Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure
Pressure in Fluids and Atmospheric Pressure
1. Define thrust. Thrust is equivalent to one physical quantity. Name that physical quantity.
Thrust is the force acting normally on a surface. Weight.
2. A body is first placed on the surface of an object. It now makes an angle of 45 0 with the
surface. How will the thrust change?
No change.
3. Is thrust a scalar or vector quantity?
4. Write the S.I. and C.G.S. unit of thrust? How are the two units of thrust related to each
S.I. : newton (N) ; C.G.S. : dyne ; 1 N = 10 5 dyne
5. Write the gravitational unit of thrust in M.K.S. and C.G.S. system. Write the relation between
gravitational unit of thrust in M.K.S. and S.I. unit. How are they related in C.G.S. unit?
1kgf = 9.8 N and 1 gf = 980 dyne.
6. How is the effect of thrust expressed? Name the factor on which the effect of thrust
depends. Explain with an example.
The effect of thrust is expressed in terms of thrust per unit area ( Pressure = Thrust/ Area =
F/A) .
The effect of thrust depends on the area of surface on which it acts ( less on large area, more
on small area). Example : When we lie on sand, thrust acts on a bigger area and bosy does
not sink into the sand. If we stand , thrust acts on a smaller area, body sinks, though thrust
(weight ) exerted on the sand in both cases is the same.
7. State and define the S.I. unit of pressure.
S.I. unit of pressure is newton/ metre 2 (Symbol: N/m2) or pascal (Symbol : Pa)
Pascal : One pascal is the pressure exerted on a surface of area 1m 2 by a force of 1 N acting
normally on it.
8. Write the gravitational and C.G.S. unit of pressure.
Gravitational : kgf / m2 ( if area is in m2) ; gf / cm2 ( if area is in cm2)
C.G.S. : dyne / cm2
9. How are the C.G.S. and S.I. unit of pressure related?
1 N/m2 = 10 dyne / cm2 OR 1 dyne / cm2 = 0.1 N/m2
10. How is bar and millibar related to N/m 2
1 bar = 105 N /m2 1 millibar = 10-3 bar = 102 N/m2
11. How do you express atmospheric pressure? What do you mean by 1 atmosphere.
Atmospheric pressure is expressed in terms of height of mercury column in the barometer.
At normal temperature and pressure, the barometric height is 0.76 m of Hg ( or 76cm of
mercury or 760mm of mercury) at sea level which is taken as 1 atmosphere.
12. Atmospheric pressure is expressed in unit atmosphere (symbol atm) . What is the
relationship between 1 atmosphere and pascal.
1 atmosphere = 0.76m of Hg = 76 cm of Hg = 760 mm of Hg = 1.013 x 10 5 Pa
13. Express the relationship between torr and other units of atmosphere.
1 torr = 1mm of Hg ; 1 atm = 760 torr.
14. What are the factors affecting the pressure on a surface?
i. Area on which thrust is applied. ii. The magnitude of thrust.
15. For a given thrust, how can you increase the pressure on a surface?
Reducing the surface area on which it is acting.
16. Ends of nails are pointed and cutting tools have either sharp or pointed edges.
Large pressure is exerted through pointed / sharp ends ( less area) . Less effort required to
drive nails inside walls/ cut using knife.
17. For a given thrust, how will you reduce the pressure on a surface?
By increasing the surface area.
18. Give reasons: (a) Wooden sleepers are placed below the railway tracks. (b) The foundations
of building are made wider.
(a) So that pressure exerted by the iron rails on ground becomes less. [ write area pressure
(b) Pressure exerted by building on ground becomes less [ P-A relation]
19. What is a fluid?
Any substance that can flow. Example: liquids and gases.
20. In which direction is the pressure applied on a surface by (a) a solid and (b) a liquid?
Solid exerts pressure only on the surface on which it is placed , but a fluid contained in a
vessel exerts pressure at all points and in all directions.
21. Experimentally demonstrate that a fluid exerts pressure at all points and in all directions.(pg
22. What happens to the liquid pressure as the depth of the pressure increases from its free
The liquid pressure increases.
23. Write the factors affecting the pressure at a point in a liquid.
i. Depth of the point below the free surface (h)
ii. Density of the liquid (ρ)
iii. Acceleration due to gravity
24. Show that the total pressure in a liquid at a depth h = Atmospheric pressure + pressure due
to liquid column = P0 + hρg
25. Write two factors on which the pressure inside a liquid does not depend.
i. The shape and size of the vessel in which the liquid is contained.
ii. The area of surface on which it acts.
26. Write the laws of liquid pressure.
i. Inside the liquid, pressure increases with the increase in depth from its free surface.
ii. In a stationary liquid, pressure is same at all points on a horizontal plane.
iii. Pressure is same in all directions about a point inside a liquid.
iv. Pressure at same depth is different in different liquids. It increases with the increase
in density of liquid.
v. A liquid seeks its own level.
27. Give reasons:
i. The pressure at a certain depth in sea water is more than that at the same depth in
river water.
ii. The wall of a dam is made thicker at the bottom.
iii. Water supply tank is placed high.
iv. Driver’s suit
v. As the gas bubble formed at the bottom of a lake rises, it grows in size.
