Annual Administration Report 2020-21: Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
Annual Administration Report 2020-21: Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
Annual Administration Report 2020-21: Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
AAR 2020-21
3.3. Chief Engineer (Civil-Dam Safety & DRIP) ................................................................. 18
3.4. Chief Engineer (Civil-Construction-North) ................................................................ 18
3.5. Chief Engineer (Civil-Construction-South) ................................................................ 19
3.6. Deputy Chief Engineer (Pallivasal Extn Scheme) with full power of CE .................... 19
4. Transmission SBU.............................................................................................................. 20
4.1. Chief Engineers (Transmission) ................................................................................. 21
4.1.1. Achievement ...................................................................................................... 21 Substation & Lines Commissioned regionwise .............................................. 21 Substations and Lines under construction ..................................................... 22
4.2. Chief Engineer (TransGrid 2.0) .................................................................................. 22
4.2.1. Completed works under TransGrid 2.0 .............................................................. 23
4.2.2. Ongoing works under TransGrid 2.0 .................................................................. 23
4.3. Chief Engineer (Transmission - System Operation) .................................................. 24
4.3.1. System Operation for the year 2020-21 ............................................................ 24
4.3.2. System management ......................................................................................... 25
4.3.3. Hydel Scenario ................................................................................................... 25
4.3.4. Market Operations............................................................................................. 26
4.3.5. System Operation Circles ................................................................................... 27
4.4. PSDF Projects:............................................................................................................ 28
4.5. Power System Engineering ........................................................................................ 28
5. Distribution SBU ................................................................................................................ 30
5.1. Dyuthi 2021 ............................................................................................................... 30
5.2. Service at doorsteps .................................................................................................. 31
5.3. Simplification of Service Connection Procedures ..................................................... 31
5.4. Centrally Aided Projects ............................................................................................ 32
5.4.1. The Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) ......................................... 32
5.4.2. DeenDayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyothi Yojana (DDUGJY) ...................................... 33
5.4.3. Saubhagya Scheme or Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana ................. 33
5.5. Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums (CGRF) ....................................................... 33
5.6. Information Technology and Customer Care Department ....................................... 34
5.6.1. SCADA/DMS Project ........................................................................................... 34
5.6.2. Major software works undertaken during 2020-21 .......................................... 34
5.6.3. Maintenance and Support Activities undertaken during 2020-21 .................... 35
5.6.4. Phase II IT Implementation under IPDS ............................................................. 37
AAR 2020-21
5.6.5. Real Time Data Acquisition System for Non-SCADA Towns under IPDS ........... 37
5.6.6. ERP Implementation under IPDS ....................................................................... 38
6. Human Resources Management ...................................................................................... 39
7. Board Secretariat .............................................................................................................. 41
8. Safety Wing ....................................................................................................................... 41
9. Supply Chain management Department .......................................................................... 42
10. Renewable Energy and Energy Savings Department ........................................................ 42
11. Planning ............................................................................................................................ 44
11.1. State Support Schemes ............................................................................................. 45
11.2. NILAAVU Streetlight Program ................................................................................... 45
12. Commercial & Tariff .......................................................................................................... 46
12.1. Power Procurement and sale during 2020-21 .......................................................... 46
12.1.1. Purchase of Power ......................................................................................... 46 Long Term Power Procurement ................................................................. 46 Medium Term Power Procurement ........................................................... 47 Short Term Power Procurement ................................................................ 47
13. Tariff and Regulatory Affairs Cell (TRAC) .......................................................................... 48
14. Finance and Accounts Department .................................................................................. 50
15. Internal Audit Department ............................................................................................... 51
16. Special Officer (Revenue).................................................................................................. 52
17. Public Relations Department ............................................................................................ 52
18. Personnel Department ..................................................................................................... 53
19. Legal Department ............................................................................................................. 54
20. Land Management Unit (LMU) ......................................................................................... 54
21. Vigilance Department ....................................................................................................... 55
21.1. Vigilance wing............................................................................................................ 55
21.2. Anti Power Theft Squad (APTS) ................................................................................. 55
Annexures .................................................................................................................................. 0
ANNEXURE 1: Organisation Chart .......................................................................................... 1
ANNEXURE 2: Highlights of Kerala Power system ................................................................. 2
ANNEXURE 3: Installed capacity of Kerala as on 31.3.2021 .................................................. 3
ANNEXURE 4: Details of Dams of KSEBL ................................................................................ 6
ANNEXURE 5: Statement of accounts 2014-15 to 2020-21 (₹ in Cr) ..................................... 8
ANNEXURE 6: Profit and Loss Statement 2017-18 to 2020-21 (₹ in Lakh) ............................ 9
Annexure 7: Balance Sheet for FY 2017-18 to FY 2020-21 (₹ in Lakh) ............................... 11
Annexure 8: HT/EHT/Licensee Consumption as on 31.03.2021 ..................................... 12
ANNEXURE 9: Departmental Publications ........................................................................... 13
AAR 2020-21
AAR 2020-21
It is my immense pleasure to present the Eighth Annual Administration Report of Kerala State
Electricity Board Ltd, after reconstituting it as a company, and the 64th report as an integrated
Public Sector Power Utility in the state since original constitution in 1957.
