A Comprehensive Review On Chanting of Sacred Sound Om (Aum) As A Healing Practice

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications

Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 1748-1753 www.ijprajournal.com ISSN: 2456-4494

A Comprehensive Review on Chanting of Sacred Sound “Om”

(Aum) As a Healing Practice
Jayesh M. Rajput1, Jaymala M. Girase2
Department of Pharmaceutics, JIIU’s Ali-Allana College of Pharmacy, Akkalkuwa, Dist- Nandurbar, State-
Maharashtra, India (425415)
Department of Physics, NTV’S G.T.P College, Nandurbar, State- Maharashtra, India (425412)

Submitted: 15-04-2022 Accepted: 30-04-2022

ABSTRACT: Chanting is a common traditional relieving stress and depression but can also give
practice in almost every religion in this world. relief from many mental and physical
According to “Mandukya Puran” from Hindu complications and has of course no side effects and
religion “OM” is a divine sound which has its once if learnt properly do not need any guidance.
benefits to relieve from stress, psychological Regularly chanting of OM proved to be beneficial
disorders, etc. In this modern world there are many in treating of Depression, Anxiety, Stress,
diseases, disorders and complications but some Psychiatric Disorders, Psychosomatic Disorder,
complications are commonest and almost each and Hypothyroidism and helps in improving Cognition,
every human being in this modern world has it, it is Social Cohesion, Memory Enhancement, Improved
stress, depression and there are many medications Lung Functioning and many more. And if chanting
which claims to get relief from it but only for some of sacred sound “OM” (AUM) can be used in daily
duration and that too has some of its side effects lifestyle can be more beneficial.
but, “OM” (AUM) chanting is such a traditional KEYWORDS:om, aum, hindu mythology, yoga,
practice which has beneficial effects not just in chanting, healing practice.


Fig 1: - Meaning of “OM” (AUM) Four states of Human Consciousness “According to Mandukya

DOI: 10.35629/7781-070217481753 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1748
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 1748-1753 www.ijprajournal.com ISSN: 2456-4494

What is “OM” (AUM)? or Transcendental Meditation, Mindful Meditation,

Every living thing on this planet wants to Deep Breathing Exercise, etc. chanting of “O” is
be happy and blessed. “OM” sounds like “AUM” is the easiest way from the Mentioned remedies.
a sacred Hindu Mythological concept. According to Today, numerous studies have been carried out on
“Mandukya Upanishad” OM (AUM) denotes that Meditation, Yoga, Chanting of OM such as in [1]
there are four states of human consciousness, the Bangalore G. Kalyani, et.al. have studied
first is “JAGRAT” which indicates “A” of AUM, “Neurohemodynamic Correlation of “OM”
in this state consciousness is turned outward to the chanting: A pilot functional magnetic resonance
external world. It is about experiencing gross imaging study” in which a sensation of vibration is
material objects through the senses this is the experienced during “OM” chanting, this has the
conscious level of mental and emotional potential for the Vagus Nerve stimulation through
processing, the second state is “SWAPNA” which its Auricular branches and the effects on the brain
indicates “U” of AUM, in this state the thereof, in [2] Arati Amin, et.al. have studied the
consciousness is turned towards the inner world the “Beneficial effects of O chanting on Depression,
mind can work out its unfulfilled wants, wishes, Anxiety, Stress and Cognition in elderly women
desires, aversions and attractions that are not with Hypertension”. in [4] Gemma Perry, et.al.
allowed to play out in the external world. The third proved that by “chanting meditation improves
state is the “PRAJNA” which indicates “M” of mood and social cohesion”. In [5] Ajay Anil
AUM, in this state which is an unconscious state, Gurjar, et.al. Author(s) studied the analysis of
there is neither the desire for any gross or subtle “OM” chant to study its effect on nervous system.
object not having any dream sequences the deep In [7] a study was carried out by Dr. Kanchan
impressions of the mind are stored here in their Joshi, in that the “Effects of Nadishodhan
latentform, like a seed. when some certain Pranayama and OM chanting on memory
conditions are met, they can play out in dreams or enhancement of college students” were studied.
grow into actions in the wakingstate and the final Same study was conducted by Harshali B
state is “TURYA” which indicates the pure Rankhambe and Sonali Pande, in that they studied
consciousness is neither turned outward nor “Effect of “OM” chanting on anxiety in bus
inward. It permeates and observes the other three drivers”. A study was carried by Himani Anand [9]
states from the vantage point of turya, one sees the in that the author studied “Effect of meditation
entire panorama of the play of the levels of (“OM” chanting) on alpha EEG
consciousness. As per Amit Ray [18] “OM is the (Electroencephalograph) and galvanic skin
brahman, the indestructible life force, om is this response, in that he measured an altered state of
universe, it is the nameless, the divine. It is the consciousness. [11] A study of stress in students
totality of you, I and the whole creation. It is the during examination and the positive effect of “OM”
totality of past, present and future of this existence. chanting in them were conducted by M V
At the same time, it is the eternal now unfolding Bajappanavar, et.al. in [17] by Sumana Pothugunta,
this very moment. It is life-eternal flowing through et.al. A study was conducted of OM and its
this temporal existence”. According to Mandukya therapeutic effects on psychosomatic disorders in
Upanishad, which is dedicated to describe the women (30 to 50 years age). Same study was
meaning and glory of OM, “OM” (AUM) is the carried out by Bittoo Kumar Surlya, et.al. [19] in
name or symbol of God, [2,18] it is the that study the authors evaluated the effect of OM
combination of total three letters, namely A, U and mantra chanting along with Anulom Vilom
M. it means the “A” represents the Beginning, “U” pranayama on medical and paramedical students.
represents the Growth and the letter “M” represents An interesting study were carried out by Uttam
dissolution/distribution, which means (creation, Kumar, et.al. [21] in that the Author(s) conducted a
preservation and dissolution). [3] OM chanting Neuroimaging study by Neuro-Cognitive aspects of
itself is a type medication. In the commercial “OM” sound/syllable perception, in that OM vs
industries such as Pharmaceutical Industries, Word MRI were visualized by the neural cortex in
Engineering Industries, Software Industries, etc. two different control conditions and the authors
many challenges and impediments are faced by the adopted behavior interleaved gradients technique to
people. It is very tough to handle the stress many avoid interference of scanner noise during the
times. Therefore, to come out of the presentation of stimuli in that they concluded that
Aforementioned troubles any different ways are the common activated region DMFC supports the
available, like Meditation, Yoga, Mantra Chanting emotional empathy of “OM” sound while SMG

