Newer Oral Anticoagulants: Dabigatran Etexilate Is An Inactive Pro-Drug
Newer Oral Anticoagulants: Dabigatran Etexilate Is An Inactive Pro-Drug
Newer Oral Anticoagulants: Dabigatran Etexilate Is An Inactive Pro-Drug
November 2013
Dabigatran does not undergo substantial As apixaban and rivaroxaban undergo hepatic
metabolism via the hepatic pathway, but both metabolism, predominantly via the CYP3A4/3A5
apixaban and rivaroxaban are metabolised in the pathway; inhibitors and inducers of this system
liver.1,15 Liver function tests are required before may respectively increase or decrease plasma
initiating apixaban.12 Changes to dose and/or levels. Dabigatran has a low potential for
contraindications and cautions in hepatic interactions through the hepatic pathway but is
impairment vary between agents.11-13 likely to be affected to a greater extent than
apixaban and rivaroxaban by combinations of
The newer agents are not without associated drug- medicines affecting the kidney. All three agents are
drug interactions and, as they enter more routine substrates of P-glycoprotein and co-administration
practice, it is likely that others will be identified. with medicines that inhibit or induce this pathway
Table 1 illustrates some of the medicines which can respectively increase or decrease plasma
may interact. concentration.1,15
Table 1. Examples of possible drug-drug interactions with the newer anticoagulants10-13
Drugs directly Drugs affecting Inducers of Inhibitors of Inducers of Inhibitors of
affecting bleeding the kidney hepatic hepatic P-glycoprotein P-glycoprotein
risk metabolism metabolism
other diuretics rifampicin azole rifampicin, dronedaroneB,F
anticoagulantsA NSAIDs St John’s Wort antifungalsB,E,F St John’s Wort, quinidineD
NSAIDs ACE inhibitors carbamazepine verapamilC carbamazepine, azole
antiplatelets angiotensin-II- phenytoin amiodaroneD phenytoin, antifungalsB,E,F
thrombolytic receptor phenobarbital ciclosporinB phenobarbital amiodaroneD
agents antagonists tacrolimusB diltiazem
selective serotonin HIV protease verapamilC
re-uptake inhibitors inhibitorsE,F clarithromycin
noradrenaline re-
uptake inhibitors HIV protease
A. Contraindicated except when switching between agents. D. Dose adjustment of dabigatran etexilate required in orthopaedic use.
B. Contraindicated with dabigatran etexilate. E. Not recommended with apixaban.
C. Dose adjustment of dabigatran etexilate required. F. Not recommended with rivaroxaban.
The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) for V Vascular disease (prior myocardial infarction, 1
peripheral artery disease, or aortic plaque)
Wales (2013-14) recommends the use of the
A Age 65 - 74 1
CHADS2 tool (see Box 1) to assess stroke risk in
patients with AF.18 Anticoagulation should be Sc Sex category, i.e. female gender 1
considered in patients with a score of ≥ 2.19 The
CHA2DS2-VASc tool (see Box 2) includes more risk An assessment of bleeding risk using a tool such as
factors for stroke and may be used for patients with a HAS-BLED (see Box 3) should be undertaken before
CHADS2 score of 0 or 1 to identify those at truly low anticoagulation. In general, if the HAS-BLED score
risk; it is at least as good as CHADS2 at identifying ≥ 3, caution and regular review is advised.17,20
patients who develop stroke and thromboembolism.17 Modifiable risk factors should be addressed.