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Syllabus For Skill Assistant Professor

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Syllabus for the post of Skill Assistant Professor

Section A: - Skill Aptitude Test (Common for All) 50 Marks

Syllabus: - Annexure I

Section B: - Domain Test (For the Applied Post) 50 Marks

Syllabus: -

For Section-B

Sr. Subject Syllabus Sr. Subject Syllabus

Latest NET
Mechanical Engineering Latest GATE Syllabus 13 Psychology
1 Syllabus
Latest NET
2 Civil Engineering Latest GATE Syllabus 14 Physical Education
Computer Science Latest NET
Latest GATE Syllabus 15. Political Science
3 Engineering Syllabus
Latest NET
4 Electronics Engineering Latest GATE Syllabus 16. Music
Medical laboratory Annexure IV
5 Electrical Engineering Latest GATE Syllabus 17.
Latest NET
6 Physics Latest NET Syllabus 18. Management
Latest NET
7 Mathematics Latest NET Syllabus 19. Commerce
Latest NET
8 English Latest NET Syllabus 20. Statistics
Latest NET
9 Environmental Studies Latest NET Syllabus 21 Economics
Latest NET
Syllabus of
10 Chemistry Latest NET Syllabus 22 Hotel Management Hospitality &
Remote Sensing/ Latest NET
11 Geographic Information Annexure II 23 Agriculture Science Syllabus
System (GIS)
Latest NET
12 Public Health Annexure III 25 Food Technology

Skill Aptitude Test

Section-A 50 Marks
The syllabus for part A: teaching / training aptitude in skilling related to Technical and Vocational
Education Training (TVET).

Frameworks of skill based learning/teaching; Role of a trainer in skilling environment,
pedagogy/andragogy curriculum development and effective delivery; workshops, entrepreneurship
and placement, soft skills classroom and seminar management. The aptitude of the candidate to
steer industry engagement, using various educational tools, case study methods, skill assessment
method, developing curricula for various levels, exposure of online tools, teaching & training and
research exposure.
Model of Learning: - The six views of learning to promote skilling (The Behaviourist View, The
Cognitive View, The Developmental; View, The Humanist View, The Cybernetic View, The
Constructivist View).

Knowledge, Skill and Attitude: - A Classification Schema for Skilled Performance (Dimension 1: The
Domains of Performance, Dimension 2: The Reproductive/Productive Scale, Distinction between
Factual knowledge and conceptual knowledge, The Structuring of Knowledge in the Mind)

Quantitative statistics: - Data gathering, Hypothesis testing, Result Presentation and application
tools of Basic Statistical Analysis and variance (Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of
Variability, Correlation)

Instruction Design: - Broad Levels of decision Making with instruction designing on skilling (Course
level, Lesson level, Instructional event level, Learning step level), The Control of Instructing,
Prescriptive and Student Controlled systems, IT Enabled Intelligent Systems like LMS etc. Organising
Course Materials: - Lecture notes, View graphs, Free run videos, Web based lecture notes,
Interactive CBT, MOOCs.

Knowledge and Skill: - Knowledge management, Comparison of Expositive & Experiential strategies,
teaching methodologies for the teaching of knowledge & skills, selecting strategies for delivering and
implementation of chosen strategy. Methods specific to the objectives of sub-category; the content
and the students, Identifying critical sub-skills, research temperament.

Evaluation Design: - Methods of Evaluation, Computer aided evaluation, Courseware organisation

cis a vis evaluation and course/quality audit. Measuring Quality and Productivity in Educational
Organisation, Accreditation, Costing of Educational Services, perspective Quality Circle and
participatory Quality Improvement, Total Quality Management – basic principles.



