Invocations - Tech. (L5R)

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Name Rank Description Activation Effects New opportunities

Blessed Wind 1 The shugenja recites a short chant, and the dust Support action, TN 2 If successful, you summon a swirling wind at the : Effect lasts until end of the scene
whips up, carried upon twisting currents of air Theology (Air) check target position. Any character at range 0–2 of the
that foil and deflect projectiles. Stones, arrows, targeting 1 position at chosen position counts as being in Obscuring terrain
and even larger missiles are knocked aside by range 0-3. for the purposes of Attack actions targeting them.
buffeting winds, keeping the target safe from Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round per
such attacks. bonus success

By the Light of Lord Moon 1 When a shugenja performs this invocation, the Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, you scry for each hidden character and +: If successful, may reveal 1 magically
light shifts to that of a moonlit night, unweaving Theology (Air) check concealed object in the targeted area, revealing it with
concealed object per
the shadows to lay bare the things they conceal. targeting an area at an illusory, luminous outline that only you can
Hidden objects glow faintly with silver light, range 0-2. perceive. This invocation only reveals objects and
while mystical illusions are revealed as people concealed by mundane means. +: Choose an additional character at
translucent, gossamer forms.
range 0-1 per to see the objects
Call Upon the Wind 2 The shugenja whispers a breathless prayer and Movement action, TN If successful, winds swirl around you, carrying you : -1 to TN of your next movement action
rises from the ground as gentle winds bear them 4 Theology (Air) aloft.
until the end of your next turn.
aloft. Air spirits usually carry their charges check. In addition to being able to move vertically freely,
gracefully, without dropping them to stumble the you ignore the effects of terrain while flying.
last few feet—usually. Effect persists until the end of the scene. +: Carry one willing character at range
0-2 per
Cloak of Night 3 A sufficiently learned shugenja can call forth air Scheme and Support If successful, you augment the target with an illusion +: Choose 1 additional target of the
kami to play one of their simplest and most action, Theology (Air) that renders it invisible to the naked eye. The object is
same silhouette or smaller per
effective tricks: enveloping an object or person check, TN = target still physically present and can be touched, smelled,
in their embrace to hide it from sight. silhouette, or sensed with any normal sense other than vision.
False Realm of the Fox Spirits 4 The kami are not bound so tightly to the Mortal Scheme action, TN 5 If successful, you summon illusory terrain at the : Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Realm of Ningen-dō as mortals (even shugenja) Theology (Air) check, target position that extends out a number of range
are. They can see the ways in which the mortal targeting 1 position at bands up to your Air Ring.
and spiritual realms overlap and disconnect, and range 0-4 A character unaware of the illusion’s false nature +: Add Dangerous, Entangling, or
when beseeched by a shugenja, they can even must resist with a TN 4 Survival (Earth 5, Fire 2)
Obscuring quality to the illusory terrain
draw visions of one realm into another, creating check to realize its falsehood at a distance. As the
vast, nearly tangible falsehoods that fool all but illusion has no substance, any physical contact
the keenest observers. reveals the lie (though the illusion stays in place).
Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to your
Air + bonus successes.
Grasp of the Air Dragon 3 The shugenja exhales a long breath at the end of Attack or Support If successful, you summon a gale-force wind to move +: Increase max. range by 1 per
the incantation and extends a hand. A stillness action, TN 4 the target a number of range bands equal to your Air
descends, the moment before the storm breaks. Theology (Air) check Ring + bonus successes (max. 6 range bands),
Then, the clouds high above twist and trail from targeting 1character at ignoring any intervening terrain. +: +1 to height of the fall at Attack
the Heavens like festival streamers. The wind range 3-5. You may choose to set target down on the ground
swoops toward the target and hurls them into the gently (if you chose Support action) or slam them
air—carrying them to safety or to their doom, into it with full force (if you chose Attack action).
depending on the will of the shugenja. When you slam a target to the ground this way, target
must resist with a TN 4 Fitness (Earth 5, Fire 2)
check or suffer the effects of a fall from range 3.

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Mask of Wind 2 Deception is not the way of the samurai, but it is Scheme and Support If successful, you augment yourself with an illusion : You may alter your voice to sound like
often the way of expedience. The shugenja asks action, TN 3 that makes you look like someone else. An observer
someone else while the illusion is in place.
the air kami to mask their features and even their Theology (Air) check. must resist with a TN 4 Sentiment (Earth 5, Fire 2)
An observer must resist with a TN 4
voice, causing onlookers to see a different check to notice something amiss from your
Sentiment (Earth 5, Fire 2) check to notice
person. appearance alone; if they succeed, they may spend
something amiss from the sound of your
to recognize you specifically.
voice alone, and they may spend if they
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
succeed to recognize you specifically

+: Effect lasts an additional scene per

Nature´s Touch 1 To perform this rite, the shugenja seeks Support action, TN 1 If successful, you augment yourself with the ability to : You can understand animals’ speech
Chikushō-dō, the Realm of Animals. In the Theology (Air) check. speak to animals of the natural. Animals can
until the end of scene.
world around them and in their own heart. This understand you within their ability to do so naturally.
allows the shugenja to communicate with However they are not compelled to obey you.
(though not dominate) animals of the mortal Effect persists until the end of the scene. : The animal also acts favorably toward
you automatically due to your politeness,
fulfilling one request that does not put it in
danger without having to be convinced with
bribes of food or subsequent checks.

