Pedestrian Detection For Autonomous Vehicle Using Multi-Spectral Cameras

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2, JUNE 2019 211

Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Vehicle

Using Multi-Spectral Cameras
Zhilu Chen and Xinming Huang , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Pedestrian detection is a critical feature of au- regular color image. Some methods such as gradient and shape
tonomous vehicle or advanced driver assistance system. This paper based feature extraction may still be applicable since an ob-
presents a novel instrument for pedestrian detection by combining ject has similar silhouettes in both color and thermal images. In
stereo vision cameras with a thermal camera. A new dataset for ve-
hicle applications is built from the test vehicle recorded data when addition, data from different sensors may contain complemen-
driving on city roads. Data received from multiple cameras are tary information and combining them may result better perfor-
aligned using trifocal tensor with pre-calibrated parameters. Can- mance. Multiple cameras can form stereo vision, which provides
didates are generated from each image frame using sliding win- additional disparity and depth information. An example of com-
dows across multiple scales. A reconfigurable detector framework bining stereo vision color cameras and a thermal camera for
is proposed, in which feature extraction and classification are two
separate stages. The input to the detector can be the color image, pedestrian detection can be found in [4].
disparity map, thermal data, or any of their combinations. When The data collection environment is also very important. Unlike
applying to convolutional channel features, feature extraction uti- static cameras for surveillance applications, cameras mounted
lizes the first three convolutional layers of a pre-trained convolu- on a moving vehicle may observe much more complex back-
tional neural network cascaded with an AdaBoost classifier. The ground and distance-varied pedestrians. Therefore, it calls for
evaluation results show that it significantly outperforms the tra-
ditional histogram of oriented gradients features. The proposed different pedestrian detection algorithms from the surveillance
pedestrian detector with multi-spectral cameras can achieve 9% camera applications. To use multiple sensors on a vehicle, a co-
log-average miss rate. The experimental dataset is made available operative multi-sensor system need to be designed and new algo-
at rithms that can coherently process multi-sensor data need to be
Index Terms—Multi-spectral camera, autonomous vehicle, investigated. The contributions of this paper are listed as follows:
pedestrian detection, machine learning. 1) A multi-spectral camera instrument is designed and
assembled on a moving vehicle to collect data for
pedestrian detection. These data contain many complex
I. INTRODUCTION scenarios that are challenging for detection and classi-
UTOMATIC and reliable detection of pedestrians is an fication. The experimental dataset is made available at
A important function of an autonomous vehicle or advanced
driver assistance system (ADAS). Research works on pedes-
2) The multi-spectral data are aligned using trifocal tensor. It
trian detection are heavily depended on data, as different data is then possible to combine features from different sources
and methods may yield different evaluation results. The most and compare their performance.
commonly used sensor in data collection is a regular color cam- 3) A machine learning based algorithm is employed for
era, and many datasets have been built such as the INRIA person pedestrian detection by combining stereo vision and ther-
dataset [1] and the Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark [2]. mal images. Evaluation results show satisfactory perfor-
Thermal cameras have also been considered lately, and different mance.
methods of pedestrian detection were developed based on the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II pro-
thermal data [3]. It is worth investigating whether the methods vides a summary of related work. Section III describes our in-
developed from one type of sensor data are applicable to other strumental setup for data collection. In Section IV, we propose
types of sensors. A method may not work anymore since the a framework that combines stereo vision color cameras and a
nature of data has changes, e.g., finding certain hot objects by thermal camera for pedestrian detection using different feature
intensity value threshold on thermal image is not applicable to a extraction methods and classifiers. Performance evaluations are
presented in Section V, followed by further discussion in Sec-
tion VI and conclusions in Section VII.
Manuscript received February 15, 2018; revised June 9, 2018 and September
4, 2018; accepted November 27, 2018. Date of publication March 20, 2019;
date of current version May 22, 2019. This work was supported by the U.S. NSF
under Grant CNS-1626236. (Corresponding author: Xinming Huang.) II. RELATED WORK
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609 USA (e-mail:, There are many existing works on pedestrian detection.
[email protected]). The Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark [2] has been
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at widely used by the researchers. It contains frames from a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIV.2019.2904389 single vision camera with pedestrians annotated. Based on