Section-A 50 Marks
Domain Knowledge
Unit-I: Principles of Remote Sensing and GPS: Definition of Remote Sensing: advantages
and limitations, Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR)- spectrum properties, wavelength regions
and their applications, Interaction of EMR with matter, radiance, reflectance, Spectral
signature and its response for Soil, Vegetation and Water. Photo interpretation techniques,
Fundamentals and elements of visual photo interpretation, Satellite image vs. Aerial photo
interpretation, Digital and analog methods of Image Interpretation, Concepts of digital image
and its characteristics, Spectral, Spatial, Radiometric and Temporal resolution. Evolution of
Indian Space Programme, Introduction to Weather, Communication and Earth Observation
satellites systems. Introduction of Global Positioning System, Control Segment, Space
Segments, User Segment, GPS signals and data, Geopositioning – Basic concepts; GNSS,
Basics geodesy, Geoid/ datum/Ellipsoid-definition and basic concepts, Application of
Geodesy. Satellite Geometry, Satellite signals and its strength, Number of satellites, Effects
of Multi path, Ionosphere, Troposphere, Methods-Static & Rapid static, Kinematic-Real time
kinematic, Survey: DGPS data processing
Unit-II. Digital Image Processing: System design considerations, Sources of image
degradation, Radiometric and Geometric error, Types of atmospheric correction: absolute
atmospheric correction and relative atmospheric correction, Interpolation methods. Look-up
Tables (LUT) and Image display, Spatial profile and Spectral profile, Contrast stretching:
Linear and non-linear methods. Frequency component, low pass filter: Image smoothing,
edge-preserving median filter, High passes filtering: Edge enhancement and Edge detection,
Gradient filters, Directional and non-directional filtering, Band ratio, Types of vegetation
indices. Concept of pattern recognition, Multi-spectral pattern recognition, Spectral
discrimination, Unsupervised classification methods, Supervised classification techniques,
Accuracy Assessment: User and Producer accuracy, Kappa accuracy. Artificial intelligence,
Fuzzy logic, neural networks, Image Fusion, Object Oriented Classification, Hyper spectral
remote sensing: atmospheric correction, Data reduction techniques, texture analysis and
mineral & vegetation mapping.
Unit-III. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Sciences and Digital Cartography: Basic
concepts about spatial information: Brief history and definition of GIS, Manual mapping Vs
GIS mapping, Variables- Points, Lines and Areas, Network and Surface, Component of GIS,
Fundamentals of data storage: entities or Fields, Introduction to database system: Definition,
Purpose, Schema, Relationship and primary/secondary/composite key. Introduction to spatial
data input. Spatial and Non spatial data base, spatial data model, Geodatabase, Introduction to
Post gres, Spatial representation of data, Spatial relationship, Spatial Indexing methods.
Public access to geographic information data; Digital libraries, National & Global Standard -
NSDI, GSDI; Global geospatial portals, OGC. SQL, Logical, Boolean, Arithmetical
operation and function, Topological relationships; Overlay operations Feature base
topological function –buffer, Eliminate, dissolve, Layer based overlay analysis clip, erase,
split, identity, union and intersection, Network analysis.
Unit-IV. Basics of Geostats: Meaning and objectives of measures of central tendency,
different measure viz. arithmetic mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean.
Measure of variation viz. range, quartile deviation means deviation and standard deviation,
co-efficient of variation and skewness, Histograms, Distributions and density. Meaning of
correlation, types of correlation – positive and negative correlation, simple, partial and
multiple correlation, methods of studying correlation; scatter diagram. Introduction to
regression, lines of regression, co-efficient of regression, coefficient of determination,
standard error of estimate. Existing statistical models, comparison and significance of
different statistical technique, application of Geostats to satellite imagery.
Unit-V. Applications of Remote Sensing: Emergence of Remote Sensing technology in
application areas, Understanding potentials of Remote Sensing in allied sectors, recent trends
in Remote Sensing applications. Remote sensing in mapping Land use / land cover
classification and monitoring, Crop forecasting, Forest resources management, soil taxonomy
and degradation, groundwater modelling, Water quality Monitoring, Snow covers mapping
and modelling approaches. Concept of climate and weather, Climatic classification,
Adaptation and vulnerability, mapping of landslide, Floods, Cyclones, Forest fire and
Drought. Mapping urban land use, Urban sprawl, Site selection for urban development,
Urban Information System, Urban master plans, Urban green spaces, 3 D city modelling,
SMART city. Selection of disposal sites for industrial and municipal wastes, Solid waste
management, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Advances in Geospatial Technology: Electromagnetic spectrum of microwave region,
Airborne and Space borne radar systems (SLAR, SAR) parameters, Introduction to LiDAR
Remote Sensing and Technology Laser altimetry. Advanced Digital Photogrammetry, Ortho
photo Generation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV Mapping). Web mapping, web page
basics, geospatial web services, web mapping–static and interactive web mapping Adding
and rendering map layers to a web GIS. symbolizing layers. Building and enabling map
services on the GIS server, Web Map Servers- WMS, Web Feature Servers. Web Map
servers and Data servers, Configuration, layering, design of interfaces, Quality of Service and
Security Issues in the Development of Web GIS - Performance, Security, Scalability.
Introduction to open source GIS software’s such as QGIS and its applications. Introduction to
various sensors and IoT. Defining GEO-IoT, Integration of IoT with GIS, application of
Geostats for spatial and spatio-temporal data: Spatial variations and sampling plans, spatio-
temporal reference parameters, Introduction to geo-stats, implications of applying geo-stats,
geostatistical mapping, Types of models. Selecting the right spatial prediction technique,
example of regression krigging, spatial prediction of categorical variables, geostatistical
simulations, fields of applications, probability maps. Usage of R software for statistical
computing, libraries required for running simulation, reading KML files to R, exporting raster
and vector maps to KML. Sampling optimization algorithms, exploratory data analysis:
sampling design, automated mapping. R package required for implementing point patterns,
density estimation using kernel smoothing and covariates, point pattern analysis.


