Software Testing Microproject

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Develope a test plan, test cases and apply on web
application of Angel One.

In Partial fulfilment of Diploma in Computer Engineering

(Third Year / Fifth Semester)
In the Subject of
Software Testing (FC5463)
Mr. Pranav Bhosale (19CM005)
Mr. Soham Borkar (19CM006)
Mr. Pavan Gole (19CM023)
Mr. Gaurav Jaiswal (19CM031)
Mr. Vedprakash Jalamkar (19CM032)
Mr. Avdhoot Kolekar (19CM037)

Submitted To

(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Maharashtra)

Under the guidance of

Mr. Roshan Belsare Sir

Lecturer in Software Testing
Department of Computer Engineering
Government Polytechnic, Amravati (2021-2022)
Government Polytechnic, Amravati.
(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of Maharashtra)

Department of Computer Engineering

This is to certify that:

Mr. Pranav Bhosale (19CM005)

Mr. Soham Borkar (19CM006)
Mr. Pavan Gole (19CM023)
Mr. Gaurav Jaiswal (19CM031)
Mr. Vedprakash Jalamkar (19CM032)
Mr. Avdhoot Kolekar (19CM037)

Of Third Year/ Fifth Semester Diploma in Computer Engineering has

satisfactorily completed the micro project entitled “Develop a test plan,
test cases and apply on web application of Angel One.” In Software
Testing (FC5463) for the academic year 2021-22 as prescribed in

Place: Amravati Mr. Roshan Belsare Sir

Date: 2 /01/2022 Lecturer in Computer

D Department
Title of Micro-Project
Develop a test plan, test cases and apply on web application of Angel

1.0 Brief Introduction

In this Microproject we developed test plan and test cases according to test plan
for web application of angel broking which is part of black box testing.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project

This Micro-Project aims to :
Develop a test plan, test cases and apply on web application of Angel One.

3.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities)

S.N. Details of activity Planned Planned I. Code &Name of

start date Finish Team Members
1 Created overview and 3 6 19CM037
research on internet. December December
2 Prepare test plan for 8 18 19CM005
web application. December December
3 Prepare test cases for 19 22 19CM006
web application. December December
4 Checked all test cases on 23 30 19CM023
web application. December December
5 Recheck execution of test 19CM031
6 Making the annexure & 31 31 19CM032
help in making final copy December December
4.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)

S.N. Name of Resource/material Specifications Remarks

1 Computer Intel core i5 8th gen. 8 GB
ram, 256 GB memory.
2 Microsoft Word
3 Chrome Browser
4 Internet

5.0 Names of Team Members with Identity Codes :

i. Pranav Bhosale (19CM005)

ii. Soham Borkar (19CM006)
iii. Pavan Gole (19CM023)
iv. Gaurav Jaiswal (19CM031)
v. Ved Jalamkar (19CM032)
vi. Avdhoot Kolekar (19CM037)

Guideline for Assessment of Micro-Project

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project
Assessment Characteristic to be assessed Average Good (1.5 Excellent
Parameter (1 mark) mark) (2 mark)
Process Relevance of the courses & proposals
Assessment Literature survey/market
(06) survey/information collection
Analysis of data & completion of the target
as per proposal/
Product Report Preparation/Quality of
Assessment Prototype/model
6.0 Output of the Micro-Project
Output of this Micro-Project is attached to this file.

7.0 Course Outcomes Integrated

• Apply various software testing method.
• Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
• Prepare test plan for an application.

8.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

• We learnt about test plan and development of it.
• We learnt about test cases and development of them.
• We learnt procedure followed by companies for their products.
• We learnt importance of testing before and after deployment of products.

9.0 Assessment by Faculty as per Rubrics

Process Assessment Product Total Marks Signature of Faculty

(06) Assessment (04) (10)

Names of Team Members with Identity Codes :

Pranav Bhosale (19CM005)

Soham Borkar (19CM006)
Pavan Gole (19CM023)
Gaurav Jaiswal (19CM031)
Ved Jalamkar (19CM032)
Avdhoot Kolekar (19CM037)

Need of Test Plan/ Planning

Test planning is the most important activity to ensure that there is initially a

list of tasks and milestones in a baseline plan to track the progress of the project.

It also defines the size of the test effort. The Test Plan document is derived from

the Product Description Software Requirement Specification SRS or Use Case

Documents. The Test Plan document is usually prepared by the Test Lead or

Test Manager and the focus of the document is to describe what to test, how to

test when to test and who will do what test.

Test plan is derived from SRS (Software Requirement Specification) which

is prepared by test lead or manager. The main goal of test plan is to include all

the details related to testing such as what to test, when to test, how to test and

who will be the tester, Test plan is often not updated but if there is some new

feature or change is Introduced then it has to be updated accordingly.

Procedure followed for test plan creation:

1) Open the Angel One web based application.

2) Determine the scope that need to be tested and that are NOT to be tested.
3) Prepare the document of Test Strategy.
4) Decide Entry and Exit criteria.
5) Evaluate the test estimate.
6) Plan when and how to test and decide how the test results will be
evaluated, and define test exit criterion.
7) Test artifacts delivered as part of test execution.
8) Define the management information, including the metrics required and
defect resolution and risk issues.
9) Ensure that the test documentation generates repeatable test assets.

Test Plan for Angel One web application:

1) Introduction
The purpose of this document is to create an web application test plan for Angel One.
The presented study test plan evaluates the approaches to testing this product. The
purpose of testing this program is to check the correct operation of its functionality, ease
of use.

2) Test Items
a) Working with the web application (opening, closing, etc.)
b) Logging in and testing functionalities.
c) Logging out from session of web application.

