Pramod Pre Thesis Base Paper
Pramod Pre Thesis Base Paper
Pramod Pre Thesis Base Paper
Abstract—Software-defined wireless sensor networks to industrial Internet of things (IIoT) [1]. The IIoT is envisioned
(WSNs) are a new and emerging network paradigm that to inspire great economic growth and rapid production in various
seeks to address the impending issues in WSNs. It is industrial production systems. This digital-oriented industrial-
formed by applying software-defined networking to WSNs
whose basic tenet is the centralization of control intelli- ization is termed as “the fourth industrial revolution or 4IR.”
gence of the network. The centralization of the controller The 4IR is described as the fourth disruptive and major in-
rouses many challenges such as security, reliability, dustrialization trend, an epoch marked with rapid growth and
scalability, and performance. A distributed control system development as a result of automation and data technologies in
is proposed in this paper to address issues arising from
various disciplines. Some of the major technologies behind this
and pertaining to the centralized controller. Fragmentation
is proposed as a method of distribution, which entails a trend include but no limited to IoT, IIoT, artificial intelligence,
two-level control structure consisting of local controllers virtual realities, cyber-physical systems, cloud, and cognitive
closer to the infrastructure elements and a global controller, computing. Most of the devices and elements, which will par-
which has a global view of the entire network. A distributed take in these technologies especially IIoT, will be equipped
controller system brings several advantages and the
with sensors and actuators: some wireless and some wired. The
experiments carried out show that it performs better than a
central controller. Furthermore, the results also show that networking of these sensor nodes augments the scope and pur-
fragmentation improves the performance and thus have a pose of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), whose involvement
potential to have major impact in the Internet of things. has always been confined to monitoring [2] in the main. These
Index Terms—Industrial Internet of things (IIoT), indus- sensor nodes are small, inexpensive, and intelligent due to the
trial wireless networks, software-defined wireless sensor advancement of microelectrical mechanical systems. The major
networks (SDWSNs). challenges facing industrial systems include the management of
the various systems with different proprietary protocols as well
I. INTRODUCTION as their sensitivity to time delay, failure, and security.
HE Internet of things (IoT) is at the center of the future The software-defined networking (SDN) is a new emerging
T Internet. The IoT framework is an interconnection of many
devices, systems, and applications to the Internet. Accordingly
networking and computing paradigm earmarked as a potential
resolve of most of the above-mentioned challenges. SDN advo-
to Cisco, an estimated 50 billion devices will be connected to the cates for a common standardized protocol to avoid the challenge
Internet by the year 2020. The IoT paradigm is envisaged to per- of vendor locking [3]. The SDN model separates the control and
meate into the industrial manufacturing and production, leading data forwarding on the networking elements; thus, it removes
the control logic from the network devices and centralizes it on
a controller [4]. The adoption of SDN has gained traction in
Manuscript received February 21, 2018; accepted March 26, 2018.
Date of publication April 2, 2018; date of current version February 1, both the industry and the academia. Most of the 4IR systems
2019. Paper no. TII-18-0485. (Corresponding author: Hlabishi Isaac are already applying SDN including IIoT and WSN such as in
Kobo.) [5]–[7].
H. I. Kobo is Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer En-
gineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0084, South Africa (email: Software-defined wireless sensor networks (SDWSNs) are an
[email protected]). emerging model formed by applying the SDN model in WSNs.
A. M. Abu-Mahfouz is with the Department of Electrical, Electronic The emergence of SDWSN as a pivot, in the stead of WSNs,
and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0084, South
Africa, and also with the Meraka Institute, Council for Scientific and for the highly anticipated and imminent IoT and IIoT paradigms
Industrial Research, Pretoria 0001, South Africa (e-mail: aabumahfouz@ has ignited much interest and research focus. WSNs are envis- aged to play a vital role in IoT as a major building block [8].
G. P. Hancke is with the Department of Computer Science, City Uni-
versity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and also with the Department of However, WSNs have always been riddled with challenges ema-
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria, nating from their inherent nature of resource constraints thereby
Pretoria 0084, South Africa (e-mail: [email protected]). hindering their progress, efficiency, and applicability [9].