2379-8858 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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the CVPR2015 snapshot of the results on the Caltech-USA were selected based on disparity, and HOG features were ex-
pedestrian benchmark, it was stated in [5] that at ∼ 95% recall, tracted from color, thermal and disparity images. Concatenated
the state-of-the-art detectors made ten times more errors than HOG features were then fed to radio basis function (RBF) SVM
the human-eye baseline, which is still a huge gap that calls for classifier to obtain the final decision. An indoor people detection
research attentions. Overall, the detector performance has been system using stereo vision cameras and a thermal camera was
improved as new methods were introduced in recent years. Tra- presented in [25]. Instead of trifocal tensor, 3D point cloud pro-
ditional methods such as Viola–Jones (VJ) [6] and Histogram of jection was used for image point registration between thermal
Oriented Gradients (HOG) [1] were often included as the base- and color images.
line. A total of 44 methods were listed in [7] for Caltech-USA For ADAS applications, pedestrian detection is often chal-
dataset, and 30 of them made the use of HOG or HOG-like fea- lenging because the camera is moving with the vehicle, and
tures. Channel features [8] and Convolutional Neural Networks the pedestrians are often very small on images due to the dis-
[9]–[11] also achieved impressive performance on pedestrian tance and image resolution. Several pedestrian detection re-
detection. The Convolutional Channel Features (CCF) [12], search works were summarized in [26], including the use of color
which combines a boosting forest model and low level features cameras and thermal cameras, as well as sensor fusion such as
from CNN, achieved as low as 19% log-average miss rate radar and stereo vision cameras. A benchmark for multi-spectral
(MR) on Caltech Pedestrian Detection Benchmark. Despite the pedestrian detection was presented in [27] and several methods
progressive improvement of detection results on the datasets, were analyzed. However, the color-thermal pairs were manually
color cameras still have many limitations. For instance, color annotated and it is unclear if any automatic point registration
cameras are sensitive to the lighting condition. Most of these algorithms were used. Furthermore, more sophisticated appli-
detection methods may fail if the image quality is impaired cations or systems can be built upon pedestrian detection, such
under poor lighting condition. as pedestrian tracking across multiple driving recorders [28] and
Thermal cameras can be employed to overcome some limita- crowd movement analysis [29].
tions of color cameras, because they are not affected by light-
ing condition. Several research works using thermal data for
pedestrian detection and tracking were summarized in [3]. Back- III. DATA COLLECTION AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
ground subtraction was applied in [13] for people detection,
since the camera was static. HOG features and Support Vec- A. Data Collection Equipment
tor Machine (SVM) were employed for classification [14]. A To collect on-road data for pedestrian detection, we design
two-layered representation was described in [15], where the still and assemble a custom test equipment rig. This design enables
background layer and the moving foreground layer were sepa- the data collection system to be mobile on the test vehicle as
rated. The shape cue and appearance cue were used to detect and well as maintaining calibration between data collection runs.
locate pedestrians. In [16], a window based screening procedure The completed system can be seen in Figure 1.
was proposed for potential candidate selections. The Contour The stereo vision cameras called ZED StereoLabs are cho-
Saliency Map (CSM) was used to represent the edges of a pedes- sen for providing color images as well as disparity informa-
trian, followed by AdaBoost classification with adaptive filters. tion. The ZED cameras can capture high resolution side-by-side
Assuming the region occupied by a pedestrian has a hot spot, video that contains synchronized left and right video streams,
candidates were selected based on thermal intensity value [17] and can create a disparity map of the environment in real-time
and then classified by a SVM. In addition, both Kalman filter using the graphics processing unit (GPU) in the host computer.
prediction and mean shift tracking were incorporated for fur- Furthermore, an easy to use SDK is provided, which allows
ther improvement. A new contrast invariant descriptor [18] was for camera controls and output configuration. In addition, the
introduced for far infrared images, which outperformed HOG on-board cameras are pre-calibrated and come with known in-
features by 7% at 10−4 FPPW for people detection. The Shape trinsic parameters. This makes image rectification and dispar-
Context Descriptor (SCD) was also used for pedestrian detection ity map generation easier. The rectified images and the dispar-
in [19], followed by AdaBoost classifier. The HOG features were ity map can be obtained by using the SDK, and point corre-
considered not suitable for this task because of the small size of spondence between the 2 stereo images can be calculated as
the target, variations of pixel intensities and lack of texture in- xlef t = xright − disparity(xright , y), where (xlef t , y) is the
formation. Probabilistic models for pedestrian detection in far point location in the left image, (xright, y) is the point location
infrared images was presented in [20]. The method in [21] found in the right image, and disparity() is the disparity value at the
the head regions at the initial stage, then confirmed the detection given location.
of a pedestrian by the histograms of Sobel edges in the region. The thermal camera is called FLIR Vue Pro, which is a long
Stereo vision can provide additional information such as dis- wavelengths infrared (LWIR) camera. The IR camera is an un-
parity map to better detect people in the frame. RGB-D cam- cooled vanadium-oxide microbolometer touting a 640 × 512
eras were used for indoor people detection or tracking in [22], resolution at a full 30 Hz and paired with a 13 mm germanium
[23], and stereo thermal cameras were used in [24] for pedes- lens providing a 45◦ × 35◦ field of view (FOV). This IR cam-
trian detection. and the image pixel registration was done using era has a wide −20◦ to 50◦ operation range which allows for
3D point cloud. The combination of stereo vision cameras and a rugged outdoor use. The thermal camera also provides Bluetooth
thermal camera was used in [4]. Trifocal tensor was used to align wireless control and video data recording via its on-board mi-
the thermal image with color and disparity images. Candidates croSD card as well as an analog video output.

