Learning Experiences & Self-Assessment Activities (Saa)
Learning Experiences & Self-Assessment Activities (Saa)
Learning Experiences & Self-Assessment Activities (Saa)
With the change of focus in instruction from content to learning outcomes came the need to redefine
and clarify the terms used to determine the progress of students towards attainment of the desired
learning outcomes. These are Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation.
Let’s Do these: Check the column corresponding to each of the following statement refers either
to measurement, assessment, or evaluation.
Guided Questions:
How was the result of your test?
Are you familiar with the terms have you encountered in the above activity?
Are ready to understand what it’s all about? Tell me what do you want to know.
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Let’s Discuss:
Is the process of determining or describing the attributes or characteristics of
physical objects generally in terms of quantity. When we measure, we use some standard
instrument to find out how long, heavy, hot, voluminous, cold fast or straight some things are.
Such instruments may be ruler, scale, thermometer or pressure gauge. When we measure, we
are actually collecting quantitative information relative to some established standards. To
measure is to apply a standard measuring device to an object, group of objects, events or
situations according to procedure determined by one who is skilled in the use of such device.
Sometimes, we can measure physical quantities by combining directly measurable
quantities to form derived quantities. For example, to find the area of a rectangular piece of
paper, we simply multiply the lengths of the sides of the paper. In the field of education,
however, the quantities and qualities of interest are abstract, unseen and cannot be touched and
so the measurement process becomes difficult; hence, the need to specify the learning
outcomes to be measured.
For instance, knowledge of the subject matter is often measured through
standardized test results. In this case, the measurement procedure is testing. The same concept
can be measured in another way. We can ask a group of experts to rate a student’s (or teacher’s)
knowledge of the subject matter in a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest.
In this procedure, knowledge of the subject matter is measured through perceptions.
Types of Measurement
1. Objective Measurement (as in testing) are more stable than subjective measurements
in the sense that repeated measurements of the same quantity or quality of interest will
produce more or less the same the same outcome. Are measurements that do not
depend on the person or individual taking the measurements? Regardless of who is
taking the measurement, the same measurement values should be obtained when using
an objective assessment procedure.
2. Subjective Measurement (as in Perception) are often differ from one assessor to the
next even if the same quantity or quality is being measured.
For this reason many people prefer objective measurements over subjective
measurements whenever they are available. However, there are certain facets of the
quantity or quality of interest that cannot be successfully captured by objective
procedures but which can be done by subjective methods e.g. aesthetic appeal of a
product or project of a student, student’s performance in a drama, etc. It follows that it
may be best to use both methods of assessment whenever the constraints of time and
resources permit.
Whether one uses an objective or subjective assessment procedure, the underlying
principle in educational measurement is summarized by the following formula:
“Measurement is summarized by the quantity or quality of interest= true value
plus the random error”.
Each measurement of the quantity of interest has two component: a true value of
the quantity and a random error component. The objective in educational measurement
is to estimate or approximate, as closely as possible, the true value of the quantity of
interest, e.g true knowledge of the subject matter. This is a tall order and one which
will occupy most of our time in this particular course.
2.2.1 Measuring Indicators, Variables and Factors
An educational variable (denoted by an English alphabet, like X) is a measureable
characteristic of a student. Variables may be directly measureable as in X= age or X = height
of a student. However, many times, a variable cannot be directly measured like when we want
to measure “class participation” of a student. For those variables where direct measurements
are not feasible, we introduce the concept of indicators.
An indicator, I, denotes the presence or absence of a measured characteristic. Thus:
I= 1, if the characteristics is present
=0, if the characteristics is absent
For the variable X= class participation, we can let I1, I2, … In denote the participation of a
student in n class recitations and let X= sum of the I’s divided by n recitations. Thus, if there
were n= 10 recitations and the student participated in 5 of these 10, then X= 5/10 or 50%.
Indicators are the building blocks of educational measurement upon which all other forms
of measurement are built. A group of indicators constitute a variable. A group of variables
from a construct or a factor. The variables which form a factor correlate highly with each other
but have low correlations with variables in another group.