DOI: 10.35629/7781-070217481753 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1749
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 1748-1753 www.ijprajournal.com ISSN: 2456-4494

implicates the phonological processing of “OM” most common treatments in depression). Few
(AUM) syllable, they also concluded that the other studies are there which examines the effects of
activated regions further supports the diverse chanting “OM” in the central nervous system.
nature of “OM” (AUM)sound and its importance in Chanting of OM is highly significant reduction in
social cognition, many of such studies were anxiety levels. Chanting of “OM” is very effective
published and are under research for “OM” (AUM) way to reduce the levels of depression and anxiety.
and its beneficial effects. The practice of OM chanting is less time
consuming and if learnt once it does not require
II. BENEFITS OF CHANTING “OM” any guidance, which makes it a simple and
There are numerous benefits of chanting effective technique and can be performed
“OM” as per Arati Amin, et.al. [2] that OM anywhere. With Hinduism OM (AUM) can be seen
chanting causes vibration sensation around the ears, in Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism also which have
which is transmitted through the Auricular branch their roots in the Hinduism.
of the Vagus Nerve and stimulates Vagal Nerve,
because (Vagal Nerve stimulation is one of the
1 DEPRESSION 2, 13, 15, 18, 22, 23.
2 ANXIETY 2, 8, 13, 15, 18, 22.
3 STRESS 2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18,
19, 20, 22, 23.
4 COGNITION 2, 15, 22.
5 SOCIAL COHESION 4, 13, 22.
6 MEMORY ENHANCEMENT 7, 13, 16, 18, 22, 24.
7 PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS 11, 13, 16, 18, 22, 23.
Table 1: - Benefits of chanting “OM” (AUM)

And numerous more benefits of chanting OM. the length of chant should exactly match the
normal length of one’s breath. If the outbreath is
III. HOW TO CHANT “OM”? short chant short “OM” and if it is long chant long
Chanting of sacred sound “OM” (AUM) is “OM”. In reality the vibration of cell in your body
like a journey from the noisy or disturbed to a still itself signifies the vibration of the holy OM. It is
and healthy mind. As per Amit Ray [18] OM spontaneous chanting happening in one’s body.
chanting is a creative art, it is not just a mechanical Ajay Anil Gurjar, et.al. [5] also put a
repetition of a word. He also mentioned that our method to chant “OM”, he put allow the mantra to
utterness of OM should be spontaneous and unique. flow with the breath, repeat like this;
We don’t have to worry about the perfection of our Exhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
chanting, since OM is the cosmic sound, it is the Inhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
eternal seed vibration of the universe, and not any Exhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
human vocal cord can produce it perfectly, he also Inhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
mentioned that chanting the sound “OM” in your Exhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
own way in relaxed manner, it should be chant Inhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
almost effortless. He put his method of chanting
OM in that he mentioned that allow the OM to He also put an alternative method that imagine OM
unfold in its own way in your consciousness fit mantra only on exhalation, if that feels more
comfortably while keeping your back straight hold comfortable.
the hands together. Keep the eyes closed and
mentally repeat the word “O-O-OM-M-Mmm” Exhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
slowly and rhythmically with your outbreath, he Inhale: - “(silence)”
mentioned that one should not need to chant “OM” Exhale: - “OMmmmmmmm…”
in every breath, he can give a gap for one or two Inhale: - “(silence)”
breath and then again can start. By chanting slowly,
DOI: 10.35629/7781-070217481753 | Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 1750
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications
Volume 7, Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2022, pp: 1748-1753 www.ijprajournal.com ISSN: 2456-4494

IV. APPEARANCE OF “OM” Research Centre, Kerala, Saveetha Medical

Visually the sacred “OM” (AUM) is made College, Saveetha University, Chennai,
of three curve shapes, a sweeping semi-circle, and Sattva Cultural Space & Research Centre,
a dot as Amit Ray [18] technically, there is no Kerala, JIPMER, Pondicherry, International
restriction about the colour of the OM symbol. OM StressManagement Association of India,
itself is the symbol of Auspiciousness. Hyderabad, Indian Journal of Clinical
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considered as the colour of the symbol of “OM” Dimension Analysis of EEG Signal before
because, the seven colors of white represent the and after OM Chanting to Observe
seven aspects of the OM symbol. However, in Overall Effect on Brain. Department of
many divine places OM is colored in red or golden Electronics, S. S. G. M. College of
colour also. Engineering Shegaon, India, International
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V. CONCLUSION Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 4, No. 4, August
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