. If devices go into sleep mode,
system, providing a rich security suite network users and validating the security
they can request less power from the
for Layer 2 and Layer 3 services, posture of connecting devices. Support
network, minimizing power usage in
Network Access Control (NAC), and for policy-controlled MAC-based VLANs
the campus environment. At as low as
Denial of Service (DoS) protection. provides additional control of network
1.22 watts/Gbps for non-PoE models
FastIron software security features access, enabling policy-controlled
and 1.41 watts/Gbps for PoE models,
include protection against TCP SYN assignment of devices to Layer 2 VLANs.
Brocade FCX Series switches consume
minimal power for the performance and
functionality they provide.
Figure 3: Brocade FCX-S switch models feature internal redundant hot-swappable power supplies
and a swappable fan assembly, in addition to dedicated stacking ports and a rear-facing out-of-
band management port.
Traffic Monitoring and Lawful Threat Detection and Mitigation Network Resiliency Through Fault
Intercept The Brocade FCX Series utilizes Detection
Organizations might need to set up lawful embedded hardware-based sFlow traffic Software features such as Virtual Switch
traffic intercept due to today’s heightened sampling to extend security to the network Redundancy Protocol (VSRP), Brocade
security environment. For example, in edge. This unique and powerful closed- Metro-Ring Protocol (MRP) v1 and v2,
the United States, the Communications loop threat mitigation solution uses Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP),
Assistance for Law Enforcement Act best-in-class intrusion detection systems protected link groups, 802.3ad Link
(CALEA) requires organizations to be to inspect traffic samples for possible Aggregation, and trunk groups provide
able to intercept and replicate data traffic network attacks. In response to a detected alternate paths for traffic in the event of
directed to a particular user, subnet, port, attack, Brocade Network Advisor can a link failure. Sub-second fault detection
and so on. This capability is particularly automatically apply a security policy to utilizing Link Fault Signaling (LFS) and
essential in networks implementing VoIP the compromised port, stopping network Remote Fault Notification (RFN) helps
phones. Brocade FCX Series switches attacks in real time without administrator ensure fast fault detection and recovery.
provide the capability to meet this intervention.
Enhanced spanning tree features such
requirement through Access Control List
Advanced Multicast Features as Root Guard and BPDU Guard prevent
(ACL)-based mirroring, MAC filter-based
The Brocade FCX Series supports a rich rogue hijacking of a spanning tree root
mirroring, and VLAN-based mirroring.
set of Layer 2 multicast snooping features and maintain a contention- and loop-free
Fiber to the Desktop for Security- that enable advanced multicast services environment, especially during dynamic
Sensitive Applications delivery. Internet Group Management network deployments. In addition, the
The Brocade FCX 624S-F provides 24 Protocol (IGMP) snooping for IGMP Brocade FCX Series supports port-loop
SFP 100/1000 Mbps fiber-optic ports version 1, 2, and 3 is supported. Support detection on edge ports that do not have
for government and military network for IGMPv3 source-based multicast spanning tree enabled. This capability
initiatives or for applications requiring snooping improves bandwidth utilization protects the network from broadcast
additional security and resiliency. For and security for multicast services. To storms and other anomalies that can
these types of network environments, enable multicast services delivery in result from Layer 1 or Layer 2 loopbacks
fiber-optic cable is the ultimate IPv6 networks, the Brocade FCX Series on Ethernet cables or endpoints.
transmission medium, because it does supports Multicast Listener Discovery
Protected link groups minimize disruption
not emit electromagnetic signals that (MLD) version 1 and 2 snooping—
to the network by protecting critical
can be intercepted. And, unlike copper the multicast protocols used in IPv6
links from loss of data and power. In a
wires, optical fiber cannot be tapped environments.
protected link group, one port in the group
without detection. Fiber-optic network
acts as the primary or active link, and the
links are also immune to Radio Frequency
other ports act as secondary or standby
Interference (RFI) and Electro-Magnetic
links. The active link carries the traffic and,
Interference (EMI).
if it goes down, one of the standby links
takes over.
UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) Metro Features Connecting Buildings Open-Standards Management
monitors a link between two Brocade FCX and Campuses The Brocade FCX Series includes an
Series switches and brings down the ports Because Brocade FCX Series switches industry-standard Command Line
on both ends of the link if the link fails at include Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Interface (CLI) and supports Secure
any point between the two devices. features, organizations can use them to Shell (SSHv2), Secure Copy (SCP),
The Brocade FCX Series also supports connect a distributed enterprise. In this and SNMPv3 to restrict and encrypt
stability features such as port flap type of environment, Brocade FCX Series management communications to the
dampening, single-link Link Aggregation switches provide rich services using MRP system. In addition, support for Terminal
Control Protocol (LACP), and port loop (v1 and v2) for building resilient ring-based Access Controller Access Control System
detection. topologies, VLAN stacking (Q-in-Q), (TACACS/TACACS+) and RADIUS
and advanced multicast capabilities— authentication helps ensure secure
Advanced Capabilities including IGMP v1/v2/v3 and Multicast operator access.
To meet a wide range of requirements, the Listener Discovery (MLD) v1/v2 snooping
Out-of-Band Management
Brocade FCX Series provides full Layer 3 for controlling multicast traffic for high-
The Brocade FCX Series includes a
capabilities, along with metro features for bandwidth content delivery.
10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 Ethernet port
connecting buildings and campuses. dedicated to out-of-band management,
Simplified, Secure Management
Full Layer 3 Capabilities Based On Open Standards providing a remote path to manage the
All Brocade FCX switches come standard The Brocade FCX Series provides switches, regardless of the status or
with powerful Layer 3 IPv4 and IPv6 simplified, standards-based management configuration of the data ports.
switching capabilities. Organizations can capabilities that help organizations reduce
use Layer 3 features such as OSPF and Unified Wired/Wireless Network
administrative time and effort while
RIP routing, policy-based routing, VRRP,
Management With Brocade Network
securing their networks.
and Protocol-Independent Multicast
(PIM) to reduce complexity and enhance
Simplified Deployment with Auto- Managing enterprise campus networks
To reduce complexity and the time Brocade Global Services Warranty
spent managing these environments, Brocade Global Services has the The Brocade FCX Series is covered by
the easy-to-use Brocade Network expertise to help organizations build the Brocade Assurance Limited Lifetime
Advisor discovers, manages, and deploys scalable, efficient cloud infrastructures. Warranty. For details, visit www.brocade.
configurations to groups of IP devices. Leveraging 15 years of expertise in com/warranty.
By using the Brocade Network Advisor storage, networking, and virtualization,
Device Configuration Manager tool, Brocade Global Services delivers world- Affordable Acquisition Options
organizations can configure VLANs within class professional services, technical Brocade Capital Solutions helps
the network, manage wireless AP realms, support, network monitoring services, organizations easily address their IT
or execute CLI commands on specific IP and education, enabling organizations requirements by offering flexible network
devices or groups of IP devices. sFlow- to maximize their Brocade investments, acquisition and support alternatives.
based proactive monitoring is ideal for accelerate new technology deployments, Organizations can select from purchase,
performing network-wide troubleshooting, and optimize the performance of lease, Brocade Network Subscription,
generating traffic reports, and gaining networking infrastructures. and Brocade Subscription Plus options to
visibility into network activity from the align network acquisition with their unique
edge to the core. Brocade Network Maximum Operational Efficiency and capital requirements and risk profiles.