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Fig. 2. Histogram of Sample Height.

An analog frame grabber is employed to capture the real-time

analog output of the IR camera instead of directly recording to
the on-board microSD card. It is to ensure proper synchroniza-
tion between the thermal camera and stereo vision cameras. With
Fig. 1. Instrumentation setup with both thermal and stereo cameras mounted analog frame grabber, we are able to precisely capture at 30 FPS.
on the roof of a vehicle. AVI files are generated using software provided along with the
frame grabber. These AVI files are then converted into image
sequences. The thermal images are synchronized with color im-
Both stereo vision and thermal cameras must remain fixed rel- ages by software timestamps, and manual correction during post
ative to each other for consistency of data collection. A threaded processing. We use this imperfect approach due to the limitation
rod is custom cut to length and each end is threaded into the of our instruments and/or APIs provided by the SDK. A more
respective cameras tripod mounting hole. This provides a rigid reliable approach is by using trigger-based synchronization, as
connection between the color and thermal cameras. An electri- described in [30].
cal junction box is utilized as an appropriately sized, water proof
box that provides high impact resistance. The top lid is replaced
with an impact resistant clear acrylic sheet such that the stereo B. Data Collection and Experimental Setup
vision cameras can be situated safely behind it. A circular hole is Our dataset is made available online at
cut into the top lid to accommodate for the thermal camera lens The data are collected while driving on
to fit through and mounted via the lens barrel. This is essential, city roads. Highway driving data are not collected since pedes-
as even clear acrylic would block most, if not all the IR spectrum trians are hardly seen on highways. A total number of 58 data
that is used by the thermal camera. sequences are extracted from approximately three hours of driv-
The mounting system is designed, modeled, and built utilizing ing on city roads across multiple days and lighting conditions.
aluminum extrusions. The entire structure is completely portable There are 4330 frames in total, in which a person or multiple
and can be mounted to any vehicle with a ski rack. The aluminum people are in clear view and un-occluded. Figure 2 shows the
extrusions can sit between the front and back ski rack hold- histogram of our sample height, which indicates that more than
downs. On the other hand, cable management is crucial in our half of the pedestrian samples in our dataset are less than 50
design as long cables are needed for communication between pixels in height, and that makes our dataset challenging. Each
the laptop inside the vehicle and the cameras on the roof. To frame contains the stereo color images, thermal image and dis-
avoid interference and safety issues, the cables must run down parity map. Since cameras have different angle of view and field
the back of the vehicle, through the trunk and into the vehicle of view, the 58 usable sequences are rather short, ensuring the
cabin, which needs approximately 20 feet of cable. This creates pedestrians are within the view of all cameras. Furthermore,
an issue for the ZED stereo vision cameras, as it operates on video frames without any pedestrians are not included in our
high speed USB 3.0 protocol that allows for a 10 feet maximum dataset. Currently, our dataset does not contain categorized sce-
length due to signal degradation and loss. To resolve this issue, narios such as sunny days, foggy days, etc. However, as more
an active USB extension cable is used. A total of four cables data becoming available, the dataset can be expanded to in-
terminated from the camera setup are wrapped together with clude those scenarios, and further analysis can be performed
braided cable sleeves to prevent tangling and ensure robustness. on it.