KSEB is synonymous to electricity in Kerala. It is a company incorporated under the Indian
Companies Act, 1956, and is fully owned by the Government of Kerala. It is the State
Transmission Utility (STU) and the Distribution Licensee in the State of Kerala which also owns
Generation assets. It is directly supplying electricity to 99% of the consumers in the State
(131.43 lakh consumers as on 31.03.2021). It owns 38 Hydro Generating Stations, 2 thermal
stations and few non-conventional stations and is having a total installed capacity of 3029.6
MW. The transmission asset of the company includes 426 numbers substations and 13775
circuit km lines, varying from 400 kV to 33 kV levels. The distribution network carries 2.96 Lakh
km line and more than 83,000 Distribution Transformers. Even though our internal resources
are limited, capable of meeting only 30% of the energy requirement, KSEB manages to meet the
power requirement of the entire state without imposing any power restrictions by procuring
power from other agencies and power exchange. After enabling the State to become 100%
electrified in 2017, KSEB continues to provide Power on Demand.
KSEB is the flag bearer of the prestigious Oorjja Kerala Mission launched by the State
Government. The Transgrid 2.0 – aiming strengthening of the transmission infra, Dyuthi 2021 –
targeting world class power distribution, Soura – mission to enhance solar capacity, Filament
Free Kerala – project for eliminating filament lamps and eSafe – targeting safety in electricity
network are progressing. It is true that the flood during August 2019 and pandemic of Covid 19
during the years 2020,2021 have slowed down the pace of these projects.
A substantial reduction in T&D loss to 10.32% was achieved during 2020-21. This was achieved
despite the addition of 3650 km of LT lines for maintaining Total Electrification Status. 3,72,116
new consumers were connected to the grid during 2020-21.
KSEB was hoping to achieve a financial turn-around, from red to green this fiscal. Outstanding
debts could be reduced and there was reduction in interest and finance charges. But for the
unexpected loss due to flood, the organisation would have booked a decent profit.
I wish to express my gratitude to Government of Kerala, Kerala State Electricity Regulatory
Commission, State Planning Board and Directors of the Board of KSEBL for their wholehearted
support and encouragement. I place on record my appreciation for the contribution made by
the officers and employees at all levels, and thank them for their hard work, co-operation and
AAR 2020-21
AAR 2020-21
1. Corporate Management
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited (KSEBL) was incorporated under the Indian
Companies Act, 1956 on 14.01.2011 and Certificate of Commencement of Business was
obtained on 06.06.2013. The Government of Kerala, following the Section 131 and 133 of
Electricity Act 2003, revested the assets and liabilities of former Kerala State Electricity
Board (KSEB) with KSEBL which was vested with the Government by the first transfer
scheme notification dated 25.09.2008, by a notification called the ‘second transfer scheme’
on 31.10.2013.
The Company functions as integrated electricity utility and carries out the business of
generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and serves almost 99% of consumers
in the state of Kerala.
The Generation SBU operates and maintains 38 hydroelectric generating stations, 2 thermal
power plants, and the wind farm at Kanjikode. Renovation, Modernization and Up-rating of
the old hydroelectric projects which have surpassed their useful life are also being carried
out by this Department. The Director (Generation-Electrical) supported by the Chief
Engineer (Gen & PED) manage these functions of Generation SBU.
