Will and Thomas 2
Will and Thomas 2
Will and Thomas 2
of Salem Town, Massachusetts
and his son Thomas Haynes of West New Jersey
researched and written by
Paulette Haynes, 1984
for the "Haynes Chronicle" Vol.2 #4
(revisions 1991, 2000 and 2002)
The name of William Haynes is frequently seen in the early records of
Massachusetts and meagerly described in several well known genealogy
dictionaries. What follows here is a "chronicle" of his life, his son's life, and
events of the Puritan villages where they lived. For the sake of continuity, the
name will be spelled HAYNES, although it often appears in records as
HAINES. At a later date the New Jersey descendants of William Haynes
apparently dropped the "i" or "y" and became known as HANES.
William and Richard Haynes
William Haynes, from Dunstable, Bedfordshire, arrived in New England 18
September 1634 at Boston, Massachusetts on the ship "Griffin". In his
company was Richard Haynes, also from Dunstable. This record is found in
Charles Bank's book, Planters of the Commonwealth. Mr. Banks did not
document in this book, published in 1930, how he had determined they came
from Bedfordshire, and their ages were not given. In a later book published
after Mr. Banks' death, it was found among his manuscripts he used
"Aspinwall" as a reference for the emigrants William and Richard Haynes.
Governor Winthrop's journal entry of Sept. 18, 1634 was "The Griffin and
another ship now arriving with about 200 passengers. Mr. Lathrop and Mr.
Sims, two godly ministers coming in the same ship".
William and Richard Haynes settled in Salem, Massachusetts and are seen as
associates in several legal documents. They were brothers, and this
relationship is established by deeds executed in 1679 between Thomas
Haynes and "his uncle Richard Haynes". Essex Co. Deed Bk. 6, 67-69 These
deeds were called obligation deeds meaning Thomas Haynes pledged to care
and maintain his uncle in his old age.
William Haynes was settled in Salem (Town) Massachusetts prior to 7 July
1644, when on that date, he was appointed at a General Town Meeting, along
with several other inhabitants of Salem (Town) to patrol the settlement each
Sabbath Day. Each patrol consisting of two men, were instructed to take note
of Sabbath breakers and report their names to the authorities. Prior to 1644,
William Haynes purchased jointly with Richard Ingersoll, from John Pease,
the Weston Grant, and jointly with Richard Haynes 180 acres of the
Townsend Bishop Grant in the northern end of the Salem Town boundary
territory. These interior land areas subsequently became known as Salem
Farms, Salem Village and is presently Danvers, Massachusetts. It was a short
distance of approximately four miles from Salem (Town).
William and Richard Haynes sold one third of their Townsend Bishop Grant
land to Abraham Page in 1647, who in turn sold it to Simon Bradstreet, the
Governor of Massachusetts. They were held equally responsible in a 1647
court case involving the death of two cows belonging to their adjacent
neighbor, the Honorable Simon Bradstreet. Essex Quarterly Records Vol. 1 p.
116 On 29: 4th month: 1648, they sold the other two-thirds shares of the
Townsend Bishop Grant land to John Porter, who also bought the other third
from Simon Bradstreet.
Charles W. Upham suggested in his book, Salem Witchcraft, that because of
the great purchasing power of William and Richard Haynes, and the respect
demonstrated toward them, they were persons of great means and influence.
Mr. Upham also mentioned that although the family of William Haynes had
always been somewhat of a mystery, it was stated in the family papers of the
Ingersoll family, recently uncovered around 1865, that William Haynes was a
brother of John Haynes, the Governor of Massachusetts, founder of Hartford,
and Lieut-Governor of Connecticut. This theory of ancestry has often been
examined and contemplated by Haynes descendants, but so far has not been
proven true. Gov. John Haynes came to New England from Copford Hall,
Essex County on the first sailing of the "Griffin" in 1633. He removed in
May 1637 to Connecticut. Governor Haynes is known to have had two
families of children, the first born in England who remained there when he
migrated to America and the second family of children born in America with
his second wife after his English wife had died.