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at The application of SDN in WSNs is also receiving much
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2018.2821129 attention especially on the basis of its imminent role in IoT
1551-3203 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
[10]. SDWSN is regarded as a potential to overcome some of simple, evolutionary, etc. SDN decouples the control plane from
the challenges besetting WSNs while meeting the demands of the data forwarding plane. The decoupling leaves network ele-
IoT. Most of the energy intensive functions are moved from the ments or devices as dump devices, which only forwards packets.
sensor node to the controller. With SDWSN, the sensor nodes The control intelligence is centralized into a controller. SDN
would be sheer devices with only the forwarding capabilities, comprises of three layers or planes in data/infrastructure plane,
whereas the control intelligence is centralized. control plane, and an application plane. The data plane is made
A distributed control system in SDWSN seeks to address the of the sheer infrastructure devices, which only understand in-
challenges of a centralized controller in order to achieve relia- structions from the controller. The control plane hosts the con-
bility, scalability, and efficient performance. There are different troller. The application plane hosts various applications that
ways and forms of distribution mainly determined by the na- offer functionality and services to the network. The applica-
ture of the network or the data concerned. This paper presents tion and adoption of SDN to various computing and networking
an efficient distribution technique suitable for SDWSN con- platforms is rapidly growing [15]. The fusion of SDN and WSN
trol system. It takes into account all considerations pertaining begets SDWSN, which has a potential to resolve some of the
to SDWSN challenges such as the inherent ills of low band- WSN’s inherent challenges. The SDWSN is envisioned to play
width, energy, memory, and processing, as well as the amount a significant role in the IoT revolution.
of data exchange or update expected especially from the IoT
perspective. The proposed method uses the concept of fragmen- B. Controller
tation. Thus, each cluster segment of the network has its own
A controller plays a very vital role in SDWSN. It is the
controller, which is lean and very close to the infrastructure ele-
central point of control where decisions are made. This SDN
ments. There also exists a global controller, which has a view of
abstraction brings lots of benefits especially in management
the whole network. This two-level control architecture allows a
and configuration [16]. It also allows new policies and other
faster response between the sensor nodes and the control.
changes to be implemented with ease. However, this model is
Central to distributed systems is the consistency models,
not immune to drawbacks. The critical shortcomings emanate
which determine the data convergence on the distributed par-
from its centralization of the control intelligence, thereby
ticipants (nodes). There are two major consistency models, i.e.,
invoking issues such as reliability, security, performance, and
eventual consistency and strong consistency. The former uses
scalability [17]. A central controller implies a central point of
gossip protocols such as antientropy and rumor mongering,
failure and also a potential target for adversaries [4], [18]–[20].
whereas the latter uses consensus algorithms such as RAFT
Also, as the whole network relies on it for functionality, i.e.,
[11] and/or Paxos [12]. The choice of the consistency model
flow rule setup, potential performance degradation can be
depends on the need of the application and the type of data. This
encountered as the network grows. Furthermore, SDWSN is
paper investigates the applicability of these consistency mod-
envisioned to handle lots of data especially with the advent of
els and their algorithms in the distributed control systems for
IoT. Unlike enterprise networks, SDWSN will deal with lot of
SDWSNs. The contributions of this paper are as follows:
sensory data, which are delay sensitive. Therefore, a central
1) to investigate the feasibility of distributed controllers for
controller for SDWSN will not be practical [15]; thus, there is
need for a distributed control system. Distributed controllers
2) to propose fragmentation as a method of distribution to
do exist for mainstream SDN enterprise networks but not so in
achieve efficient SDWSN control;
the SDWSN space. Some of the popular distributed controllers
3) to propose alternative algorithms to best effort and antien-
in the SDN community are OpenDaylight [21], ONOS [22],
tropy algorithms to achieve a suitable consistency data
Hyperflow [23], Kandoo [24], and Elasticon [25].
