Banking DTQ

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BAN KIN G LAW and Nig otia ble

1. Wh at is Neg otia ble inst rum ents , and its kind s

2. What is the diffe renc e betw een Prom isso ry Note and Che
3. Men tion diffe ren ce betw een Bill of Exc han ge and a che que
4. If a che que issu ed aga inst con side rati on is bou nce
con sequ en ces d, wha t 1s the crim inal law
5. Wh at are the diffe ren t type s of neg otia tion
6. Wri te the esse ntia l elem ents of prom isso ry note
7. Wh at are diff eren ce type of end orse men t
8. Wh at is sect ion 138 of the neg otia ble inst rum ents act ?
wha t is its prov isio n
9. Wh at are the righ ts of a hold er in due cou rse
10. Def ine foreign bill of exch ang e
11. Def ine "Pro mis sory Not e"."cfqcrtfil~" lllfi Jl~~clllMITT>1Eil
12. Wh at is "Ind orse men t"? "1~6icficrt" ;Ft,; 0 1"'cfillt ?
13. Wh at is the m ean ing of "bea rer inst rum ent" and "ord
er inst rum ent" ?"tl H 0 ftq,1q; "
3fTful" "~~ ft q ~cfi" <lf irr ~?
14. Wri te any thre e reas ons for dish ono ur of a
che que . Uoi la~rrmJi a-1 1~{61 Olf Iift ch1°1c-t~~(iicrlcf,l{rrl~~I .
15. Wh o is "ho lder in due cou rse" ?"~ " ch1°1Jtffrfl ?
I b. \\' n tr HJW ti
.:-ii ~ . 1ree pom \ s of d1st 111c tion be t\vee11 Bil l o f l•,X( hnngf' ;.i 11< I C lwqu c .
~~ ' J ~n:m:rtfl i-l 4i{ tj,\ i)q-;'1vi rl ~ n"l.-1 J4 {f<::i (; I.
Ir W . ,
.. ~ ' n ip Lhe m eanin g of ·' rn s trume nls n egotii'\ble b, n1storn '
JRrcn q { q ~ 0h1c-1.rre;,;i:i-JHM I fl q ,1 &, · ~ J f ' ~.
· What is a ccepta n ce of bill of exc ha n ge? "~.ti.J1ffacf>c1~ " J-(;DiJlcf>i lP
19 ~
· State th e rules of c alc ulati n g d a te ofJ matunt ·
:y of A n egotrnb lc ins\rum cn1 .
~f;TT-i q ~<hi <-4 IJ.ic,rl qrfl iJ 1R;.-1icfifa'l~ rlcf>{ Dll lisl lislrl ilf.-lll J4f'A(;I.
J "
o. What is "crossin g of ch e qu e s· ?"~~lld {@i cf>.-1 ' .J..(;D l"'cf>l4 ?
I. Explain th e salien t feature s of the Rrin king Regu lations /\c t - 19 <
22 19 . in br ief.
• Diffe r e ntiate bet\\ ee n promis so~ note a nd bill of exch Ange
23. Write a short n ote on Differe nt types o f Deposit s.
24. Explain the featun> s o f a negotia ble in stn1me nl.
25 . Expla in Ban ke r as Borrow e r .
26 . Explain Resen•e Bank as a lender of last resort.
27. State the .quaJificc:.t1ons for t h e appoint me nt of as a "presidi ng
RecoYe ry Tribu n al . officer" of Debt
28. What is "ban k rate· under Reser,e Bank of India Act.
29 . Write a Brief note on SEBl
30. Wha l is cash resen·e ratio under U1e RBI Ac t.

2 1. ol~• lf;i 4J.i.-lcfilclc. l - ! ~ ' t l ~ ~ < i hcf41i'H-ll.lll.

22 . ~~I 4i Qd-,H 't) -.'1 Alti q:;{ cf cf,{ Id, Idd10041 Qcfil { t-41 M'i cl{ Qcfi\.).) t'1 t'1 q ffi'(;T.
2 3.
24. ~
1-,•11 I <i(lisl c-l$.,..-~,...' C. -J0 la
.. ,...... ,.,.......--'\...,,,. ....,.,...~
~ I ti.~ Jfq ll.::_d-{ i.