On 25: 9 month: 1645, A tre Atturney from William Haynes to Thomas
Haynes Col merchant living at the White Beare in Basin lane in London, to
receive a debt of 28 lbs. of Thomas Perkins, of Dunstable in Bedfordshire
chandlor, with power to substitute another attorney. Witns, John Newton,
Thomas Liskume. Aspinwalls Notes of Early Boston 1644-1651. It seems
likely this Thomas Haynes was somehow related to William Haynes and
indicates a possible relationship between William Haynes of New England,
to Thomas Haynes who has been reported in references (perhaps incorrectly)
as migrating shortly afterwards and settling at Amesbury, Massachusetts.
Apparently Charles Banks used this record (Aspinwall) to pinpoint
Dunstable, Bedfordshire as the ancestral home of William and Richard
Haynes, Topographical Dictionary of English Emigrants to New England,
Bedfordshire page 1. This book was published in 1937, after the death of Mr.
Banks and was compiled using the manuscripts in his library. The reference
given for "William Haynes" and "Richard Haines" passengers on the Griffin
in 1634 was "Aspinwall". This document, in Aspinwall's Notes, however,
does not indicate William Haynes was actually from Dunstable,
Bedfordshire but was attempting to collect a debt at Dunstable, Bedfordshire
from Thomas Perkins. Richard Haines was not mentioned in the Power of
Attorney. Thomas Perkins, a tradesman or chandlor, on the other hand, was a
resident of Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It is assumed Charles Banks was
referring to the records of William Aspinwall who was the notary for Boston
from 1644 to 1651 and which were published in a volume entitled A Volume
Relating to the Early History of Boston Containing the Aspinwall Notorial
Records from 1644 to 1651, Boston Record Commissioners' Reports 32,
(Boston, 1903). Mr. Banks was a notable expert in Emigrant genealogy and
had searched throughout English parishes for records concerning nearly
3,000 emigrants. It is difficult to believe that he based his reference solely on
Aspinwall's record and that he did not know other facts regarding William
and Richard Haynes.
The second voyage of the Griffin that landed in 1634 evidentally arrived
with100 persons or “100 persons and cattle” but only 42 persons were listed
in Mr. Banks book. Others listed from Dunstable, Bedfordshire were Thomas
Lynde who settled in Charlestown and Reverend Zachariah Symms who
served as Rector in Dunstable 1625-1633 before emigrating to
Massachusetts and also settling at Charlestown.
There are also genealogies that claim Richard or William was the father of
Thomas Haynes of Amesbury, Massachusetts. This statement is unlikely
since Richard is documented as having no children, and William's son
Thomas was born 1651.
Thomas Haynes of Amesbury, Massachusetts, received land in Amesbury
1661, 1666, and 1675, and made an Oath of Allegiance at Amesbury in 1677.
He married Martha Barnard, of Salisbury on 26 December 1667 and died in
1683 leaving a widow and children, Thomas, Eleanor, Aquila, John and
Mary. Several of his children settled in York, Maine. It is doubtful he was the
same Thomas Haynes who appeared in earlier records of Casco Bay,
Massachusetts/Maine who eventually retreated to Lynn, Massachusetts with
his wife Joice.
Richard Haynes, brother of William is seen 1640, 1645, 1665 and 1669 in the
Salem Town records. He resided in a settlement identified as the "Cape Ann"
and "Bass River" side of Salem, later known as Beverly and made his Oath of
Allegiance 3 December 1677 at Beverly. The first record for Richard in
Salem was made May 20, 1640 when he along with William Killcup of Lynn
each provided 5 lbs bond for the appearance of Daniel Hutchins in court
regarding two children in the custody and care of Daniel Hutchins on his
ship. The father of these two children acknowledge that good care had been
taken of his children.
Ancestry of William Haynes
In the last few years there has been a great deal of interest and speculation
concerning the ancestry of the brothers William and Richard Haynes. Some
people are convinced they were the sons of Walter Haynes and Mary Watford
who were married 27 Apr 1607 in Renhold, Bedfordshire, England and after
the death of Mary in 1632 and Walter in 1633, these two boys, ages ten and
thirteen, were sent or taken to New England. According to the Renhold,
Bedfordshire Parish baptismal records for Walter and Mary, their son Richard
Haynes was baptized 18 November 1621 and William on 6 June 1624. The
records for Walter and Mary indicate there were five older children in the
family and another son named Robert baptized the same day as William.
