Synopsis On Entertainment Hub: Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Synopsis On Entertainment Hub: Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Synopsis On Entertainment Hub: Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Entertainment Hub
Prateek Kumar
It lets us know the information related to the movies/ TV series. This app will be
helpful to find the release date of movies, know about the description of the
movie, view the trailer of any movie and tv shows easily.
Problem Definition
Nowadays, most people watch movies or tv series in their free time. All want to
watch movies with higher ratings. This is a platform in which the users can see the
trending movies along with their ratings displayed based on which he/she can
decide whether to watch it or not.
The Entertainment Hub is a web application for viewing the movie types based
on what the user wants to see. The users can also search the genre which they want
to watch.The main purpose of this application is to reach out to the people who
watch movies very often. This application aims at providing all information related
to the movies and TV series at one place to the user.
The scope of the application is that it provides the user the information about the
movie. It also gives information about the rating, year of release along with
providing them the similar movies to the searched movie. It allows users to view
the currently playing trailer along with the top rated movies/TV series, popular
movies/TV series and upcoming movies/TV series.
The benefits of the application will be that users will not look for different
websites for rating, description, trailer of the movie or TV series, all will be
provided at one place. This will also save time.
Major Outcomes
A summary of the major functions that the application will perform is as follows:
● The website will land at the home page after which the user can
navigate it to either of the screens.
● Trending Screen : In this Screen, the data of trending movies will be
shown to the user, so that he/she remains updated.
● Movie Screen : In this Screen, the data of all movies will be provided
from which the user can select any movie.
● TV series Screen : In this Screen, the data of all TV Series will be
provided from which the user can select any TV series.
● Search Screen : In this Screen, the user can search about any movie or
TV series he wishes to watch for which there is a filter.
● About Screen : In this Screen, the Information about the project and
contact information will be displayed.
● Error Screen : If the Data is not fetched correctly by the API, The
Error Screen will be displayed.
Technology Requirement
Hardware Requirements:
● Touch Screen/monitor
● Keyboard
● Continuous Battery Backup
● Good Internet connection
Software Requirements: