Defence Applications of Operational
Defence Applications of Operational
Defence Applications of Operational
An Australian Perspective
1.1 Introduction
It is perhaps self-evident that Navies around the world are interested in ocean con-
ditions. What may not be so obvious, however, is the variety of ways in which the
ocean can affect naval operations. This chapter aims to describe oceanographic
impacts on maritime operations, and how these can be assessed and forecast using
operational oceanographic capabilities which have become available in recent
years. Whilst its content is generally applicable to naval forces, it is presented
from the viewpoint of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), which has been closely
involved in the establishment of oceanographic observation and forecasting in
Australia, as a partner in the ‘BLUElink’ project [Brassington et al., 2007]. Jacobs
et al. have recently published a more general overview of how operational ocean-
ography is being used by navies throughout the world, which includes examples
from the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Australia [Jacobs et al.,
2009]. Harding and Rigney have previously published an overview of operational
oceanography in the United States Navy [Harding and Rigney, 2006].
In general terms, military forces around the world have given increasing atten-
tion, in recent times, to the importance of basing decision making on the most
comprehensive and up to date information available. This is partly due to the in-
creasing capabilities offered by information and communications technologies
(ICT), driven primarily by the commercial sector, and partly due to a change in
emphasis to manoeuvre warfare, rather than positional (or attritional) warfare. The
focus on manoeuvre warfare has its roots in the latter part of the Cold War, when
NATO realised that it must use force-multipliers, including information superior-
ity and the manoeuvrist approach, if it was to overcome the numerical superiority
of Soviet forces. The related concept of ‘Network Centric Warfare’ (NCW), as
distinct from a platform centric approach, envisages the rapid collection and dis-
semination of actionable information, using the latest technologies, to achieve in-
formation superiority throughout the battlespace.
Environmental information, including Meteorological and Oceanographic
(METOC) information, is regarded by modern navies as a vital component of in-
formation superiority and NCW, allowing naval forces to optimise their weapons,
sensors and manoeuvre for the prevailing and forecast environmental conditions.
For these reasons, the more technologically advanced world navies have been
quick to take advantage of the recent rapid developments in operational oceanog-
raphy, which have been described elsewhere in this volume. Improved oceanic ob-
servations, from both satellite and in situ sensors, data management and oceanic
analysis and forecast systems have all been applied to naval operations, in order to
contribute to the goal of information superiority.
This approach is particularly applicable in Australia, because oceanographic
conditions in the region are so complex. The East Australian Current affects the
Tasman Sea, spawning numerous warm- and cold-core eddies [Ridgway and
Dunn, 2003]. The Leeuwin Current flows down the west coast and across the
Great Australian Bight. The Pacific-Indonesian Throughflow affects the Timor
and Arafura Seas and the Northwest Shelf. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current af-
fects waters to the south of the continent. Other oceanographic phenomena in the
region include upwelling events (particularly along the Queensland coast, and the
Bonney coast of South Australia), internal waves, solitons, extreme tidal ranges
and abundant freshwater inflows, providing strong buoyancy forcing during the
Northwest monsoon. Faced with the need to operate successfully in such complex
waters, the RAN has been quick to appreciate the need to maintain a state-of-the-
art oceanographic capability, and has worked closely with partners, notably the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), to develop such a capability.
The profile shown in figure 1.1 extends to around 850 m. Below this depth,
however, there will come a point where the decrease in sound speed caused by the
temperature lapse is negated by the increase in sound speed due to the pressure in-
crease. In isothermal water, clearly the sound speed will increase with depth, and
acoustic energy will start to be refracted up towards the surface.
Fig. 1.1 Typical thermal profile of the ocean, taken from the central Tasman Sea. Data is from
the Ship of Opportunity Programme (SOOP), and was obtained from the IMOS Ocean Portal
Where the sound speed at depth exceeds the value at the surface, a ‘conver-
gence zone’ may be experienced. This is a ring around the acoustic source, typi-
cally with a radius of around 25 miles, where sound is focussed by a caustic effect.
This focussing of acoustic energy near the surface provides opportunities for
greatly increased ranges, and it is even possible for multiple convergence zones to
be present, giving even longer range detections.
Fig. 1.2 Sound Speed profile through the Tasman Sea at 155 degrees East on 31 March 2008.
Sound speed (colour stretch at right hand side) is in metres per second. Data is from the Ocean
Forecast Australia Model (OFAM). An anticyclonic eddy is evident at around 32oS.
highly detailed oceanic data required to enable acoustic assessments and forecasts
to be made at greatly increased spatial and temporal resolutions, suitable for tacti-
cal applications. For example, a submarine wishing to evade acoustic detection
can use such oceanographic data to identify a location in the thermocline beneath
the mixed layer, where the water is not too deep and the bottom is a good absorber
of low frequency noise. This will ensure that its radiated noise is directed down to
the sea bed, where it is absorbed, hence minimising counter-detection ranges.