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x ↔ x ↔ x , there is a relation


[x ]× xi Ti [x ]× = 03×3 . (1)

One method to compute the trifocal tensor T is by using the

normalized linear algorithm. Given a point-point-point corre-
spondence x ↔ x ↔ x , there is a relation
xi xj xk jqs krt Tiqr = 0st
where 4 out of 9 equations are linearly independent for all
choices of s and t. The tensor ijk is defined for i, j, k = 1, . . . , 3
as follows:

⎪ unless i, j, k are distinct
+1 if ijk is an even permutation of 123

−1 if ijk is an odd permutation of 123
Therefore at least 7 point-point-point correspondences are
Fig. 3. Framework of the proposed pedestrian detection method. needed to compute the 27 elements of the trifocal tensor. The
trifocal tensor can be computed from a set of equations in the
form of At = 0, using the algorithm for least-squares solution
of a homogeneous system of linear equations.
Given the correct correspondence x ↔ x , it is possible to
A. Overview determine the corresponding point x in the third view without
Figure 3 shows the flowchart of our proposed pedestrian de- reference to image content. It can be denoted as xk = xi lj Tijk
tection method. Disparity data are generated from stereo color and can be obtained by using the trifocal tensor and fundamental
data. Thermal data are obtained from the thermal cameras and matrix F21 . The line l goes through x and is perpendicular to
reconstructed according to the point registration using trifocal le = F21 x. Both the trifocal tensor and fundamental matrix F21
tensor. By aligning data from multi-cameras, features can be can be pre-computed and only need to be computed once as
extracted from each sensor using the same window or region long as the placement of the cameras remains unchanged. An
of interests, which corresponds to the same real-world area or alternative method is epipolar transfer x = (F31 x) × (F32 x ).
object. Instead of concatenating the features of different data However, this method has a serious problem that it fails for all
sources and training a single classifier, feature extraction and points lying on the trifocal plane. Therefore, trifocal tensor is
classification are performed independently for each data source a practical solution for point registration. In our experiment,
before the decision fusion stage. The decision fusion stage uses trifocal tensor is estimated using a checkerboard. The pattern
the confidence scores of the classifiers, along with some ad- is made of different materials, making it visible in both color
ditional constraints to make the final decision. The proposed and thermal camera. Figure 4 shows the usage of trifocal tensor
detector system can be reconfigured using different feature ex- in aligning color and thermal images, including reconstructed
traction and classification methods, such as HOG with SVM or thermal camera frames using trifocal tensor, aligned to left.
CCF with AdaBoost. The decision fusion stage can utilize in-
formation from one or multiple classifiers. The performance of C. Sliding Windows vs. Region of Interest
different configurations can be evaluated and compared. There are two main methods to locate a pedestrian: sliding
window detection and Region of Interest (ROI) extraction. In
sliding window detection, it applies a small sliding window over
B. Trifocal Tensor the entire image, often in different scales, to perform an exhaus-
These three cameras have different angle of view and field of tive search. Each window is classified followed by some post-
view, making the point registration (pixel level alignment) essen- processing, such as bounding box grouping. The ROI extraction
tial to windowed detection method cross multi-spectral images. finds out the potential candidates first by some pre-processing
Simple overlay with fixed pixel offsets does not work because techniques such as color and pixel intensity to filter out negatives
every object has its own offset values depending on the distance from these candidates by using a classifier or some other con-
to camera. Therefore, trifocal tensor [4], [31] is used for pixel straints. It is often more efficient, as the number of candidates
level alignment over the color and thermal images. The trifocal is much less than the amount of sliding windows.
tensor T is a set of three 3 × 3 matrices that can be denoted For pedestrian detection, both ROI extraction and sliding win-
as {T1 , T2 , T3 } in matrix notation, or Tijk in tensor notation dow detection have been employed in the literature. The sliding
[31] with two contravariant and one covariant indices. The idea window detection method is an universal approach but is com-
of the trifocal tensor is that given a view point correspondence putationally expensive. On the other hand, ROI extraction is

