Anemone Medicinal Plants: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Biology
Anemone Medicinal Plants: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Biology
Anemone Medicinal Plants: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry and Biology
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Biotechnology Institute, School of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian 116028, China
Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100193, China
KEY WORDS Abstract The Ranunculaceae genus Anemone (order Ranunculales), comprising more than 150 species,
mostly herbs, has long been used in folk medicine and worldwide ethnomedicine. Various medicinal
Ethnomedicine; compounds have been found in Anemone plants, especially triterpenoid saponins, some of which have
Chemodiversity; shown anti-cancer activities. Some Anemone compounds and extracts display immunomodulatory, anti-
Bioactivity; inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities. More than 50 species have ethnopharmacological
Molecular mechanism; uses, which provide clues for modern drug discovery. Anemone compounds exert anticancer and other
Pharmacophylogeny bioactivities via multiple pathways. However, a comprehensive review of the Anemone medicinal
resources is lacking. We here summarize the ethnomedical knowledge and recent progress on the chemical
and pharmacological diversity of Anemone medicinal plants, as well as the emerging molecular
mechanisms and functions of these medicinal compounds. The phylogenetic relationships of Anemone
species were reconstructed based on nuclear ITS and chloroplast markers. The molecular phylogeny is
largely congruent with the morphology-based classification. Commonly used medicinal herbs are
distributed in each subgenus and section, and chemical and biological studies of more unexplored taxa
are warranted. Gene expression profiling and relevant “omics” platforms could reveal differential effects
of phytometabolites. Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics should be highlighted in
deciphering novel therapeutic mechanisms and utilities of Anemone phytometabolites.
& 2017 Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Corresponding authors.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Dacheng Hao).
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.
2211-3835 & 2017 Chinese Pharmaceutical Association and Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Production and hosting by
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Anemone medicinal plants: ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biology 147
1. Introduction skin infection, etc. Liang Tou Jian (Zhu Jie Xiang Fu in Chinese),
the rhizome of A. raddeana, is recorded in China Pharmacopoeia
Anemone is a genus of more than 150 species of flowering plants 2015 version. Anemone altaica, extensively distributed in Europe
in the family Ranunculaceae, native to the temperate zones of both and Northern Asia, is used in Northwest China for epilepsy,
Northern and Southern hemispheres. It is closely related to neurosis, and rheumatic arthralgia. The rhizome of A. altaica is
Pulsatilla, Clematis, and Hepatica morphologically and phyto- sometimes called “Jiu Jie Chang Pu”, but actually “Jiu Jie Chang
chemically1. More than 50 species have ethnopharmacological Pu” originally referred to the rhizome of Acorus tatarinowii
uses, which provide clues for modern drug discovery. Some (Araceae), which has distinct therapeutic components10. Anemone
traditional claims of Anemone species have been validated vitifolia (wild cotton) of the pan-Himalaya region is used in
scientifically by pre-clinical and clinical studies2,3. The state-of- Southwest China for traumatic injury, rheumatic arthralgia, enter-
the-art methods have been adopted to isolate bioactive chemical itis, dysentery, and ascariasis, etc.
constituents from Anemone species following bioactivity-directed In Southwest China, Anemone has been undergoing rapid
fractionation4,5. Some modes of action of bioactive extracts or diversification following the uplift of Qinghai Tibet Plateau in
compounds of Anemone species have been established6,7. How- the Quaternary Period and the emergence of “sky islands”11. Many
ever, a comprehensive review of the Anemone medicinal resources alpine Anemone species are used in Tibetan medicine
is lacking. In the present article, we summarize the ethnomedical (Table 1)12,13. For instance, Suga is the ripe seed of Anemone
knowledge and the recent progress in uncovering the chemical and rivularis, A. rivularis var. floreminore, A. obtusiloba, A. obtusi-
pharmacological diversity of Anemone medicinal plants, as well as loba ssp. ovalifolia, and A. demissa, and is used in diuresis,
the emerging molecular machineries and functions of these detumescence, enriching blood, warming the body, wound heal-
medicinal compounds. Gaps are also pointed out and further work ing, and pus drainage13,14. Burchin, the root and flower of
is suggested. Anemone trullifolia and A. trullifolia var. linearis, is used for
Exhaustive literature search in NCBI PubMed, Google, Bing, muscle-relaxation, blood-activation, and as an antitussive. Suga
and CNKI ( has been performed to outline the Angbo, the root, fruit, and whole plant of A. demissa,
progress of Anemone research during the last three decades. A. demissa var. major, A. demissa var. villosissima, and
Search terms “anti-cancer”, “anti-inflammatory”, “antioxidant”, A. imbricata, is efficient in anti-rheumatism, helping digestion,
“saponin”, “triterpene”, “polysaccharide”, etc. were used, com dysentery (whole plant), eliminating chill and dampness, dissol-
bined with “Anemone” and the names of species. ving masses, and detoxification (fruit).