Investigation, Planning and Design of all hydroelectric projects, land acquisition matters
connected with various hydel projects, works connected with the environmental and forest
clearance aspects of generation schemes, safety and maintenance of dams and connected
structures, construction works of all hydroelectric projects are carried out by the Civil wing
of Generation SBU. The related activities such as construction and maintenance of various
office buildings, fabrication of line materials for distribution, yard structures for substations
and accessories for hydraulic structures etc. are also carried out by the Civil Department.
The Director (Generation Civil & HRM) is assisted by the four Civil Chief Engineers and one
Deputy Chief Engineer (with full power of Chief Engineer).
The savings in energy due to loss reduction was used to meet the increase in yearly demand
from consumers partially and consequently savings in additional power purchase cost. The
cumulative savings owing to reduction in losses over the years in power purchase cost is to
the tune of ₹ 1132.37 Cr for FY 2020-21 as shown above.
Generation (MW)
Hydro Capacity 15.50 22.0 3.6 6 3 0 0 2058.76
Solar KSEBL 1.156 7.6732 6.0208 2.0 1.095 0.371 17.47
Solar capacity
other than
13.70 59.08 24.7 19.79 51.032 104.33 282.85
KSEBL (grid
Substation 3 14 10 16 9 19 17 426
400KV 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5*+1
220KV 1 0 0 2 0 1 4 27
110KV 1 8 3 5 3 9 10 173
66KV 0 3 0 3 1 2 1 60
33KV 1 3 7 6 5 6 2 160
Lines (circuit
117.60 140.14 147.43 175.38 224.6 580.43 696.10 13614.64
400KV 92 85.03 177.03+1152.56*
220KV 36.2 0.68 0 54.1 0 73.18 238 3141.40
110KV 38.4 66.67 67.66 79.76 134.2 235.24 324.50 5030.86
66KV 0 6 0 0.44 29.5 8.4 2004.79
33KV 43 66.79 75.77 41.08 60.9 100.06 39.2 2108.00
LT 4636 4826 5357 3130 3401 3689 3650 295921
HT 1807 2022 1844 1744 1773 1939 2195 64540
3554 2389 2270 2353 2410 2023 2372 83465
No. of
422238 381247 462137 353642 368673 380584 372116 13142910
(* owned by PGCIL)
Construction Works
No Project / Scheme Construction Work / Project Stage
1 Poringalkuthu SHP(24MW) Overall physical progress – 94.87%
2 Chinnar SHP(24MW) Overall physical progress – 66.63%
3 Marayoor Section Office Overall physical progress – 60%
4 Mini VB at Chengannur Work started on 5.1.21
5 Chinnar Phase II Work tendered
The Government of Kerala declared KSEBL as SPV for implementing infrastructure projects
of Health and Family welfare Department with KIIFB funding. The Consultancy wing of KSEBL
is engaged with ten hospital projects and KSEBL received ₹ 5.75 crores as centage from
KIIFB, as on 31.03.2021. The Consultancy Wing is also executing various works under other
departments and obtained ₹ 1.38 crores as centage.
The Civil Division in Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom carries out all maintenance and operation
of activities and capital works related to the head office estate and the Inspection Bungalow
at Paruthipara.
3.6. Deputy Chief Engineer (Pallivasal Extn Scheme) with full power of CE
This office carries out the construction work of Pallivasal Extension Scheme (60MW). The
civil works of the project has been tendered and arranged in three segments and the work is
progressing. So far 86.05% of the work has been completed.
The construction, maintenance and operation of the transmission system is carried out by
eleven (11) Circle offices and one Division with ARU across the state under two Chief
Engineers for North and South regions. In addition to the above, transmission network
strengthening works works undertaken under Transgrid 2.0 projects are being executed by
the Deputy Chief Engineers, Transgrid (North) & Transgrid (South) under the jurisdiction of
Chief Engineer, Transgrid. A number of major transmission network expansion works were
also completed.