Section-A 50 Marks
Domain Knowledge
Unit-I. Fundamentals of Management and Organization Behaviours: Concept, nature,
process and significance of management; Managerial levels, skills, functions and roles;
Management Vs. Administration; Contingency Management theories by - F. W. Taylor,
Henry Fayal and Elton Mayo. Level of Management- Functions of Management;
Centralization – decentralization Organization structures - Line & Staff – functions, Leading
and Staffing; Controlling – Definition, Nature, Importance, Steps, Techniques.
Behaviour - Definition, Scope, Importance, Concepts of Organization Behaviour; Motivation-
Definition, Theories of motivation, Mc Gregor, A.H. Maslow, Herzberg Learning- Meaning
& Theories.
Conflict – Definition, Traditional Vs Modern view of conflict Types of conflict- intra
personal, interpersonal, organizational;
Leadership –Definition, Importance, qualities of leaders, types of leaders – autocratic,
democratic, free – rein; Personality- Attributes of personality, Type, Ego state, Johari
window. Time Management
Modern Management Techniques.
Unit-II. Health Informatics & Health Technology: Scope and history of health
information technology, electronic medical records (EMRs), overview of healthcare delivery,
clinical workflow analysis. Advancements in field of health IT, data collection and
transmission by the help of technology, use of mobile phones and smart bands. Introduction
to healthcare, ethics, challenges, standards & future, important healthcare/medical laws in
India medical professional. Redesign, security, privacy, and confidentiality of patient data, as
well as mandatory policies regarding data handling and reporting.
Unit-III. Medical Tourism & Health Insurance: Introduction to healthcare and medical
tourism, ethics, challenges, standards. Future of medical tourism important
healthcare/medical laws in India medical professional. Health Insurance, Contract, various
laws of Insurance, fundamentals of health insurance. Social health insurance, Voluntary
health insurance, Third party administrators, Community health insurance, Government
insurance schemes, Indian healthcare case laws. Challenges in health insurance, limitations
of various schemes, Future of health insurance in India.
Unit-IV. Public Health & National Health Mission: Definition of public health/ associated
terms, Health system in India and other allied sectors, Burden of Disease, understanding how
to measure health and burden of disease, framework to explain public health approaches:
Determinants of health, Health Promotion. Definition of public health/ associated terms,
Health system in India and other allied sectors, Burden of Disease, understanding how to
measure health and burden of disease, framework to explain public health approaches:
Determinants of health, Health Promotion. Health Care Delivery System in India,
Organization of services, Role of various sectors: Public and private; modern and traditional,
Role of Civil Society, National Health Programmes, Evaluation of a health programme,
NHM. Determinants of Health – Biological, Behavioural, Socio-economic, Cultural,
Environmental, Geographical etc. Introduction to National Health Policy – 1983 &
2002, National Population Policy – 2005, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and
National Urban Health Mission (NUHM), National Public Health Programs.
Unit-V. Epidemiology and National Health Program: Definitions, Basic concepts and
overview of terms in use, Natural history of a disease, Steps in natural history of a disease,
Application of natural history in disease control, Levels of prevention for specific diseases,
Modes of intervention in public health,
Overview of descriptive epidemiology, Time place and person, Descriptive designs,
Measurement of disease frequency, Person-time exposure, Cumulative Incidence, Incidence
density, Point prevalence, Period prevalence, Rate and proportion. Epidemiological study
designs Overview of study designs Descriptive studies Ecological studies, Analytical studies,
Disease surveillance, Remerging and emerging diseases and containment measures/ controls.
Objectives for Randomized control trials:
1. Understand the design features of randomized controlled clinical trials.
2. Understand strengths and limitations of a randomized clinical trial.
3. Understand the use of random allocation and blinding in RCTs.
4. Be able to identify the most suitable study design to use to investigate a given
exposure/disease relationship.
Evolution of National Health Programmes, various national health programmes, Evaluation
of a health programme, their role and effectiveness.
Unit-VI. Quality Assurance in Healthcare CODE: Introduction of Quality Assurance,
Principles of Quality assurance, Dimensions of Quality, Overview of Quality Access and
Equity/Approach. Tools of Quality, health inequalities in India: challenges for policy -
Interstate variations- Urban rural differentials. QA triangle & Quality circle, standards of
quality, Socio-cultural and gender issues in ensuring equity for health care. Quality
improvement Program (NABH, NABL & JCI), Operational guidelines on quality assurance
by NHM for programs Kayakalp etc. Quality assurances in public sector hospital;
accreditation of Sub centres, PHCs, CHS, DH experiences of World Bank.
Unit-VII. Survey Design Methods, Health Communication and Promotions: Pre survey
formative research Conduct of surveys Quality control and assurance in surveys Survey data
analysis Ethical issues in surveys Sampling and sample size calculations Tool development.
Identify appropriate research designs for a range of questions in health Describe the steps
involved in planning and conducting a research project Evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of various data collection methods. Communication: Process, Types, Barriers to
effective communication; Health communication and health promotion: Functions of Heath
Communication, distinguish health-related behaviour by health-related needs; Behaviour
change communication vs. Risk communication; Social and cultural factors affecting the
health of populations: Socio-economic and demographic factors Individual, interpersonal and
community behaviour; Social Marketing, Community engagement and Participatory Models,
Behaviour change communication. Introduction to health promotion, Foundations for health
promotion, Social determinants and health promotion, Communication strategies for health