Various Anemone species are also used in the ethnomedicine of
India, Korea, Mongolia, America, and Europe, etc. (Table 1). For
2. Ethnopharmacology instance, Anemone biflora bulb is styptic and is applied on boils,
burns, cuts and wounds as an antiphlogistic15. The root and leaves
More than 50 Anemone species are used in various traditional of Anemone canadensis was one of the most highly esteemed
medical systems (Table 1, Fig. 1). Fifty-three species, 9 subspecies medicines of the Omaha and Ponca Indians (
and 36 varieties are found in China, which are distributed in most edible-and-medicinal-plants). A decoction of the root was used as
provinces except Guangdong and Hainan. According to our field an anthelmintic and to treat pain in the lumbar region. An infusion
survey, at least 38 species/varieties have ethnopharmacological of the root was used as an eye wash to treat crossed eyes, twitches
uses. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and folk medicine, and eye poisoning. In Korean medicine, the rhizome of Anemone
Anemone is used in heat-clearing and detoxification [traditional amurensis is useful in paralysis, menoxenia, stomach ache, and
remedy index (TRI) 424, distribution density of ethnopharmaco- pertussis16. Anemone stolonifera and A. nikoensis are for edible
logical use (β) 30], wind-dispersing and damp-eliminating (TRI use in East Asia.
476, β 35), warming and orifice-opening (TRI 700, β 15), pesticide
(TRI 400, β 30), dysentery (TRI 1 051, β 46), malaria (TRI 356,
β 30), tinea (TRI 445, β 46), ulcers and sores (TRI 1 932, β 84), 3. Phytochemical components
arthritis (TRI 896, β 76), traumatic injury (TRI 930, β 53),
pharyngolaryngitis (TRI 327, β 7), parasitic disease (TRI 424, Identified Anemone compounds include triterpenoids, saponins,
β 30), and hepatitis (TRI 445, β 7)8. Correspondingly, a broad steroids, lactones, fats and oils, saccharides, and alkaloids, etc9,17,18.
spectrum of pharmacological activities, including antitumor, anti- Oleanolic acid triterpene saponin is abundant in Anemone species
microbial, anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic activities, and (Supplementary Table S1). Anemone contains ranunculin, anemonin,
anti-convulsant and anti-histamine effects have been observed9. and protoanemonin, which are characteristic constituents of Pulsatilla
For instance, Anemone raddeana, distributed in Far East, is and illustrate the close relationship between these two genera.
commonly used in Northeast China for rheumatism, arthritis, and Anemone also contains coumarins and flavonoids.
Figure 1 (A) Habitat of Anemone; (B) whole plant and flower of Anemone rivularis, taken in the Alpine Botanic Garden of Shangri-La, Yunnan,
China; (C) fruit of Anemone, taken by the side of the Ni Yang river, Tibet, China.
Table 1 Ethnopharmacological uses of Anemone species.
