Diario de Campo 3 - Evelin Useda Lastre

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Fecha: April 26th Hora de inicio: 11:00 am Hora de cierre: 12 00 m

Institución educativa: Institución Tema: Colors
Educativa Rural San Miguel del
Nombre del docente en formación: Evelin Yolisét Useda Lastre

Licenciatura: Licenciatura en Lengua Extranjera con

Énfasis en inglés
Nombre del docente de Steffy Marín Díaz
Acompañamiento de la UNAD:
No. De estudiantes o Grado: 1°
participantes: 27
Tipo de práctica que Marque con una X el tipo que práctica que realiza
X Inmersión
desarrolla en el curso
___ Investigación
Actividad, proceso o In this class, the topic of colors in
clase en la que English is addressed. In a previous class
they were shown a video on the subject.
Propósito de la actividad, proceso o clase en la que participa:

Identify colors in English, their pronunciation and spelling

The participating community are first grade students from the rural area of
the municipality of Yondó. They are boys and girls between 6 and 7 years of
age. Most of them are very participative children, although there is evidence
of some gaps in their behavior, which makes it difficult for them to follow
Most of these children are children of peasants or people who have come to
the community in search of tranquility because it is very economical to pay
rent and get food because it is an agricultural area; we also find among the
parents, adults who are very academically prepared. However, some of them
have not finished their studies. Currently, adult classes are being taught in
the same institution, which was very well received by the population and
many of the parents of these children are finishing their studies.

The class begins by greeting the students, who rush
Describir el
momento inicial: to the teacher and hug him. The teacher hugs them

and through a game (the last one to sit down pays

penance) she gets the students to return to their

chairs and control the order again. Then she asks

them to stand up and asks them to perform some

commands such as: claps yor hands, draw a circle,

say hello, say Good bye. Then, using these

commands, she sings and the children perform the

commands as they are mentioned. Ask them to sit

down and ask them about today. The children respond

in Spanish that it is Tuesday.

Describir el desarrollo After taking notes on the date board, she shows the
de la Sesión
children hands and feet that have different colors. She

asks them in English what color it is and the children

respond in English. Then, they play a game where the

teacher calls out a color and the children look for

objects that have that color.

She then places them at a round table and gives them

an index card with several drawings, each one

describing a color. She asks the children to pay

attention to the color she will mention and use the

color to color the object indicated.

The class ends with a video story about colors.

The use of index cards or photocopies favors the

Describir las
estrategias didácticas children's work, since they children because they have
desarrolladas y cómo
éstas favorecen la the material in their hands immediately, especially in
apropiación y el
aprendizaje de los these times the material in their hands; likewise, the
disciplinares use of audiovisual audio-visual tools favor attention
and support and support the students' listening skills.

While it is true that the written part is very important

in the acquisition of a foreign language, I believe that

in the lower grades emphasis should be placed on

listening and speaking. By the time they reach high

school, writing and reading skills will be easier for

them. Games, coloring and songs are important tools

for the lower grades because through play they open

the way to meaningful language learning.

Learning a foreign language is very important. The

Identificación de strategies and methodologies used for it make it

cualidades, habilidades,
actitudes, interesting to students. The use of audiovisual tools,
paradigmas, modelos games and songs will always be a great ally. The
mentales, juicios,
emociones y creencias positive attitude of the teacher at all times and the
que se dan en la sesión
energy of the students in her classes, make make the

classes enjoyable.

As mentioned above, all the tools and strategies
Analizar cómo los
procesos influyen en employed by the teacher have an impact on the
las relaciones
académicas, personales teaching and learning process of the students.
y profesionales que se
dan en el ámbito Coming into contact with the foreign language
educativo del docente
en formación directly, but supported by their mother tongue, will

achieve that meaningful learning in the students.

Aspectos en los que Obviously what I need to work on the most is my
usted como docente
en formación lexicon. Unfortunately it is very limited and no matter
considera que debe
trabajar para su how hard I try it has been complicated. On the other
hand, I know that I need to improve in the use and

implementation of technological tools that allow me

to take advantage of learning spaces and be able to

offer meaningful learning.

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sesión. Estas pueden
ser: fotografías de
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realizados por los
integrantes de la
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clases, encuestas,
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fotografías y/o

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