Research - Banana
Research - Banana
Research - Banana
De Chavez, Kailyn H.
Paguio, Loryne C.
Bananas are one of the most well-known and useful plants in the world.
Almost all the parts of this plant, that are, fruit, leaves, flower bud, trunk, and
are used across cultures for traditional medicine as drugs, food supplements and
cosmetics. The banana pseudostem is a part of banana plant that looks like a
trunk that consists of a central core and tightly wrapped up to twenty-five (25)
leaf sheets. These leaf sheaths unwrap from the stem and transform into
recognizable banana leaves when they mature (Subagyo and Chafidz, 2018).
quality of medication for such conditions. Therefore, the medical and cosmetic
field continue to pave the way for innovation focusing on developing eco-friendly
products using locally and naturally sourced ingredients. Fruits are one of the
most used resources for treatment because they contain certain vitamins that
are good for the skin. Banana is one of them because it contains good vitamins
and extracts that are beneficial for the skin (Sampath Kumar, K.P. et al., 2012).
Exploring the other parts, specifically the pseudostem, may lead to more
Dry skin can have a negative impact on patients' quality of life (Proksch,
related quality of life. In addition to this, the demand of the current generation for
skin care products such as face masks, anti-aging lotions, and other creams to
improve skin radiance continues to increase at a substantial rate. The skin care
products market for creams and lotions dominates the Philippine personal care
and cosmetics industry and is expected to retain its dominance throughout the
forecast period (Chouhan et. al, 2020). These definitively prove how skin
this occurs because of the drying of protective natural oils produced by the skin
where the skin begins to lose moisture and its topmost surface dies and begins
to peel away usually with small, thin silvers called flakes. Flaky and dry skin
causes splits or crack and create an area of easy entry for bacteria into the skin.
regimen, age, or illness (Weber et. al, 2012). Hands, arms, and legs are the
occurrence of lesions in abnormally hard and dry skin over the heels of the feet.
In severe cases, the cracks can become painful, particularly if the cracks
penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. This may cause infection and lead to
infections such as cellulitis. In this condition, the skin around the heels is
unusually thick and dry and is known as the callus. A survey conducted by the
Institute of Preventive Foot Health found that 20% of adults in the United States
pioneered while also taking into consideration the natural integrity of the
development for skin treatment. In addition, this will help the cosmetic industry
available ones which are more costly and inefficient. Moreover, this will benefit
individuals and groups in learning more about the importance of exploring the
banana pseudostem and its other potential uses for future use. Lastly, this paper
can serve as a related literature for future researchers who plan to explore the
same topic.
Skin dryness has been one of the common skin problems people tend to
have. Many factors are affecting the skin’s condition that might worsen the
problem. Remedies and other treatments are sorted out for us to treat specific
skin problems. Natural remedies like using the banana plant have been put into
practice for a long time since bananas are known for good skin treatment.
nutrients that could combat skin dryness. In relation to nutrients, Vitamin B6 can
also be seen in bananas. It is well-known for moisturizing the skin and helps with
other health complications. Learning more about the details of each variable
might lead this research into identifying the possibility of the effectiveness of
Skin Dryness
appropriate hydration in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis
(Cole, 2019). The medical term for dry skin is xerosis. Xerosis is likely to cause
roughness, scaling or flaking, tightness, and cracks that may bleed. In some
Factors related to the environment and certain diseases are related to the
weather conditions where temperatures are high and humidity levels are low.
The lack of moisture and hydration causes dry skin. Another external factor is
the use of harsh soaps and detergents as emphasized by Skin Sight (2021).
These substances are formulated to remove moisture from the skin as they are
industrially made to remove oil. Furthermore, internal factors that cause skin
dryness are more on the physical condition of the patient. Atopic dermatitis or
While dry skin tends to affect males and females equally, xerosis is highly
prevalent in the elderly. (Shiel Jr., 2019). The skin in elderly individuals tends to
al. (2011) found that the prevalence of xerosis was 55.6% among subjects of
Tucker (2010) found that 29% of women claimed to have experienced cracked
this postulate by stating that skin conditions can both physically and emotionally
debilitate the patient. It was found that persistent skin conditions cause problems
with self-esteem and low confidence. Patients with visible skin conditions tend to
the molecular level. The research emphasizes the ideal emollient for dry skin
superficial skin and natural moisturizing factors. With this, the findings confirmed
moisturizer for dry skin. A study by Weber (2012) experimented on the treatment
of xerosis on women 50 and 80 years of age, all with severe skin dryness. Using
formulations of oil and water emulsion, two sets of formulations were applied to
assess skin hydration and skin barrier function over two weeks. Results showed
The products significantly decreased visible dryness and tactile roughness and
To sum up everything that has been stated on skin dryness, the factors
associated with this skin condition are prominent in the setting of this research. A
persistent finding across studies that investigated the occurrence of dry skin was
this condition is prevalent among the elderly. Moreover, several research also
concluded the social, emotional, and mental impact of dry skin on patients.