A summary of new substations and Transmission lines completed during 2020-21 is shown
in the Table below.
kV Substations (Nos) Transmission Lines (in Ckt-km) Capacity addition /
enhancement (MVA)
Trans. Trans. Trans Total Trans. Trans. Transg Total Trans. Trans. Trans Total
North South grid North South rid North South grid
400 0 86 86
220 4 4 238 238 100 1120 1220
110 4 6 10 123.18 73.28 128 324.5 186 100 286
66 1 1 8.4 8.4 10 8 18
33 1 1 2 33.7 5.5 39.2 41 16 57
Total 17 696.1 1581
110 KV
Substations Lines
1. Adoor (Upgn) 1. Pathanamthitta - Adoor MC(220/110)line
2. Alappuzha (Upgn) 2. LILO from Punnapra-Chengalom to Alappuzha
3. Edakkara (Upgn) 3. Nilambur - Edakkara
4. Karunagappally (Upgn.) 4. Sasthamcotta - Karunagappally DC line (upgn.)
5. Kuravilangad (Upgn) 5. Ettumanoor - Kuravilangad
6. Sulthan Bathery 6. Kainatty -Sulthan Bathery
7. Mannuthy 7. LILO from Madkkathatara - Ollur to Mannuthy
8. Murikkassery 8. LILO from Kuthumkal – Neriamangalam to Murikkassery
9. Palackal 9. LILO from Madakkathara – Valappad to Palackal
10. Njarackal (Upgn) 10. Cherai - Njarackal
11. Vazhoor 11. LILO from Pallom – Kanjirappally to Vazhoor
12. Kuttanadu (Upgn) 12. LILO from Punnapra –Kodimatha Kuttanadu
13. Kavalam 13. LILO from Punnapra –Kodimatha to Kavalam
14. Nilambur (Upgn) 14. Manjeri - Nilambur
15. Vennakkara GIS 15. LILO from Arangottukara - Edappal
16. Pattamby 16. Ettumanoor - Pala
17. Panthalakkode
18. Kuthumunda (Upgn)
33 KV
Substations Lines
1. Marayur 1. Pallivasal - Marayur
2. Kidangara 2. Edathua - Kidangara
3. Thumboor 3. LILO from Irinjalakkuda – Parappukkara line
The year 2020-21 recorded following all-time records in the power consumption and
demand scenario of the State.
Current scenario Previous Record
Daily Consumption 88.417MU 19.03.2021 88.3386MU 23.05.2019
Day Peak 3967MW 25.03.2021 3933MW 23.05.2019
Purchase Sale
Month Qty in MU Amount Rate Qty in MU Amount Rate
(Rs.Crs) (Rs/unit) (Rs/unit)
Apr-20 0.916665 0.309643 3.38 -0.907 -0.26812 2.96
May-20 0.14655 0.068327 4.66 -2.02546 -0.63966 3.16
Jun-20 0.01467 0.002133 1.45 -8.30028 -2.35522 2.84
Jul-20 9.32113 2.330781 2.50 -0.10627 -0.0418 3.93
Aug-20 1.81602 0.403983 2.22 -11.4855 -2.7886 2.43
Sep-20 3.48067 0.918597 2.64 -21.4863 -6.22235 2.90
Oct-20 0.370343 0.125433 3.39 -65.5569 -18.4067 2.81
Nov-20 11.45173 3.254276 2.84 -6.25444 -2.34032 3.74
Dec-20 2.421413 0.865469 3.57 -31.4756 -11.9841 3.81
Jan-21 47.62318 15.77294 3.31 -37.3674 -15.9066 4.26
Feb-21 8.30528 3.226195 3.88 -32.4448 -15.2548 4.70
Mar-21 8.844485 3.908962 4.42 -44.0207 -24.8331 5.64
TOTAL 94.7121 31.1867 3.29 -261.43 -101.04 3.86
The optimization measures of SLDC Operation initiated in the second half of the year has
resulted in substantial financial gain to the Board. With the monsoon showing a strong
revival trend during August and reservoirs recording healthy inflow, a new proposal for
entering the market so as to flex the generation from the hydro stations and to make use of
the price differential in the market during different time slots without impacting overall
hydro utilization was operationalized with effect from 31.08.2020. As per the then existing
procedure, sale/purchase was arranged through power exchanges through DAM and RTM
as per LGB conditions and accommodating must run generation, low demand conditions in
merit order with surrender/ URS as the case may be -referred to as Normal Market
Operation. As per the new proposal, there could be sale and purchase during different time
blocks on the same day. However, the market rates may be remaining low on some days or
for a couple of days and hence the energy balance may not be achieved on the same day,
but could be balanced in a period, the criterion being no significant impact on the overall
hydro utilisation plan - referred to as Special Market Operation. As per this, sale bids were
offered in the market when the prices were high and purchase bids were placed in the
market when the prices were low, so that overall, there would be a net margin.