A. altaica Rhizome Tranquilizing, orifice-opening, wind-expelling, Europe; North Asia; China (Hubei, Henan, Shanxi,
damp-eliminating, detoxifying, pain-relieving; high Shaanxi, Chongqing)
fever, delirium, epilepsy, deafness with qi stagnation,
dreaminess forgetfulness, chest tightness, abdominal
distension, anorexia, rheumatism pain, ulcer, scabies
A. amurensis Whole plant, Diaphoresis, liver/kidney tonifying (whole plant); Korean Russia Far East; North Korea; China (Liaoning, Jilin,
rhizome medicine (paralysis, menoxenia, stomachache, pertussis Heilongjiang)
A. anhuiensis Rhizome Traumatic injury, rheumatic arthritis China (Anhui)
A. baicalensis Leaf Detoxifying, vermifuge Siberia; Korea; China (Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Qinling
Mountains, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang)
A. begoniifolia Whole plant Wind-expelling, damp-eliminating, detoxification, pain- China (Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing)
relieving; rheumatism, urticaria, carbuncle sore
A. biflora Bulb Styptic, antiphlogistic; boils, burns, cuts and wounds Kashmir Himalaya
A. canadensis Root, leaf Anthelmintic, antiaphonic, antiseptic, astringent, ophthalmic, Eastern and Central North America
styptic; pain in the lumbar region, crossed eyes, twitches
and eye poisoning, wounds, nose bleed, sore, headache and
dizziness, clear the throat
A. cathayensis Rhizome Cancer, inflammation, analgesic, convulsion Korea; China (Shanxi, Hebei)
A. chosenicola var. Root Styptic, damp-eliminating, heat-clearing, detoxification China (Shandong)
A. cylindrica Root, leaf, stem, Antiseptic; sore eyes (stem, fruit); headache, dizziness, Western North America
fruit wounds (root); burns (leaf)
A. davidii Rhizome Blood-activating, pain-relieving, subduing swelling, China (Chongqing, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou,
detoxicating; traumatic injury, arthritis pain, lumbar muscle Hunan, Hubei)
strain; Tujia medicine (arthritis pain, intercostal neuralgia,
traumatic injury, hematemesis, hemafecia)
A. delavayi Rhizome Blood-activating, stasis-scattering, tonifying kidney China (Yunnan, Sichuan)
A. demissa Root, fruit, Whole plant: rheumatism, dysentery, help digestion, Himalayas; China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
whole plant dyspepsia, gonorrhea, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia, joint
yellow water; fruit: damp-clearing, mass-scattering,
detoxifying, all kinds of cold, lump boil, snakebite
A. demissa var. major Root, fruit, Whole plant: rheumatism, dysentery, help digestion, China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
whole plant dyspepsia, gonorrhea, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia,
joint yellow water; fruit: damp-clearing, mass-scattering,
detoxifying, all kinds of
cold, lump boil, snakebite
A. demissa var. villosissima Root, fruit, Whole plant: rheumatism, dysentery, help digestion, Himalayas; China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
A. dichotoma Rhizome Muscle-relaxing, blood-activating, heat-clearing, North Asia; Europe; China (Jilin, Heilongjiang)
detoxification, traumatic injury, dysentery, rheumatoid
joint pain; skin ulcer; sore throat, cough with copious
phlegm, lymphnoditis
A. drummondii Root, seed Abrasions, toothed ache, rheumatism; antibacterial; sex Western North America
related difficulties; melancholy (root); headache (seed)
A. flaccida Rhizome Wind-expelling, dampness-eliminating, muscle-relaxing, Japan; Russia Far East; China (Yunnan,
blood-activating; traumatic injury, arthritis pain, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Chongqing,
lumbar muscle strain Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Gansu)
A. flaccida var. hofengensis Rhizome Wind-expelling, dampness-eliminating, muscle-relaxing, China (Chongqing)
blood-activating; traumatic injury, arthritis pain, lumbar
muscle strain