: You can communicate with an

otherworldly being
Rise, Air 4 A manifest air kami is a flickering, shifting Support action, TN 6 If successful, you summon a Manifest Air Kami to : The manifest air kami arrives in a
thing, a whirlwind of power with lashing arms Theology (Air) check fight for you, taking its turn immediately after yours
cyclone that hurls aside anything nearby.
that screams with the voice of the storm. It targeting 1 position at each round. When this effect ends, it departs or, if
Each character at range 0–2 of the target
towers above the tallest of humans, yet can find range 3-5. stirred to particular ire, begins to follow its own
position must resist with a TN 4 Fitness
its way through the slightest of cracks. The directives. If it begins to act independently, it does
(Earth 5, Fire 2) check or suffer
slightest slip of concentration while guiding such not attack the shugenja who summoned it unless
supernatural damage equal to your Air Ring
a being can lead to untold devastation as the provoked.
and be pushed away 2 range band.
child of the tempest carves its way across the Effect persists for 2 rounds + 1 per bonus success.
Secrets of the Wind 2 The spirits of air need little prompting to gossip, Scheme action, TN 3 If successful, you scry with whispering winds that : You can also smell any scents in that
even if their breathless murmurs are often Theology (Air) check eavesdrop on the chosen position. The air kami can
incomprehensible to human ears. To make this targeting 1 position at overhear anything said within a number of range
clandestine invocation, the shugenja offers up range 0. bands equal to your Air Ring. While this effect
incense of sandalwood and plum to convince the persists, you may spend an action to hear anything : If the invocation is discovered, the
air kami to repeat what is said far away. being said at the moment in the designated area. effects immediately end to protect your
Effect persists for 24 hour or until new area is identity

+: The effects last an additional 24

hours per
Summon Fog 2 Tendrils of mist spill forth from the character’s Support action, TN 2 If successful, you summon a fog bank that fills an : You may choose 1 character instead of a
robes or armor, billowing out before them and Theology (Air) check area extending 1 range band around the target
position. Fog follows that character
wrapping them in an ominous haze targeting 1 position at position. This fog bank counts as Obscuring terrain.
range 0-4. Effect persists until the end of the scene.

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+: Fog bank encompasses 1 additional
range band per (max. 6)

: Fog bank becomes a freezing storm

and counts as Dangerous terrain
Tempest of Air 1 The shugenja beseeches the air spirits to lash out Attack action, TN 3 If successful, each target suffers supernatural damage : Each target who fails their Fitness check
all around them, calling buffeting winds to push Theology (Air) check equal to your Air ring and must resist with a TN 4
is pushed 1 range band away.
foes backward or even hurl them to the ground. targeting each Fitness (Earth 5, Fire 2) check or become
character at range 2-3 Disoriented.

Token of Memory 1 After performing this invocation, the shugenja Scheme action, TN 2 If successful, you summon an illusion of one : The object created may be a creature or
conjures an illusion from the air, a trick of the Theology (Air) check inanimate object at the target position. The illusory
light captured in hand. targeting 1 position at object’s size is a silhouette of up to your bonus
range 0-1 successes (beginning at 0). The item appears real, but
it does not actually exist, and it cannot be used. Any +: Create one additional object per
character confronted with one of these illusions must
resist with a TN 4 Artisan, Smithing, or Design
(Earth 5, Fire 2) check using a Scholar skill : Object has mass and functionality, but
approach to discern its illusory nature.
still vanishes when the effect ends
The object persists until the end of the scene.
Vapor of Nightmares 3 The shugenja murmurs an incantation half-heard Attack action, TN 4 If successful, you summon an illusion of target’s : If target fails Meditation check they
by the target, and as the ominous chant fades and Theology (Air) check greatest fear. Target must resist with a TN 4
also suffer the Disoriented condition
the scent cloud of incense parts, the object of the targeting 1 character at Meditation (Earth 5, Fire 2) check to see through
target’s fear strides forth as an illusive phantasm. range 2-3 this phantasm.
If they fail, they suffer strife equal to your Air Ring + : Illusion lasts until the end of the scene.
bonus successes and must immediately unmask if
they become Compromised this way.
If they unmask in the presence of the phantasm, they
focus their attentions on the phantasm, rather than
dealing with you or anyone else.
Phantasm persists for a number of rounds equal to
your Air Ring.
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami 5 When stirred to wrath through the deepest Attack action, TN 5 If successful, you summon a hurricane that buffets all : You can end the hurricane at any time as
secrets of the shugenja’s art, the spirits of the Theology (Air) check characters in range. At the end of each of your turns,
an action
wind become a howling tornado, spinning targeting each each target in range must resist with a TN 4 Fitness
around the priest and raising them from the character at range 2-4 (Earth 5, Fire 2) check or suffer supernatural
ground while devastating everything in reach; damage equal to your Air Ring and become +: Each target who fails the Fitness check
uprooting trees, shattering buildings, and Disoriented.
at the end of this turn is hurled a number of
crushing foes. The hurricane persists for a number of rounds equal
range bands away from you equal to spent.
to your Air Ring can destroy objects or structures at
Upon landing, each target hurled this way
your GM's discretion.
suffers the negative effects of falling the
number of range bands they moved.

: While within the hurricane you can fly,

ignoring the negative effects of terrain
Yari of Air 1 The shugenja adopts a spear-fighting stance, and Support action, TN 1 If successful, you summon and ready a spear made of : The weapon can be any melee or ranged
a swirling, darting mass ripples into being in Theology (Air) check wind, visible only by a wispy outline. It has the
weapon instead
their hand. It weighs almost nothing and yet Concealable quality. When you make an Attack or
strikes with the force of a thunderclap. Support action check using the invisible spear, during
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Step 5: Choose Kept Dice, add a kept set to : You can immediately perform the guard
action using this weapon
Effect persists until the end of the scene or until the
end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
: You can immediately perform the
guard action using this weapon
Armor of Earth 1 Earth is the Element of protection, as evidenced Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon and equip a suit of : Effect persists until the end of the
by this invocation. When a shugenja performs (Earth) check. armor that grants physical resistance equal to
this invocation, shards of stone fly toward them, your Earth Ring + bonus successes and has the
fastening around them to clad them in rocky Cumbersome and Wargear qualities.
armor. Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to : Armor gains the Durable quality
your Earth Ring.

