Public Transport Planning System by Dijkstra Algorithm Case Study Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering

Vol:8, No:1, 2014

Public Transport Planning System by Dijkstra

Algorithm: Case Study Bangkok Metropolitan Area
Pimploi Tirastittam, Phutthiwat Waiyawuththanapoom

In the Public Transport Planning System by Dijkstra

Abstract—Nowadays the promotion of the public transportation Algorithm: Case Study Bangkok Metropolitan Area, it will
system in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area is increased such as the assist the public transportation user to the information and data
“Free Bus for Thai Citizen” Campaign and the prospect of the several which is essential for them and also provide the planning
MRT routes to increase the convenient and comfortable to the system to plan the route and transportation mode with the fare.
Bangkok Metropolitan area citizens. But citizens do not make full use
of them it because the citizens are lack of the data and information The system includes the bus, MRT and BTS and will use the
and also the confident to the public transportation system of Thailand graph theory and Dijkstra Algorithm to calculate the most
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

especially in the time and safety aspects. This research is the Public efficient route.
Transport Planning System by Dijkstra Algorithm: Case Study
Bangkok Metropolitan Area by focusing on buses, BTS and MRT A. Research Objective
schedules/routes to give the most information to passengers. They a) To design the Public Transport Planning System by
can choose the way and the routes easily by using Dijkstra STAR Dijkstra Algorithm: Case Study Bangkok Metropolitan
Algorithm of Graph Theory which also shows the fare of the trip. Area
This Application was evaluated by 30 normal users to find the mean
and standard deviation of the developed system. Results of the
b) To evaluate the user’s satisfaction of the Public Transport
evaluation showed that system is at a good level of satisfaction (4.20 Planning System by Dijkstra Star Algorithm
and 0.40). From these results we can conclude that the system can be B. Research Hypothesis
used properly and effectively according to the objective.
The Public Transport Planning System by Dijkstra
Keywords—Dijkstra Algorithm, Graph Theory, Shortest Route, Algorithm will be able to operate and received the “Good”
Public Transport, Bangkok Metropolitan Area. level of satisfaction from the users.
H0: µ ≥ 3.51
I. INTRODUCTION H1: µ < 3.51
By assuming,µ = the satisfaction of the users to the Public
T HE traffic problem of Bangkok Metropolitan area has
been directly affected the quality of life of the citizens of
the area. The effect of the traffic of Bangkok Metropolitan
Transport Decision Support System by A-Star Algorithm.
C. Research Limitation
area are the pollution in every aspect such as air, water or A. The system will use the Dijkstra algorithm of the graph
sound, the time wasting on the road and also the hydro-carbon theory to find the shortest route.
fuel. Even though the number of the roads and expressways B. The waiting time of the user will not count as a time on
are increasing, but the traffic problem in Bangkok the process.
Metropolitan area is still occur. C. The system will include the detail of buses, sky train and
Thai government and the other public agency is paying underground train in the Bangkok metropolitan area.
attention to the public transportation and promote the benefit D. The system will be develop in the “Web Application”
of using the public transportation such as the “Free Bus for which will include
Thai Citizen” Campaign and the prospect of the several MRT a. Planning System
routes. But the majority of Bangkok Metropolitan area citizens i. Selecting the mode of the transport.
still do not pay enough attention to the public transportation ii. Selecting the shortest route.
due to the several issues such as the insufficient data and b. Public Transport Information
information of the public transportation, the confident in the i. BMTA bus information
safety of the public transportation and the lacking of the ii. BTS sky train information
comfortable and speed of the public transportation. iii. MRT underground train information
iv. BRT bus Information
E. The tools which use to develop the decision support
P. Tirastittam is the lecturer in the Department of Management Information system
System for Business, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University 1 U-Thong Nok a. Hardware
Road Dusit Bangkok 10300(phone: +662-160-1701; fax: +66-160-1184; e- i. Computer that have CPU 2.8.0 GHz at least
mail: [email protected]).
P. Waiyawuththanapoom is with the Department of Logistics Management,
ii. Hard Disk 500 GB at least
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University 1 U-Thong Nok Road Dusit Bangkok iii. RAM 1 GB at least
10300(phone: +662-160-1186; fax: +66-160-1184; e-mail: b. Software
[email protected]).

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(1) 2014 54 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:8, No:1, 2014

i. Operating system is Windows XP or higher B. Dijkstra's Algorithm

ii. Use SQL as the database management system Dijkstra’s algorithm was found by the computer scientist
iii. Use the Hypertext Preprocessor, JavaScript, Ajax and named “Edsger Dijkstra” in 1959 in the object to solve the
jQuery as the development tool shortest path problem for the positive linking graph. This
iv. Use Adobe Dreamweaver to create and design the web algorithm will calculate the shortest path from one point to
page another point in the graph one by one until the condition was
v. Use Adobe Photoshop CS2 to decorate a web page met [6].
F. Evaluate the decision support system by the Black-Box By set one node as a initial node and set the distance of
Testing with 30 normal users. node Y means the distance from the initial node to node Y.
D. Definition The Dijkstra algorithm will set the initial value into some node
and will increase the distance step by step.
Bus (BMTA) [1] is the bus which operates by the BMTA
(Bangkok Mass Transit Authority) which is the government C. Other Literature Review
enterprise under the control of the Ministry of Transportation. There was an applied research by using the GIS (Geography
It have a mission to manage and organize all the bus that Information System) to create the application that will support
operate in the Bangkok metropolitan area and another 5 the BMAT call center by Chavanit, 2002 [7]. The research
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