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pedestrian samples in color images and corresponding thermal

images, where row 1 and 3 are color samples and corresponds
to thermal samples in row 2 and 4, respectively.
However, sliding window detection method also has its own
drawbacks, besides much higher computational cost. The total
number of windows in an images often reaches 105 or more.
Even a fair classifier with False Positives Per Window (FPPW)
of 10−4 would still result 10 False Positives Per Image (FPPI).
Since 2009, the evaluation metric has been changed from
FPPW to FPPI [7]. To solve this problem, many state-of-the-art
CNN-based classifier have been proposed in recent years. An
alternative approach is to combine information from additional
sensors. Our proposed approach of multi-spectral cameras is
along this line.

D. Detection
In this paper, we only compare the HOG and CCF methods
Fig. 4. Proper alignment of color and thermal images using trifocal tensor. for the task of pedestrian detection. The reason is explained in
Section VI-A. The HOG method used in this paper is based
on [1].
The HOG features have been widely used in object detec-
tion. It defines overlapped blocks in a windowed sample, and
cells within blocks. The histogram of the unsigned gradients of
several different directions are computed in all blocks, and are
concatenated as features. The HOG features are often combined
with SVM and sliding window method for detection on different
scaling levels.
At the training stage, the positive samples are manually la-
beled. The initial negative samples are randomly selected on
training images as long as they do not overlap with the positive
samples. All samples are scaled to a standard window size of
20 × 40 for training. The size of the minimum sample in our
data is 11 × 22. After the initial training, the detector is tested
on the training set and more false positives are added back to
the negative samples set. These false positives are often called
hard negatives and this procedure is often called hard negatives
Fig. 5. Examples of pedestrians in color and thermal images. mining. This procedure can be repeated for a few times until the
performance improvement becomes marginal.
Once the detector is trained, it is ready to perform detection on
often used for thermal images, because pedestrians are often hot- the test dataset and give a decision score for each window. Each
ter than the surrounding environment. The ROIs are segmented frame with original size of 640 × 480 is scaled into different
based on the pixel intensity values. However, we find that the ROI sizes. The detector with a fixed size of 20 × 40 is then applied to
extraction on thermal images does not always work well. The the scaled images to find pedestrians of various sizes at different
assumption that the pedestrians are hotter is not always true for locations in a frame.
various reasons. For instance, a pedestrian wearing heavy layers CCF uses low level features from a pre-trained CNN model,
of clothing does not appear with distinctively high pixel intensity cascaded with a boosting forest model such as Real AdaBoost
values in a thermal image, and thus a pedestrian can not be lo- [32] as a classifier. The lower level features from the first few
cated by simple morphological operations. As another example, CNN layers are considered generic descriptors for objects, which
the temperature of the road surface exposed to intense sunlight contain richer information than channel features. Meanwhile,
has higher temperature than the human bodies. Although false the boosting forest model replaces the remaining parts of CNN.
positives introduced by hot objects such as vehicle engines can Thus we avoid training a complete end-to-end CNN model for a
be filtered in later steps, the losses of true positives become a specific object detection application which would require large
serious problem. As a result, we feel the sliding window detec- resources of computation, storage and time. In our experiment,
tion method is more reliable in case of these complex scenarios. we apply similar settings as described in [12], except for the
The classifier can analyze the windowed samples thoroughly and parameters of the scales and number of octaves, in order to de-
make an accurate decision. Figure 5 shows some examples of our tect pedestrians far away that are as small as 20 × 40 pixels. The

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conv3 − 3 layer in VGG-16 model are used as feature extraction.