: Armor gains the Sacred quality

Bind the Shadow 2 When confronting a Tainted being, the shugenja Attack action, TN 3Theology If successful, crackling arcs of jade light smite : Each target that fails is bound
can call forth the pure spirit of a small sanctified (Earth) check targeting 1 and purify target. Target must resist with TN 4
until the end of the scene instead
object to weaken or even paralyze the monster. Otherworldly being at range 0-2 Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) check or become
Immobilized and Silenced.
Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to : Each target that fails is bound
your Earth Ring.
for 1 year instead

+: +1 TN to resist per

: Each target that fails is

bound for 100 years instead.
Caress of Earth 1 The shugenja draws their hand across a broken Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you mend the target, and remove : One target gains the Durable
item, calling upon the spirits of metal, wood, or (Earth) check targeting 1 item the Damaged or Destroyed quality from it.
quality until the end of the scene.
stone to restore and fortify it. Splintered planks with Damaged or Destroyed
knit back together, metal glows and writhes quality at range 0-1.
before solidifying into a form like new, and
stone congeals as liquid before freezing back
into form.
Courage of Seven Thunders 1 At the dawn of the Empire, the Seven Thunders Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, each target increases their : If successful, each target increases
stood against Fu Leng, and their clash resounded (Earth) check a number composure by your Earth ring.
their endurance by your Earth Ring
from the Shadowlands to every corner of characters up to your Earth Ring Effect persists until the end of the scene.
while effect persists.
Rokugan. Earth is the Element of recollection, at range 0-2.
and from the earth kami, a shugenja can unearth
fragments of the memories of these heroes from +: Each target removes 1 Strife per
across the ages and impart them to their
comrades in arms. This invocation does not erase
fear, but it reminds a samurai of the legacy they
must uphold—that others stood against the
: Target each friendly character in
darkness before and prevailed.

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range instead
Earthquake 4 Earthquakes are common in some parts of Attack action, TN 5 Theology If successful, you summon an earthquake that : Effect persists until the end of the
Rokugan, and they are rightly feared - whole (Earth) check targeting each encompasses the range of the invocation in all
scene; you may stop it as an action.
villages have been known to vanish when the other character at range 0-3. directions around you. At the end of each of your
earth spirits are set to turmoil. To intentionally turns, each target must resist with TN 5 Fitness
raise their ire is dangerous, but it is one of the (Air 3, Water 6) check or suffer supernatural +: If successful, you may summon a
most powerful techniques a shugenja can wield. damage equal to 2x your Earth Ring and become
chasm beneath the feet of 1 character
Ripples shoot across the ground around them as Prone.
in range, causing that character and
the earth bucks and tumbles. The shugenja´s foes Effect persists for a number of rounds equal to
anyone at range 0–1 of them to fall a
plummet into chasms of darkness and sulfur, your Earth Ring.
number of range bands equal to
entombed forever beneath the ground they once
spent into the bowels of the earth.

+: If successful, you may destroy

1 building or fortification in range per
spent. Each character inside must
resist with TN 3 Fitness (Air 1,
Water 4) check to escape or suffer a
critical strike severity 10.
Earth Becomes Sky 3 The shugenja makes a short incantation and Attack action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you call forth a boulder to smite -
stomps a foot on the ground, and the earth kami (Earth) check targeting 1 your target. Target suffers supernatural damage
spray torrents of dirt, stones, and even boulders character at range 1-3. equal to your Earth Ring + bonus successes and
toward their foe. must resist with TN 3 Fitness (Air 1, Water 4)
check or become Prone. If target is already
Prone, double the damage they suffer this way.

Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin 2 The shugenja appeals to rumbling subterranean Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment yourself with the : Effect persists until the end of the
kami, offering the proper prayers too receive (Earth) check. ability to stick to earthen surfaces, allowing you
safe passage even across places humans were not to traverse even vertical surfaces made of earth
meant to tread. The spirit shrouds the shugenja, or stone.
allowing them to stick to rocky surfaces or Effect persists for 1 round + additional rounds : If successful, you can also pass
parting the ground to allow passage. equal to bonus successes.
through solid earth as if it was water
when you move. Further, you count
as having supernatural resistance
against damage from Earth
invocations, Earth kihō, and Earth
mahō equal to your Earth Ring.

: Effects also apply to metal. You

count as having physical resistance
against damage from metal weapons
equal to your Earth ring.
Essence of Jade 3 The shugenja takes a pinch of jade powder and Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you purify the area and remove the : Effect persists until the end of the
sprinkles it in a pentagram symbolizing harmony (Earth) check targeting 1 Defiled terrain quality from an area that extends
of the Five Elements on the world, recalling the position at range 0-2. a number of range bands around the target
spirits of the land to their rightful place to position equal to your Earth Ring.
provide a bulwark against the forces of evil. Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round : Choose a character instead of a
per bonus success.
position (effect follows character).

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: While effect persists, all damage
inflicted within area gains the Sacred

: Terrain also gains Hallowed

quality during the duration.
Earth 1 With a harsh chant and a gesture of seizing, the Attack action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon cracks in the earth; : Each target that fails also becomes
shugenja calls upon the earth spirits to lay hold (Earth) check targeting 1 each target suffers supernatural damage equal to
of someone, dragging them down and containing character at range 0-2. your Earth Ring and must resist with TN 4
them. Usually, this invocation causes the target’s Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) check or become
legs to sink into ground that has turned into Prone. : Reduce the damage each target
sucking mud, quicksand, or a hole beneath them
suffers to 0
and entraps them.

Jade Strike 1 Jade, said to be the tears of Amaterasu, is a Attack action, TN 2 Theology If successful and target is an Otherworldly being : If successful, each target that is an
sacred stone. It is anathema to creatures of (Earth) check targeting 1 or has the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage, you
Otherworldly being or suffering from
darkness, and it is one of the few substances character at range 0-3. smite and purify it with searing jade energy. It
the Shadowlands Taint Disadvantage
capable of harming the greater minions of Fu suffers a critical strike with severity equal to your
suffers the Silenced condition and
Leng, the fallen Kami. A shugenja can mimic its Earth Ring + bonus successes. The creature may
cannot use Mahō techniques until the
effects by entreating earth kami to punish evil spend from its check to resist this critical
end of your next turn.
before them. The shugenja´s hand is enveloped strike to conceal that it has been affected,
in the sacred green glow, which strikes forth potentially concealing its Otherworldly nature
withering creatures of evil and humans under the (though it still suffers the effects that it
sway of the Shadowlands´ insidious power. successfully hid).

If successful and target is not an Otherworldly

being or suffering from the Shadowlands Taint
Disadvantage, it suffers no ill effects.

