Science 7: Shara Jhea B. Maregmen
Science 7: Shara Jhea B. Maregmen
Science 7: Shara Jhea B. Maregmen
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Mission Possible: Saving Planet Earth
Shara Jhea B. Maregmen
What I Know
1. C 11. D
2. C 12. C
3. B 13. D
4. B 14. D
5. A 15. B
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
Earth’s Natural Resources
What’s In
Based on the map, Philippines is located at Southeast Asia
What’s New
1. R 2. R 3. R 4. NR 5. NR
What’s More
Renewable Nonrenewable
Cotton Steel
Leather shoes Soda can
Wooden chair Crude oil
Water Gold Necklace
Paper Petroleum
What I Can Do
Renewable Nonrenewable
Solar Energy Oil
Soil Steel
Trees Aluminum
Grass Coal
Groundwater Phosphates
Do you find these resources important?
Yes I do find these resources important, because resources are important for us as we utilize
them to satisfy our wants. Many minerals like iron, copper, mica etc. are used in industries
for manufacturing various goods. Minerals like coal and petroleum are used for the
generation of electricity.
How do you show your appreciation of their uses?
However, it is also important to consider how these resources can be used long term. Some
resources will practically never run out. These are known as renewable resources. Renewable
resources also produce clean energy, meaning less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions,
which contribute to climate change.
1. C 11. C
2. D 12. D
3. D 13. A
4. A 14. C
5. B 15.
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B
Additional Activities
What I Know
1. B 11. D
2. D 12. B
3. D 13. C
4. A 14. A
5. B 15. D
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. C
Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
What’s In
Which of these materials are renewable? Nonrenewable? Drinking water is renewable
and gold necklace is nonrenewable.
What’s New
1. YES 6. NO
2. NO 7. YES
3. NO 8. YES
4. NO 9. YES
5. YES 10. NO
What’s More
1. NS 6. NS
2. S 7. NS
3. NS 8. NS
4. S 9. S
5. S 10. S
What I Have Learned
1. Sustainability 6. Conserving
2. Wisely 7. Destruction
3. Wasting 8. Reforestation
What I Can Do
1.) In order to help the sustainability of Earth's resources, we must make a
difference. Talking about difference, it means that we need to be a resourceful when
using or consuming our natural resources like the water mentioned above. In using
water we must responsible enough, we must turn off the faucet after using it so that
it will not be wasted.
2.) We know that trees gives us an important rule, from building a house, furniture,
food and businesses. And because if that we need to be resourceful in using it, for
the sustainability. After cutting trees we should replant a new one to replace it. We
know that trees are very important in the entire world, because it's responsible for
making the balance temperature. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
And by planting trees we can make a difference in this world.
3.) In talking about the consumption of energy, most of us are responsible for this, in
order to have sustainability, we must be responsible and discipline well. And this way
we can make a big difference
4.) Gadgets in this high technology generation is very common and famous, most of
us using it daily. In order to have sustainability and for the protection of our health,
we must lessen the screen time, and this way we can make a difference.
5.) We know that food is the basic needs of the people. In order it have a
sustainability of consuming, we need to follow some tips in eating. First you just get
food according to your level of consumption. Second if possible you must grow your
own food resources.
1. B 11. D
2. D 12. A
3. A 13. C
4. C 14. B
5. A 15. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. B
Additional Activities
Day 1
Day 2
paper 1-2 kg
vegetable scraped
cans - 3 -4
Day 3
paper 1kg
vegetable waste
my family generates waste the most is vegetable waste we can reduce it through
making it fertilizer for soil.
Shop eco-friendly with reusable bags, in stores, reusable grocery bags are
already commonplace across Canada. Furthermore, they can significantly help
reduce the number of plastic bags collecting in our landfills. Ditch disposables in the
kitchen Sure, plastic wrap, tin foil, paper towels and plastic zip bags may be
convenient but they create a lot of waste. Try using a silicone baking sheet in place of
tinfoil or parchment. When cleaning, swap out paper towels and single-use wipes for
microfiber cloths you can wash and reuse. Reusable lunch containers and washable
snack bags will keep your food just as fresh and will minimize the amount of trash
coming from your household on a day-to-day basis. Say no to disposable water
bottles and coffee cups, Contrary to popular belief, disposable coffee cups
are not recyclable, due to the inside coating they have. For coffee on the go, use a
travel mug. It's just as convenient, and it can save you money too! And why not try a
double-insulated bottle that can handle both your hot and cold beverages! Choose
paperless billing, paying bills can be fast, easy and paper-free! Why not spend an
hour switching all your paper statements to electronic delivery sometime this week?
Enter your invoices' due date on your online calendar or set up automated payments
so you don't have to worry about missing a payment.