The windowed sample size is 128 × 64 instead of 20 × 40. The
feature dimension of the 20 × 40 sample is 1296. The training
samples of CCF are from the training stage of HOG, similar to
the method described in [12] which use aggregated channel fea-
tures (ACF) [33] to select training samples for CCF. Caffe [34]
is used for feature extraction of CCF on a GPU-based computer
platform. At the test stage, CCF method runs on the GPU plat-
form is considerably faster than the HOG method, but it requires
more memory and disk space for data storage.

E. Information Fusion
The idea of combing the information from color image, dis-
parity map and thermal data for decision making is referred as in-
formation fusion. One approach is to concatenate these features
together [4]. A single classifier can be trained on the concate-
nated features and the final decisions of the test instances can be Fig. 6. The relationship between the mean disparity and the height of an object.
obtained from the classifier. This approach has an disadvantage
that the classifier training becomes a challenge as the dimen-
sion of features increases. Furthermore, if a new type of feature
needs to be added or an existing feature needs to be removed,
the classifier need to be re-trained, which is time consuming.
An alternative approach of information fusion is to employ
multiple classifiers and an example can be found in [35]. Each
classifier makes decision on a certain type or subset of features
and the final result is obtained by using a decision fusion tech-
nique such as majority voting or sum rule [36]. This approach
has an advantage that the structure of a system is reconfigurable.
Without re-training the classifiers, adding or removing differ-
ent types of features becomes very convenient. Therefore, we
choose the later approach to make our system reconfigurable
so that it evaluates various settings and methods. Specifically,
an SVM is used at the decision fusion stage and its inputs are
confidence scores from classifiers in the previous stage, which
is more appropriate than commonly used statistical decision fu-
sion method in the case of multi-source data [37], [38]. The data
Fig. 7. Performance of different input data combinations, all using HOG
from different sources are often not equally reliable, and so are features.
the classifiers. The confidence scores must be weighted when
obtaining the final decision from information fusion.
Object beyond that distance results zero disparity, which makes
F. Additional Constraints the estimation for small size samples inaccurate.
2) Road Horizon: During detection, a few reasonable as-
1) Disparity-size: Besides the extracted features from an im-
sumptions can be made to filter out more false positives while
age frame, additional constraints can be incorporated into the de-
retaining the true positives. The assumptions vary depending
cision fusion stage to further improve the detector performance.
on the application, including color, shape, position, etc. One
An example is the disparity-size relationship. Figure 6 shows
assumption here is that pedestrians stand on the road, i.e., the
the disparity and height relationship of the positive

samples in
lower bound of a pedestrian must below the road horizon. The
the form of a linear regression line d = h 1 × B , where d is
road horizon can be automatically detected in an image. This
mean disparity, h is the height of the sample, and B is a 2 × 1
kind of simple constraint may or may not improve the detector
coefficient matrix. Given a pair of mean

dˆ and height
performance, and experiments should be carried out to deter-
ĥ of a sample, the residual r = |dˆ − ĥ 1 × B| can be used to
mine its effectiveness.
estimate whether this sample is possibly a pedestrian or not.
From Figure 6 we can see a number of samples have very
small mean disparity and are far below the regression line. This is
because the disparity information is not accurate when an object There are a total of 58 labeled video sequences in our dataset.
is far away from camera. In fact, the stereo vision camera we We use 39 of them for training and the remaining 19 for test.
use automatically clamps the disparity value at certain distance. Figure 7 shows the performance of different settings, including