A. fulingensis Rhizome Wind-expelling, dampness-eliminating, muscle-relaxing, China (Chongqing)
blood-activating; traumatic injury, arthritis pain, lumbar
muscle strain
A. griffithii Rhizome, seed Blood-activating, pain-relieving, subduing swelling, Sikkim; Bhutan; Nepal; China (Tibet, Sichuan, Tibetan medicine
detoxicating; traumatic injury, arthritis pain, lumbar Chongqing)
muscle strain; Tibet medicine (stomach worms,
sharp pain, snakebite, cold tumor, gonorrhoea, joint
yellow water (seed)
A. hupehensis Rhizome, root, Heat-clearing, diuresis, detoxification, vermifuge, China (Chongqing, Southern Shaanxi, Gansu, Zhejiang,
stem, leaf, stasis-scattering, detumescence; dysentery, mallnutrition Jiangxi, Western Hubei, Northern Guangdong,
whole plant and indigestion of children, malaria, acute jaundice Northern Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou,
hepatitis, ascariasis, furuncle carbuncle, scrofula, Eastern Yunnan)
traumatic injury
A. hupehensis f. alba Rhizome Heat-clearing, diuresis, detoxification, vermifuge, stasis- China (Chongqing)
scattering, detumescence; dysentery, mallnutrition and
indigestion of children, malaria, acute jaundice hepatitis,
ascariasis, furuncle carbuncle, scrofula, traumatic injury
A. hupehensis var. japonica Rhizome Heat-clearing, diuresis, detoxification, vermifuge, stasis- China (Chongqing)
scattering, detumescence; dysentery, mallnutrition and
indigestion of children, malaria, acute jaundice hepatitis,
ascariasis, furuncle carbuncle, scrofula, traumatic injury
A. imbricata Root, fruit, Whole plant: expelling wind-damp, dysentery, help China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
whole plant, digestion, gonorrhea, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia,
flower, stem, joint yellow water; fruit: damp-expelling, mass-
leaf, seed eliminating, detoxifying, all kinds of cold, lump boil,
snakebite; stomach worms, sharp pain, snakebite, cold
tumor, gonorrhoea, joint yellow water (seed); gonorrhoea,
joint yellow water, hypothermia, emetic (leaf);
anti-inflammatory, burn (stem, leaf and flower)
A. multifida Root, seed Abrasions, toothed ache, rheumatism; antibacterial; sex Central and Western North America
related difficulties; melancholy (root); headache (seed)
Table 1 (continued )
A. narcissiflora Leaf, root, seed Abrasions, toothache, rheumatism; antibacterial; sex related Europe; Asia; North America
difficulties; melancholy (root); headache (seed)
A. nemorosa Various parts Headaches, tertian agues and rheumatic gout (various parts), UK; Europe; West Asia
leprosy (leaf), bring away watery and phlegmatic humours
(root), lethargy, eye inflammation, malignant and
corroding ulcers (root)
A. nikoensis Leaf Edible use Japan
A. obtusiloba Seed, above- Diuresis detumescence, enriching blood, warming body, Himalayas; China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
ground part, wound healing, pus drainage; antirheumatic; emetic (seed);
root, fruit ophthalmic; rubefacient; contusion (root); ill health,
hypothermia, sore throat, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis,
hepatitis, gastric disease, dysentery, gonorrhea, arthritis
pain, peripheral nerve paralysis, snakebite, stubborn
dermatitis, impetigo, joint yellow water
A. obtusiloba ssp. ovalifolia Whole plant, Diuresis detumescence, enriching blood, warming body, China (Taibai mountain, QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
aboveground wound healing, pus drainage; styptic (whole plant), ill
part, root, fruit health, hypothermia, sore throat, chronic bronchitis,
tonsillitis, hepatitis, gastric disease, dysentery, gonorrhea,
arthritis pain, peripheral nerve paralysis, snakebite,
stubborn dermatitis, impetigo, joint yellow water
A. parviflora Root, seed Abrasions, toothache, rheumatism; antibacterial; sex related North America
difficulties; melancholy (root); headache (seed)
A. parviflora (A. pulsatilla) Whole plant Diaphoretic, diuretic, nervine, rubefacient; eye ailments, UK; Europe