25. i¥<fifr11cfi-.,lc. JH1;... ~41o?+i t' I

26. "
fi$1 ¢f.dcfifh)ac.Sa:J2. fl"f '' . . . ~;-i ~-' 1q-1(1i•, _
27. " '
if>..,.\ a1A'J;;:..Q 1.:i 1ft:a-. ·- · y"Jot+i"l < 1 - ~ ~ -
28. !)$-lc.i;i<h~IQ,sl1"';;: •-';~ --f< ~ ~ ,-t-01"-la-m ?
. ..:
29 . SEBI d(C1a-:t1ffiCi-1-kfr;ft
30. RBI <hl~c ..Jt.·m Fi.:i.:.:.• 11'!~, a9..., 101a:1.; ~-t
.) '

31. Pro,·1~1011:- o f RBI ,\ r 1 r-r l.a t ll'lg 10 th r ro rnpos1t111n o f thE' Ct: ntrnl Flm1rd
32. Prov1s1o n:. rclA1 1,n11 to d1.sqmth fx .ilt 1Qn~ Qf d 1rrc to rs of the Ccntrul
Board .
33. Meetm Rs o f the C l"l1t1al l~:ud
34 . Kin ds of b u smc-,.i. RBI 1r. n o t ,1u thnn~d lo ltM\Mc- t .
35. Name the core lun c1101H, o f kB!
36. Obhga 11ons o f the- RBI I n::s pcct of On e:- l'\lf'Ce c:0 10~.
37. Wha t is c r i:-d11 m fonn ,111o n ?
38. Reserve Fund .
39 . Define Money marktt m strumen 1.!i.
40. Section 5 3 weekly returns .
41. Cash rese rve ratto .
42. Differen ce between CRR & SLR. ...
43. Deman d liabiliti es & Time Liabiliti es.
44. Qualifi cation o f Chairm an of a banking company . ...
45. Prohibi tion of commo n director s.
46. Power of the RBI to a ppoint addition al director s.
47 . Prohibi tion on tradin g by banks.
48. Restrict ion on paymen t of dividend by bankin g companitiZ!..
49. ReseTVe fund of a banking compan y. .......
50. Restrict ions on loans & advance s.
51. Restric tion on power to rem it debt!l. ~
52. Licen s ing of ban ks and bronches.
53. Licensin g bonks under Bnnkin s rcg ulotion Ac t. .......
54. Return of un clflimc:rl deposit s.
55. Depositors educa11o n & i\wnrco r s ~ fund . ........
56. Winding up by the l li~h Coun: of Bnnkin ~ Comp~n ir s
57 . Compro mi !le or nrrnnRcmc:n t whh crctlitnr s . ~

58. Nomina l ,on for dc po11il!l & 9nfc depo9lt lorl<r111 .
59. Define n Co opcrouv r Of\nl< 11n!lrr RDI Ar r, \ (),1.;
60. Del1nll t(lll or b1111k('I ~ l,uOK!'i m,drr llt t [l('il\krt r1 l\11111,,.. ol l~l'l(lt- tn.
\ ,· L I
.. -

De bt s du e to Ba nk s & Fin a n c ial In sti tu tio ns Ac t ,

61 . De fin e Ba nk un de r Re co ,·e ry
19 93 .
co ve ry of De bt s du e to Ba nk s & Fi na nc ial In sti tu tio n
62 . S ec ure d c re di to r un de r Re
Ac t, 19 9 3.
63 . De bt Re co ve ry Tr ibu na l
un al.
64 . De bt Re co ve ry & Ap pe JJa te Tr ib
65 . Pr om iss or~v no te.
ge .
66 . In gre di e nt s of a bil ls of ex ch an
67 . Bi lls in se ts.
68 . Dr a\\:ee in ca se of ne ed . E] ec tro ni c fo rm .
ca ted ch eq ue & Ch eq ue in an
69 . Tr un
70 . M ark ed ch eq es .
71 . Sp ec ial cr os sin g a ch eq ue .
ch eq ue ?
72 . W ha t is co un ter m an di ng of a
73 . Ga rn jsh ee or de rs .
74 . W ha t is pa ym en t in du e co ur se
75 . Ho lde r in du e co ur se .
76 . In ch oa te sta m pe d in str um en ts.
77 . Am bi gu ou s in str um en ts.
78 . Fa cu 1ta tiv e en do rse me nt .
79 . En do rse m en t in bl an k.
BO. Ne go tia tjo n Ba ck .
en t.
81 . Ma tu rit y of a ne go tia bl e in str um
82. Wha t is m at er ia l alt er ati on .
D i sc ha rge of pa rti es by op er
ati on of La \v.
83 . fo r sig ht .
84 . Pr es en tm en t of a pr om iss or y no te
85 . No tin g an d pr otes t.
86 . SEBJ Fu nc tio ns .
87 . Who appoin ts the auditor s of the RBI and is there a mmrm um numbe r of
auditor sto be appoin ted for the RBI under the RBI Act?
~3il4" t,4I ~ ~ 19.fta=tchl ~lo-lcH Olchch) 0 Icf>{83flfut3i I{~13-i I .Qchl .ac;_ll H3i H 6113i I .Q.fii8\\"4,J..t icrt3ilffic:-A~