Jurōjin´s Balm 1 Jurōjin, guardian of longevity, healt and physical Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you augment target’s fortitude. The : Effect persists for 24 hours
wellbeing, is one of the most sought after of the (Earth) check targeting 1 target reduces TN of all checks to resist the
Seven Fortunes – for whether one is a lord or a character at range 0-1 effects of poison and disease by 2 (min. 1).
peasant, one is sure to pray for health sooner or Additionally, the target cannot become
later. A shugenja can impart spiritual Intoxicated via imbibing alcohol. : If successful, target also reduces
fortification in this Fortune´s name, anointing the Effect persists until the end of the scene.
the TN of all checks to resist mahō,
body of the target with sacred earth, healing
Defiled terrain quality and the effects
plantssuch as ginseng or rhubarb, or stranger
of Otherworldly beings by 2 (min. 1).
remedies still. While under the effects of this
blessing, a character is much more resistant to
poison, disease and the effects of alcohol – : If successful, target is also cured
which can be a boon or curse depending on one´s
of any poisons currently afflicting
them and the Dying condition, and
any symptoms of diseases affecting
them are suppressed until the end of
the scene

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Power of the Earth Dragon 3 The shugenja places a hand on the earth and a Support action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you augment target's resilience, : Effect persists until the end of the
hand over the target’s heart. They recite a deep, (Earth) check targeting 1 increasing their endurance by your Earth Ring +
scene instead.
reverberating prayer that thrums loudly through character at range 0-2. bonus successes.
both, bringing the vitality and resilience of stone Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
to the blessed. again until the end of the scene.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus successes.
Rise, Earth 4 An earth kami bursts from the ground, Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Earth : The Manifest Earth Kami’s fists
manifesting as a guardian creature of living rock (Earth) check targeting 1 Kami to fight for you, which bursts forth at the
gain the Sacred quality.
with veins of sapphire, ruby or even jade. Earth position with a patch of dirt, clay, target position, taking its turn immediately after
kami can be cantankerous, but they hate or stone at range 0–3. yours each round. When this effect ends, it
anything tainted and strive to obliterate it. departs or, if stirred to particular ire, begins to : The Manifest Earth Kami creates
follow its own directives (but will not attack you
a rumbling shockwave when it erupts.
unless provoked).
Each character at range 0–2 of the
Effect persists for 3 rounds + 1 additional round
chosen position must resist with TN 4
per bonus successes.
Fitness (Air 2, Water 5) check or
suffer physical or supernatural
damage equal to your Earth Ring and
become Prone.

+: +2 to Manifest Earth Kami’s

endurance per
Symbol of Earth 2 Earth spirits govern boundaries and domains. By Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon a symbol that purifies : Effect persists until the end of the
inscribing an emblem in dirt, scratching it upon (Earth) check targeting 1 the area at the target position. Each time an
stone, or imprinting it upon sand, a shugenja can position at range 0-1. Otherworldly being attempts to move closer to
create a field that repels malevolent supernatural target, it suffers supernatural damage equal to
entities. your Earth Ring and must make TN 4 Fitness : Effect persists for 24 hours.
(Air 2, Water 5) check or become Prone.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Tetsubō of Earth 1 The shugenja takes a steady stance and calls the Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a tetsubō : You may create any kind of melee
spirits of earth. A pillar of stone rises from a (Earth) check targeting 1 made of stone. When you deal damage with an
weapon instead, it has Durable
nearby plot of soil, chunks cracking away to position with a patch of stone, Attack action using this weapon, if a target is
reveal the form of a studded club. Despite its dirt, or earth at range 0–1. Prone, that target suffers additional damage
great weight, the shugenja can heft it with ease, equal to your Earth Ring.
their might reinforced by the spirits of earth. Effect persists until the end of the scene or until : You may immediately perform a
the end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
guard action using the weapon.

: The weapon has Sacred quality.

Tomb of Jade 5 One of the most powerful invocations of the Attack action, TN 6 Theology If successful and target is a Tainted being, you : Effect persists until the end of the
spirits of earth, the rite the Kuni call the Tomb of (Earth) check targeting 1 call upon the earth kami to purify it, slowly
Jade seals an entity suffused with the power of character at range 0-1. transforming the target into jade. At the
the Shadowlands within jade, transforming its beginning of each of the target’s turns, reducing
blighted flesh into this sacred substance. the value of each of its rings by 1. If any of its : You may later release the target as
However, if the prison of jade is cracked or rings are reduced to 0 in this manner, the target is
an action.
broken, the spell weakens and the being sealed turned entirely into jade—it can only be freed if
within might be able to escape to wreak havoc the statue is damaged or destroyed. Because the
once again. If it ever escapes, the shugenja who statue is jade, it causes the area at range 0–2
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sealed it becomes aware of its escape, for the around it to count as Hallowed (Earth) terrain. +: Choose one of the following
earth kami send a rumbling warning, shaking
conditions for each spent this way:
their current location to raise the alarm. If successful and target is not a Shadowlands
Dazed, Disoriented, Immobilized,
creature and does not have the Shadowlands
or Prone. If target is an Otherworldly
Taint disadvantage, it suffers no ill effects.
being, it suffers the chosen
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Wall of Earth 1 For their part, earth kami are not too proud to Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon a wall of earth : Choose 1 of the following:
shape walls, ditches or even buildings along the (Earth) check targeting 2 between the 2 target positions that is range 1 in
Dangerous, Entangling or Obscuring.
lines in the dirt that a shugenja traces or blesses positions at range 0-2. thickness and range 3 in height. Each character
The wall counts as terrain with that
with reagents like topaz and oak. Placing such a standing where the wall erupts must resist with
wall underneath someone is likely to hurl them TN 2 Fitness (Air 1, Water 3) check or suffer
to the ground, while placing one under a building physical damage equal to your Earth Ring and
could wreak havoc and cause considerable become Prone. +: Treat the max. range of this
damage to the structure. The invoked
technique as +1 per
construction endures as long as a mundane
construction of the same material would. Of it is
merely dirt called into the desired shape, it : You may summon an Outpost
begins to erode within days, while if the ground
fortification instead
the shugenja raises is largely composed of stone,
the construction might stand for centuries.
: You may summon a Fortress
fortification instead

: You may summon a Castle

fortification instead
Armor of Radiance 2 By appealing to the fire kami that slumber within Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment target armor, : The armor gains the wargear
an object, a shugenja can turn a set of armor into (Fire) check targeting 1 set of enveloping it in blinding radiance and searing
a weapon. The fire kami’s creative energy armor at range 0-1. heat (that miraculously do not affect the wearer).
expands rapidly as the incantation ends, causing When a character at range 0–1 of the wearer
shimmering radiance to burst forth into a halo of begins their turn, they suffer the Burning and : Effect persists until the end of
fire that encircles the armor and the wearer, Dazed conditions.
the scene.
searing their foes. Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Biting Steel 1 Flame, passion, and ingenuity transform ore into Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment the weapon with : You may immediately strike with
steel, and steel into a sword. So too, then, can a (Fire) check targeting 1 weapon blazing energy. Increase the weapon’s base
the weapon if readied.
shugenja wield flame to transform a sword into at at range 0-1. damage by your Fire Ring.
an even greater weapon, one with an impossible
edge that parts nearly any substance in its Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round +: If successful, +1 to weapon’s
ferocity. By drawing a pattern along the naked per bonus success.
deadliness per until the end of the
blade, a shugenja can wake the spirits of fire still
sleeping within it.

