Cambridge International Examinations: Biology 5090/21 May/June 2017
Cambridge International Examinations: Biology 5090/21 May/June 2017
Cambridge International Examinations: Biology 5090/21 May/June 2017
BIOLOGY 5090/21
Paper 2 Theory May/June 2017
Maximum Mark: 80
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2017 series for most Cambridge IGCSE®,
Cambridge International A and AS Level and Cambridge Pre-U components, and some Cambridge O Level
1(a) single-celled ; 3
no nucleus / nucleus not membrane bound ;
no organelles ;
cell wall ;
(cell wall) not cellulose ;
cell membrane / cytoplasm ;
flagella / flagellum ;
DNA circular / loop OR plasmid / single chromosome ;
smaller than animal / plant cells OR 1–2 µm ;
1(b)(i) chlorophyll ; 1
Total: 10
2(b) xylem ; 3
to leaves / flower(s) ;
between leaf cells ;
surface of mesophyll cells ;
(leaf) air spaces ;
(through) stomata / guard cells ;
2(c)(i) 6; 1
2(c)(ii) reduces / lower(s) AW ; 3
less photosynthesis ;
less water needed ;
stomata / guard cells + open less / are closed ;
less diffusion ;
less evaporation / transpiration ;
Total: 11
3(c)(i) hormone ; 1
3(c)(ii) ovary ; 3
uterus ;
repairs / thickens (uterus) lining ;
Total: 11
4(a)(ii) mutation ; 1
4(b) Tt + Tt ; 5
tt ;
tt offspring clearly indicated as white ; A parent / offspring / gamete / genotype / phenotype
3 × labels on genetic diagram correct ;
Total: 12
(asexual only) 2
(both) 1
Total: 6
alveolus / air sac ;
large surface area ;
one cell thick + wall ;
moist AW / mucus ;
(gases) to dissolve ;
capillary ;
one cell thick + wall ;
connect AW arteries + veins ;
blood + moving ;
plasma ;
carriage of carbon dioxide ;
Total: 10
(for disc M)
reference to (bacteria) killed around M / not killed around N ; ORA for disc N
gene ;
mutation ;
resistant (to antibiotic) ;
(resistant) survive ;
(resistant) reproduce ;
pass on resistance to next generation / offspring ;
(for disc N)
antibiotic (solution) not strong / concentrated enough
OR incorrect antibiotic (for the bacteria) ;
Total: 10
(plant cell)
cell wall ; ORA for animal cell
nucleus pushed to outside / not towards centre ;
vacuole ;
chloroplast ;
starch grains ;
8(b) (xylem vessels) 3 each section must refer to at least one structure (S)
(S) hollow / dead ; marking point and one function (F) marking point to
(S) strengthened / lignification ; score maximum 3 marks
(S) extend from root to stem / leaves ;
(S) narrow / tubes ;
(F) conduction / transport ;
(F) capillarity ;
(F) of water ;
(F) of ions ;
(F) support ;
Total: 10
9(a) glucose + required for both ; 3 A each point only if linked to either ‘aerobic’ or
‘anaerobic’ respiration
complete or incomplete breakdown (of glucose) ;
ref. oxygen requirement ;
amount of energy released ;
9(b) glucose + required for both ; 3 A each point only if linked to either ‘muscles or ‘yeast’
9(c) movement of particles / molecules / named molecule ; 4 A each point only if linked to either ‘diffusion’ or ‘active
concentration gradient ; transport’
membrane requirement ;
living cell requirement ;
energy requirement ;
(energy from) respiration ;
correct example ;
Total: 10