With the operationalization of this new strategy, a high-cost sale of around 142.41MU was
carried out through the power exchange by flexing the available margin in the hydro
generation during the high-rate slots of the Day Ahead and Real Time Market. Also, a
strategy to export to grid when the real time frequency was less than 49.95 Hz was
As a part of this, Project Management Teams (PMUs) were constituted, one in each
Electrical Circle under the direct control of respective Deputy Chief Engineers, as an
exclusive team to formulate the Distribution Plan and also for the effective implementation
of the plan.
Despite the paradigm shift in approaches and results, there has been a slippage in the set
schedule owing to several factors such as the obligation of completing centrally aided
7 Smart City Mission Ltd, Kochi integration works of KSEBL with IC4 Kochi
are under progress.
8 KFON (Kerala Fibre Optic Network) project High speed, reliable and scalable fibre
network across the state to provide
connectivity to all Government and
Educational institutions The project is
progressing and First Phase launched on
HRD Cell co-ordinate training activities of Power Engineers Training and Research Centre
(PETARC) at Moolamattom, Regional Power Training Institutes at Thiruvananthapuram,
Kottayam, Thrissur and Kozhikode and Southern Regional Computer Training Center at
Vydyuthi Bhavanam Thiruvananthapuram.
PETARC is a full-fledged training centre of KSE Board imparting technical as well as
management training to the Officers of KSEB and has been recognized as Category -1
training centre by Central Electricity Authority. The Regional Power Training Institutes are
working under the control of the Deputy Chief Engineer, PETARC. All the training centres are
provided with adequate training facilities.
During 2020-21, as restrictions were imposed on the conduct of classroom training
programmes due to Covid-19, trainings were adjourned from February 2020 to May 2020.
Later online trainings were resorted to which commenced from June 2020. By the end of
December 2020, classroom trainings resumed though in restricted manner. Only trainings
sponsored by RECIPMT, statutory trainings, computer based trainings etc were conducted as
8. Safety Wing
Chief Safety Commissioner in the rank of Chief Engineer heads Safety Department. The
mission of the Wing is to maintain a persistent and systematic safety culture in the
organization to reduce the accidents to zero level. The Safety wing functioning in Corporate
Office have jurisdiction over all wings of KSEBL.
Safety awareness programs were conducted on 26th June 2020 observing National Electrical
Safety Day and National Electrical Safety Week for one week starting from 26 th June 2020.
During the year 17390 safety inspections were conducted observing COVID protocol. Safety
committee meetings, safety awareness meetings etc were conducted through online
platform. ‘Operation Shudhi’ was conducted on October 15th 2020 to reduce accidents by
clearing creepers and vegetation from electric lines and installation. The details of fatal and
non-fatal accidents during 2020-21 is listed below:
The decrease in revenue from tariff during 2020-21 was due to Covid 19 Pandemic.
The statement of profit and loss (₹ Cr) for the financial year 2020-21 is shown below.