: Effect persists until the end of

the scene.

Breath of the Fire Dragon 3 “Fire begins with breath,” or so the Isawa have Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you exhale searing flames that : -1 TN to next attack action made

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long said. Some shugenja make this practice (Fire) check targeting 1 character smite the target and those around them. Target before the end of your next turn.
literal, calling upon the fire kami to ignite the air at range 0-3. suffers supernatural damage equal to your Fire +: +1 max range per .
they exhale, transforming it into a gout of Ring + 2x bonus successes and the Burning
+: +1 TN to resist effect per .
charring flame. Besides burning foes, it also condition. Each character at range 0–1 of the
tends to ignite nearby flammable objects. target must make a TN 3 Fitness (Air 4, Water
1) check or suffer supernatural damage equal to
your Fire Ring.
Extinguish 1 Shujenja are scholars at their heart, for their art Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon the fire kami’s energy : If successful, you may also end
is one of long hours of study and dedication to (Fire) check targeting up to 3 into yourself. Extinguish each target flame and
all persistent effects from other Fire
the refinement of the mind. Thus, many seek the mundane fires at range 0-3. remove 1 fatigue per target source of fire
invocations and flame-based
blessing of Fukurokujin, keeper of knowledge extinguished this way.
supernatural effects in the area.
and patron to scholars. A shugenja can call upon
the guidance of this Fortune to sharpen their
mind to a razor edge and vitalize their nerves.
Fukurokujin´s Wit 1 Shujenja are scholars at their heart, for their art Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you augment your target’s wits and : Target another character at range
is one of long hours of study and dedication to (Fire) check. cunning with the Fortune’s favor. When making
0-2 instead.
the refinement of the mind. Thus, many seek the checks, the target adds a kept set to an
blessing of Fukurokujin, keeper of knowledge result.
and patron to scholars. A shugenja can call upon
the guidance of this Fortune to sharpen their
mind to a razor edge and vitalize their nerves.
Fury of Osano-wo 3 The Fortune of Fire and Thunder, Osano-wo is Attack action, TN 5 Theology If successful, you call forth lightning to smite : Target and any other characters at
the mythical son of the Kami Hida. With a (Fire) check targeting 1 character target. Target suffers supernatural damage equal
range 0–2 of the target must make a
sudden, harsh incantation and downward gesture, at range 0-4. to your Fire Ring + 3x bonus successes. If a
TN 3 Meditation (Air 4, Water 1)
a shugenja can conjure a bolt of lightning to TN 4 if the weather is already target is Incapacitated by this damage, they suffer
check or become Dazed and suffer
strike foes with a powerful blast. stormy a critical strike with severity of 8.
strife equal to 3x your Fire Ring.

+: +2 Severity of critical strike

inflicted per .
Katana of Fire 1 The shugenja takes a kenjutsu posture, holding Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a katana : Create any kind of melee weapon
their hands aloft or in a guarded position, and a (Fire) check made of fire. It has the Wargear quality.
burst of fire swirls into existence in their grip in Damage inflicted with this weapon is
the shape of a sword. This blade weighs nearly supernatural rather than physical.
nothing, but its edge cuts like fine steel, leaving Effect persists until the end of the scene or until : You may immediately strike with
blazing trails of light in the air behind it and the end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
the created weapon.
scorching cuts through any flesh it crosses.

: If successful, you may summon

and ready a pair of weapons instead.

: After you perform an Attack

action with the weapon, each target
must resist with a TN 3 Fitness (Air
4, Water 1) check or start Burning.
Matsu´s Battlecry 1 The shugenja calls to kami of war and flame Scheme action, TN Theology If successful, you summon an illusion of a hellish -
with an ancient chant, and the calamitous spirits (Fire) check, TN = highest scene that only targets can perceive, pushing
of the battledin roar back, inciting fury within vigilance among targets, targeting them toward rage. Targets receive 1 strife + 1
nearby targets. This can drive foes to rash acts or a number of characters up to your additional per bonus success and must resist with
inspire a dread bravery in allies. Fire Ring at range 0-2. TN 3 Meditation (Air 4, Water 1) check or
immediately become Enraged.

Side 9 af 56
Ravenous Swarms 3 The shugenja ignites a number of candles and Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you summon a number of fiery : Fire Motes only set objects on fire
hurls them into the air, and the flames leaps (Fire) check targeting 1 position motes equal to your Fire Ring + silhouette of the
by command rather than haphazardly
forth, quickly devouring the tallow before containing a flammable object at object consumed. These motes follow you,
subsiding into smaller fiery motes. These settle range 0-1. periodically setting fire to nearby objects. When
around the shugenja´s shoulder or near their feet, you succeed at an Attack action, you may spend : When you defend against damage,
sputtering cheerily and spitting out sparks that a number of motes up to your school rank to add
you may spend a number of motes up
seek to spread and multiply. In addition to 1 bonus success per mote spent.
to your Fire Ring to reduce the
providing a (dangerous) source of light, these The motes persist until the end of the scene.
damage you suffer by 1 for each mote
flames can also leap onto anyone the shugenja
attacks. If successful, after you perform a Fire invocation,
you summon 1 additional fiery mote.
Effect persists until the end of the scene.
Rise, Flame 4 A humoid form wrought of flame, garbed in a Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Fire Kami. : The Manifest Fire Kami bursts
flowing robe of cinder and smoke, with hair of (Fire) check targeting 1 position It consumes the flammable material, appearing in
forth in a pillar of searing flame. Each
trailing sparks, a manifest fire kami is an alluring containing flammable material at its position, taking its turn immediately after
character at range 0–2 of the chosen
and terrible sight to behold. Where its gaze range 0-3. yours each round. When this effect ends, it
position must resist with a TN 4
passes, flames arise, and only ash remains in its departs or, if stirred to anger, begins to follow its
Fitness (Air 5, Water 2) check or
wake. own directives (ignoring you unless provoked).
suffer the Burning and Dazed
Effect persists for 2 rounds + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
: When the Manifest Fire Kami’s
fatigue exceeds its endurance, it
detonates into a column of flame that
sears the earth and the sky. Each
character at range 0–3 of it must
resist with a TN 5 Fitness (Air 6,
Water 3) check or suffer
supernatural damage equal to 2xyour
Fire Ring and suffer the Burning and
Dazed conditions.