ASW aircraft can use high-resolution oceanographic data to identify near-surface
sound channels, deploying the hydrophones on their sonobuoys or dipping sonars
in the channel in order to achieve the greatest possible detection ranges. Knowl-
edge of the location of fronts and eddies enables ASW frigates to design the most
effective search plans, armed with an accurate assessment of detection ranges.
These are just a few examples of how the wealth of oceanographic data now avail-
able presents abundant opportunities for the ingenuity of naval oceanographers
and tacticians to be stimulated.
As well as temperature and salinity, ocean currents also have an effect on
ASW, and should be considered by naval forces. Submarines can take advantage
of currents to increase their speed over the ground, whilst keeping their engines at
low power (and therefore operating quietly). In some cases, particularly in the
Australian region, ocean currents can run at 3 or 4 knots [Roughan and Middleton,
2002], so this effect can be significant. Ocean currents can also be taken into ac-
count in sonar range prediction systems, such as the RAN’s TESS 2, since they af-
fect sound speed.
currents (closely spaced arrows along the approach to the beach); wave trains (dis-
played as representative wave crests); and breaker percentage (displayed as green
for <1%, amber for 1-15% and red (surf zone) for >15%). This information can be
used in the planning phase of an amphibious assault, to compare the suitability of
various beaches for the operation, or to predict conditions at the beach at the time
of the assault. Depending on the nature of the assault, a suitable beach may be re-
quired to have negligible surf, although a single line of low, spilling surf may be
tolerated, and manageable longshore currents. The location of the beach centre
and approach lanes can also be chosen, using model output of this type, to avoid
rips. A knowledge of the location and strength of longshore currents in the boat
lanes, at the time of the assault, will help the landing craft crews to make a
successful approach and beaching.
Fig. 1.3 Sea and surf conditions forecast for North Beach, Cronulla. See text (sec-
tion 1.2.2) for an explanation of the symbology.
The RAN is developing a high resolution forecasting system, called the ‘Litto-
ral Ocean Modelling System’ (LOMS), which will provide sea, swell and surf pre-
dictions at greater resolution and fidelity, and over larger domains, than the
SWAN / Surf implementation described above. It will provide a three dimensional
characterisation of the wave conditions, at resolutions in the order of tens of me-
Mine Warfare operations include mine hunting (using specialist sonars and re-
motely operated vehicles), mine sweeping, and mine clearance diving. These op-
erations are generally conducted in littoral environments, which can be challeng-
ing due to the complexity of ocean conditions. Tidal streams are often strong,
turbidity can affect visibility, and variations in the bottom type and thermohaline
structure can make acoustic detection difficult.
In order to achieve good detection and resolution of small objects, mine hunt-
ing sonars typically operate at relatively high frequencies (hundreds of kHz). This
means that typical detection ranges are quite low, and so ocean models with hori-
zontal resolutions in the order of tens of kilometres are unable to provide adequate
resolution of the oceanic structure for these applications. The RAN uses a limited
area oceanic model, called the ‘Relocatable Ocean Atmosphere Model’ (ROAM),
which is described in section 1.4.2 below, to generate forecasts at resolutions
down to 1 or 2 km, and the LOMS model will provide even higher resolution in
the near future. A mine warfare variant of the TESS 2 sonar range prediction
software, called TESS 2M, provides acoustic assessments at the scales required by
mine warfare applications.
The main demand on naval oceanographers supporting mine warfare operations
is often to assess and predict currents, both at the surface and at depth. These de-
pend on the tidal regime, wind driven flow and influence of the current structure
in the adjacent deep ocean basin, all of which can be modelled by systems such as
ROAM. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and divers may be limited by the
strength of these currents, and forecasts are used to identify windows of opportu-
nity, when current strengths are low enough that such activities will not be unduly
hampered. The thermohaline structure of the littoral water mass is of interest to
mine hunting operations, and can have a substantial impact, particularly in the
case of a salt wedge estuary or where there is strong tidal modulation.
The bulk of the chapter so far has concentrated on high-end warfighting appli-
cations of operational oceanography, such as prosecuting submarines, clearing
minefields and conducting amphibious assaults. Oceanographic products are also
used, however, to provide routine support to lower tempo operations, such as
maritime interdiction, patrol tasks and constabulary activities, which may be con-
strained by high sea states or heavy swells.
A current example is the use of real-time satellite observations, and forecasts,
of significant wave height to identify the risk of pirate attacks off the coast of So-
malia. After establishing the correlation between pirate attacks and satellite obser-
vations of significant wave height, using historical data, a ‘stoplight’ product is
routinely provided to naval forces, including an Australian frigate, in the interna-
tional Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150), operating off the Somali coast. This
product shows the risk of pirate attack in three categories: ‘probable’, ‘possible’
and ‘unlikely’ (figure 1.4).
Fig. 1.4 36 hour Forecast of risk of pirate attacks off the Somali coast, based on significant wave
height, valid 28 August 2009.