Authorized licensed use limited to: MKSSS CUMMINS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOR WOMEN. Downloaded on January 08,2022 at 13:41:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

image performs very well. However, it is interesting to see the

disparity does not provide any improvement when combined
with color or thermal. In fact, combing with disparity results
lower performance. This is due to the fact that CCF implemen-
tation accepts 8-bit image as input, thus the precision of the dis-
parity is not accurate. In comparison, CCF outperforms HOG
almost on all settings except for disparity. The best performance
comes from CCF with the combination of color and thermal,
which achieves 9% log-average MR. Similarly, we also attempt
to add disparity-size information and road horizon constraint to
the CCF method, but the performance changes are negligible,
possibly because the CCF method is already performing very
well at 9% log-average MR.

A. Why HOG and CCF?
Fig. 8. Performance improvement by adding disparity-size and road horizon
constraints. While there are more advanced deep learning networks that
have better performance on Caltech-USA dataset, we only com-
pare the HOG and CCF methods for the task of pedestrian de-
tection for the follow reasons:
1) The HOG method was always included as a baseline in
Caltech-USA dataset. Among 44 methods reported on the
Caltech-USA dataset [7], 30 of them employed HOG or
HOG-like features.
2) The CCF achieved good performance on Caltech-USA
dataset. The idea of combining low level CNN feature
and a boosting forest model avoids training a CNN from
end to end, which requires huge amount of data and is
time consuming. The advantage of CCF is especially ob-
vious in this paper, when our dataset is relatively small,
and different combinations of features are used as input
data. Training different versions of CNN to find the best
combination can be done when more data become avail-
able in the future.
3) The goal of this paper is to investigate the combination of
Fig. 9. Performance of different input data combinations, all using CCF. multi-spectral cameras and its improvement on pedestrian
detection. We publicize our dataset, so other researchers
can continue this study to discover many better solutions
disparity map, color image, thermal data, and their combina- in the future.
tions, all based on HOG features. Generally, the more types of
information are used, the better performance is achieved. The
B. How to Interpret the Results?
disparity-only setup performs the worst. The color image only is
better, followed by the combination of color and disparity. Note As shown in Figure 9 and explained in Section V, the best
that the thermal-only setup outperforms the combination of color performance is achieved when combining color and thermal
and disparity. The heat signature of pedestrians seems more rec- data, and introducing disparity as additional feature does not
ognizable in thermal images. The combination of color, thermal improve the performance. However, this does not mean the dis-
and disparity information achieves the best performance, with parity information is useless, nor stereo vision is unnecessary.
about 36% log-average miss rate. As described in Section IV-B, trifocal tensor must be employed
Figure 8 shows the performance of the HOG features, added to align the thermal and color data, which requires disparity
with disparity-size information and road horizon constraint. The information. It is impossible to align the color data with the
road horizon improves the log-average MR by about 5%. De- thermal data using a single color camera and a single thermal
spite little improvement provided by adding the disparity-size camera, because the entire image cannot be transformed using
information alone, the combination both provides nearly 7% point matching techniques due to the difference of color and
improvement in log-average MR. thermal data in nature.
Figure 9 shows the performance of different settings us- On the other hand, the performance is still highly depen-
ing CCF. Performance of disparity only is the worst. Thermal dent on the instrument. Our thermal camera has a resolution

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In this paper, a novel pedestrian detection instrumentation
is designed using both thermal and RGB-D stereo cameras.
Data are collected from on-road driving and an experimental
dataset is built with pedestrians labeled as ground truth. A re-
configurable multi-stage detection framework is proposed. Tri-
focal tensor is used to align data from multiple cameras. It is
then possible to combine features from different sources and
compare their performance. Both HOG and CCF based de-
Fig. 10. A pedestrian is embedded in the shadow of a color image.
tection methods are evaluated using the multi-spectral dataset
with various combinations of thermal, color, and disparity in-
formation. The experimental results show that CCF signifi-
cantly outperforms the HOG features. The combination of color
and thermal images using CCF method results the best per-
formance of 9% log-average miss rate. For the future work,
other advanced feature extraction and classification methods
will be considered to further improve the pedestrian detector

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