+: The Manifest Fire Kami

consumes one additional source of
flammable material in range per
spent this way. Increase its endurance
by the silhouettes of all consumed
The Cleansing Fire 1 With a roared incantation, the shugenja spreads Attack action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you smite each target with a -
their hands wide and a circle of fire spills forth, (Fire) check targeting each other roaring burst of fire. Each target suffers becomes
rippling across the ground and searing character at range 0-2. Dazed and must resist with a TN 3 Fitness (Air
everything in its path. These flames are 4, Water 1) check or suffer supernatural damage
indiscriminate, hungrily lapping at friend, foe, equal to your Fire Ring + their shortfall and gain
and inanimate object alike. the Burning condition.

Side 10 af 56
The Fires From Within 1 The incantation to call fire is guttural and raw. Attack action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you smite each target with a stream +: +1 max. range per
Even as the words echo, the shugenja’s hands (Fire) check targeting a number of fire. Each target suffers supernatural damage
snap open, and motes of flame trail from their of character up to your Fire Ring equal to your Fire Ring + bonus successes.
fingertips, searing their way toward the objects at range 1-3.
of the shugenja’s ire. If the shugenja has the
strength of will to maintain their focus, they can
direct the motes with amazing precision and burn
tiny, searing holes in their targets. However, if
the shugenja lets their heart swell with wrath or
fury, the motes bloom into tiny infernos that seek
to consume anything they hit and leave only ash.
The Soul´s Blade 5 The shugenja extends a hand toward the skyand Support action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a katana or : The weapon can be any melee
makes a dangerous appeal, calling for a heavenly (Fire) check. naginata made of searing, crackling energy.
weapon with which to vanquish their enemy. If Attacks made with this weapon inflict
the invocation is performed properly and the supernatural damage and ignore all forms of
shugenja´s cause is judged worthy, the sky resistance. : Immediately perform a Strike
cracks and a thunderbolt descends from the
action with the weapon.
heavens, blasting through anything in its path. It
lands writhing in the shugenja´s hand, forming a
weapon that appears in the shape pictured in the : Summon a pair of weapons
shugenja´s mind. Be it the hide of a great beast
or the sorcerous ward of a mahō-tskukai, there is
nothing this blade of judgment cannot pierce.
: You may choose another character
to wield the weapon,

: After you perform an Attack

action with the weapon, each target
must resist with a TN 4 Fitness (Air
5, Water 2) check or become Dazed.
Wall of Fire 2 A roiling wall of fire sends a very specific Attack and Support action, TN 4 If successful, you summon a wall of flame : The wall of fire gains either
message: approach and die in a manner most Theology (Fire) check targeting between the target points that extends to range 1
Entangling or Obscuring qualities.
awful. Shugenja who commune with fire spirits two positions at range 2-4. in thickness and range 3 in height; this area
can summon forth such blazing warnings with counts as Dangerous terrain. Any character
relative ease, brushing oil or powder across the standing where the wall erupts becomes Dazed
ground and then igniting it with a word of and must resist with a TN 2 Fitness (Air 3,
invocation. The wall of fire sparks to life with Water 1) check or suffer supernatural damage
great force and extends up a few yards for equal to your Fire Ring and the Burning
several moments, but it maintains its intensity condition.
only so long as it has fuel. Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.
Wings of the Phoenix 4 The shugenja leaps into the air, and fiery wings Support action, TN 4 Theology If successful, augment yourself with wings of +: You may carry one additional
burst forth behind them, carrying them into the (Fire) check. flame that carry you aloft. These flames do not
willing target at range 0-2 per
Side 11 af 56
sky. Small motes of flame fall in the wake of the harm you. In addition to being able to move
shugenja’s passing, igniting the ground cover vertically and horizontally freely, you ignore the
: Effect persists until the end of
before fading into delicate feathers of ash. effects of terrain while flying. While this effect
persists, any terrain you fly over at range 0–3 is the scene
ignited and becomes Dangerous terrain until the
beginning of your next turn; each character
within that area becomes Dazed, and they must
resist with a TN 2 Fitness (Air 3, Water 1)
check or suffer supernatural damage equal to
your Fire Ring and gain the Burning condition.
Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
per bonus success.

Bō 1 A shugenja can invoke the spirits in a nearby Support action, TN 1 Theology If successful, you summon and ready a staff : You may create any ranged or
pool or stream to take the form of a weapon. (Water) check made of water. It has the Snaring quality. At the
melee weapon instead.
This weapon can change form at the bearer’s end of each round, you may transform this
will, swirling from a staff into a blade in the weapon into a different melee weapon.
blink of an eye, and back again. Effect persists until the end of the scene or until : You may immediately strike with
the end of turn after the weapon leaves your grip
the weapon.