A summary of activities of each office or section carried out during FY 2020-21 are given
Section Value of Bills processed / quantum Value of Value of
objections raised Recovery/Savings
RCA ₹ 1209.92 Crore ₹ 10.05 Crore ₹ 4.79 Crore
WAD ₹14.46 Crore
Regional Audit Offices 379 Audit Reports ₹ 34.87 Crore ₹ 19.64 Crore
Pension Audit 5195 PPO/Service Books verified ₹ 19.49 Lakh ₹ 15 Lakh
Pay Fixation 4502 Service Books verified ₹ 44.26 Lakh ₹ 71.82 Lakh
EAS ₹ 28.26 Crore ₹ 38.28 Lakh ₹ 8.84 Lakh
GPF Closure 1498 Nos. (₹ 207.57 Cr) NA NA
NRA audited - 8677 Nos (₹273.76 Cr)
Efforts taken by Arrear Clearance Cell resulted in the saving of ₹ 1.07 crores in respect of
water charge settlement of Electrical Division Nedumangad and Vydyuthi Bhavanam,
Thiruvananthapuram. Remarks offered by the WAD Section on M/s.Jhabua Power on -Fuel
shortage methodology resulted in a cost saving of ₹ 12.23 crore. Internal audit conducted by
Regional Audit Offices, Pay Fixation, Pension Audit and Establishment Audit Sections
resulted in the realisation of ₹ 24.61 Crore, ₹ 52.05 lakh, ₹ 27.32 lakh and ₹ 3.39 lakh
respectively. Pre-check carried out by the Resident Concurrent Audit Wing saved ₹ 8.62
AAR 2020-21
AAR 2020-21
ANNEXURE 1: Organisation Chart
AAR 2020-21 A1
ANNEXURE 2: Highlights of Kerala Power system
Total Installed capacity 3029.61 MW
Storage as on 01.04.2020 2067.435 MU
Inflow during 2020-21 6729.99 MU
Storage as on 31.03.2021 2093.94 MU
Total generation 7109.09 MU
Auxiliary consumption 32.16 MU(Generation) 19.03 MU (Substations)
Purchase from IPPs inside the State 388.71 MU
Power injection by Captive Plants / Prosumers 78.29 MU
Purchase through Generators through long term contracts 8104.65 MU at Kerala Periphery
Purchase through short term contracts 167.02 MU at Kerala Periphery
Purchase through Power exchange 94.71 MU at Kerala Periphery
Power availed through Swap 122.28 MU at Kerala Periphery
Swap Return 334.82 MU at Kerala Periphery
Sale through Power exchange (at SR ) 261.43 MU at Kerala Periphery
CGS share 9167.26 MU at Kerala Periphery
Power availed through DSM(Net) 139.43 MU
Total Power purchase 18262.34 MU at Kerala Periphery
Total Generation and power purchase 25320.24 MU
External PGCIL loss 649.89 MU
Energy sale inside the state by KSEB 22151.60 MU
Energy consumption within state 22540.32 MU (including open access)
Open access purchase at Kerala periphery 407.41 MU ( 388.72 MU at consumer end)
Energy injection at generator end for sale outside 38.66 MU( 37.14 MU at KSEB Periphery)
T & D loss in KSEBL system 2592.61 MU; 10.32(%) (including open access)
Maximum Demand recorded 4316 MW (on 13.04.2020)
Maximum Demand recorded during 2020-21 4284 MW (on 31.03.2021)
Unrestricted peak demand 4284 MW
Maximum daily consumption recorded 88.417 MU (on 19.03.2021) (All time high)
Length of EHT lines( As on 31.3.2021) 11507 Ckm
Length of HT lines(11/22/33KV)(As on 31.3.21) 64540 Ckm
Length of LT lines( As on 31.3.2021) 295921 Ckm
No. of EHT substations( As on 31.3.2021) 266 Nos.
No. of Distribution transformers(As on 31.3.21) 83465 Nos.
