Assessing The Level of Mastery On Selected Topics in General Physics I: Basis For Improving Student'S Learning
Assessing The Level of Mastery On Selected Topics in General Physics I: Basis For Improving Student'S Learning
Assessing The Level of Mastery On Selected Topics in General Physics I: Basis For Improving Student'S Learning
A Research Paper
Presented to
the Senior High School Faculty
Camflora National High School
San Andres, Quezon
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for Practical Research I
Grade 12-S1(Crisologo)
Froilan Mendoza
February 2022
San Andres, Quezon
ABSTRACT The study focused on finding the perception of Grade 12 STEM students in learning
General Physics I through Modular(print) as basis for identifying best learning
practices. The researchers established a survey data gathering design. The study
conducted in Camflora National High School, San Andres, Quezon. Fifteen (15) Grade
12 STEM students served as the respondents. The result stated that the respondents
were having difficulties in learning General Physics I through Modular(print). The
result showed that technology has contributed to the development of understanding of
the student in General Physics I. It also identified that focusing on the topics was
significant to learn this field. The researchers recommended that students must focus
on the topics and rely on technology to further explore information about General
Physics I
I. INTRODUCTION One of the most important issues that has been highlighted in the field of education
is the low learning outcomes achieved by students, especially in physics
subject.Mastery in General Physics is a state in which a person evolving his or her
learning in different topics in physics by providing appropriate strategies and learning
approaches. Learning is seen as a cumulative process in which prior knowledge forms
the basis for current and future learning processes (Osborne and Wittrock, 1983;
Roschelle, 1995; Weinert, 1996; Baumert, Bos, and Lehmann, 2000; Fischer, Klemm,
Leutner, Sumfleth, Tiemann and Wirth, 2005.
The low learning outcomes achieved by students in General Physics were caused by
various influential factors, both from within and from other factors that are related to
their studies. In our new learning modality learning appears to be dependent on the
way the students' comprehension deal with a content structure. A clear and
understandable printed modules,the government's and community's support or
concern,and teacher's support system have great impact to the high learning outcomes
of the students in their level of mastery in physics . There is rich evidence that teachers
take a critical role when it comes to student outcomes (e.g., Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005;
Kunter et al., 2013; Sadler, Sonnert, Coyle, Cook-Smit, & Miller, 2013; see also Abell,
2007). By having a good mastery in General Physics the students are able to
strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas
beyond physics that surely has impact to improve their learning capacity
A. RESEARCH This study is designed to assist the mastery level of grade 12 STEM students in
QUESTION learning selected topics in General Physics I through Modular Distance Learning as
basis for improving student's learning. Specifically, the study seeks to fulfill the
1. Determine the perception of grade 12 STEM students in learning General Physics 1
through Modular(print) in terms of:
1. Determine the level of mastery of Grade 12-STEM in General Physics I in terms of:
1.1 Kinematics in 1 Dimension
1.2 Kinematics in 2 Dimension
2. Identify suggested inputs of Grade 12 -STEM in improving student's learning in
General Physics in terms of:
2.1 Self-learning module design
San Andres, Quezon
3. Present the implications of the shared level of mastery of the grade 12 STEM
students in learning General Physics 1 through Modular Distance Learning.
II. BRIEF REVIEW Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018, revealed the findings of
OF RELATED the Filipino students in Mathematics and Science. The result showed the low
LITERATURE performance of the Filipino students which reflected to the system of education of the
AND STUDIES Philippines that is destitute. The Philippines needed to improve the science and
mathematics education to ensure the scientific literacy of the Filipino students that will
be useful to the national development. The Department of Education proposed various
programs in addressing this issue in academic deficiency the Philippines experiencing
to enhance the quality of education in the country (De La Cruz, 2022).
Ellis (2019), stated that to demonstrate the mastery of the student in a specific area,
assessor must find out the type of demonstration the student is taking up and define the
ability on how to effectively ‘demonstrate mastery for every learning objective.’
Furthermore, the teacher should consider feasibility, inter-rater reliability, scalability,
workload from repeated attempts and automatic grading to directly analyze and assess
the mastery of the students.
In the Philippines, as the COVID 19 surged, different approach was implemented to
continue education around the country. Modular distance learning is the most popular
and flexible learning approach to the students since internet connection is not always
available in rural areas. Modular distance learning is the use of self-learning module
with various activities and assessments provided by the teacher (Anzaldo, 2021).
However, modules were not as good as it sounds. Since, different modules had
different authors and illustrators, the approach to the explanation and tasks given in
these created difficulties to the students and teachers. There were modules printed in
low resolution and confusing discussions.