Although son Richard was mentioned in Walter's will, William was not and
Robert was mentioned as the youngest. It seems odd that only these two
children, Richard age 13 and William, age 10 were transported to New
England in 1634 on the "Griffin" and especially in the company of such
notable and exiled controversial religious nonconformist as Rev. John
Lothrop, Rev. Zachariah Symms and Mrs. Anne Hutchinson. Several other
passengers on the Griffin also had ties to Dunstable, Bedforshire England.
Thomas Lynde and Reverend Zacariah Symns . It does not seem likely these
two boys at age thirteen and ten would have made their own decisions and
and arrangements to emigrate and also been able to finance the voyage and
purchase land. Records prior to 1634 records are sparse for Salem and since
nothing is evident regarding them until 1640 it is possible they were living
with someone else. It has been suggested, but not documented, they were
living with Richard Ingersoll, but this is possibly only an assumption because
William Haynes married a daughter of Richard Ingersoll. It is also noted
there were no descendants in these Haynes families named Walter but several
named Thomas and William
Jonathan Haynes was born about 1646 and baptized 11 Jun 1648 at
the First Church of Salem. He was a resident of Newbury,
Massachusetts until around the year 1686, and then removed to
Haverhill. He married Sarah Moulton, 30 Dec 1674 at Newbury. In a
1. 1682 Essex County, court case, Jonathan gave his age as "about 36
years" and his wife, Sarah as "about 26 years". Jonathan and four of
his children were captured by Indians in 1696 but Jonathan and his
son, Thomas escaped and returned to Haverhill. On 22 Feb 1698,
Jonathan Haynes was killed by the Indians.
2. Sarah Haynes was baptized 11 Jun 1648 at the First Church of Salem
but was not necessarily a twin to Jonathan. She married Moses
Eborne/Abourn on 9 September 1671. In June 1672, Moses and Sarah
Eborne were severely censured for their apparent "uncleanness" prior
to marriage and sentenced to be whipped on the next lecture day or
pay a fine. They were excommunicated from the Salem Church in
April 1676. According to the Vital Records of Salem, Sarah died 1
November 1676, which was six days after the birth of her third child.
Moses Eborne, who was born 1645/1646, married again to Abigail
Gilbert, resided in Salem until around 1680 and then removed to Lynn,
Massachusetts. His will written 8 May 1728 was proved 17 Feb
1735/1736. He was the son of Samuel and Catherine (Smith) Eborne,
residents of Salem and Marblehead. Samuel Eborne was also the
father of a daughter Hannah Eborne, born around 1658, who became
the wife of Joseph Houlton Jr., the first child born of the marriage of
widow Sarah Ingersoll Haynes to Joseph Houlton, Sr. Children of
Moses and Sarah Haynes Eborne were: Moses Eborne born 14 Feb
1671/1672, died 1 Oct 1756 Lynnville, Massachusetts, Joseph Eborne
born 24 Apr 1674 died about December 1711, and Sarah Eborne born
26 Oct 1676 married George Flint 11 Apr 1718.
May On the 29th of May 1679, Richard Haynes of Beverly deeded all his
1679 property and estate to his "loving kinsman" Thomas Haynes of
Salem, and likewise, because of the love, respect & affection and in
consideration of the estate that made over to him, Thomas Haynes
bound himself to care & provide for his aged Uncle Richard . It was
Thomas' understanding that his uncle would live with him in his
house during his life. Essex Co. Deed Bk.6, 67
Performed an inquest in the death of Israel Porter's servant.
Served as constable of Salem Farms (Salem Village)
Rated for support of the minister and church of Salem Village.
Recorded on the Salem Village tax list.
Recorded on the Salem Village tax list.
Made a freeman of Salem Village.
1692 At the time of the witchcraft trials, Thomas Haynes was living in
Salem Village on the Weston Grant property which was originally
purchased by his father and grandfather. Adjacent to him were
Joseph Houlton, Jr., John Houlton and Joseph Houlton, Sr. Across
the road was the Meeting-House, the parsonage of Reverend Samuel
Parris and the tavern of his uncle, Nathaniel Ingersoll. It was at this
tavern the first hearings of the witchcraft trials were held. Ten of the
twenty-three persons executed in 1692 were from Salem Village.
