Banking DTQ
Banking DTQ
Banking DTQ
26. "
fi$1 ¢f.dcfifh)ac.Sa:J2. fl"f '' . . . ~;-i ~-' 1q-1(1i•, _
27. " '
if>..,.\ a1A'J;;:..Q 1.:i 1ft:a-. ·- · y"Jot+i"l < 1 - ~ ~ -
28. !)$-lc.i;i<h~IQ,sl1"';;: •-';~ --f< ~ ~ ,-t-01"-la-m ?
. ..:
29 . SEBI d(C1a-:t1ffiCi-1-kfr;ft
30. RBI <hl~c ..Jt.·m Fi.:i.:.:.• 11'!~, a9..., 101a:1.; ~-t
.) '
31. Pro,·1~1011:- o f RBI ,\ r 1 r-r l.a t ll'lg 10 th r ro rnpos1t111n o f thE' Ct: ntrnl Flm1rd
32. Prov1s1o n:. rclA1 1,n11 to d1.sqmth fx .ilt 1Qn~ Qf d 1rrc to rs of the Ccntrul
Board .
33. Meetm Rs o f the C l"l1t1al l~:ud
34 . Kin ds of b u smc-,.i. RBI 1r. n o t ,1u thnn~d lo ltM\Mc- t .
35. Name the core lun c1101H, o f kB!
36. Obhga 11ons o f the- RBI I n::s pcct of On e:- l'\lf'Ce c:0 10~.
37. Wha t is c r i:-d11 m fonn ,111o n ?
38. Reserve Fund .
39 . Define Money marktt m strumen 1.!i.
40. Section 5 3 weekly returns .
41. Cash rese rve ratto .
42. Differen ce between CRR & SLR. ...
43. Deman d liabiliti es & Time Liabiliti es.
44. Qualifi cation o f Chairm an of a banking company . ...
45. Prohibi tion of commo n director s.
46. Power of the RBI to a ppoint addition al director s.
47 . Prohibi tion on tradin g by banks.
48. Restrict ion on paymen t of dividend by bankin g companitiZ!..
49. ReseTVe fund of a banking compan y. .......
50. Restrict ions on loans & advance s.
51. Restric tion on power to rem it debt!l. ~
52. Licen s ing of ban ks and bronches.
53. Licensin g bonks under Bnnkin s rcg ulotion Ac t. .......
54. Return of un clflimc:rl deposit s.
55. Depositors educa11o n & i\wnrco r s ~ fund . ........
56. Winding up by the l li~h Coun: of Bnnkin ~ Comp~n ir s
57 . Compro mi !le or nrrnnRcmc:n t whh crctlitnr s . ~
58. Nomina l ,on for dc po11il!l & 9nfc depo9lt lorl<r111 .
59. Define n Co opcrouv r Of\nl< 11n!lrr RDI Ar r, \ (),1.;
60. Del1nll t(lll or b1111k('I ~ l,uOK!'i m,drr llt t [l('il\krt r1 l\11111,,.. ol l~l'l(lt- tn.
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106. .,
Discuss about the Banker's Books Evidence Act, 1891. cslcfi~islcfiQfcl;sa-fiQcfc
.Please state
cheques at the earliest date in your account so that it is not invalida ted
the latest guidelin es of RBI in this regard
124. Name any six presump tions as to Negotiab le Instrum ent.
125. What is crossed cheques ? Mr X wants that payee of his cheques should deposit
account ,
the cheques issued by him to the payee in the same bank where Mr X has
this task ? What is special crossing and double crossing .
How he can accompl ish
purpose of special crossing and double crossing . .
Answer very brief1 the
10. What 1s grace period? How many drys grace days are allowed? Which
le to
Negotiab le instrum ents are subject to grace period facility? Is grace period applicab
sight. The Bill of
cheques also? Mr X draws bill of exchang e payable after 30 days after
ent become s
Exchang e was accepted on 1st May 2021. State the date when instrum
127. SEBI Functions,H$/-q1ct,J4
128. ingredients of a bills of excha nge~~
129. Debt Recovery Tri bu na let, JI c:Flj« I ~
130. Licensing banks under Banking regulation Actc,lcllo1iti~c><IJ6cilq{<'lch<i
131. Difference between CRR '&SL R*.3 ITT'~ ~
132. Define Money market instruments~fll6fi-illHilllo11-cflc41€41cl,{I
133. Provisions of RBI Act relating to the composition of the Central
145. State the rules of calculati ng date of maturity of a negotiab le instrum
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.:, "
146. · What is "crossin g of cheques "?"~li'ah llic/io1'· Ji;UiJc/ii<l?