cH ~'1i lc'lci41tSf ltSf ~c1 <c1~3i

.:, l6cf>I?
88. Write a fact and the princip le laid down 1n this Shiva Bhai Zaverb hai Patel v.
R~serve Bank of India ~l£;,-l lq{~l$ 9t&ifc l.
~ ~ c~J'chJil Cf,$ fs;a I J-1 t~ Q fe; ~ ~ fi ,.Q}i I ful ci c-c-q Q $1.
89. If Mr. 'X' is a directo r of a bankin g compa ny, can he be appoin ted as a directo r of
anothe r bankin g compan y? If yes, under what provisi on of the Bankin g Regula tion Act?

~ ..-rl-"T""" T-Y-TTT" ::Tr"TTTT ~l-±--~-rr- ~rrn-=-n-- r::r~.......,. .~~--,-...... ..--...+-!--. ..-

c1 {,.al~ llrl J~ J Ict19 ai~ it Ifi it I ~ cf> J--e, 0 lei--! fcA ":1~a cf, { (i I~$ N cf> l ? •Q~fi'
Q:@ I<;_.Q l Jfch J !ch 9 a=fl it I ti it!~ cfi.3-1 ,H N

-if {6).Q, ci{isifchJ I fa-14J-laicfil4~lllci~ &icf>1 Olf<.1 lci{ci~~ I c41.:ffit?

' .:,
90. What is the mode of proof of entries in the Banke r's Books Eviden ce Act?
isich{ "t.Qlqfcic
fiq {I ci,J-TRl fcA.aJ-l lcil <4 SI fa ~Cl q{I q 1~041 it I cfil .Q c;i cfil :,.3TT6?
~ .:,
91. Does a Tribun al establi shed under the Recove ry of Debts Due to Banks and
Financi al Institu tions Act has the power to pass interim order?
isich I q fa c-c:fl .Q ti~ I cf> 14 ~.QI
J-1.:,~cfi "11 "t.l~ q ti.:,N"'i 3-i ci i1 ci ~ I q ai ~ c-l c--..Q Icr-41.Q I ju ch{ 011 a 3i a~ cH~ I q I~ a ch { 0 .[I I
W.3TTUchl{3i l~cfil 4?
92 · Mr. X execute - · • th e followin • g fo rm . I prom1s · e to .pay a sum of
Rs ' s a p1om1ssory note m .
. 10 , 0 00 a ft er three months. Dec id e whether th e pro mi ssory n ote is a valid promissory
note. mC!cfti'j,©i4lhiAJ-Jt.i1 qi:.1o14~isl01lclrl ' J.flJI.-J.1-1ff .-ll ia1rl{2;6i6vl ,n, q.Q~Ul! IUqi-lai~& qi:.lai4 ~crl'lc:,
~ Jmif;io-i i~rl 6 Nt
93. 'B' obta · A' . ,, h 1 I·t a hold er
ii d ms s acceptan ce to a bill by fraud . '8' inclorse s it to 'C w O ta (es as f 'A '?
, ue course. 'C ' en dorses the bill to 'D' who knows the fra ud . Can 'D' recove r ram ~•