promotion and Overview of current national health policies, national health program their
health promotion strategies. Steps in Planning, Strategy Development and Implementation;
Mass communication strategies for health promotion, Entertainment Education &
Infotainment; Technology and Health Communications. Drunken driving: social and personal
responsibilities and control measures, Stigmatization of health conditions, Behavioural issues
in children and teens: substance abuse, suicide patterns, TV and other media as influencers of
healthy/non healthy lifestyle, Setting based approach – Ottawa charter. Developing
messages; Effectively communication to the masses; Targeted and target-free communication
approaches; Examples and practices in communication. Use of ICT and E-health platforms;
Rationale and use of ICT platforms, Discussion of ongoing efforts, understanding
implementation strategies, Group exercise using case studies from India and other countries.
Unit-VIII. Healthcare systems and Urban health: Introduction to Health Systems and the
building blocks of a Health System, Overview of urbanization and development challenges in
India. Urban health problems, indicators, prevention, socio-economic disparities and
interventions. Understanding the individual components: Part 1 Human Resources in Health,
Understanding the individual components: Part 2 Service Delivery: Health care at low cost.
Introduction to Health Sector Reforms, Health problems in special groups – Urban Migrants,
Urban poverty and magnitude of under nutrition, Health indicators in urban India,
Urbanization and chronic diseases. First Referral Units, Existing urban health programs and
policies in India. Government Health care delivery structure in urban areas. Review National
urban renewal mission, 12th five-year plan and challenges in addressing urban health issues
in India Class presentations.
Health-Statistics & Data Analytics (SPSS): History, Scope & Characteristics of Statistics
Data Tabulation and Frequency Distribution Data Presentation-Bar charts, Pie Charts,
Histograms, Boxplot, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Skewness and
Index Numbers. Concept of Event, Sample space, types of events, Laws of Probability,
Probability Distributions –Normal and Standard Normal. Sampling, Fundamental Various
types of Sampling and Applications, Point Estimation, Confidence Interval, Testing of
hypothesis: Parametric and Nonparametric (for e.g. z-test, t-test, Chi-squared test,
ANNOVA). Correlation analysis, Best-Fit Line, Time Series Analysis (Introductory part).
Linear regression, Logistic regression, Poisson regression, Cox proportional hazards
Research Methodology for Healthcare: Nature and Scope of Research- Conceptual
Foundations; Over view of the research process; Introduction to the concepts and procedures
of research in detail. Uses of research in public health, Formulation of research problems,
writing research questions. Review of Literature - Literature review and its importance in
research; theoretical framework for reviewing the literature; linking what it is proposed to
examine and what has already been studied, Writing Research Proposal – Contents of
Research Proposal, Measurement Procedures, Structure if the Report, Problems and
Limitations Format and contents, Rationale of Research. 16 Hours Hypothesis Testing -
What is a hypothesis? Characteristics of a good hypothesis; Null and alternate hypothesis,
level of significance, decision rules, Type 1 & Type 2 errors and one tailed and two tailed
tests; Hypothesis testing procedure; Choosing the statistical method; Types of tests; Basic
tests on small and large samples; Applications based on Ztest, t-test, Chisquare tests,
Applications based on Non-parametric tests, ANOVA (F-Test), Multiple Regression
Analysis Unit VI: Report Writing, 5 Hours Research Report Writing - Basic requirements of
report writing and report format; meeting the necessary assessment criteria; Citations-In- text
citation and referencing, Bibliography; Impact Factor of the Journal. Data Collection
Methods - Types of data – Primary data versus Secondary data; Methods of data collection-
Survey methods {Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), In depth Interview, key in formant
interviews, transact walk} Questionnaires, Personal Interview, Telephonic Survey, Electronic
Media) Measurement and Scaling - Measurement –Types of data; Criteria for good
measurement; Types of Measurement Scales; Attitude and Behavioural Scales. Research
Design: Various approaches and Strategies - Main research approaches; Research Designs
based on the nature of the problem/investigation; Techniques of data collection; Concepts of
Validity and Reliability; Ethical issues implied in the research design Sampling Methods -
Need for Sampling; Sample designing process; Sampling Techniques; Non-probability
versus Probability Sampling Techniques.
Planning, Supervision, Supply Chain Management and Evaluation of Public Health Program:
Planning in health, planning at various levels- SC, PHC, Block, District. Development of
SCM concepts and Definitions – key decision areas – strategic; Supply Chain Management
and Key components, External Drivers of Change. Dimensions of Logistics – The Macro
perspective and the macro dimension – Logistic system analysis. Manufacturing
management – make or buy decision – capacity management – Materials Management –
choice of sources – procurement planning. Choice of Market – network design – warehouse
designed operation and distribution planning – transportation – packaging, Demand
forecasting – inventory planning – planning of stocking facilities – warehouse location
allocation. Manufacturer to beneficiaries, reverse cold chain, VLMS, e-VIN – inventory
norms; Channels of Distribution – Customer Service Strategy: Identification of Service
needs, cost of services. Introduction to M&E. Difference between Monitoring and Evaluation
Understanding M&E Plans, Conceptual and Logical Frameworks M&E framework –
Relation between M&E framework and Logical Framework Case studies on M&E.
Developing Objectives and indicators for M&E. Quantitative and qualitative indicators -
Characteristics of indicators Linking indicators to Plans Types of data sources for Monitoring
and Evaluation Collection and quality of data The how to do an evaluation. The Evaluation
Question, The Terms of Reference, The aftermath of an evaluation.

