Biology O. Level Igcse Definitions: Downloaded by Success Groups
Biology O. Level Igcse Definitions: Downloaded by Success Groups
Biology O. Level Igcse Definitions: Downloaded by Success Groups
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Movement – the change of the position of an organism or a part it.
Respiration – a series of chemical reactions occurring in the cells to release
energy by breaking down glucose in the presence or absence of oxygen.
Sensitivity – the ability to detect or sense stimuli in the internal or external
environment and to make respond to them.
Growth – a permanent increase in size and dry mass by increasing the cell
number or size or both.
Reproduction – the process that makes more of the same kind of organism
Excretion – removal of waste products of metabolism.
Nutrition – taking in, absorption and assimilation of nutrients.
Catalyst - a substance that increase the rate of a chemical reaction and is not
changed by the reaction
Enzymes - proteins that function as biological catalysts.
Ingestion - the taking of substances, e.g. food and drink, into the body through
the mouth
Mechanical digestion - the breakdown of food into smaller pieces without
chemical change to the food molecules
Chemical digestion - the breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into small,
soluble molecules
Absorption - the movement of small food molecules and ions through the wall of
the intestine into the blood
Assimilation - the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body
where they are used, and becoming part of the cells
Egestion - the passing out of food that has not been digested or absorbed, as feces,
through the anus
Diarrhoea - the loss of watery feces
Aerobic respiration - the chemical reactions in cells that use oxygen to break
down nutrient molecules to release energy
Anaerobic respiration - the chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient
molecules to release energy without using oxygen
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