Engineering Procedure
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Definitions...................................................... 2
3 Instructions..................................................... 4
4 Responsibilities.............................................. 7
1 Scope
1.1 This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP) establishes the guidelines
used by Engineering Services (ES) when conducting electronic and hard copy
formal engineering reviews of Project Proposals and Detailed Design packages
relating to capital and non-capital projects. Requests for these reviews are
initiated by Saudi Aramco Project Management (SAPMT). This SAEP does not
apply to Design Basis Scoping Papers, Project Construction Method documents,
or routine consultation.
1.2 The primary intent of a formal engineering review of Project Proposal and
Detailed Design documents is to identify noncompliance with the Standards,
Specifications, mandatory Standard Drawings, Codes and other mandatory
engineering documents applicable to the project.
Depending on the type of review (see Para. 2.3), the engineering review may
also provide a check on the engineering soundness, concepts, and calculations
used in the design. In addition, it can provide an opportunity to offer alternative
design suggestions to bring uniformity and cost effectiveness to Saudi Aramco
facilities, recognizing that the later in the project these suggestions are offered,
the more difficult it is to incorporate them.
1.3 In addition to this SAEP, other Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures may
apply to engineering reviews of Project Proposals and Detail Design documents
(e.g., SAEP-13, "Project Environmental Assessments", SAEP-16, "Process
Computer Execution Guide", SAEP-21, "Royalty/Custody Metering Facilities
Execution Guides", etc.).
2 Definitions
Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT) - The SAPMT is the Saudi
Aramco organization responsible for overall project activities. The SAPMT has
full responsibility for project design, procurement and construction.
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Project Proposal - A document which establishes the detailed design scope, cost
estimate basis, and schedule for a proposed facility from the conceptual
requirements included in the Design Basis Scoping Paper. This includes the
proposed facility size and general layout and the appropriate functional and
performance specifications. Project Proposals should be of sufficient detail to
prepare a ± 10% accuracy ER estimate, provide sufficient technical information
for proponent review and (where applicable) provide sufficient information to
obtain LSTK contract bids. (Reference: SAEP-14, "Project Proposal")
Detailed Design - A set of documents used for project construction and material
procurement. Detailed Design of a facility is normally carried out after the
Project Proposal Meeting and Expenditure Request Approval (ERA).
Engineering reviews are generally organized based on one of the two following
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3 Instructions
3.1.1 The SAPMT is responsible for establishing the number, type, and
method of engineering reviews required for each project.
3.1.2 Unless agreed otherwise, the Project Proposal Review shall be performed
on the completed project proposal document developed as a basis for the
Technical Review Meeting.
3.1.3 SAPMT shall include in the Project Proposal the proposed number,
method, and type of the engineering reviews for the Detailed Design
phase of the project. Agreement on the anticipated number, method,
type and general time frame of reviews for Detailed Design shall be
recorded in the Project Proposal Meeting minutes.
3.1.4 For most projects, the following number of formal reviews should be
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3.1.5 Some projects may not require a Detailed Design Review due to their
simplicity or repetitiveness. Others, due to their complexity, may require
an additional Detailed Design Review.
3.1.6 Depending on size and technical complexity, some projects may require
supplementary (Special and/or TRT) review(s) during the Project
Proposal or Detailed Design phase by a TRT. The need for these
review(s) shall be determined by SAPMT.
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If the time required for a review will exceed the agreed upon review
period, then the concerned Engineering Department(s) shall agree with
the SAPMT on how much additional time will be necessary to perform
the review.
3.4.2 If required, Engineering Services may request additional copies from the
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4 Responsibilities
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Revision Summary
1 June 2008 Revised the "Next Planned Update".
Minor revision to include requirement to submit data of equipment and lines with H2S before
PRs or POs are issued.
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At tac hm ent 1 – Guid eli nes fo r Det ail ed Des ig n Revi ews
In these tables, the first column gives the documentation requested for both ABRs and
DSRs. The second column gives details of the requested documentation as well as the
typical percent completion for each discipline recommended for DSRs.
Document Comments
Civil (Roads, Grading, etc.) Typical % compl etion for DSRs = 60%
1 Plot Plans
2 Calculations - Roads, Grading (Water run off) 100% completion
3 Foundation Location Plans
4 Site Grading Plans, Layouts, Sections, Details
5 Foundation Drawings, including details
1 Scope of Work
2 Drawings
3 Project Plan
4 Material List
1 P&IDs
2 DCS Block Diagrams
3 Logic Diagrams
4 Cause and Effect Diagrams If there is ESD
5 Control Rooms and PIB Rooms
6 Hardware Material List (Preliminary list)
7 DCS Schematics (Preliminary List)
8 Instrument Loop Diagrams
9 Estimated I/O Summary Tables
10 Structured Wiring Design
11 Architecture Design
12 Man-Machine Interface Design
13 Reporting Design
14 Advanced Control Design
15 Sequence Control Design (e.g.: OMSB)
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Document Comments
1 Scope of Work
2 Plot Plans
3 PFDs
4 P&IDs
5 Calculations For any equipment with an environmental
6 Environmental Impact Assessment All Reviews
7 Corrosion Control Plan
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Document Comments
1 P&IDs
2 Specifications
3 Calculations
4 System Diagrams
Materials & Corros ion Control Typical % compl etion for DSRs = 30%.