earache, stress, anxiety, tension, skin eruptions,
rheumatism, leukorrhea, obstructed menses, bronchitis,
coughs, asthma
A. quinquefolia Root Rubefacient; rheumatism, gout, fever; vesicant, corns Eastern North America
A. raddeana Rhizome Mongolian medicine: rheumatism, low back and leg pain, China (Northeastern Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, Chinese
phlebitis; subduing inflammation; arthralgia, chill cold, Heilongjiang); Korea; Russia Far East Pharmacopoeia
cough with copious phlegm, joint pain
A. reflexa Rhizome Open the orifices with aroma, wind-expelling, dampness- North Korea; Siberia; Eastern Europe; China (Shaanxi,
eliminating, appetite-stimulating; high fever, delirium, Eastern Jilin, Taibai mountain)
epilepsy, deafness with qi stagnation,
dreaminess forgetfulness, chest tightness, abdominal
distension, anorexia, rheumatism pain, ulcer, scabies
A. rivularis Rhizome, leaf, Heat-clearing, detoxification, blood-activating, muscle- China (Chongqing, Tibet, QTP East margin); Tibetan medicine
seed; relaxing, swell-dispersing, pain-relieving; diuresis Himalayas; Sri Lanka
aboveground detumescence, enriching blood, warming body, wound
A. rivularis var. flore-minore Rhizome Heat-clearing, detoxification, blood-activating, muscle- China (Chongqing)
relaxing, swell-dispersing, pain-relieving; sore throat,
mumps, scrofula, carbuncle, malaria, cough, jaundice,
arthritis pain, traumatic injury, stomachache, toothache
A. rockii var. pilocarpa Rhizome Wind-expelling, dampness-removing, muscle-relaxing, China (Chongqing)
blood-activating; arthritis pain, traumatic injury
A. rupicola Seed Stomach worms, sharp pain, snakebite, cold tumor, China (Northwestern Yunnan, Western Sichuan, Tibetan medicine
gonorrhoea, joint yellow water Southeastern and Southern Tibet); Bhutan; Nepal;
Northern India
A. silvestris Rhizome Relieving oppression and masses, pus drainage, Europe; Asia; China (Liaoning, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Mongolian medicine
rot-eliminating, insecticide Jilin, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia) “Xiriwusu”
A. stolonifera Leaf, stem Edible use China; Japan
A. taipaiensis Rhizome Cancer China (Taibai mountain)
A. tetrasepala Seed Stomach worms, sharp pain, snakebite, cold tumor, China (Southern Tibet); Kashmir; Afghanistan Tibetan medicine
gonorrhoea, joint yellow water
A. tibetica Seed Stomach worms, sharp pain, snakebite, cold tumor, China (Tibet) Tibetan medicine
gonorrhoea, joint yellow water
A. tomentosa Rhizome Dissipating phlegm stasis, relieving dyspepsia, China (Chongqing, Sichuan, Gansu, Henan, Shanxi)
detoxification, vermifuge; eparsalgia cough, traumatic
injury, mallnutrition and indigestion of children, malaria,
dysentery, sore furuncle carbuncle, stubborn dermatitis
A. trullifolia Root, flower Muscle-relaxing, blood-activating, antitussive; chronic China (QTP East margin, Southern Tibet); Tibetan medicine
bronchitis, peripheral nerve paralysis, neuralgia, tendon Sikkim; Bhutan
complex pain
A. trullifolia var. linearis Root, flower Muscle-relaxing, blood-activating, antitussive; chronic China (QTP East margin) Tibetan medicine
bronchitis, peripheral nerve paralysis, neuralgia, tendon
complex pain
A. tuberosa Anxiolytic Southwest America
A. virginiana Root, seed Astringent; emetic; expectorant; TB, whooping cough, Central and Eastern North America
diarrhea; boils
A. vitifolia Root, leaf, Traumatic injury, rheumatic arthralgia, enteritis, dysentery, Europe; Himalayas
rhizome ascariasis (rhizome); antirheumatic and vermifuge,
dysentery, relieve tooth pain and headache, scabies (root),
head lice (leaf)
152 Da-Cheng Hao et al.
Saponins are abundant in Ranunculaceae, especially in Clematis, 4.1. Anticancer activity: cell death pathways and anticancer
Pulsatilla, Anemone, and Cimicifugeae1,19–21, which usually exert targets
anticancer activity via cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction.
