2011-06-08 UniCredit Markets Today
2011-06-08 UniCredit Markets Today
2011-06-08 UniCredit Markets Today
Markets Today
■ GE (I): In April, exports plunged by 5.5% mom, while imports declined by Jun11 0.26 -0.3 -2.3
Sep11 0.33 -0.5 0.0
2.5%. Accordingly, the trade surplus narrowed to EUR 10.9bn from
Dec11 0.39 -0.5 -2.0
18.8bn in the previous month.
Mar12 0.47 0.0 -8.0
■ GE (II): We expect April industrial production to grow 0.2% mom (vs. Sterling Last 1D ch (bp) 1M ch (bp)
0.7% in March). Jun11 0.83 0.0 0.0
■ EMU: The GDP expenditure breakdown for 1Q11 will be released today. Sep11 0.90 0.0 -3.0
We expect that the upside surprise came from domestic demand, but net Dec11 1.01 0.0 -8.0
exports are expected to have added to growth as well. Mar12 1.13 0.0 -12.0
■ US: Today, the Fed will publish the Beige Book. GOVERNMENT BOND YIELDS
EGB Last 1D ch (bp) 1M ch (bp)
(C.Corsa, UniCredit Bank Milan)
2Y (BKO Mar13) 1.65 4.5 -4
5Y (DE0 Feb16) 2.34 4.1 -10
FI/FX Strategy 10Y (DBR Jan21) 3.04 5.4 -3
■ Mkt recap/Overnight: Yesterday, some improvement in risk appetite 30Y (DBR Jul40) 3.63 5.4 0
and a bit of supply pressure (from Belgium) pushed Bund yields up. The 2/10 138 1 2
10Y closed just below 3.10% (+7bp) while the 2Y rose to 1.71%. UST Last 1D ch (bp) 1M ch (bp)
Bernanke's dovish tone weighed on US equities and helped USTs 2Y (T Mar13) 0.38 -0.9 -14
5Y (T Nov15) 1.36 -1.6 -31
erasing previous losses. The 2Y yield hit its lowest level since November.
10Y (T Feb21) 2.96 1.0 -21
■ FI view: Market uncertainty remains high and a light data calendar today
30Y (T Feb40) 4.25 0.7 -6
should favor choppy trading. News regarding Greece remains a wildcard. 2/10 258 2 -7
Bunds might remain on the sell side ahead of the ECB meeting UK Last 1D ch (bp) 1M ch (bp)
tomorrow, with yields edging up especially at the short end. 2Y (GB0 Mar13) 0.88 1.1 -10
■ IT (I): Italy has mandated banks to sell a new 15Y BTPei 15Sep2026. A 5Y (UKT Sep15) 1.90 2.5 -13
linear interpolation of BTPei Sep23 and BTPeiSep41 yields a BE level in 10Y (UKT Sep20) 3.33 6.4 -3
the 210/212bp area. Subtracting this from the BTP Mar26 yield level, 30Y (UKT Dec40) 4.21 6.7 1
results in a real yield of ca. 2.98%, 25bp above the BTPei Sep23. OATei 2/10 245 5.3 7
10Y Spreads Last 1D ch (bp) 1M ch (bp)
Jul27 trades at 1.61% with a BE (vs. OAT Apr26) of 223bp.