Example: the following variables were measured in a battery of test:
X1= computation skills
X2= reading skills
X3= vocabulary
X4= logic and reasoning
X5= sequences and series
X6= manual dexterity
These variables can be grouped as follows:
Group 1: (X1, X4, X5) = mathematical ability factor
Group 2: (X2, X3) = language ability factor
Group 3: (X6) = psychomotor ability factor
In educational measurement, we shall be concerned with indicators, variables and factors of interest in the
field of education.
2.2 Assessment
The term assessment is derived from the latin assidere which means “to sit beside”
(Wiggins, 1993)
experimental and control groups; one group descriptive analysis. The subject of
evaluation is wider than assessment which focuses specifically on the student
learning outcomes.
To summarize, we measure height, distance, weight; we assess learning
outcome; we evaluate result in terms of some criteria or objectives.
2.4 Assessment FOR, OF and AS Learning
The preposition “for” in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is done to improve
and ensure learning. This is referred to as FORmative assessment, assessment that is given while the
teacher is in the process of student formation (learning). It ensures that learning is going on while
teacher is in the process of teaching.
Assessment AS
. Let’s Do these: A. List down three (3) activities or processes involved in each of the following:
1. Measurement
2. Assessment
3. Evaluation
B. Differentiate each of the following pairs; Examples may be cited to further
clarify the meaning.
1. Assessment and Evaluation
2. Formative Evaluation and Summative Evaluation
3. Mental skill and Manual skill
4. Measurement and Evaluation
5. Assessment FOR and AS for learning
A. List down three (3) activities or processes involved in each of the following:
1. Measurement
2. Assessment
3. Evaluation
B. Differentiate each of the following pairs; Examples may be cited to further clarify the meaning.
1. Assessment and Evaluation
Don’t ignore this page here is the step on how you submit your output. Thank you! And
God Bless. Keep Safe kapamilya.
After analysing and reading this module, answer the activities
provided attach at the end of this module after the references.
Write your answer on the separate paper.
Congratulation for making it till the end of this module! If you aced the assessment,
I am happy and proud of you. For the next module, Please advance reading about
Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation in Outcomes-Based Education and write
down questions you may have experience and let’s see for the next discussion .
How would you differentiate measurement, assessment and evaluation?
4- Strongly agree
Self- Evaluation
Rate the extent of your learning in this module using the scale below. Check the column corresponding
to your rating in the space provided. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance.
4- I’m an expert. I understand and can teach a friend about it.
3- I’m a Practioner. I understand and can cite examples on the topics given.
2- I’m an apprentice. I understand if I get help or look at more examples.
1- I’m a novice. I do not understand the topic.
My learning: 1 2 3 4
I can now
✓ Assessment of learning 1 copyright, 2017 by: Rosita l. Navarroo Ph.D, Rosita G. Santos, Ph.D and
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D. Published by: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.
✓ https:georgecouros.ca.archives
Now that you have finished the review of the various concepts outlined above, it is now
time for an assessment to see how far you have improved. Write your answers on the blank
space provided for each question.
Task 1. TRUE or FALSE. Write true if the statement is true and write false if the statement is false in the
space provided before the number and write the correct statement.
_________1. Teachers use assessment result to inform or adjust their teaching this assessment is
belong to assessment for learning.
_________2. The focus of this assessment is on the result. The teacher use formative assessment
_________3. Assessment is a process designed to provide information that will help us to make a judgement
about particular situation.
_________4. Measurement can be objective (as in perception)
_________5. Measurement is the process of determining or describing the attributes or characteristics of
physical object generally in term of quantity.
_________6. Is the process of making judgments based on criteria and evidence?
_________7. Is design to determine the effectiveness of a program or activity based on its avowed
_________8. Best describe the statement, process of gathering evidence of student competencies/skills over
a period of time.
_________9. Associated with self –assessment.
_________10. Is a process by which information is obtained?
Task 2