nearby province which are Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, Samut was found that the need of the system can be separated into 4
Songkram, Samut Prakarn and Nakorn Pathom. needs.
Sky Train (BTS) [2] is the public transport sky train which a) The need of the bus number from the start point to the
operates by the Bangkok Mass Transit System Public destination point.
Company Limited. b) The need of the bus routing information.
Underground Train (MRT) [3] is the public transport c) The need of the bus number from the start point.
underground train which operates by the Bangkok Metro d) The need of the nearest bus stop.
Public Company Limited. The result was analyzed and created the database by the Arc
Graph Theory [4] is the structure of the data which use to info 8.0 program to improve the user friendly. The program
solve the problems. was be able to find the bus number from the start point to the
Dijkstra’s algorithm was found by the computer scientist destination point, the detail of the bus stop nearby which
named “Edsger Dijkstra” in 1959 in the object to solved the satisfied the user very much.
shortest path problem for the positive linking graph. This Zhan and Noon [8] provide an objective evaluation of 15
algorithm will calculate the shortest path from one point to shortest path algorithms using a variety of real road networks.
another point in the graph one by one until the condition was Based on the evaluation, a set of recommended algorithms for
met. computing shortest paths on real road networks is identified.
This evaluation should be particularly useful to researchers
II. LITERATURE REVIEW and practitioners in operations research, management science,
In the development of this decision support system, the transportation, and Geographic Information Systems. The
researcher did the primary research by searching the theory, computation of shortest paths is an important task in many
framework and principle which related to this research which network and transportation related analyses. The development,
are computational testing, and efficient implementation of shortest
path algorithms have remained important research topics
A. Graph Theory
within related disciplines such as operations
Graph Theory is the study of graphs [5] which are Peter W. Eklund, Steve Kirkby, Simon Pollitt [9] also
mathematical structures used to model pair wise relations discuss the implementation of Dijkstra’s classic double bucket
between objects from a certain collection. A graph in this algorithm for path finding in connected networks. The work
context is a collection of vertices or nodes and a collection reports on a modification of the algorithm embracing both
of edges that connect pairs of vertices. A graph may static and dynamic heuristic components and multiple source
be undirected, meaning that there is no distinction between the nodes. The modified algorithm is applied in 3D Spatial
two vertices associated with each edge, or its edges may Information System (SIS) for routing emergency service
be directed from one vertex to another. vehicles. The algorithm has been implemented as a suite of
Structure of Graph is a nonlinear data structure which is modules and integrated into a commercial SIS software
different from the Tree structure. Graph is a set of points and environment. Genuine 3D spatial data is used to test the
set of lines which each of them was linked to the other point or algorithm on the problem of vehicle routing and rerouting
line. The point is called “Node” of graph and the line is called under simulated earthquake conditions in the Japanese city of
“Edge” but sometimes the node is called “Vertice” and the Okayama. Coverage graphs were also produced giving
edge is called “Arc”. contour lines joining points with identical travel times.
Shulz et al. [10] also did the research about the Dijkstra in
the public railroad transport. Traffic information systems are
among the most prominent real world applications of

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(1) 2014 55 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:8, No:1, 2014

Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest paths. There was a iv. SQL Database management system
consideration the scenario of a central information server in v. Adobe Dreamweaver is installed
the realm of public railroad transport on wide area networks. b. System capability
Such a system has to process a large number of online queries i. System development as a web application
for optimal travel connections in real time. In practice, this ii. The system will be able to show the data to the user
problem is usually solved by heuristic variations of Dijkstra's iii. The system will be able to select the shortest route and
algorithm, which do not guarantee an optimal result [11]. In bus number.
this study, various speed up techniques for Dijkstra's iv. The system will be able to show the information of the
algorithm were analyzed empirically. This analysis was based public transport.
on the timetable data of all German trains and on a snapshot of B. Structure design and data presentation
half a million customer queries. a. Use Case Diagram will show the activities in the related
domain between the activities and the relationship of the
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND OPERATION activities and the others. There will be 2 parties which are
the user and the admin. There is also 6 sub-functions
A. Research Methodology
which are searching and examining route, Route
a) Study the principle of the decision support system and calculation for suggest the route, add/remove the data,
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