However, the current undertakings on the treatment of dry skin to reduce its
impact on these aspects are insufficient. In fact, according to a survey by
bodies of research emphasized the need to treat dry skin conditions since there
Some studies that explored the same topic can be used as a framework in terms
Banana Pseudostem
The banana plant is considered one of the most useful plants in the world.
All parts of this plant can be used such as pseudostems in various food and non-
food applications. (Subagyo & Chafidz, 2018). The stem of a banana commonly
single bunch of bananas before dying and then being replaced with new pseudo
stem. They are a plant by-product and have the potential to provide profitable
products such as food sources for human consumption. Sharma et al. (2017)
leaf sheaths and its biomass has been reported to be rich in nutrients. Ma (2015)
carbohydrates, fat, moisture, proteins, ash, sugars, starch, fibers, and B-complex
vitamins. With respect to these B-vitamins, these are further specified into
Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B9 (Folate), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B6
of bananas is high in dietary fibers and has numerous health benefits. (Ho et al.,
Thorat and H.P. Bobade (2018), banana stem is rich in potassium and Vitamin
B6, which is further supported by Tyler (2014) as he stated that banana extract
is rich in Vitamin B6 which can help moisturize, rehydrate and soothe irritations
Even though they are crop residues that cause economic losses and
a potential cellulose source (Khan et al., 2013). They are normally discarded
although they could be used in the pulp and paper industry due to their cellulose
control obesity and helps detoxify the body due to its rich source of fiber
(Ambrose et al., 2016). It has also been identified that the juice of banana
et al., 2017). It is also said that the banana pseudostem extract is used as a
fertilizer and plant nutrient spray. The ICAR had established the use of the
banana pseudostem extract as a mordant for dyeing cotton fabrics with natural
disorders and stone formation in the body (Sharma et al., 2017). The
pseudostem of a banana also has a low glycemic index and antioxidant which is
good for diabetes (Bhaskar et al., 2011). It also contains vitamin B6 that helps in
the production of hemoglobin and insulin that helps improve the ability of the
incorporated into food products is able to add value including nutritional and
sensory properties (Jun et al., 2016). All parts of the banana plant such as the
The banana pseudo-stem has also been considered for use as a pulp and paper
raw material, fiber for textiles, and filler or structural reinforcement in composite
In the past, some researchers have shown that banana pseudostem are
used for the small-scale extraction of fibers. In a country like India, these fibers
are used to make handicrafts, ropes, etc., which otherwise can be used to make
Since bananas are tropical fruits liked by a lot of people, aside from the
banana pseudostem, other parts of the banana plant also have their own uses
and benefits. But few know that banana leaves have many health benefits as
well, banana leaves (dried and fresh) can also be used as herbs. They are also
traditionally used to treat various skin conditions such as skin itching, rashes,
and urticaria (hives) (Shukla,2020). When eating a banana, most people discard
the peel. However, a 2018 review showed that banana peels are high in
phenols, which have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and are
To sum up everything, every part of the banana plant has its own use and
benefits to people such as in food making, useful resources, and health benefits.