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Document Comments
1 P&IDs
2 Scope of Work
3 Piping Material Specifications
4 Plot Plans
5 Piping Plans, Layouts, Sections, Details
6 Isometrics
7 Piping Support Details
8 Calculations
9 Safety Instruction Sheets At least 90% complete.
10 Hydrostatic Test Diagrams
1 P&IDs
2 Material Specs
3 Plot Plans
4 Hazardous Area Classifications
5 Calculations
6 Layout Drawings, Sections, and Details
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Document Comments
1 Scope of Work
2 Project Description (including Utility, Catalyst and
Chemical Treatment)
3 Plot Plans
4 PFDs
5 P&IDs
6 Equipment Data Sheets
7 Cause & Effect Diagrams
1 PFDs
2 P&IDs
3 Equipment Data Sheets
4 Purchase Specifications If available or applicable
5 Design Criteria Process Description
Note: The review of structural steel shop drawings or material take-off's is not considered part of the normal
structural design package review.
1 P&IDs
2 Material Specs
3 Piping Layout Or location of vertical valves
Vessels, Heat Exchangers & Boilers Typical % comp letion for DSRs = 20% .
1 P&IDs
2 Equipment Data Sheets
1 Material specs and equipment data sheets Include thicknesses and materials
2 Welding Specs
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Detailed Design
Number of reviews (typical) 1 1 1 1
Review Type
Conceptual (Note 1)
Std. Compliance X
Comprehensive Review X (Note 1) X (Note 1) X (Note 1)
Special (Note 2) (Note 2) (Note 2) (Note 2)
Technical Review Team (Note 2) (Note 2) (Note 2) (Note 2)
Review Method
Across-the-Board X X X X
Discipline Specific X X X
Recommended percent Final draft used
(Note 3)
completion at the of review at TR meeting
Note 1 A Comprehensive Review is a combination of Conceptual Review and Standards Compliance Review.
Note 2 See Para. 2.3 for definition.
Note 3 If an Across-the-Board review method is used, the overall design percent completion will be as agreed
between SAPMT and Engineering Services. If a Discipline Specific Review method is used, see
Attachment No. 1 for discipline typical progress completion guidelines.
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Table of Contents
1. Scope 16
2. Applicable Documents 16
4. Hardware/Software Requirements 17
5. Drawing Preparation 18
6. Document Preparation 18
9. Drawing/Document Disciplines 22
11. Responsibilities 22
13. Resources 30
15. Attachments 30
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1. Scope
1.2 This Guideline includes but is not limited to the following material:
• Drawing Preparation/Submittal
• Document Preparation/Submittal
• Definitions
• Guideline Information
• Operational Hours
• QA/QC Check Lists
• e-Review User's Manual
• e-Review Roles and Workflow
• Minimum Hardware Requirements
2. Applicable Documents
SAEP-303 Engineering Reviews of Project Proposal and
Detailed Design Documentation
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e-Review: The term "e-Review" encompasses all of Saudi Aramco's system for
electronic review of design drawings and documents.
e-Review Process: The process that encompasses all of the steps involved in
preparing for and conducting all of the electronic reviews for a project using the
e-Review system. These steps include submission of reviewers, software
installation, training, preparation of design packages, and actual electronic
e-Review Roles: The roles assigned by each review agency or PMT to their
personnel who participate in e-Review. These roles, along with the e-Review
workflow system, control who may place comments, approve them, and release
them when the review is complete.
PICU: The Project Information Center Unit within the Project Support &
Controls Dept./Project Controls Division. PICU administers the e-Review
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4. Hardware/Software Requirements
5. Drawing Preparation
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6. Document Preparation
6.2 Each document review package submittal shall include a document index
in Microsoft Excel format prepared according to the specifications set
out in Section 8.2 of Attachment "A".
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8.1.1 Roles
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9. Drawing/Document Disciplines
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• Attachment "E" – Drawing Types and Indexes, contains a list of the standard
drawing types and their abbreviations used in Saudi Aramco, along with
their indexes.
Commentary Note:
If a specific review only contains Index "T" communications drawings, then only
the reviewing agencies that have indicated that they wish to review Index "T"
drawings will be notified of the review.
11. Responsibilities
Commentary Note:
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Commentary Notes:
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Commentary Note:
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- The title of the project or Job Order number that the reviewer will
participate in.