graph theory to find the shortest route BTS sky train data expression, MRT underground train
b) Study and analyze the problem statement in the research data expression and BMTA bus data expression as shown
i. Study the problem and analyze the need of the system. in Fig. 1.
ii. Study the process of the system
iii. Study the tool to develop the system
c) Data collecting
d) System design
i. Overview design
ii. Graphic design
iii. User interface design
e) System development
f) System testing and evaluate
B. Research Operation
In the development process of the Public Transport
Planning System by Dijkstra Algorithm: Case Study Bangkok
Metropolitan Area, the researcher has divided the research
operation into 4 stages.
a) Data Collection Process
b) Analyze and Design Process
c) System Development Process
Fig. 1 Use Case Diagram
d) Evaluate Process
1. Data Collection Process b. Sequence Diagram which will simulate the overview
The data can be sorted in 4 types which are system data, picture in the system and will describe the process of the
public transport in Bangkok metropolitan area, routing data use case diagram which is searching and examining route,
and system development data which can be detailed as Route calculation for suggest the route, add/remove the
a) Collect the need from the system and the performance that data, BTS sky train data expression, MRT underground
the user will needed. train data expression and BMTA bus data expression.
b) Collect the public transport information in bangkok
metropolitan area from the related government agency.
c) Study the development of the system and divide the
process into 5 stages which are analyze, design, develop,
testing and evaluation.
d) Study the tool that will be used to develop the system.
2. Analyze and Design Process
A. Define the requirement of the system
a. System requirement
i. CPU speed is 2.8 GHz at least
ii. Hard Disk is 150 GB at least
iii. Operating System is Windows XP or higher

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(1) 2014 56 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:8, No:1, 2014


Web Application Database UserAccount


= Mean of the evaluation
Search Menu
∑ = Sum of the evaluation result
Show Menu
 = Number of the normal user
Search Data
Search Data Standard Deviation is the value which shows how much
Search Data variation exists from the average as (2):
Show Data Find Data
Add Data

Add Data

Show Input data complete Input Data
Update Date
Select Data
Show Data Check Data
S.D. = Standard Deviation

Update Data

Show Update Data Complete Update Data = Result of the evaluation

Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

Delete Data
= Mean of the evaluation

Select Data

Show Data Check Data

= Number of the normal user
Delete Data
Show Delete Data Complete Update Date IV. RESEARCH RESULT
In this part the research will discuss about 2 issues of public
Fig. 2 Sequence Diagram transport planning system by Dijkstra Algorithm: Case Study
3. System Development Process Bangkok Metropolitan Area which are the result of system
development and result of the satisfaction of the user.
In the development process of the system, the researcher
designed the database to collect the data about the public A. Result of System Development
transport by using the MySQL database which will use to The design and development as a web application use PHP
develop the A-Star algorithm of graph theory to calculate the language and MySQL as a database management system. The
shortest route. The system will be developed by using PHP to main page of the program is shown below as Fig. 2 and the
create the script and connect with the database to develop the user interface of the program was shown below as Fig. 3-5:
4. Evaluate Process
In the testing and evaluating process of public transport
planning system by Dijkstra Algorithm, the researcher used
the alpha testing process to test the system in order to reduce
the error of the system. After using the alpha testing, the
researcher used the black-box testing with 30 normal users and
evaluates the system then separates the result in 4 aspects.
a) Functional Requirement Test
b) Function Test
c) Usability Test
d) Security Test
In the evaluate process, the researcher has set the range of
the score in the evaluation form into 5 range as the Table I.

Score Meaning Fig. 2 Main page
4.51 – 5.00 The develop system has a very good quality
3.51 – 4.50 The develop system has a good quality
2.51 – 3.50 The develop system has a moderate quality
1.51 – 2.50 The develop system has a low quality
1.00 – 1.50 The develop system has a very low quality

Statistics tools which use for analyzing the data is mean.

Mean is the sum of the data from the evaluation process and
divided by the number of the sample as (1):

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(1) 2014 57 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:8, No:1, 2014

shown in Table II.

The conclusion of the result evaluation of the system is
“Good” with the mean and standard deviation equal to 4.20
and 0.40 respectively. So the result and the hypothesis that
public transport planning system by Dijkstra Algorithm is be
able to adopt to use in the real world in Bangkok metropolitan

List of Evaluation
 SD Range
1. System Performance Match with the User
3.57 0.82 Good
2. Accuracy of the System 4.03 0.67 Good
3. Usage of the System 4.53 0.57
4. Security of the System 4.40 0.51 Good
Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:8, No:1, 2014

Fig. 3 GUI for Bus Finding

Overall 4.20 0.40 Good

After the evaluation process, the researcher has concluded
the suggestions from the researcher and the user to enhance
the public transport decision support system which is
A. The public transport decision support system should have
more flexibility.
B. The public transport decision support system should have
more condition in finding the public transportation.
The public transport decision support system should show
the distance to the user so the user will be able to make a
decision by himself.

Fig. 4 GUI for Bus Finding with condition
The authors of this research would like to thank you the
Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University for funding this research
and also assist authors in every aspect. The authors also need
to thank the family and friends who are so encourage the
author. Lastly, the authors would like to thank you to the
population of this research.

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[2] Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (2011),
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[3] Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited (2005), Bangkok Metro Public
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Vol:8, No:1, 2014

[8] Zhan F.B. and Noon C.E. (February 1998). "Shortest Path Algorithms:
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[9] Eklund P.W., Kirkby S., Pollitt S., (1996) “A Dynamic Multi-source
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[10] Schulz F., Wagner D., Weihe K., (2000), "Dijkstra's algorithm on-line:
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