model for fragmentation; and
4) to show through the evaluation that fragmentation does
bring efficiency to SDWSN control. C. Related Work
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We highlight SDN-WISE [26] is a comprehensive SDWSN framework
a brief overview of SDWSN in Section II, which includes con- based on state automata. The SDN-WISE software stack gives
troller and related work. Section III highlights the distributed detailed description of the SDN sensor nodes, sink nodes, and
control system for SDWSN with the proposed model. Gossip or the emulated nodes. The stateful structure includes the flow
epidemic protocols are discussed in Section IV. Sections V and table composition in the follow of OpenFlow. It also details
VI deal with the experimental setup and results, respectively, the protocol architecture dealing with the packet handling and
whereas Section VII is a discussion. Section VIII concludes the processing, and topology discovery techniques. The stack is
paper. adaptable to various SDN controllers and as such an adapta-
tion with ONOS was implemented by the authors and tested for
II. SOFTWARE-DEFINED WSNS interoperability with the enterprise network [27].
The combination of SDN-WISE and ONOS is progressively
A. Software-Defined Networking and Wireless
in the right direction toward the realization of an effective and
Sensor Network
efficient SDWSN for IoT. In [28], this solution was tested us-
SDN is an emergent computing and networking model, which ing multiple controllers in a distributed fashion. The authors of
has brought convenient disruption in both the academia and the SDN-WISE also implemented a custom java controller to test
industry at large [4], [13], [14]. It is regarded as innovative, this framework, which used Dijkstra’s algorithm. Dijkstra’s al-
The experimental evaluation seeks to determine the viability
of the fragmentation model for the SDWSN. Hypothetically,
the two algorithms used in the formation of the fragmentation
model have an efficient time complexity as shown through the
Fig. 4. Flowchart of the antientropy algorithm with fragmentation. big O notation. The big O notation is a model used to measure
the performance or complexity of an algorithm. This section
the global controller (might be from other clusters). The local describes the experiments used for this evaluation.
controller is envisaged to get updates only from the main global The experimental setup used SDN-WISE solution guidelines.
controller if it is coming alive due to having been down or when Thus, a Cooja simulator to establish SDN enabled sensor nodes
taking over another down node. In case a node goes down, the making the SDWSN as well as the SDN-WISE ONOS con-
sink node will connect to the next available controller node. To troller. SDN-WISE 1, which uses ONOS 1.0.2, is used. ONOS
get the updated state, the new controller will do an antientropy provides a mastership service where there is a master and slave
synchronization with the global controller; however, this would controllers. In a case of failure, one slave is elected to the master.
be rare given the nature of updates in SDWSN. The sensory data In this context, each local controller becomes a master, whereas
are mostly upstream and therefore most updates will be from the others in the cluster become slaves. The algorithms were
the local controller to the global controller. implemented in the ONOS controller. Three tests experiments
The antientropy protocol between the local controller and the were conducted comparatively: a single central controller, a
global controller is depicted in Table V. The steps of the algo- distributed controller, and a distributed controller with fragmen-
rithm are depicted on the flowchart in Fig. 4. As stated above, tation. The first two experiments were previously explored in
there are similarities between these two algorithms. The main [28], where a determination was made that a distributed control
difference is on the initiation stages; best effort algorithm is trig- system for SDWSN is indeed possible and a necessity.
gered by an event, whereas the antientropy algorithm is periodic. All the experiments were run in independent virtual machines
The similarities are on the information exchange between the (VM). All SDWSN simulations were conducted from a VM with
nodes. As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the contents of the algorithms 2-GHz CPU and 2 GB RAM; the same VM is also used for the
are similar. global controller. All other controller variations are conducted
from different VMs with 2-GHz CPU and 1 GB RAM specifi-
cations. Experiment A, as depicted in Fig. 5, uses a single cen-
A. Time Complexity tral controller. Experiment B uses three distributed controller
Time complexity is the amount of time or steps an algorithm in a form of a cluster ran in three different VMs, as shown
takes to run as a function given the length of the input. The more in Fig. 6. This experiment used the symmetric ONOS, herein
complex an algorithm is, the longer it takes to run. Although referred as ONOS original where all the controller instances
many scholars consider it insignificant or negligible because of eventually converge to an equal state. In experiment C, as de-
Fig. 10. Standard deviation. Fig. 12. Number of packets produced during the test.
ation of the RTTs in the standard deviation; the quantity does investigate the scalability issue in detail to adequately gauge
not affect the average. The improvement can also be qualified impact the proposed system. The efficiency of the SDWSN
by looking at the minimum and maximum RTTs. The minimum framework has an immense contribution to the digital industrial
average RTT is relative but the maximum RTT on the frag- revolution.
mentation is lower across all scenarios, and also, the variation
against the increase in nodes is minimal compared to the other
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