Communicable and Non- communicable disease Public & Health Nutrition: General
overview of communicable diseases, impact of communicable diseases on developing
countries. Virulence factors, mode of action of toxins, cellular basis of disease Microbial
subversion of host defence mechanisms anti-microbial agents, mode of action, genetic basis
of drug resistance, multi-drug resistance. Common infections respiratory: Tuberculosis,
leprosy, ARI’s including pneumonia, measles, mumps, rubella Intestinal: Diarrhea, typhoid,
polio, hepatitis, worm infestations Contact: STDs and AIDS. Vector borne: Plague, rabies,
malaria and filaria, JE, dengue Disease prevention and control Malnutrition and infection,
Health aspects of Disaster Management Definition, types and management. Overview and
introduction to NCDs Epidemiology of NCDs, risk factors, prevention and management:
general strategies, new approaches and policies of NCDs. NCDs programs of WHO and
Government of India. Some important NCDs: Following diseases will be covered for
Etiology, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Prevention and Control. -Asthma, Cancer,
Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic, rheumatic diseases, Diabetes, Tobacco use. Concept of
Mental Health Burden of Mental diseases: Depression, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s, Senile dementia, Suicides Substance Abuse National Mental Health
Programme Emerging & re-emerging diseases Role of Voluntary organizations, self-help
groups. Concept of different food groups, Recommended Dietary Allowances. Concept of
different food groups, Recommended Dietary Allowances. Nutrition in Pregnancy and
Lactation, Nutrition in infants, Nutrition in preschool & school children. Nutrition during
adolescence, Nutrition during adulthood &Nutrition during old age. Relation of nutrition to
development in terms of socio economic, industrial and agricultural development and
consequences of malnutrition, Assessment of nutritional status, Nutrition Intervention
programmes in India.