1.3.1 Climatology
Until the recent advent of operational oceanography, Navies have had to rely
on climatologies or point observations to make operational decisions [Greggs et
al., 2009]. Climatologies can be useful for planning purposes, but they are of lim-
ited use where oceanic variability is high. In the extreme case of a bimodal sys-
tem, climatology shows the mean of the two modes, which may be a physical
situation which never arises in reality (e.g. south or north of a front, inside or out-
side an eddy). Figure 1.5 illustrates the limitations of climatology, by showing
SST in the Tasman Sea as depicted by the World Ocean Atlas 2001, and a snap-
shot of SST from the BLUElink forecasting system.
Fig. 1.5 Comparison of SST as depicted by climatology (left) (World Ocean Atlas 2001, Sep-
tember) and an oceanic model (right) (BLUElink Reanalysis, 16 September 2009).
1.3.2 Persistence
mixed, and advection is minimal. Persistence is a more valid approach for short
lead time forecasts, such as may be required for a Co-ordinated Anti-Submarine
EXercise (CASEX) lasting two or three hours, than for longer lead times. Never-
theless, where spatial and temporal variability is great, such as in the waters
around Australia, a persistence forecast may be misleading even on very short
The ocean analysis and forecasting capability of the BLUElink system has been
described elsewhere in this volume. This section will describe how forecasts from
the BLUElink system, including ROAM, are used by the RAN for operational de-
cision making.
Fig. 1.6. ‘METOC Oceanographic Forecast Summary’ (MOFS) chart, showing SST and currents
in the Tasman Sea for 29 August 2009. MOFS charts are routinely produced twice weekly,
showing forecasts out to 6 days, and are used by a variety of naval personnel.
Fig. 1.7. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and current forecast produced by the ROAM system for
the mine warfare Exercise DUGONG in October 2009.
ROAM sea surface temperature and currents as the background. The three POD-
grams are for an ASW frigate leaving Jervis Bay and tracking to the northeast,
searching for a submarine at Periscope Depth (PD). The capabilities of the sonar
used for the calculation are fictional. The PODgrams seem to make sense intui-
tively, since they show the greatest ranges inshore, where the water is shallow and
with a relatively homogeneous thermohaline structure, and bottom losses are low
from the sandy sea bed. Offshore, where the temperature gradient is greater, detec-
tion ranges are less. The scale of figure 1.8 can be gauged by considering that the
current vectors are shown at the ROAM resolution of 1 km. The PODgrams have
hollow centres because echoes cannot be received whilst the sonar is transmitting,
which gives rise to a ‘dead zone’ of varying radius, depending on the duration of
the transmitted pulse, and the speed of sound in water.
Fig. 1.8 Sonar performance predictions produced by ROAM and TESS 2 for 1000 UTC on 06
October 2009, in the vicinity of Jervis Bay, NSW. The background shows sea surface tempera-
ture (colour stretch and contours) and current vectors. The three ‘Probability of Detection’ plots
(PODgrams) are over-plotted, with a probability of detection of 90% or more shown in red.
1.5 Summary
Oceanographic data has been collected by the world’s navies for many years, and
used to inform the planning and conduct of a range of naval operations. Perhaps
the main preoccupation of the naval oceanographer is with the acoustic properties
of the ocean, because acoustic detection is of great importance in Anti-Submarine
Warfare (ASW) and Mine Warfare (MW). The effects of oceanic temperature and
salinity, and the depth of water, on sound speed are well known, so oceanographic
conditions can be used to infer acoustic properties, both qualitatively by naval per-
sonnel, and quantitatively in sonar range prediction systems. The relatively recent
advent of operational oceanography, spanning ocean observation systems, data as-
similation and deterministic forecasting models, has made available a wealth of
observational and forecast data at high spatial and temporal resolutions. These
new datasets are being used by naval oceanographers to provide much improved
characterisations of the physical structure of the ocean, in order to inform opera-
tional and tactical decision making. The time and space scales which are starting
to be resolved allow oceanographic support to be provided in complex littoral en-
vironments, where there is a demand from amphibious and mine warfare opera-
tions. This new oceanographic capability is timely, given a broader trend towards
information superiority in the more technologically advanced defence forces.
This chapter has described oceanographic effects on ASW, Amphibious War-
fare, Mine Warfare, submarine operations and lower tempo activities such as
Search and Rescue (SAR) and maritime interdiction operations. The acoustic
properties of the ocean have been outlined in some detail, using examples from the
Tasman Sea. The strengths and weaknesses of various forecasting methods,
namely climatology, persistence, deterministic and ensemble forecasts, have been
described, from the perspective of naval forces. Finally, some examples have been
given of the use of deterministic forecasts of the ocean, including ASW activities
in the Tasman Sea, a Mine Warfare exercise in the approaches to Hobart, Tasma-
nia, and the use of high resolution oceanographic data to generate range-dependent
sonar predictions in the Jervis Bay exercise areas.
The maturing international capability for operational oceanography presents a
remarkable opportunity for the world’s navies and maritime forces, and this has
been seized on by the RAN and other top-rank navies. As the resolvable time and
space scales continue to reduce, and progress is made with the downscaling of
global systems to coastal scales, the complexities of the littoral environment,
which are of great interest to navies around the world, will continue to be unrav-
elled. It is an exciting time to be a naval oceanographer.
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