Total consumers 131.43 Lakhs
A2 AAR 2020-21
ANNEXURE 3: Installed capacity of Kerala as on 31.3.2021
No Name of Station Installed Capacity (MW) Annual Generation capacity (MU)
AAR 2020-21 A3
No Name of Station Installed Capacity (MW) Annual Generation capacity (MU)
1 Brahmapuram Diesel Power Plant (KSEB) 63.96 363.60
A4 AAR 2020-21
No Name of Station Installed Capacity (MW) Annual Generation capacity (MU)
AAR 2020-21 A5
ANNEXURE 4: Details of Dams of KSEBL
Sl.No Name of the Dam Name of District in which dam is Full Whether gated
reservoir/PONDAGE situated reservoir dam or nor
level (m) (Yes/No)
A6 AAR 2020-21
Sl.No Name of the Dam Name of District in which dam is Full Whether gated
reservoir/PONDAGE situated reservoir dam or nor
level (m) (Yes/No)
AAR 2020-21 A7
ANNEXURE 5: Statement of accounts 2014-15 to 2020-21 (₹ in Cr)
No Particulars 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Revenue Income
1 Non-Tariff Income 533.52 759.44 550.09 608.19 481.74 210.16 748.76
2 Revenue from tariff 9879.35 10487.71 11036.78 12057.26 13521.2 14644.44 14420.63
Total A(1+2) 10412.87 11247.15 11586.87 12665.45 14002.94 14854.6 15169.39
Revenue Expenses
1 Power Generation 209.91 104.26 23.45 2.08 3.29 5.71 4.8
2 Power Purchase 6782.76 6336.82 7664.4 7526.03 7869.32 8680 8057.93
3 Interest Charges 906.9 909.14 922.93 1881.08 1859.76 1899.03 1889.22
4 Depreciation 459.7 491.22 520.66 803.7 805.02 901.92 1011.98
5 Employee Cost 2893.71 3292.82 3373.76 3038.4 3354.62 3508.42 5639.86
6 Repairs &Maintenance 244.44 259.76 266.9 277.35 303.75 281.8 260.58
7 Admn.& Gen Expenses 287.05 344.09 378.72 530.39 598.56 564.64 593.86
8 Other Expenses 138.9 84.58 88.5 -142.76 222.48 50.57 183.06
9 Return/ Surplus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total (1 to 9) 11923.37 11822.69 13239.32 13916.27 15016.87 15892.09 17642.23
1 Less: Expenses 184.14 204.5 400.34 463.02 460.94 486.69
2 Less: Interest 53.44 57.73 66.39 260.86 307 162.86
Total(1+2) 237.58 262.23 0 466.73 723.88 767.94 649.55
TOTAL B 11685.79 11560.46 13239.32 13449.54 14292.99 15124.15 16991.74
SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) (A- -1272.9 -313.29 -1652.45 -784.09 -290 -269.55 -1822.35
A8 AAR 2020-21
ANNEXURE 6: Profit and Loss Statement 2017-18 to 2020-21 (₹ in Lakh)
No Particulars on 31.3.2021 on 31.3.2020 on 31.3.2019 on 31.3.2018
Revenue From Operations 1442063 1464444 1352120.6 1231817.31
Other Income 74876 21016 48174.14 34727.52
Total Income (I+II) 1516939 1485460 1400294.74 1266544.83
Purchase of Power 805793 868000 786932.13 752602.69
Generation of Power 480 571 329.2 207.84
Repairs & Maintenance 26058 28180 30375.11 27734.87
Employee benefits expense 515317 304748 289201.39 263806.15
Finance costs 172636 159203 159889.8 181469.02
Depreciation and amortization expense 101198 90192 80502.76 80370.49
Other Expenses
Administrative Expenses 59386 56464 59816.29 3038.86
Others 16445 2197 20260.94 -1416.98
ADD Changes in Fair Valuation and other 393.63 -12858.65
Total expenses (IV) 1697313 1509555 1427701.25 1344954.29
III Profit/(loss) before exceptional items and tax -180373 -24095 -27406.51 -78409.46
Exceptional Items 1861 2860 1594.34 0
Profit/(loss) before tax (V-VI) -182234 -26955 -29000.85 -78409.46
IV Tax expense:
(1) Current tax 0
(2) Deferred tax 0
V Profit (Loss) for the period from continuing -182234 -26955 -29000.85 -78409.46
VI Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations - 0
VII Tax expense of discontinued operations - 0
VIII Profit/(loss) after tax from Discontinued - 0
IX Profit/(loss) for the period (IX+XII) -182234 -26955 -29000.85 78409.46
XIV Other Comprehensive Income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit -66180 -59635 -109678.6 -107632.86
or loss
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified 0
to profit or loss
B (I ) Items that will be reclassified to profit or 0
(ii) Income tax relating to items that will be reclassified to 0
profit or loss
AAR 2020-21 A9
No Particulars on 31.3.2021 on 31.3.2020 on 31.3.2019 on 31.3.2018
XV Total Comprehensive Income for the period -248415 -86590 -138679.45 -186042.32
(XIII+XIV) (Comprising Profit (Loss) and Other
Comprehensive Income for the period)
A 10 AAR 2020-21
Annexure 7: Balance Sheet for FY 2017-18 to FY 2020-21 (₹ in Lakh)
Particulars on 31.03.2021 on 31.03.2020 on 31.3.2019 on 31.03.2018
Non current assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 2409083 2249182 21,24,607.56 20,48,792.59
Capital work-in-progress 413167 375003 2,99,134.38 2,49,277.74
Intangible asset 6343 2572
Financial Assets
Investments 2049 2049 2,049.01 2,000.01
Trade receivables 40777 74544
Loans 7623 2178 8,342.65 8,295.03
Others 213911 294527 7773.16 6,331.70
Deferred Tax Assets (Net)
Other non-current assets 34885 31040 5,27,469.70 4,31,532.62
Current assets
Inventories 68496 80886 69,805.76 48,590.36
Trade receivables 202815 182204 128801.29 2,29,501.13
Cash and cash equivalents 25039 18374 27542.1 27,545.63
Bank balances Other than Cash Equivalents 18098 10930 7839.91 7,007.15
Other Financial assets 7821 11372
Current tax Assets (Net) 628 185
Other current assets 117055 100465 14531.57 12,676.53
Total Assets 3567790 3435511 3218594.14 30,71,550.48
Equities and Liabilities
Equity Share capital 349905 349905 349905 3,49,905.00
Other Equity -1458857 -1210443 -1116306.1 -9,62,254.68
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 1495880 1513413 1452515.45 15,93,454.49
Other Financial Liabilities 443319 393754 335984.7 3,17,044.52
Provisions 1229498 1028592 1122416.88 9,76,539.38
Other non-current liabilities 357713 304823 264514.6 1,93,405.24
Current liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 311498 233023 382902.31 2,73,758.98
Trade payables 210208 199168 121457.58 95,731.97
Other financial liabilities 346171 435595 303397.72 2,33,065.58
Provisions 282455 187681 1806 900
Total Equity and Liabilities 3567790 3435511 3218594.14 30,71,550.48
AAR 2020-21 A 11
Annexure 8: HT/EHT/Licensee Consumption as on 31.03.2021
Tariff Category Consumers Yearly Consumption (kWh)
EHT (GENERAL) (A) 2 28085002
EHT (GENERAL) (B) 3 105302164
EHT I (66KV) INDUSTRIAL 13 731028652
EHT II (110 kV) INDUSTRIAL 20 1487112781
EHT II (110 KV) RT 13 410691693
EHT III (220 KV) INDUSTRIAL 1 1064318600
EHT TOTAL 52 3826538892
HT I (A) INDUSTRIAL 2500 5354319741
HT I (B) INDUSTRIAL 24 18679255
HT II (A) GENERAL 416 405251799
HT II (B) GENERAL 1084 1559345066
HT III (A) AGRICULTURE 52 12078318
HT IV (A) COMMERCIAL 1140 571840916
HT IV(B) COMMERCIAL 1128 4546107763
HT V (DOMESTIC) 123 41239297
HT Total 6477 12513977229
Licensee: CPT 2 78130840
Licensee: CSEZ 1 105929274
Licensee: KDHPCL 1 114559600
Licensee: KPUPL 4 146457392
Licensee: Karnataka Electricity dept 2 2031009
Licensee: MES 33 145380030
Licensee: RPL 1 66436054
Licensee: Technopark 3 107389370
Licensee: Thrissur Corporation 2 307106065
Licensee: Infopark, Cherthala 2 26209473
Licensee: SMART CITY 1 9623951
Licensee Total 52 1109253058
KMRL (Kochi Metro Rail Ltd) 2 68461674
KMRL (Kochi Metro Rail Ltd)-HT 1 146260
Grand Total 6584 17518377113
A 12 AAR 2020-21
ANNEXURE 9: Departmental Publications
1. System Operation
2. Power System Statistics
3. ARR & ERC
4. Annual Accounts
5. Budget Estimate
6. Annual Administration Report
7. Annual Report
AAR 2020-21 A 13