May in Testified in the trial of Elizabeth Howe, who was convicted of
1692 witchcraft and executed on 19 July 1792
John Haynes baptized 14 April 1678 Salem Village, died ca 1714 with
will in Mannington (Salem County) New Jersey. He was married to
1. Sarah Skinner, a daughter of William Skinner. Children: Daniel
Haynes, William Haynes, Sarah Haynes, Hannah Haynes, John
Haynes and Mary Haynes.
Resources Consulted:
Annals of Salem, (Joseph B. Felt), Vols. 1-2, 1849
American Genealogist, Vols. 23,27
Aspinwall's Boston Records, Notorial Records Commissioners Report, #32
Baptisms of Salem Village Church 1689-1772, North Parish
Bedfordshire England Parish Records, Vols. 6,42,52
Civil Lists Colonial & Provincial 1630-1700 (Thomas H. Whitmore)
Chronicles of Danvers 1632-1923, (Harriet S. Tapley)
Chronicles of First Settlers of Massachusetts (Alexander Young)
Early Germans of New Jersey (Chambers)
Essex County Probate 1635-1644 (3 vols. 1635-1681)
Essex Institute Historical Collections Vol. 1-116, Vol. 18 p.83
Essex Institute Historical Collections Vol. 6, p. 113
Essex Institute Historical Collections Vol. 7, p. 27
Essex Institute Historical Collections, Center of Salem Village in 1700, Vol.
Essex Antiquarian, a monthly magazine
First Church of Salem
Founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Sarah Sprage Saunders Smith)
Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire (Noyes, Libby and
Genealogy Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England (James Savage)
Genealogy of the Ingersoll Family (Avery)
Gleanings from English Records about New England (Emmerton) 8 vols.
History of Haverhill (George Wingate Chase)
History of Newbury (Joshua Coffin)
History of Salem Vol. 1-3 (Sidney Perley)
History of York, Maine (Charles Banks)
Index to Town Records of Beverly 1665-1675
Inscriptions from the burying grounds in Salem (Robert Crowell)
Inscriptions from Old Burying Ground in Dodge Row (Wellington Pool)
Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Thomas Franklin Waters)
"Journal of Rev. John Pike", New Hampshire Genealogy Record, Vol.3
List of Freemen, Massachusetts Bay Colony (Henry Franklin Andrews)
New England Captives Carried to Canada (Charles Banks)
New England Historical and Genealogical Register , Vol. 109 p.163 & Vol 9,
p. 349
New England Families (Cutter) *unreliable
New Jersey Archives, Vol. 21,22,23,30, 31
New Plymouth Colony: Births, Marriages, Deaths 1633-1689
Notes & Extracts from the Records of the First Church in Salem 1629-1736
(Essex Institute)
Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury (David W. Hoyt)
Old Planters of Beverly (Alice G. Lapham)
Pioneer Families of Massachusetts (Charles Henry Pope)
Pioneer Families of Maine & New Hampshire 1623-1660, (Charles Henry
Planters of the Commonwealth (Charles Banks)
Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, 1636-1683, Vols.
Records of the First Church of Salem (Richard D. Pierce)
Records of Salem Commoners 1713-1739 (George Francis Dow)
Richard Haines and His Descendants, Vol. 1 (John Wesley Haines)
Ryal Side From Early Days of Salem Colony (Calvin P. Pierce)
Salem in the 17th Century (Phillips)
Salem Village Witchcraft (Boyer & Nissenbaum)
Salem Witchcraft Vols. 1-2 (Charles Wentworth Upham)
Soldiers of King Philip's War (George M. Bodge)
"The Haines-Hanes Family" Salem County New Jersey Historical Society,
author unknown
The Indian Land Titles of Essex Co. (Sidney Perley)
Town Records of Salem, Massachusetts, Vols. 1-3 (Essex Institute)
Town Records of Beverly (Galoupe)
Vital Records of Beverly to end of 1849
Vital Records of Danvers, Massachusetts
Vital Records of Essex, Massachusetts to end of 1849
Vital Records of Marblehead, Massachusetts
Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts
Vital Records of Salem, Massachusetts to 1850, Vols. 1-6