The aglycones of Clematis pentacyclic triterpene saponins mainly The genus Anemone, evolutionarily closely related to Pulsatilla, is
belong to oleanolic type (A), olean-3β, 28-diol type (B), heder- also rich in therapeutic saponins1. Raddeanin A, a pentacyclic
agenin type (C) or hederagenin-11,13-dien type (D), where types triterpene saponin from A. raddeana (Liang Tou Jian in TCM),
A and C are predominant20. In Anemone, A type (Fig. 2 and inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of multiple cancer cell
Supplementary Table S1) is predominant, and ursane-type triter- lines7,24,25. Raddeanin A increased BAX expression, reduced BCL-
penoids (B type), lupane-type triterpenoids (C type), and 2, BCL-xL and survivin expression, and significantly activated
cycloartane-type tetracyclic triterpenoids (D type) are also present caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9 and poly-ADP ribose polymerase
(Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table S2). (PARP)25. Saponins B, 1, and 6 of A. taipaiensis exhibit significant
anticancer activity against human leukemia, glioblastoma multiforme
(GBM), and HCC26–31. Saponin 1 caused characteristic apoptotic
3.2. Essential oil, volatile compounds and others morphological changes in GBM cells26, which was confirmed by
DNA ladder electrophoresis and flow cytometry. Saponon 1 also
Nineteen essential oil compounds were identified from the roots of caused a time-dependent decrease in the expression and nuclear
A. rivularis, representing 96.1% of the total oil22 (Figs. 4 and 5, location of NF-κB. The expression of inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP)
and Supplementary Table S3). The major constituents were family members, e.g., survivin and XIAP, was significantly
acetophenone (55.9%), 3-ethyl-2-methyl-hexane (16.2%), 5,6- decreased by saponin 1. Moreover, saponin 1 caused a decrease in
dimethyl-decane (5.9%) and 4,5-diethyl-octane (4.4%). the BCL-2/BAX ratio and initiated apoptosis by activating caspase-9
The dominant benzenoid compounds in A. sylvestris anther and caspase-3 in the GBM cell lines. Thus, saponin 1 inhibits cell
were 2-phenylethanol and phenylacetaldehyde23. Other abundant growth of GBM cells at least partially by inducing apoptosis and
compound classes in A. sylvestris were fatty acid derivatives inhibiting survival signaling mediated by NF-κB.
(41.8%), especially pentadecane and nonanal, and sesquiterpe- Saponin B blocked the cell cycle at the S phase31. Saponin B
noids (8.0%), e.g., (E,E)-α-farnesene. Relatively low amounts of induced chromatin condensation of U87MG GBM cells and led to
the repellent protoanemonin were found in A. sylvestris. the formation of apoptotic bodies. Annexin V/PI assay suggested
Coumarins, flavonoids, lactones, lignans, steroids, phenolic com- that phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization was apparent at higher
pounds, and other compounds are also detected (Figs. 4 and 5, and drug concentrations. Saponins B and 6 activated the receptor-
Supplementary Table S3). mediated pathway of apoptosis via the activation of FAS-l28.
Figure 3 Basic skeletons of other type triterpenoids (B and C types) from Anemone species.
These saponins increased the BAX and caspase-3 ratio and HOS and U2OS human osteosarcoma cells in a concentration-
decreased the protein expression of BCL-2. dependent manner34. AAE suppressed the growth of HOS
Triterpenoid saponins of A. flaccida induce apoptosis in human and U2OS through the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, but it had no
BEL-7402, HepG2 hepatoma cell lines, and lipopolysaccharide significant influence on human osteoblast hFOB cells. The
(LPS) stimulated HeLa cells via COX-2/PGE2 pathway32. Flacci- high mRNA levels of apoptosis-related factors (PPP1R15A,
doside II, one of the triterpenoid saponins of A. flaccida, induced SQSTM1, HSPA1B, and DDIT4) and cellular proliferation markers
apoptosis by downregulating heme oxygenase (HO)-1 via extra- (SKA2 and BUB1B) were significantly altered by the AAE
cellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-1/2 and p38 mitogen- treatment. AAE could up-regulate the expression of a cluster of
activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways33. genes, especially those in the apoptosis-related factor family and
Raddeanin A significantly inhibited human umbilical vein caspase family.
endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation, motility, migration, and
tube formation7. Raddeanin A dramatically reduced angiogenesis 4.2. Immunomodulatory activity
in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane, restrained the trunk
angiogenesis in zebrafish, and suppressed angiogenesis and
ARS, the saponins extracted from the rhizome of A. raddeana,
growth of human HCT-15 colorectal cancer xenograft in mice.
showed a slight hemolytic effect and enhanced significantly the
Raddeanin A suppressed VEGF-induced phosphorylation of
specific antibody and cellular response against ovalbumin in
VEGFR2 and its downstream protein kinases including
mice35. A neutral polysaccharide fraction (ARP) from the rhizome
PLCγ1, JAK2, FAK, Src, and Akt. In a molecular docking
of A. raddeana extraordinarily promotes splenocyte proliferation,
simulation, Raddeanin A formed hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic
NK cell and CTL activity, as well as serum IL-2 and TNF-α
interactions within the ATP-binding pocket of VEGFR2 kinase
production in HCC-bearing mice2. ARP had no toxicity to body
weight, liver, and kidney. Moreover, it could reverse the hemato-
Raddeanin A significantly inhibited the invasion, migration
logical parameters induced by 5-fluorouracil to near normal.
and adhesion of the BGC-823 human gastric cancer cells25.
Raddeanin A could up-regulate the expression of reversion
inducing cysteine rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) and 4.3. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities
E-cadherin, and down-regulate the expression of matrix
metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), MMP-9, MMP-14 and RhoC. Ranunculaceae tribes and genera, such as Ranunculus, Anemo-
In a screen of 70 species of medicinal plants, the aqueous extract neae, Cimicifuga, Helleborus, Nigella, Delphinieae, Semiaquile-
of A. altaica (AAE) had the best ability to suppress the viability of gia, Coptis, and Hydrastis, are rich in both anti-inflammatory and
154 Da-Cheng Hao et al.
Figure 4 Constituents isolated from Anemone species (See substituent groups Rn in Supplementary Table S3).
anticancer phytometabolites1,19. Anemonin and ranunculin, the and IκB-α, and inhibited NF-κB p65 DNA binding activity. TS
potent anti-inflammatory and anticancer compounds, are abundant almost abrogated the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATc1)
in tribes Ranunculeae and Anemoneae1,36. and c-Fos expression. TS suppresses RANKL-induced osteoclast
A. flaccida (Di Wu in Chinese) crude triterpenoid saponins differentiation and inflammatory bone loss via the down-regulation
(AFSs) inhibited redness and swelling of the right hind paw in the of TRAF6 level, suppression of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and
type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model in rats4. The p38 MAPK and NF-κB activation, and subsequently decreased
inflammatory responses were reduced by AFS treatment. The expression of c-Fos and NFATc1. The triterpenoid saponin W3 of
serum pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 were A. flaccida had similar effects38. Therefore, TS and the saponins
decreased in AFS-treated CIA rats at the dose of 200 and thereof may be useful for lytic bone diseases and further in vivo
400 mg/kg/day. AFS and its main compounds, including heder- studies and clinical trials are warranted.
asaponin B, flaccidoside II, and hemsgiganoside B, significantly Two coumarins of A. raddeana had inhibitory effect against
inhibited TNF-α and IL-6 production in LPS-treated RAW264.7 human leukocyte elastase39. 3-Acetyloleanolic acid (AOA), olea-
cells, respectively. nolic acid (OA), raddeanoside 12 (Rd12) and Rd13, isolated from
Osteoclasts are bone-specialized multinucleated cells and are A. raddeana, suppressed the superoxide generation induced by N-
responsible for bone-destructive diseases, such as rheumatoid formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) in a concentration-
arthritis and osteoporosis. In RAW264.7 cells and CIA rats, the dependent manner40. Eleutheroside K (EK) and Rd10 significantly
total saponin (TS) of A. flaccida concentration-dependently enhanced fMLP-induced superoxide generation in low concentra-
inhibited receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL)-induced tion (0.5–0.75 μmol/L), while these compounds more efficiently
osteoclast formation and bone marrow-derived macrophages suppressed superoxide generation than the other four compounds
(BMMs), as well as decreased extent of actin ring formation and in other concentrations. Rd12 dose-dependently inhibited fMLP-
lacunar resorption6,37. The RANKL-stimulated expression of induced tyrosyl phosphorylation of 123.0, 79.4, 60.3, 56.2 and
osteoclast-related transcription factors was also diminished by 50.1 kDa proteins in human neutrophil, while Rd10 and EK
TS, while the expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG), at both mRNA enhanced the tyrosyl phosphorylation of these proteins at a low
and protein levels increased, and the ratio of RANKL to OPG in concentration range.