~ ln{-iqD lch'i.-lRIC'lltl '3-f' ~lfcllcficiil,l lCrlcfifrlT. ' 'a'I°' t

" (. ci' '
~a-lcfi{rl31 <1'1a<1cla~'kllltl'tll{cf, J.-f,O fo1 Elc'l. 'Bl' ETIC::lwlltc.llcH 1(f;c'ft~ ,g'r' <-!IRii4R.5l{cfi{ . 3-f
m.r., ..,i,,., q ( , ~ "
" 51 :/1',11Crl(;l.3>~1Cf>('1 r' '
94. 'X' sell
. s a
TV , , .
to M, a mmor, who pays for it by his chequ e: en
. . x dorses the cheque to 'Y
. s the le a]
who 111 turn endorses it in favor of 'Z'. The chequ e is dishonored . Discus~ ~ ,
position . 'Q<R,' 'VJ.-f' ;;:rrcnunJl <"q q lll.-1 .1-t i4 IC'l kll I1:-ll I~~q I ~~ it ~3i.-l t) c.g'ifc!cfirlT ·
::-n-e~Tr.;tiTTTQ~ ., i;,. cfi_,rl..,,.$1.,,.,1c4=1.3TT6' ·
~ TJR=---llcf....,.1
'~ 1Y"11C,~11 '-<~"1"-1"1Cf>\"1v<11o1,<11-ti •~• 1:-ll lisl l.5loiJ-l la-llrl lf?.l'if. '-
~~- nd
95 · Write a fact and the principle laid down in this B. Mohan Krishna v. Union of I ia
~ .1-tl 6o1 't ISO II Rl {>is; 3-l I{cil ll fi t11 c1 fil ~ i4 <4 ·i kll JI Iful i•hq f<%T . .h
96. 'X', a major , a nd 'M' a minor executed a promissory note in favor of 'P'. aliE~d~tyinefwithte
' ' A t the v i o
reference to the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments c ' ~...,,...,.,--r= ~~ ,
' ' ' ' ' 'X' d 'M ' 'i:rcRl' Qcf,qljt<'fi ,.j1IIUI '1:!J1'
promissory note and whether 1t is bmdmg on an · '
~J1("4a.ti1a-1.:ttit ™' er 'C,TJ-1'~ '' 1:-ll 1csl 13la-lcli:.1.-JR.c>1c=:fl.-1k3-im~-
3-fTfut 'Q'J=f'
~ Qisl C"l$.-H RC::.fiCJcfc'.tlllrl{c1ei
..:> ... .:, '
qi:.J.-14 ~ i·cMUrlT.3-Tffuicl ''QcRl'
~ J 1 l~cfi'l.-ll~lll-i1e,3-l 1rlrl41.flU~cfi{I. ~ .
97. Explain in detail the kinds of endorsement. lf_.s6icfi.-JUQcfil{rlY ~fti4alrnlJII ·
th customer.
98 . Explain the difference between banker and e
~JI Ifu'I d) I6 cfill i1:-<1 Icil C'l Cfi{ cfitl .1-1 "1 iaII.
99. Classify the forms of cheque. ~IUSlcfil{qJ~<):irlcfi{I.
100 . What is the difference between cheque and Bill of exchange?
~~rn lfu'I fctq ~fctf.:i.1-ill q ~ ll lrl lf>{cf,cfi{I .
101. Discuss in detail about the role ofSEBI..flJltlll~4icslt<>lBRlh'Hilil'lcfi{I.
102. Discuss about the Reasonable Time under N.I. Act. 'Q'a-f. 3-fl'<l . ~
cl I"1 d)cfil a5csl ct.i-l i:.l i:.l'icfi{I.
103. Discuss in detail about the Promissory Note. cli:.1.-lRla1csltC'lBRlh'Hilil~cfi{I.

104 . Discuss about winding up of Banking Company. csTFci,a1cfi4o11Uf1.l-tl4.-lisl<c.i-lilil~cfi{I.

105. Discuss about the Inland and Foreign Bills. 300~3-llfu'lfcl?;~ftfclq~isl<c.c>lilil~cfi{I.

106. .,
Discuss about the Banker's Books Evidence Act, 1891. cslcfi~islcfiQfcl;sa-fiQcfc

107. What is Promissory Note? cli:.l.-l9~J.-$ 0 1,:,)cfi1ll?

108. What is Hundi? .,~s9JJ.-$ 0 1"1cfilll?

109 . What happens if a cheque is post dated? ~lairl{~"lrllfl.@R.("<41flcfilll6M?
110. Explain Bill of Exchange in brief. f.rn311lf>QcfB=ti-:iitjJscflllrlfiia11.
111. Describe the types of crossing. sfiiR1Jl'tlSlcfil{qD~a-\cfi{I.
112. Describe Banker's Bank in your words. ~~lisc.lrlatcfi{csl&i'tlao~.-Jcfi{I.
113. Who is sole authority for issue of currency in India?
:Hl{rllrli:.l C"lai I.fl 181 Qcfi.1-11 ~Jfiucfil{cfi)UII C'l 13-ITP.
114. BANKING REGULATION ACT,1949 is not applicable to whom?
115. "What is SEBI n'l1111.q;o1,:,)cfi1l1'·
116. "Explain dishonour of cheque in brief. ~Jlfq1tfatjJscflllrlflia11."
117. State five functions of Reserve Bank of India.
,, 118. State any five restrictions on the activities of a Banking Company. The banking
company -acquires a company. for failure to repay the loan-due to bank . Is it within its
power to run the company in view of restriction on its activities u/ s 9 of the Act?
119. How the term REPO and REVERSE REPO is defined in section 45U of the RBI
Act? Explain briefly.
to a
120. What is the definitio n of BRANCH and a BRANCH OFFICE in relation
Banking Compan y?
121. Mr X is a Director of a Banking Compan y; can he be appointe d as director
y ? If ye s , under what provisio n of the Banking Regulati on
another Banking Compan
122. Define a promiss ory note and bill of exchang e and distingu ish between them
Define cheques as containe d in section 6 of The Negotiab le Instrum ent Act 1881
cheques and Bill of Exchang e . Mr X has drawn a
and state briefly differen ces between
and handed over to you and asked you to deposit
crossed cheques on 1" May 2021