T/Bund (time adj.) -7 -6 -12
■ IT (II): On 10 June, Italy will sell EUR 6bn of 12M BOT 15Jun12, much
UKT/Bund 26 1 -1
less than the EUR 10.1bn expiring (EUR 6.6bn from a 12M and EUR BTP/Bund (2020) 164 2 0
3.5bn form a 3M). On 14 June, it will reopen the BTP 3.75% Apr16, while GGB/Bund (2020) 1271 -1 19
it will not sell long maturity bonds. SPGB/Bund 233 1 5
■ FX View: The USD remains on offer after the dovish Fed Bernanke, but PGB/Bund (2020) 722 0 20
the upcoming ECB & BoE meetings may still spark some book squaring CURRENCIES
later today, also taking into account that the data calendar is fairly light. Currencies Last 1D ch (%) 1M ch (%)
EUR-USD 1.4674 0.7 2.2
■ EUR: Debate about the definitive green light to the new rescue plan for
USD-JPY 80.06 0.0 -0.4
Greece did not prevent investors from pushing EUR-USD towards 1.47. USD-CHF 0.8365 0.2 -4.0
We would remain long ahead of the ECB’s verdict tomorrow. GBP-USD 1.6427 0.4 0.1
■ CHF: EUR-CHF managed to recover back to 1.23, as the SNB may stay EUR-JPY 117.48 0.6 1.8
on hold on rates next week. Indeed, as long as USD-CHF stays below EUR-GBP 0.8933 0.2 2.0
0.85, EUR-CHF upside potential should remain quite limited. EUR-CHF 1.2274 0.9 -2.0
EUR-SEK 9.01 -0.1 0.3
■ GBP: Cable holding the line above 1.64, despite weak UK data, indicates EUR-NOK 7.84 0.0 -0.2
that sterling is largely USD dependent for now and that any EUR-GBP OVERNIGHT
break above 0.90 should be capped, even in case of a firmer EUR-USD. Last O'night 1m ch. (%)
■ NZD: The RBNZ should remain on hold on rates tonight, but may sound S&P 1284.9 -0.60% -3.9%
slightly more hawkish in its statement. In turn, this may push NZD-USD Nikkei 9449.0 0.06% -2.1%
above 0.8250 and AUD-NZD back to the 1.2950/1.29 area. Oil (WTI) 98.7 0.20% -5.6%
O’night denotes changes between 6:00 pm and 7:45 am
■ NOK: Norway’s industrial production should reveal a sound 0.5% mom
Prices at: 08:00 a.m.
rise for April today. However, this will not be sufficient to trigger a EUR-
Bloomberg: UCGR, UCFR
NOK sustained break towards the 7.82 base again. Internet: www.research.unicreditgroup.eu
(L.Cazzulani, C. Cremonesi, E. Lattuga, R. Mialich, UniCredit Bank Milan)
08 June
09.00 EU EU Rehn speaks on Governance to EU Parliament - - - - *
10.00 NO Industrial Production (mom) Apr - 0.5% 0.9% *
11.00 IT Bank of Italy Lending & Bad Debt Data Apr - - - *
11.00 EU GDP (qoq/yoy) 1QP 0.8/2.5% 0.8/2.5% 0.8/2.5% **
12.00 GE Industrial Production (mom) Apr 0.2% 0.1% 0.7% ***
14.15 CA Housing Starts May - 184K 179K *
18.00 EU EU Rehn speaks in Koenigstein - - - - *
20.00 US Fed Beige Book - - - - ***
23.00 NZ RBNZ Cash Rate - 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% ***
01.50 JN GDP Annualized (yoy) 1QF - -3.1% -3.7% *
02.00 NZ MoF English speaks in Wellington - - - - *
03.15 NZ RBNZ Bollard speaks at Finance Select Committee - - - - **
03.30 AU Unemployment Rate May - 4.9% 4.9% *
*=low importance, ** =medium importance, *** = high importance
Gross Supply Liquidity
Date Week day Country Bond in issue Amount Maturity bucket Country Bond Amount Cpn
redeemed Amount
(-) (-) IT New 15Y ILB, BTPei Sep26 3 - - ILB
GR 26W T-bills - - - MM
PGB 5.15
15-Jun Wed GE Schatz Jun13 6 - - 2Y PT 4.9 1.7
PT BT Sep11 & Dec11 0.75 / 1.25 MM
16-Jun Thu SP SPGB Apr21 & Jul26 3.5 / 4 10Y & 15Y
28-Jun Tue IT BTP Apr14 & BTP Sep21 6 / 6.5 3Y & 10Y
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