A part of the banana plant which is the banana pseudostem is high in dietary
fiber and numerous health benefits wherein it controls a person’s weight and
helps detoxify one’s body. The banana pseudostem has been known as a
potential cellulose source and has a low glycemic index. This pseudostem also
processed to be incorporated into food products that can add value in nutritional
Vitamin B6
complex that has several benefits for the human body. It can contribute to the
and immune system function. One of its roles is to help in the creation of
vitamin. Other than serotonin as the “happy hormone” and melatonin as the
heart diseases and stroke (Bradford, 2015). Though the body absorbs vitamins,
it cannot produce vitamin B6. People need to get Vitamin B6 through food
there are foods rich in Vitamin B6 such as beans, poultry, fish, fortified cereals,
dark leafy greens, papayas, oranges, and cantaloupe. Consuming fruits and
vegetables prevent the body from malnutrition because of the vitamin intake,
especially Vitamin B6 and other types of Vitamin B complex (Streit, 2018). In all
other fruits, banana is a useful source of this vitamin. The research is aiming to
use the banana plant, specifically the pseudostem, to evaluate its effectiveness
healthy. Vitamin B6 also plays a vital role in improving skin health and treating
skin problems. Vitamin B6 can eliminate and lessen the effects of hormonal
stated that B deficiency can create great damages to the skin, including the
formation of dry and flaky skin and wrinkles. The skin will be more sensitive to
characterized by sore, red, and swollen lips with cracked mouth corners, which
experience other effects such as swollen tongue, cracked corners of the mouth,
exceptionally known for treating skin conditions like skin dryness. Without the
presence of B6, people will suffer from the damaging effects of B6 deficiency
research explored the treatment of skin dryness, particularly cracked heels using
natural alternatives which are more eco-friendly and less costly. Such treatments
many skin benefits, but no research proves that the banana pseudostem could
help in curing skin-related diseases. Few studies also state that banana
pseudostem has benefits on the skin. This research would like to strengthen and
explore the possibilities of treating skin dryness through using the pseudostem
Research Design
relationship among the variables that make up the study, specifically the banana
pseudostem extract and skin dryness. This type of research method is reliant on
a theory and this theory has not been proven in the past and is merely a
The researchers used a banana pseudostem that was obtained from the
cloth to filter out the pseudostem sap. Its extract, containing Vitamin B6, was
The researchers first conceptualized ideas for the research undertaking.
The banana pseudostem was cut to expose the core which was utilized
was further divided into smaller pieces for easier manageability. Using a piece of
cloth, the pieces were drained to squeeze the extract out of the stem. The
approximately 5 minutes (Sharma et al., 2017). This was done to increase the
assessment of subjects was done. The provided criteria for cracked heels was
used to evaluate the severity and status of the affected area. Once potential
experience general illness and/or use any topical treatments that could hinder or
endanger the subjects or the performance of the study. After which, the carefully
affected area was washed with standard mild soap twice daily. In this phase, the
researchers used the same type of bar soap that adheres to the selection criteria
of Weber et al. (2012) stating that the product to be selected should be neutral
as it does not contain any moisturizers. Contact with other skincare products and
with household cleaning products was forbidden during this period. The
treatment was applied two times a day over two weeks. Specifically, the product
Data Analysis
assessment of baseline and end status of skin dryness and the evaluation of the
EEMCO guidance. This five-point scale practical research tool is both for
After scoring the baseline and results of the experimentation, the researchers
compared three sets of data namely: Baseline, Week 1, and Result using
period, the average dryness score was computed along with the alleviated dry
Source :
Ethical Considerations
Since the research investigation involves humans as subjects, full
consent was obtained from the participants prior to the start of the study. A
and the Senior High School Principal was provided for all subjects who
participated in the experimentation. In the said letter, the researchers
educated, deliberate, and freely made decision about their participation in the
maximization of benefits while preventing the risk of harm to the participants are
all factors considered in the study. There were no personal biases or data
The variables for the said research were only be utilized for study purposes, and
Table 1
Progress of Skin Conditions
Baseline Week 1 Result
Table 1 presents the skin conditions from baseline, Week 1, and Result
but remains significantly similar as per tactile roughness. During the Week 1
Treatment Period which was recorded on the seventh day of the experiment
over the 14-day period, dry skin conditions were moderately alleviated. As per
tactile roughness, all skin conditions were clinically graded with moderate tactile
role in the efficacy of the extract in alleviating dry skin. Kato (2012) and Northstar
Shukla (2020), despite the difference of the part utilized where it was stated that
banana leaves are an effective ingredient for skin creams and lotions to treat
Baseline Week 1 Result