According to University College London (2019), module design is the idea of creating
a small textbook which contains well-ordered selected activities that aim to achieve the
module outcome. Module should enable the students to critically identify and develop
their learnings through researching and inquiring. It must also give the students
freedom to critique and challenge concepts in their area of the study. The module
should encourage the students to engage their selves in work-based learning which
tests their mastery through assessments and feedbacks.
In the study of Apriyanti, et. al. (2020), the use of infographics in instructional media is
significant and helpful in learning Physics due to its flexibility, learning stimulation
and development in conceptual learning ability to understand Physics equations.
Accordingly, Wibobo, et. al. (2018), in project-based learning module in Science, the
students can develop their critical skills and can have opportunities to explore their
learnings through the quality of modules in terms of content, presentation of
explanations and concepts, construction of illustrative examples and technical qualities.
Hutomo, Saptano and Subali (2022) stated that e-module design is feasible in attaining
good scientific literacy for the students. Using this module design would be an
‘alternative learning resource for substance pressure material in science learning’.
Using game-based learning in modules would be a significant factor that will
contribute in improving students’ learning. With the aide of interactive game-based
module, the students’ would appreciate the use of module based on scientific
contextual which result to improving scientific skills and learning outcomes.
The role of the teacher either face-to-face or modular distance learning could not be
disregarded in students’ improvement. The teachers provided various learning
San Andres, Quezon
resources aside from modules, and gives demonstration in the process of understanding
concepts. The teachers had the ability to find beneficial facilities to bridge their
communication to the students and the capability to motivate their students despite of
their personal struggles (Mayasari and Kemal, 2022). It is the responsibility of the
teacher to effectively elaborate the lessons in different strategies to have a satisfactory
outcome that will leads to the mastery of the students in specific area of a study.
Precise assessment tools used by the teacher are significantly useful to create ideas and
plans to effectively deliver the instructions that would be beneficial to the students
(Ayop and Ismail, 2019).
Establishment and
Perception of confirmation of OUTPUT
Research instrument
Ascertain best
Respondents Dissemination and
retrieval of survey learning
Learning questionnaire practices
Practices Analysis and
Figure 1. The Input-Process-Output Model for the Perception of Grade 12 STEM
Students on Learning General Physics I through Modular(Print): Basis for
Identifying Best Learning Practices
III. SCOPE AND The study focused in assessing the level of mastery of the students in selected
LIMITATIONS topics of General Physics I. The study limited its coverage only to the Grade 12
STEM students in Camflora National High School who took this subject for the
A cademic Year 2021-2022. The researchers used the general results of
activities in Kinematics as basis in the assessment. The researchers also
developed survey questionnaire as determinants on how to improve students'
The study was made during the 2nd quarter of 1st semester specifically from
October 20, 2021 to February 19, 2022 . Due to time and financial deficiencies,
researchers have short time to conduct the data gathering procedures.
IV. METHODOLOG Data from activities in chosen topics of General Physics I, as well as survey
Y questionnaires sent to respondents, were used in this study. The 14 responders, all of
whom were Grade 12 STEM students at Camflora National High School, took part in
the study. The data was collected, collated, evaluated, and interpreted by the
researchers in order to get the desired result. The Comet Connection Competency
Based Education scale was utilized by the researchers. This study was carried out in
accordance with ethical guidelines. The information gathered was collected with the
consent of the respondents and kept confidential.
San Andres, Quezon
(4) (3) (2)
San Andres, Quezon
The module should be printed well where texts are readable and 5 Strongly A
that printed images and all other illustrations are visible enough to
The module should be printed out in a whole bond paper per page. 5 Strongly A
The teacher should use different social media platforms that 5 Strongly
are suitable in creating lecture videos.
The teacher should review and evaluate well records of both 5 Strongly
written and performance tasks of every student and have them
with results and feedbacks.
VI. CONCLUSIONS The concepts in General Physics are challenging to grasp, students are proficient of
determining, conceptualizing, and analyzing them. The students' proficiency in chosen
topics of General Physics l was demonstrated by the results. The study's findings show
that in order to acquire General Physics 1, self-learning modules must be detailed,
brief, and easy to grasp. The findings demonstrated that the teacher's influence in
student mastery cannot be overlooked. The teacher's learning support system is critical
to the students' growth.
San Andres, Quezon
VII. RECOMMENDA According to the conclusions of the study, STEM students taking General Physics
TIONS should grasp the subject by employing practical analysis, proper formulas, and physics
rules to learn the subject. The researchers advise the module developer to write clear
and detailed explanations of physics concepts. The study advised teachers to lead and
help students throughout their working hours utilizing multiple platforms. In order to
improve the study, additional research may be undertaken.
VIII. LIST OF Bali, S. & Liu, M. C . (2020). Students' perceptions toward online learning and face-to-
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