Internship Guidelines ME
Internship Guidelines ME
Internship Guidelines ME
Following are the guidelines the candidate should read before preparing and submitting his / her
Internship Report in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree that he / she has
1. A candidate has to prepare Internship Report and submit the Report to the Director of
respective School through his / her Internship Guide before the last date fixed by the University.
2. All candidates shall follow the guidelines below while preparing their Internship Report
3. Copies of Internship Report
One bound copies of the Internship Report must be submitted to the University (the Director of
respective School through the his / her Internship Guide). The candidate is advised to keep a
copy of the same for personal use.
4. Size & Quality of Paper: Good quality paper must be used printing the report. The main
copy of the Internship Report should be original. All copies shall be on white A4 paper and
printed on one side of a paper.
5. Order of Content
Cover Page
Title page
Candidate’s Declaration page - containing the signature of the candidate, guide, co-guide
from industry, and Director of the School.
Certificate by the Guide and the Co-Guide if any, and the Director of the School
concerned for having completed the project and prepared the report as per the requirements of
the University. The certificate shall also be countersigned by the Vice Chancellor.
Certificate that the Internship Report has been revised and resubmitted based on
suggestions by examiners, if applicable, signed by the candidate, guide, co-guide, if any, and
Director of the School.and countersigned by the Vice Chancellor.
Preface and/or Acknowledgement
Table of contents with page references
List of tables with titles and page references
Industry Profile and history of Industry origin
Management board members and directors if any
Recognition of the company world wide
Vision and Mission of the organization if any
Role of your internship work in organization
Scope of your Internship
Aim and purpose of Internship
6. Cover Page:
The cover page of the Internship report should be of Orange colour,. The details of typeface
and font, the size of the letter, the spacing and the matter to be presented in the cover page is
provided in the specimen
7. Title Page:
Title page may contain the similar information in the same format. However, if it is a Team
Internship work and more than one student has participated in the internship, the name of all the
team members shall appear under “ submitted by”.
8. Certificate Page
a. The certificate in the enclosed format shall be provided in the Internship Report
b. Certificate that the Internship Report has been revised and resubmitted based on
suggestions by examiners, if applicable, signed by the candidate, guide, co-guide, if any, and
Director of the School.
12. List of Illustrations
If the candidate has used charts, diagrams such other pictures as illustrations such charts,
diagrams etc., and the screen shots to support the explanation shall be listed under the list of
Illustration with serial number and page number.
The candidates have to use following Size of Letter Fonts in Times New Roman
It should be noted that Script or ornamental fonts shall not be used. Print must be letter
quality. Accent marks and hand annotations must be done, neatly in black ink.
15. Margins
Margins on the binding edge must be 1.5 inches and all other margins (Right / Top / Bottom)
must be one inch. Pagination, headers, and/or footers may be placed within the margin, but
margin from the edge of the page should be maintained as foresaid.
18. Spacing
One and a half or double spacing is to be followed in the main body excepting in presenting foot
notes, tables etc which may be single space. Final copies of the Internship Report must be clear
and attractive. Each copy should be reviewed for evenness and clarity of type, missing pages and
crooked text.
19. Pagination
Each page of the manuscript, including all blank pages, and pages with photographs, tables,
figures, maps, Computer printouts shall be assigned a number. Consistent pagination, at least
one-half inch from the right hand top corner of the page, shall be used throughout the Internship
Report. Further it may be noted that:
a. For the preliminary pages, small Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, iv etc.) shall be used.
b. For the remainder of the report, the continuous pagination in arabic numerals shall be
20. Landscape
For Text, Illustrations, Charts, Graphs, etc. printed in landscape form, the orientation shall be
facing away from the bound edge of the paper.
The candidates may list the documents such as articles in journals, conference papers, books, and
reports etc. that are related to the topic of the internship work.
21. Appendices
The candidate may furnish the appendices such as specimen questionnaire / Schedule etc., under
this section.
Important to Note
a. Address of the candidate / Guide must be School / College address where internship
is carried out. The Address shall not contain personal affiliation or any other official
information / details about the candidate / Guide such as qualification, designation, etc.
b. Official logo / symbol of the REVA University / Research Institute must not be used
anywhere in the Internship Report.
REGISTRAR (Evaluation)
Sample Format Page for Internship Report
A Internship Report
Title of the work
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Submitted by
Sample Candidate’s Declaration Page for Project Report / Dissertation
I, Mr. / Ms. < name of candidate > student of B.Tech belong in to School of
Mechanical Engineering, REVA University, declare that this InternshipReport “ < title of the
Internship >” is the result the of Internship work done by me under the supervision of Dr / Prof.
<name of Guide with affiliation > and < co-guide (s) if any, with affiliation, >
at .....................................................
< name of School where project work has been carried out>.
I am submitting this Internship Report in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering by the REVA University,
Bangalore during the academic year 2021-22.
I declare that this internship report satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Internship
work prescribed for the said Degree.
I further declare that this Internship report or any part of it has not been submitted for award of
any other Degree / Diploma of this University or any other University/ Institution.
Certified that this project work submitted by < name of the candidate > has been carried
out under my / our guidance and the declaration made by the candidate is true to the best of my
Certified that the Internship entitled “TITLE” carried out under my / our guidance by Mr.Name
of student (SRN), Mr. Name of student (R14ME100), a bonafide student of REVA University
during the academic year 2021-22, is submitting the internship report in partial fulfillment for the
award of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering during the academic year 2021–22.
The internship report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of
Project work prescribed for the said Degree.
<Guide name> <Co Guide name> < Name of the Director >
Guide Co Guide Director