Unit-IX Health Economics & Health Finance CODE: Key concepts of economics, micro
and macroeconomics, Strategizing and prioritizing within scarce resources (decision
making), Determinants of demand, supply and costs of production. Concepts of efficiency,
effectiveness, equity, elasticity of demand, costing, production marginal cost analysis, and
opportunity cost, Universal health coverage and role of health care financing. Principles and
application of economic evaluation in healthcare including Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and
Cost Effective Analysis (CEA), The application of benefit cost analysis to public health and
family planning projects, value of output-loss due to no. of sick days. Economics of health
Programme: - For nutrition, diet and population control, economics of abuse of tobacco and
alcohol, Environmental influences of health and its economic impact, economics of breast
feeding. A review of per capita private and public expenditure on health services over time
and in different parts of the country. An analysis of the sources of (public) finance for
health. The need for a general health insurance due to failure of private health insurance
markets. The need for a social health insurance for the poor, disabled and the aged. A
comparative analysis of alternative payment systems such as health insurance. Global
(especially US, UK, Canada, China, Sri-Lanka and Thailand) and Indian Scenario,
Stakeholder Analysis.

Unit-X Demography and Population Sciences: Definitions, Scope and nature, importance
of the study, Historical review, difference and similarities between Demography and
Population Sciences. Methods of Demographic Data Collection: Primary and Secondary
sources of data collection, Procedures, Uses, Strengths and weakness of census, vital
statistics, sample survey, duel reporting system – SRS, Data from national health
program/disease surveillance, hospital statistics, police records, remand homes etc. Sex
composition, factors affecting sex composition, Age structure Population pyramids, impact of
various demographic processes on the age structure. Comparison – developed and developing
countries. Demographic transition Fertility: Determinants: Social economic, political, natural
fertility levels and trends in India and world, Measures of fertility, Impact of level of fertility
on reproductive health, selected theories of fertility, policies about fertility control. Measures
of mortality, Causes of Death: epidemiological perspective, Infant & neonatal mortality rates,
maternal mortality, disease wise mortality, Trends of Mortality in India, differentials in
mortality in developed and developing countries. General terms and concepts, internal
migration, measures of migration, Differential migration, International migration, Migration
in India. Urban challenge of health and environment. Population Growth and Problems:
Population growth, reasons for sudden growth in population, problems emerging out of that.
Rural-urban distribution of growth pattern, population growth and related problems. Health
planning in terms of Family planning, Health services, Vital processes. Policies and
programmes influencing demographic processes in the context in India’s population.
Demographic Dividend-Concept, scope and applications.



Section-A 50 Marks
Domain Knowledge
Knowledge at the post-graduation level in following broad areas

1. Human Anatomy & Physiology

2. Clinical Biochemistry

3. Clinical Pathology

4. Clinical Microbiology

5. Physiology & Nutrition

6. Biostatistics & Hospital Management

7. Clinical Haematology

8. Advance Instrumentation &Maintenance

9. Lab Management

10. Blood Transfusion & immune haematology

11. Diagnostic Microbiology

12. Basic Cellular Pathology & Allied Technology

13. Biomolecules

14. Cellular pathology

15. Metabolism

16. Enzymology

17. Clinical Molecular Biology

18. Clinical Immunology

19. Medical Laboratory Techniques

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