.Please state
cheques at the earliest date in your account so that it is not invalida ted
the latest guidelin es of RBI in this regard
124. Name any six presump tions as to Negotiab le Instrum ent.
125. What is crossed cheques ? Mr X wants that payee of his cheques should deposit
account ,
the cheques issued by him to the payee in the same bank where Mr X has
this task ? What is special crossing and double crossing .
How he can accompl ish
purpose of special crossing and double crossing . .
Answer very brief1 the
10. What 1s grace period? How many drys grace days are allowed? Which
le to
Negotiab le instrum ents are subject to grace period facility? Is grace period applicab
sight. The Bill of
cheques also? Mr X draws bill of exchang e payable after 30 days after
ent become s
Exchang e was accepted on 1st May 2021. State the date when instrum
127. SEBI Functions,H$/-q1ct,J4
128. ingredients of a bills of excha nge~~
129. Debt Recovery Tri bu na let, JI c:Flj« I ~
130. Licensing banks under Banking regulation Actc,lcllo1iti~c><IJ6cilq{<'lch<i
131. Difference between CRR '&SL R*.3 ITT'~ ~
132. Define Money market instruments~fll6fi-illHilllo11-cflc41€41cl,{I
133. Provisions of RBI Act relating to the composition of the Central

134. What is credit information?ilig)cJ-ll~<'lchl.!l.3TT6

135. Qualification of Chairman of a banking companyislfc)';J1cfiqa11~.!ll3ft-<T~-11-cflqJ::fr11
a Co-operative Bank under RBI Act,
136. Define
1934~.:,311l?i l!fcl ~<rfl Q cfrl.31 c1 JI rl ilicfi,H 6fcffl
.:, , cli<
'tl1 ell IMl I

137. Define "Promis sory Note"."clt1o1Rl:fr· ..,,.!l,...lfl"·c'l~~'tf~lc:-r4rr1&.1\'-=-n'*l~-==r.,. .6I

138. What is "Indorsement"?"'!"6icfio1" Ji;Ol"1<hl-ll?
139. What is the meaning of "bearer instrum ent" and "order instrume nt"?"llF( vftq~ct,
.mfut " ~ ~ " <-ITtTT ~?
140. Write any three reasons for dishono ur of a
cheque. ~ITTTTJ-la-1 le,< 6'1 o 411:llcfi) 01 c11 tf!Jlo1chl< o) ~61 .

141. Who is "holder in due c o u r s e " ? " ~ " ~

142. Write any three points of distincti on between Bill of Exchang e and Cheque
mfl <"f lli< cfi I't) ch) 1fl~ ctlirl J.t.:, ~~ t\ I.
the meaning of "instrum ents negotiab le by
143. Write
custo m"?" ~~Jlf !Ullf lq~~, , ~ -

144. What is acceptan ce of bill of exchang e?"6S1~l ~ct,c'fl" J.t;U13'cfii4?

.:, C.

145. State the rules of calculati ng date of maturity of a negotiab le instrum
'i1'<"f'a,~J-l q ,jcfiit<l IJ-lc,c1 qJfo IRo1 jq:;~~ rlcfi< 0.tjJ6f lisfc1 't) f;i 4 Ji ~t\ I.
.:, "
146. · What is "crossin g of cheques "?"~li'ah llic/io1'· Ji;UiJc/ii<l?


1. Write a short note on Medical Termina tion of Pregnan cy Act
2. Write a short about Immora l Traffic (Prevent ion) Act of 1956
3. Explain the Internat ional views about prote~ti~ n o~wome n's and children 's right
nation against
4. Write a significa n~: of convent i?~ on the elim~ati on of all forms ~scrimi· · ~
women ··
5. Write a women's status on ancient era as well as modern era
6. Rights and duties of Nationa l Commis sion for women

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