28. State Pascal’s law
The pressure exerted anywhere in a confined liquid is transmitted equally and undiminished
in all directions throughout the liquid.
29. If the pressure at one point in a confined liquid is increased, what will happen to the
pressure at some other point in the liquid?
The pressure at other point must increase by the same amount so that the pressure
difference between the two points remain the same.
30. Experimentally demonstrate Pascal’s law. [pg 86]
31. Write the principle of hydraulic machine.
A small force applied on a smaller piston is transmitted to produce a large force on the
bigger piston. [ F2 = F ] , where A1 = area of smaller piston; A2 = area of bigger
A1 1
piston. Thus, a hydraulic machine acts as a force multiplier.
32. Prove: Hydraulic machines act as a force multiplier. [pg 86]
33. Give three examples of hydraulic machines.
Hydraulic jack (lift), hydraulic press and hydraulic brakes.
34. Define atmosphere.
The envelop of air surrounding the earth is called atmosphere.
35. Define atmospheric pressure.
The thrust exerted per unit area on the earth surface due to column of air, is called
atmospheric pressure on the surface of earth.
36. The weight of air column over 1 cm2 area on earth’s surface is nearly 1kgf. Calculate the
atmospheric pressure on earth’s surface in S.I. unit. [g = 10m/s 2 ]
1 kgf / cm2 = 10 N / 10 -4 m2 = 105 N m-2
37. The average surface area of human body is about 2 m 2. Calculate the total thrust exerted by
the atmosphere on our body.
Thrust exerted per square metre = 10 5 N. Hence, thrust acting on 2m2 = 2 x 105 N on our
38. Why are we not aware of this enormous thrust?
The pressure of our blood balances it.
39. Nose bleeding occurs at high altitude. Why?
At high altitude, the atmospheric pressure becomes less as the height of air column above
that altitude is less than at the earth’s surface. So, at high altitudes the blood pressure
becomes much more than the atmospheric pressure and nose bleeding may occur due to
excess blood pressure.
40. In the collapsing can experiment the can collapses inward when cold water is poured over it.
Initially the pressure due to steam inside the heated can is same as the air pressure outside
the can. On pouring cold water over the can, fitted with a stopper, the steam inside the can
condenses, producing water and water vapour at a very low pressure. Now the air pressure
outside the can exceeds the vapour pressure inside the closed can. Consequently, the excess
atmospheric pressure outside the can causes it to collapse inwards.
41. Explain : Sucking a drink with a straw; Filling a syringe with a liquid; Filling of ink into a
fountain pen; Action of rubber suckers; Action of a siphon system; Taking out oil from a
sealed oil can
42. What is a barometer?
An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. (3 types: Simple, Fortin’s and
43. Write the uses of barometer.
i. Measure the atmospheric pressure at a place.
ii. Weather forecasting
iii. As an altimeter to measure the height.
44. Why does the atmospheric pressure decrease with altitude?
i. Decrease in height of air column which causes a linear decrease in the atmospheric
ii. Decrease in density of air which causes a non-linear decrease in atmosphere.
45. Why is there a decrease in density of air with altitude?
Since the lower layers of air get compressed due to the weight ( or thrust) of the upper
layers, therefore, the density of air layers is more near the earth surface and decreases as
we go higher and higher.
46. Why is the decrease mentioned in question 46 not linear?
Since the decrease in density of air is rapid at low altitude ( near the sea level) and is slow at
higher altitude.
47. Graphically represent the variation in atmospheric pressure with altitude.[fig. 4.22, pg 100]
48. A fountain pen leaks at high altitude.
Normally a fountain pen filled with ink contains some air which is at a pressure equal to the
atmospheric pressure on the earth’s surface. When the pen is taken at an altitude, the
atmospheric pressure at this altitude is low, so the excess pressure due to air inside the
rubber tube forces the ink to leak out.
49. How does the change in atmospheric pressure helps us to know about the weather in
The density of air changes with the change in temperature and water vapour present in it.
The density of air decreases with increase in temperature ad also with increase in the
amount of moisture present in it ( the density of moist or humid air is less than the density
of dry air). Hence, the atmospheric pressure ( or barometric height ) gradually decreases as
the temperature or the presence of moisture increases. Thus, the change in atmospheric
pressure helps us know about the weather in advance.
50. What does a sudden fall in barometric height indicate?
The pressure at that place has suddenly decreased which indicates the coming of a storm or
51. What does the gradual fall in barometric height indicate?
Moisture is increasing, i.e. there is a possibility in rain.
52. What does a gradual increase in barometric height indicate?
Moisture in air reducing and dry air is coming.
53. Sudden rise in barometric height?
The flow of air from that place to other surrounding low -pressure areas. Extremely dry
weather expected.
54. No abrupt change in barometric height?
Atm pressure normal, i.e. weather remains unchanged.
55. What is an altimeter?
An aneroid barometer that is used in an aircraft to measure its altitude.
56. A barometer measures the atmospheric pressure. How can it be used to determine the
altitude of place above the sea level?
Since atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in height above sea level. Its scale is
calibrated in terms of height of ascent with height increasing towards left as the atm
pressure decreases with increase of height above sea level.