Module 12 - Regulatory Bodies For Banks and Non - Bank Financial Institutions
Module 12 - Regulatory Bodies For Banks and Non - Bank Financial Institutions
Module 12 - Regulatory Bodies For Banks and Non - Bank Financial Institutions
At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
1 Discuss the role played by different government institutions/ agencies
In order to successfully complete Module 12 Week 17 lesson, students are required to do the
1. Join: the discussion on the topics about Regulatory Bodies For Banks and Non- Bank
Financial Institutions
2. Follow: Online Netiquette
3. Submit: the required output for this module on or before the given deadline.
The Banking companies act, presently known as banking regulation act was enacted owing to
safeguard the interest of depositors, control abuse of power by some bank personnel controlling
the banks in particular and to the interest of Indian economy in general.
The Banking Regulation Act was passed as the Banking Companies Act 1949 and came into
force w.e.f 16.3.49. Subsequently it was changed to Banking Regulations Act 1949 wef 01.03.66.
However, it should be remembered that this act does not supersede the provision of companies
act or any other law for the time being in force in respect of banking business.
Definition of banks
In India, the definition of the business of banking has been given in the Banking Regulation Act,
(BR Act), 1949. According to Section 5(c) of the BR Act, 'a banking company is a company which
transacts the business of banking in India.' Further, Section 5(b) of the BR Act defines banking
as, 'accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public,
repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawable, by cheque, draft, order or otherwise.'
This definition points to the three primary activities of a commercial bank which distinguish it from
the other financial institutions. These are: (i) maintaining deposit accounts including current
accounts, (ii) issue and pay cheques, and (iii) collect cheques for the bank's customer
Different provisions of Banking regulations Act
Banking Policy
“Banking Policy” means policy specified by RBI from time to time in the interest of
-Banking system
-Monitory stability
-Sound economic growth
-Interest of depositors
-Volume of deposits and other resources of the bank
-Efficient use of the deposits and resources