Visual Tactile Visual Tactile Visual Tactile
Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness
3 2 1 2 0 1
Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score
2.5 - Definitely irregular 1.5 - Definitely irregular
and and rough and possibly 0.5 – No scaling and
rough and possibly slightly stiffened and roughness and slightly
slightly stiffened on slight scaling and slight irregular and rough tactile
vertical tactile evaluation roughness
Visual Tactile Visual Tactile Visual Tactile
Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness
4 3 2 2 2 2
Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score
3.5 - Dominated by
large scales, advanced 2 - Small scales, slight 2 - Small scales, slight
roughness with roughness and definitely roughness and definitely
Advanced irregularly and irregular and rough irregular and rough
rough feeling
Visual Tactile Visual Tactile Visual Tactile
Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness
3 3 2 2 1 1
Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score
3 - Small scales 2 - Small scales with 1 - Slight scaling and
uniformly distributed, roughness and slightly
slight roughness and
possibly somewhat red irregular and rough on
whitish appearance, and
and advanced irregular tangential tactile
definitely rough
and rough feeling evaluation
Visual Tactile Visual Tactile Visual Tactile
Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness Dryness Roughness
4 3 2 2 0 0
Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score Average Dryness Score
2 - Small scales in
combination with a few
4 3.5 - Dominated by larger scales, slight
large scales, advanced roughness, whitish
0 – No visible dryness
roughness and cracks, and perfectly smooth and
appearance, and
and advanced irregularly pliable
and rough feeling definitely irregular and
rough and possibly
Table 2 shows the assessment of skin conditions from Baseline, Week 1,
and Result as per the topical administration of the banana pseudostem extract.
Using the clinical grading scale or the EEMCO Guidance, all skin conditions
were clinically graded based on visual dryness and tactile roughness. After
which, the average dryness score was obtained by computing the mean of the
The baseline skin conditions were clinically graded between severe and
of all pretreatment skin conditions has a dryness score of 3.125 with a few
grading scale. Such gravity of skin conditions is indicative of severe skin dryness
that are conducive for treatment using the banana pseudostem extract.
The results during the Week 1 period indicate that the banana
week of regular twice-daily topical application. These results are relative since
dry skin symptoms are still evident and are not qualified to be graded 0 to 1 that
improvement both in terms of visible dryness and tactile roughness. Over the
conditions reduced severity based on the clinical grading scale with notable
al. (2017) on the effectiveness of humectants in treating dry skin wherein healthy
and hydration of skin. Furthermore, the average conditional score of the affected
area in the result condition is 0.875, all persistent and alleviated symptoms
dryness score at baseline was 3.125 significantly reduced this score to 1.875 at
Week 1 and 0.875 at Result. This comparison indicates that the banana
pseudostem extract drastically reduces the frequency of dry skin symptoms after
two weeks of topical administration and treatment. It is also notable that specific
dry skin conditions were treated during the Week 1 period. This actively
illustrates that the severity of the initial condition and skin tolerability affects the
time that it will take to be exposed to the discovered effects. Moreover, the
radical drop from the initial average score of all skin conditions implies that the
dryness – flaking and cracks – and tactile roughness through tactile evaluation.
commercial ones.
2. To maximize the use of banana trees and its parts with essential vitamins
Lotions and creams are used to moisturize skin. But not all skin products
are affordable because of high prices and effectivity is uncertain since people
have different types of skin. This banana pseudostem extract is rich in Vitamin
cost-effective and can easily be made especially that banana trees are endemic
• Cutting board
• Thin cloth or mortar and pestle (for extraction)
• Containers
• Sieve
• Cooking pot
5. For the community, for them to have a cost-effective and easily made
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Letter to Participants
Dear Mr./Ms.:
Greetings of peace!
We, the Grade 12 students of Saint Bridget College, Senior High School Level, are
currently conducting a research titled: “Banana Pseudostem Extract as an
Alternative Source of Vitamin B6 for Alleviating Skin Dryness” as a partial
fulfillment of the requirements in our subject, Research 3.
In connection with this, we ask you to be one of our participants in the study that
we are conducting. Given the signs and symptoms that you have, it has the same
signs and symptoms in the skin dryness that we want to alleviate. In this
experiment that we will conduct, we will give you a banana pseudostem extract
cream that you will apply in the area where the dryness is and you will apply it for
2 weeks, twice a day. The banana pseudostem extract cream will be topically
applied 10 to 20 hours after the previous application and contact with other skin
care products is prohibited. During this time, you will be monitored in able for us to
evaluate if your dry skin condition has changed or improved.
Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and
will be used for academic purposes only. We will also send back to you a copy of
the responses for validation.