: Treat the max range as 1 higher or

lower when attacking with the
Dance of Seasons 2 A skilled shugenja can entreat the kami to Movement and Support action, If successful, you summon the essence of the +: Choose one additional target per
change the world around them through a rite that TN 3 Theology (Water) check seasons to freeze, thaw, or evaporate any amount
seems as much performance as invocation. As targeting 1 position containing a of water at range 0–1 of target position. If you
the shugenja dances, the water kami mirror the source of water at range 1-3. transform water into ice, it becomes solid,
movements and shift the moisture around them Dangerous terrain. If you transform water into
+: You may attempt to encase in ice
from water to ice to vapor and back again. A vapor, it creates a fog, which is Obscuring
skilled shugenja might be able to use this to terrain. If you transform water into mud, it one character in the affected area per
entrap the unwary, drenching them in the waters becomes Entangling terrain. Water within living spent this way. Each of these
of a summer storm before plunging them into the beings remains unaffected, as the kami do not
characters must resist with a TN 3
frozen heart of winter. wish to ruin the elegant scene with grotesque
Fitness (Earth 1, Fire 4) check or
suffer the Immobilized and
Disoriented conditions.
Dominion of Suijin 1 A shugenja deeply attuned to the kami of water Movement and Scheme action, If successful, you scry in the ripples. Target body : You may also hear (very muffled)
can see other places in watery reflections. TN 2 Theology (Water) check of water displays an image of a second body of
Incredibly powerful practitioners can even use targeting 1 position containing a water of your choice and its surroundings as if
this reflection to transport themselves and others source of water at range 0-1. the onlooker were just below the surface. This
to the desired place through water – even if they second body of water must be at range 0–6 of the : Only you can see the images.
arrive slightly damp. target position, and you must have concrete
knowledge of a specific body of water to use it
this way. : The location you can see may be
any distance from you

: You may use clouds, fog banks,

snow mounds, and sheets of ice as
Side 12 af 56
bodies of water for this technique.

: In addition to being able to see

out of the other body of water, you
and a number of other characters up
to your Water Ring may pass through
the temporary portal you have created
to the other location. The trip is
always one way for a given use of the
technique, and you always arrive

Ever-Changing Waves 5 A shugenja might have lived as a bird, a wolf, a Support action, TN 4 Theology If you succeed, you augment your body, : If successful, transform into a
plant, and humans of various stations before (Water) check. transforming it into that of a natural animal of
different sentient species.
being born into their current position in the silhouette 2. While in this form, you use its ring
Celestial Order. All of these existences are values, derived attributes, abilities, and
separate, and yet they are inexorably bound. By advantages with the physical or social type, but : If successful, take on the form of
following the bond backward, a shugenja adept you use your own skill ranks and advantages
an otherworldly being.
in communing with the water kami can reshape with the mental or spiritual type.
their own flesh to mirror a past form – albeit Do not remove any fatigue or strife you have
briefly – transforming into a natural animal or suffered in the alternate form when you return to +: You may choose a new form of
supernatural beast for a short time. your original; if this causes your fatigue to
silhouette 1 higher or lower per (min.
exceed your endurance (or your strife to exceed
0, max. 6)
your composure) when it did not in the alternate
form, you suffer a critical strike with severity 5
(or you become Compromised, in the case of
Effect persists until you choose to end it, or until
you become unconscious
Hands of the Tides 3 Water binds all living beings, and by Movement action, TN 5 If successful, you summon the targets. You may +: If successful, you may choose a
communing deeply with the vital spirits that flow Theology (Water) check cause them to exchange their positions in space.
new stance for 1 target per
through everything, a shugenja can master many targeting yourself and a number At the end, each target’s original position must
arts. Using this esoteric invocation, a shugenja of other characters up to your be occupied by a target, and each target must
can exchange the positions of living beings near Water Ring at range 1-4. occupy a position.
one another, throw enemies off-balance, or put
allies in a position of advantage. While the If successful, each target receives 2 strife.
Elemental Masters have been known to debate
whether the water spirits shift the targets or
reshape the world around them, the effect of the
invocation—shuffling the positions of a number
of individuals in a small radius as the shugenja
sees fit—is easy to understand, if hard to

Side 13 af 56
Heart of the Water Dragon 2 The shugenja traces a gentle pattern on the target Support action, TN 3 Theology If successful, you augment target with the : When target succeeds on check
´s skin with purified water, calling upon the (Water) check targeting 1 spiritual fluidity of water. Target gains
to resist the effect of a kihō, mahō or
water kami in their body to protect and mend the character at range 0-2. supernatural resistance equal to your Water Ring
invocation technique, the character
flesh they call home. The target becomes and removes 1 fatigue at the end of each round.
who used the technique must also
extremely resistant to invocations, sorcery, and Effect persists for 1 round + 1 additional round
make the check to resist that effect or
other supernatural abilities; summonesd flames per bonus success.
suffer the effect themselves.
ripple off their skin harmlessly, and baleful Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
maledictions pass over the targets. again until the end of the scene.
Inari´s Blessing 1 Water is life, and water kami can provide life- Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon a meal at target : Those who eat during downtime
giving gifts of food and drink even from the (Water) check targeting 1 position that can feed a number of people up to
removes fatigue equal to your Water
most desolate environments. After the shugenja position at range 1 your Water Ring + bonus successes.
performs the invocation, the land nearby
flourishes with life, delivering food to the
shugenja, and pure water springs from the +: The meal can feed a number of
ground. This food is simple and nourishing, and
people up to your Water Ring +
it can be cooked or even packed away as rations
bonus successes X spent.
for later if needed.

Path to Inner Peace 1 By communing with the water kami that dwell Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you mend your target’s exhausted : Choose one of the following:
within the body, a shugenja can right imbalances (Water) check targeting yourself muscles. The target removes fatigue equal to
Bleeding, Dazed, or Lightly
and correct the flow of ki, speeding the recovery or other character at range 0-2. your Water Ring + bonus successes.
Wounded, remove that condition
of stamina dramatically.
from each target.
Each target cannot be affected by this invocation
again until the end of the scene.
: Target removes strife equal to
bonus successes
Reflections of P´an Ku 1 Water kami are notoriously covetous, and things Scheme action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you scry to uncover all properties : Gain knowledge of the item’s
lost to the depths rarely resurface. Still, this (Water) check targeting 1 item at an item possesses, including its name, maker,
origin in broad strokes, such as where
avarice can offer advantages. A shugenja learned range 0-1. mundane qualities, magical properties, curses,
it was forged, the clan of the
in this art can call forth water spirits to regocnize and sealed Techniques.
individual who has carried it the
an item by submerging it in sacred water. The
longest, or a similar piece of
water spirits often provide cryptic answers, but
they usually can grant can grant the shugenja a
good idea of an item´s composition, whether it
possesses any mystical properties, and the : You may target a character instead
general disposition of these traits.
of an object. If successful, you
identify one invocation, kihō, mahō,
or supernatural ability or item
possessed by that person, along with
its name and general qualities.
Rise, Water 4 Water kami are nurturing, for water fosters all Support action, TN 6 Theology If successful, you summon a Manifest Water : Upon arrival, the Manifest Water
life. However, like all nature spirits, they are (Water) check targeting 1 Kami to fight for you. It appears from the
Kami may move a range up to your
beings of destruction and creation; calling a position containing a large targeted body of water, taking its turn
Water Ring.
water kami to take manifest form is to summon a quantity of water immediately after yours each round. When this
potent force indeed. A manifest water kami often at range 0-3. effect ends, the manifest water kami departs or, if