- Full user name, badge number, network login ID, office location,
contact telephone number and e-mail address.
• Supervisors and Coordinators shall ensure that their e-mail client has
an out-of-office message configured with an alternate contact for
times when they will be unavailable so that review notifications can
be received and addressed in a timely manner.
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11.3.5 PICU will notify users of any system outages due to hardware,
software, or network problems.
Saudi Arabia
The work week schedule for Saudi Aramco offices in Saudi Arabia is
Saturday through Wednesday during the hours from 7:00 AM to 4:00
PM (+3 hours Greenwich Mean Time), excluding company holidays as
shown on the official Saudi Aramco calendar.
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Note: Any review package delivery dates that do not fall on an in-
kingdom working day will be arbitrarily moved to the next
working day by PICU unless a prior agreement is made between
the SAPMT and PICU to begin processing that review package
on the date the SAPMT has requested.
13. Resources
15. Attachments
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction 34
2. Scope 34
4. Applicable Documents 35
6. Responsibility 35
7. General Requirements 36
7.1 General CADD Standards 36
7.2 General CADD Procedures 36
8. Specific Requirements 36
8.1 Specific Requirements for Drawings 36
8.2 Specific Requirements for Documents 39
9. Quality Assurance 39
10. Documentation 39
Appendix A – Acronyms and Definitions 41
Appendix B – Applicable Documents 42
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1. Introduction
1.2 This specification and associated Saudi Aramco documents define the
minimum functional specifications and requirements for preparation of
drawings, documents and electronic transmittal forms.
1.3 DESIGN CONTRACTOR shall regard this document together with the
Saudi Aramco Drafting Manual as the basis for preparation of electronic
drawings. However, DESIGN CONTRACTOR shall have the
responsibility to bring to the attention of the COMPANY in writing any
comments, conflicts, or alterations to systems prior to implementation.
2. Scope
2.1 This section covers the requirements for preparing and transmitting
electronic drawings in accordance with the Saudi Aramco Drafting
Manual and Saudi Aramco's standards for electronic drawing review, and
preparation of electronic documents in accordance with Saudi Aramco
engineering standards and standards for electronic document review.
Saudi Aramco will use Bentley Systems ProjectWise software to
electronically review drawings prepared by DESIGN CONTRACTOR.
Saudi Aramco will use Microsoft Office 2000 Server Extensions to
enable review of electronic documents. The term "e-Review" as used in
this document will be interpreted as referring to electronic review of
drawings and documents using the Bentley Systems ProjectWise
software and Microsoft Office 2000.
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3.1 Definitions
3.2 Acronyms
3.3 Terms
4. Applicable Documents
6. Responsibility
6.1 All software and hardware items not specifically mentioned in this
specification, but necessary and required, shall be identified and
provided by DESIGN CONTRACTOR as part of this package.
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6.2 Any errors or omissions in this specification shall not absolve DESIGN
CONTRACTOR from the responsibility of providing fully functional e-
Review drawings and documents as described in this specification.
7. General Requirements
8. Specific Requirements
8.1.2 Drawing File Name-The computer drawing file name shall use
the convention:
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8.1.5 The exact name used for all references to a drawing shall be
used when storing the drawing to disk.
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9. Quality Assurance
9.1 Quality Assurance shall be implemented and checklist signed off by the
QA inspector to ensure that the delivered product meets the requirements
of applicable specifications and standards.
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10. Documentation
Drawing types
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ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
BI Budget Item
CADD Computer aided Design and Drafting
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CENELEC European Committee for Normalization
Hz Hertz
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NMR Non-Material Requirements
OCC Operations Control Center in Dhahran
OCR Optical Character Recognition
PC Personal Computer
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RP Recommended Practice
SACS Saudi Aramco CADD Standards
SADM Saudi Aramco Drafting Manual
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification
UL Underwriters Laboratory
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The described herein shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below
which are considered part of this specification.
Saudi Aramco
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3 All hyperlinks to other drawings are a single text string and do not contain
any other text than the file name of the drawing that is referenced. (See e-
Review Spec. 8.1.2)
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4 If documents comprise a set of books, each book has its own table of
contents in Excel format containing as a minimum the document titles and
their EXACT filenames. (See e-Review Spec. 8.2.2 and 8.2.4)
5 If documents are all part of one book, there is a single table of contents in
Excel format containing as a minimum the document titles and their EXACT
filenames. (See e-Review Spec. 8.2.3 and 8.2.4)
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At tac hm ent 4 – Lis t of all Equ ip men t and Li nes Carr yi ng H2S
Pipe circuit or Type of Wet H2S H2S partial Design/ HIC-resistant PR/PO
Design/operating SAIR
No. equipment No. service concent. pressure operating steel specified Justification number (if
pressure (psia) comments
exposed to H2S* carrying H2S (ppm) (psia) temp (ºC) (Y/N)? developed)
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