Advisor centralizes management of Investment Protection To learn more, visit
the entire family of Brocade wired and To further improve operational efficiency, CapitalSolutions.
wireless products, including the Brocade Brocade FCX Series switches come with
90 days of free technical support from Maximizing Investments
FCX Series.
the Brocade Technical Assistance Center To help optimize technology investments,
and free software updates. With these Brocade and its partners offer complete
capabilities, organizations gain peace solutions that include professional
of mind while freeing up IT budget and services, technical support, and education.
resources to grow their businesses. For more information, contact a Brocade
sales partner or visit
Brocade FCX Series Feature Comparison
BROCADE FCX BROCADE FCX-S (Dedicated Stacking Ports)
Switching bandwidth (data rate, 128 Gbps 176 Gbps 152 Gbps 200 Gbps 152 Gbps 152 Gbps 200 Gbps
full duplex)
Forwarding bandwidth (data 96 Mpps 132 Mpps 114 Mpps 150 Mpps 114 Mpps 114 Mpps 150 Mpps
rate, full duplex)
Aggregated stacking bandwidth 160 Gbps 160 Gbps 256 Gbps 256 Gbps 256 Gbps 256 Gbps 256 Gbps
(with optional (with optional
10 GbE ports) 10 GbE ports)
100/1000 Mbps SFP ports N/A N/A N/A N/A 20 N/A N/A
10 Gigabit Ethernet ports 4 SFP+ 4 SFP+ 2 SFP+ or 2 SFP+ or 2 SFP+ or 2 SFP+ or 2 SFP+ or
(optional) (optional) 2 XFP 2 XFP 2 XFP 2 XFP 2 XFP
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)
Internal power supplies 2×210 W 2×210 W 2×210 W 2×210 W 2×210 W 2×620 W 2×620 W
removable removable removable removable removable removable removable
(second (second (second (second (second (second (second
optional) optional) optional) optional) optional) optional) optional)
Optional FRUs
1000 Mbps combo module FCX-4G FCX-4G N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
10 Gigabit Ethernet module FCX-4XG FCX-4XG FCX-2XG/ FCX-2XG/ FCX-2XG/ FCX-2XG/ FCX-2XG/
Second power supply RPS13/ RPS13/ RPS13 RPS13 RPS13 RPS14 RPS14
Advanced Layer 3 software FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV- FCX-ADV-
Brocade FCX Series Specifications
System Architecture
Acoustic 51 to 63 dB
Brocade FCX Series Specifications (continued)
Electromagnetic emissions FCC Class A (Part 15); EN 55022/CISPR-22 Class A; VCCI Class A; ICES-003 Electromagnetic Emission; AS/
NZS 55022; EN 61000-3-2 Power Line Harmonics; EN 61000-3-3 Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker; EN 61000-
6-3 Emission Standard (Supersedes: EN 50081-1)
Safety CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60950-1-07; UL 60950-1 2nd Edition; IEC 60950-1 2nd Edition; EN 60950-1:2006
Safety of Information Technology Equipment; EN 60825-1 Safety of Laser Products—Part 1: Equipment
Classification, Requirements and User’s Guide; EN 60825-2 Safety of Laser Products—Part 2: Safety of Optical
Fibre Communication Systems
Immunity EN 61000-6-1 Generic Immunity and Susceptibility (this supersedes EN 50082-1); EN 55024 Immunity
Characteristics (this supersedes EN 61000-4-2 ESD); EN 61000-4-3 Radiated, Radio Frequency, Electromagnetic
Field; EN 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient; EN 61000-4-5 Surge; EN 61000-4-6 Conducted Disturbances
Induced by Radio-Frequency Fields; EN 61000-4-8 Power Frequency Magnetic Field; EN 61000-4-11 Voltage
Dips and Sags
648S-HPOE 6
1.72 0.94 970 167 570 1.67
With 4-port 10 GbE module installed and one power supply.
Calculated using switch data rate.
Total power drawn from the source and consumed by the switch and attached PoE devices. Class 3 devices assumed on all ports.
Power drawn from the source and consumed only by the switch.
Thermal output of the switch.
With two power supplies installed.
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