Side 14 af 56
takes a humanoid form, rising from a nearby stirred to ire, begins to follow its own directives. : The Manifest Water Kami
lake, river, or ocean and carried aloft on a If it begins to act independently, it does not
attempts to swallow up anyone inside
crushing wave. As water splits in rivulets, so a attack the shugenja who summoned it unless
it; each such character must resist
manifest water kami can split into multiple provoked.
with a TN 4 Fitness (Earth 2, Fire
smaller beings, each one surging forth to Effect persists for 2 rounds + 1 additional round
5) check or be pulled into the water
devastate the foe. per bonus success.
kami and begin suffocating. As an
action, a character who failed to resist
may make a TN 3 Fitness (Earth 1,
Fire 4) check to escape this watery

+: You split the manifest water

kami into a number of smaller
manifest water kami equal to spent
this way. Each one has endurance
equal to 12 divided by the number of
spent this way (rounded up).
Stride the Waves 2 Guided by the spirits of water, the character can Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you summon a buoyant current that -
slide effortlessly across the surface of a stormy (Water) check targeting 1 sweeps the target along. Even if they normally
sea, ride a current of water out of the ocean, or character at range 0-2. cannot swim, target can control where they move
even plunge beneath its depths, breathing the as they please along the surface of the water or
brine as though it were air. within it. Target ignores any negative effects of
terrain while in the water and does not suffocate
while underwater.

Strike the Tsunami 3 Upending the contents of a water pouch or Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you smite targets with a spray of : Each target who fails the check
reaching into a nearby lake or stream, the (Water) check targeting any water. Each target suffers supernatural damage
starts Bleeding.
shugenja pulls out an impossibly large torrent number of characters up to your equal to your Water Ring + bonus successes.
that slams into several foes nearby, pushing them Water Ring at range 0-3. Each target must resist with a TN 3 Fitness
back or dragging them forward as the shugenja (Must have a source of water (Earth 1, Fire 4) check. You may move each
wills. nearby) target who fails a number of range bands up to
their shortfall in any direction.
Suijin´s Embrace 4 A shugenja with the proper knowledge—and the Attack action, TN 4 Theology If successful, you smite target with lungfuls of -
will to wield it—can inflict a drowning death (Water) check targeting 1 seawater. Target suffers supernatural damage
upon their enemy, transforming the air in their character at range 1-3. equal to your Water Ring + 2x bonus successes.
lungs into seawater and killing them as surely as If a target’s fatigue exceeds their endurance this
throwing them off a pier while tied to a heavy way, target begins to suffocate for a number of
stone. rounds equal to your Water Ring + bonus
successes or until you release them, as a Support
Sympathetic Energies 2 Water kami flow through all living beings, and a Support action, TN 2 Theology If successful, you augment the spiritual power of : You may choose a condition
shugenja can use their winding channels to (Water) check targeting any 1 persistent invocation effect that is already
instead of a persistent invocation
transfer boons and curses alike between number of characters up to your affecting 1 target. Each other target counts as
effect that target suffers.
individuals. Water Ring at range 0-1. being affected by it as well.
This effect persists as long as the original effect
persists on the original target.

Side 15 af 56
The Rushing Wave 1 The shugenja calls the torrent as their steed and Movement action, TN 2 If successful during a skirmish, you summon a -
rides it, pulling a wave of water from a nearby Theology (Water) check rushing waterspout that propels target. Target
lake, pond, river, or ocean to propel them targeting 1 character at range 0-1. may immediately move 1 range band + 1
forward at incredible speed. additional range band per bonus success.

If you succeed during a narrative or downtime

scene, you summon a gentle current that doubles
target’s speed across or through the water.
Effect persists until the end of the scene.

Side 16 af 56
Spiritual offerings for invocations Importune invocations
Spirits Offering Once per scene, a character that knows 1+ invocations may make an offering of
Air Spirits - Incense something interesting to the Kami and valuable to the character in order to perform an
- Feathers invocation they do not know. The item should at least be rare, if not unique, and is lost
- Flowers forever as the Kami abscond it.
Earth Spirits - Salt
- Soil or stone from sacred places
- Seeds TN is usual for technique + 1 + 1 for each school rank that the technique exceeds the
Water Spirits - Coins characters current school rank. Channeling is allowed.
- Seashells
- Precious materials Spiritual backlash for invocations
- Seaweed
When a shugenja´s check generates 3+ symbols on kept dice while performing an
- Sake
Fire Spirits - Kindling invocation, they suffer +3 fatigue and cannot use invocations of the element used for the
- Paper rest of the scene.
- Ash
- Small flammable objects Additional effect based on element
Fortunes - Texts Air GM chooses 2 additional characters within range to become targets
- Food Fire Technique targets each character within range. Terrain at range 0-2 catches ablaze
- Origami and becomes Dangerous
- Works of art Earth Terrain at range 0-3 of character performing the invocation becomes Imbalanced
Ancestor Spirits - Food for a number of days = to characters strife
- Incense Water Terrain at range 0-1 of character performing the invocation turns to muck and
- Sake becomes Entangling
- Other libations

Prepared invocations
Channeling invocations
Shugenja can bind invocations into expendable vessels, creating prepared invocations
Choose to reserve any number of kept dice on a check without resolving the rest of the
they or others can activate immediate later.
A shugenja can only hold 1 prepared invocation at a time.
During next turn, if an invocation of the same element is performed, you can replace a
die with a channeled die of the same type.
Preparing an invocation is a downtime activity, requiring a Composition check using
the ring and TN of the invocation. A calligraphy set is required.
Outside of conflict, a character can channel only once per scene.

If a character performs any action other than an invocation of the same element or Wards
becomes Dazed, Silenced or Unconscious while channeling, the channeled dice are lost. Parchment marked by mystic symbols that function as prepared invocations.
A character can place a ward on any surface they can be affixed.
They can write a condition on the ward, specifying circumstances under which it is

Side 17 af 56

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