inflamed joints and sera of CIA rats decreased37. TS blocked the Superoxide generation induced by fMLP was significantly sup-
RANKL-triggered TRAF6 expression, phosphorylation of MAPKs pressed by betulin and lupeol, extracted from the roots of
Anemone medicinal plants: ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biology 155
Figure 5 Other constituents isolated from Anemone species (See substituent groups Rn in Supplementary Table S3).
A. raddeana, depending on the concentration of the triterpenoids41. for four bacterial strains were in the range of 11.0–20.0 mm and
The suppressive effect of betulinic acid was low. The phorbol 125–250 mg/mL, respectively.
12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-induced superoxide generation was
suppressed by betulin in a concentration-dependent manner, but not
by lupeol and betulinic acid. However, superoxide generation induced 5. Taxonomy and pharmacophylogeny
by arachidonic acid (AA) was suppressed by lupeol, while betulin and
betulinic acid weakly enhanced AA-induced superoxide generation. The distribution of anticancer compounds within Ranunculaceae is not
Lupeol and betulin suppressed tyrosyl phosphorylation of a 45.0-kDa random but phylogeny-related43–45. For instance, Ranunculus, Clem-
protein in fMLP-treated human neutrophils, but betulinic acid did not. atis, Pulsatilla, Anemone, and Nigella are rich in pentacyclic triterpene
Lupeol, betulin and betulinic acid showed no hemolytic effect even at saponins. Pulsatilla, Anemone, and Clematis belong to the tribe
the concentration of 500 μmol/L. Anemoneae, and Pulsatilla is evolutionarily more close to Anemone
Five oleanolic acid triterpenoid saponins (OTSs), isolated from the than to Clematis1. Clematis is closer to Naravelia and Anemoclema
rhizome of A. raddeana, suppressed fMLP-induced superoxide than to Anemone and Pulsatilla. Hepatica is basal to all other genera of
generation in a concentration-dependent manner42. OTS-1, 2 and Anemoneae46. The sister group relationship between Ranunculeae and
4 suppressed PMA- and AA-induced superoxide generation in a Anemoneae is revealed by two independent groups46,47.
concentration-dependent manner, but OTS-3 and -5 showed no effect. Previous phylogenies based on molecular data indicated that
fMLP- and PMA-induced tyrosyl or serine/threonine phosphorylation, segregate genera from both the Northern and Southern Hemi-
and fMLP-, PMA- and AA-induced translocation of p67 (phox), p47 spheres (Hepatica, Pulsatilla, Knowltonia, Oreithales, and Bar-
(phox) and Rac to plasma membrane were in parallel with the neoudia) are embedded within Anemone and should be subsumed
suppression of the stimulus-induced superoxide generation. within the genus. Based on a new phylogeny that substantially
increases the sampling of the austral anemones (especially from
Africa), Hoot et al.48 analyzed combined sequence data (chlor-
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Anemone, using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood (ML),
The antioxidant essential oil, obtained from the roots of and maximum parsimony. The segregate genera, Oreithales and
A. rivularis, had antibacterial activity22. The inhibition zones at Barneoudia, nest within Anemone and are included in a well-
100 mg/disc and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values supported clade (subgenus Anemone, section Pulsatilloides)
156 Da-Cheng Hao et al.
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19. Hao DC, Gu XJ, Xiao PG. Medicinal plants: chemistry, biology and
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