3) Features To Be Tested/ Test Strategy / Scope

a) Opening Angel One web app.
b) Logging in to account.
c) Showing portfolio correctly.
d) Adding stock to watchlist.
e) Buying of Stock.
f) Showing pending orders.
g) Cancelling orders that are placed.
h) Modifying orders.
i) Showing proper usage of funds.
j) Proper ledger in reports of past transactions.
4) Features Not To Be Tested / Out of Scope
a) Working with Help.
b) IPO section testing.
c) Advisory section.
d) Interoperability testing.

5) Item Pass/Fail Criteria

All test cases with high priority are closed with the result - pass. The test coverage is
checked and sufficient, where the criterion of sufficiency is not less than 99% of the
coverage of requirements by tests.
6) Exit Criteria
During test application if there is 70% test cases are fail and then we should stop testing
for particular test case.
6) Test Deliverables
Test plan, test cases, test report.

7) Environmental Needs
Testing the application will occur on the following operating systems:
Windows 7 /8/10;
Test Cases
A TEST CASE is a set of actions executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of
your software application. A Test Case contains test steps, test data, precondition,
postcondition developed for specific test scenario to verify any requirement. The test
case includes specific variables or conditions, using which a testing engineer can compare
expected and actual results to determine whether a software product is functioning as
per the requirements of the customer.
Test Scenario Vs Test Case: Test scenarios are rather vague and cover a wide range of
possibilities. Testing is all about being very specific.

Test Cases of functionalities of Angel One

Regardless of the operating system you use, browser you use the Angel One application
should give you same results.

Web application we are going to use that is Angel One have following options/
functionalities: Dashboard, portfolio, markets, orders, advisory, funds, reports.

Menu and Sub menu:

• Dashboard contains market movement of the day.

• Portfolio contains stocks, mutual funds, positions you hold.
• Markets contains movement of stocks in your watchlist.
• Orders contains orders you put in, they may be pending, executed, cancelled.
• Funds contains money you have exempting positions you hold.
• Reports contains ledger.
Test Case for Sign in Procedure of Angel One web application:

Tes Test Test Steps Test Data Expected Actu Pass

t Scenario Results al /Fail
Cas Resul
e ID ts
TC1 Check 1. Go to site: User User As Pass
that user ID=B123, should not Expe
can’t login om/login/ Password log in into cted.
using 2. Enter right/wrong User =admin an web
wrong ID. application
credential 3. Enter wrong Password.
s 4. Click on Sign In.
TC2 Check 1. Go to site: User User As Pass
that user ID=B1809 should log Expe
can log in om/login/ 214, in into an cted.
using 2. Enter right User ID. Password web
right 3. Enter ritht Password. =Angel@ application
credential 4. Click on Sign In. 1

Test Case Output for sign in procedure:

Test Cases for Dashboard section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC3 Validating view Verify view of Tables should be As Pass
of tables. tables are properly visible and Expected
proper. divided as per
TC4 Validating Verify Decimal values As Pass
values. decimal should be properly Expected
values are visible, proper and
correct and correct.
Test Cases for Portfolio section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC5 Validating Verify all Holding should be As Pass
visibility of stocks/mutual visible and in proper Expected
holdings. funds user hold format of tables.
it should be
TC6 Validating Verify change Change in holdings As Pass
visibility and in holding in in terms of Expected
correctness terms of percentage and
of change. decimal values currency should be
are correct and proper and correct.
Test Cases for Markets section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC7 Stocks in Stocks in Stocks in different As Pass
watchlist. watchlist should watchlists should Expecte
be visible of be visible. d
TC8 Bids and bid Bids and bid Top five bids and As Pass
prices prices should be bid prices should Expecte
visible and be visible and d
fluctuate. fluctuate.
TC9 Bid and bid Bid and Bid price Bid and respective As Pass
price should be visible bid price should be Expecte
also after closing visible after closing d
of market. of market also.
Test Cases for Orders section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC10 Buy order Stock should be Stock should be As Pass
placing. bought when bought. Expected
we place buy
TC11 Pending Pending orders Pending orders As Pass
Orders should be should be visible. Expected
visibility. visible in order
section when
we place order.
TC12 Executed Orders which Executed orders As Pass
Orders are taken place should be visible. Expected
visibility. should be
visible in
executed order
TC13 Cancellation Orders which Cancelled orders As Pass
of orders are cancelled should be visible. Expected
visibility. before taking
place should be
visible in
orders section.
Test Cases for Funds section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC14 Fund Available funds Available funds As Pass
visibility. should be visible should be visible. Expected
in funds section.
TC15 Fund Available fund Correct available As Pass
correctness. should be correct fund should be Expected
in values along visible.
with decimals.
TC16 Available Available margin Margin fund As Pass
margin should be visible. should be visible. Expected
Test Cases for Reports section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC17 Ledger Available funds Available funds As Pass
visibility. should be visible should be visible. Expected
in funds section.
TC18 Ledger Available fund Correct available As Pass
correctness. should be correct fund should be Expected
in values along visible.
with decimals.
TC19 Credit, Debit Credit (CR) and Date, credit and As Pass
should be Debit (DR) of debit of funds Expected
visible funds should be should be
mentioned in mentioned.
ledger along with
Test Cases for Log Out section:

Test Case/ Test Case Expected Results Actual State

Case ID Requirement Description Results (Pass/Fail)
TC20 Log Out User should Log User should Log As Pass
button. Out and Out and Expected
redirected to Log redirected to the
In page when Log In page.
he/she presses
Log Out button.
Conclusion of our Micro-Project :

So we conclude that our group Developed Test Plan ,Test Cases and
applied on Angel One Web Application.

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