A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation: TDR Project R5832 Report OD/TN 84
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation: TDR Project R5832 Report OD/TN 84
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation: TDR Project R5832 Report OD/TN 84
Planning Irrigation
Scheme Rehabilitation
Table of Contents
Summary 1
A Procedure for Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 1
Introduction 4
Background 4
Need for Rehabilitation - Causes and Effects 5
Aims and Scope of the Procedure 7
Initial Investigation (Prefeasibility) 9
Detailed Investigation (Feasibility) 11
Performance of Schemes 13
Indicators-General 13
National Performance Norms 14
Water Supply, Demand, and Hydraulic Indicators 15
General 15
Supply and Demand 16
Excess Releases 16
Reduced Releases 16
Reduced Cropped Area 17
Hydraulic Indicators 18
Adequacy 18
Preliminary Selection of Schemes 20
Table of Contents ii
Background information 22
Mapping 22
Sector and Project 22
Analysis of Scheme Operations 24
Identifying Problems 26
Checklist of Performance Constraints 26
Farmer Questionnaire 27
Stratification of the Scheme 27
Use of the Questionnaire 28
Guidelines for Interviewing Farmers 29
Hydraulic Measurements 30
Backwater 30
Field Investigations 31
Acknowledgements 41
References 42
Design/operation compatibility 48
Staff numbers 48
Variations from design assumptions 49
4. Bank slippage 75
5. Drainage structures 75
6. Overall condition 76
G Cornish
J Skutsch
Report OD/TN 84
February 1997
The Procedure is the final output of a three year project under the UK
Overseas Development Administration’s TDR programme, to investigate and
recommend methods of determining priority needs in irrigation
rehabilitation programmes. The work, undertaken jointly by HR Wallingford
and the Directorate General of Water Resources Development, Indonesia,
was based initially on field investigations at three schemes in Yogyakarta
Special Province, and subsequently on a scheme in Central Sulawesi.
Section 4 describes the purpose and use of two of the three principal
elements of the Procedure :
In many regions of the world, shortage of water and suitable land
increasingly constrain new developments in the irrigated agriculture sector.
The major international funding agencies are now largely involved with
programmes of rehabilitation rather than with new construction.
der Wijck and Papah (Cornish 1994) in Yogjakarta Special Province. In the
final year of the project , the Procedure detailed in the present document
was developed and applied with DGWRD at Dolago scheme in Central
“Primary causes” are set out below the perceived defects in Figure 2.
They have been grouped into the following broad categories: agricultural/
economic, design and operation, system deterioration, land degradation
and headworks supply.
At the bottom of Figure 2 are shown the three diagnostic tools which
are contained within the Procedure, which are detailed below.
Hydrological analyses are also included as a diagnostic tool. Since
standard methods are well-documented elsewhere, they are not further
detailed here.
3 Prioritizing works.
FIGURE 2 - Determinants of performance and diagnostic methods
Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 5 respectively describe the use of these elements.
Finding Action
For large schemes, the Procedure can be used to confirm the nature and
approximate magnitude of problems. If an overall constraint is identified
which is principally technical in nature, and the economic returns to
rehabilitation appear broadly favourable, the Procedure may be applied
further to identify particular elements of the scheme which constrain
performance. Priority of need can be established, and selected works
included in a programme of rehabilitation.
Performance of Schemes
The costs of a rehabilitation project must be justified either by
increasing output by expanding the cultivated area, or by raising yield on
the existing command area. In some circumstances, rehabilitation will be
necessary to safeguard current levels of output. Irrigated area, yield and
cropping intensity are widely seen as primary measures of system
performance. Systems may be identified for rehabilitation if the indicators
are demonstrably lower than regional /country norms for the crop, soil,
and climate. (Section 2.2)
However, outline data on yield and irrigated area do not provide a firm
basis for detecting whether rehabilitation is required. High crop yields and
areal coverage indicate that the system, including its hydraulic aspects
(Section 2.3), is performing satisfactorily. Lower values do not necessarily
indicate that the hydraulic performance is unsatisfactory and that the
infrastructure therefore needs to be restored. Many other factors may
reduce yield and irrigated area, including, for example: a reduction in the
water supply at source ; crop losses due to pests and diseases; diminished
soil fertility; unseasonable weather conditions; unfavourable crop prices;
alternative uses of the land; shortage of labour.
There are other disadvantages to the use of yield and irrigated area as
primary parameters of performance. Recorded data are frequently of
dubious accuracy. In the case of crop yield, uncertainties are due partly to
inaccuracies inherent in the methods used (crop cutting or recall), and
partly owing to the use of limited sample sets to produce average values for
quite large areas. Variations between samples taken within selected areas
may well exceed differences in mean yield between different areas. The
Ministry of Agriculture, which is normally responsible for determining crop
yields, probably takes samples according to criteria which are unrelated to
the water supply system. It is therefore difficult to make meaningful
correlations between water supply and yield within localized areas.
Since climate, soils, crop variety and topography can vary widely,
even within a region, it is necessary to know the range of conditions for
which the national norms were developed, to verify that they are
relevant to any individual scheme. In other conditions, the target values
of the various parameters may either be unattainable or, on occasions,
may be unduly conservative.
National figures for the development costs per unit of land will
normally provide a benchmark against which to compare potential benefits
from proposed projects.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 15
A hydraulic system should be able to allocate available supply
equitably against demand. In practice, operators and farmers may be
accustomed to using the system in ways which lead to uneven distribution
or accelerated deterioration. Rehabilitation of the system may be the
appropriate response if there are clear physical constraints, but many
factors affect the balance between supply and demand. A formal
framework can help the assessor to determine the primary causes for
observed effects within the limited time available for an investigation. As
an example of the possible complexity of the problem, a variety of
possible causes for an apparent water shortage in parts of the scheme are
indicated in Section 2.3.2. In some circumstances, the nature of the
problem may appear clear. For example, tail end canals may become so
weed - grown and silted up that flow clearly cannot pass. The underlying
causes might be less clear: shortage of water at the headworks, inflow of
sediment due to catchment development, “theft” of water by upstream
farmers and unsuitable operation, amongst other conditions, might all lead
to the observed effects. It might well be necessary to rehabilitate the
system, but without other measures the benefits would prove short-lived.
Excess Releases
If the supply at the head of the system consistently exceeds design
values or regional norms over a number of seasons, it will be necessary to
establish which of the following factors could be responsible:
1 The actual irrigated area is greater than reported. “Unofficial” areas may
be drawing water from the scheme. It may be realistic to accept the de
facto situation, modifying infrastructure and system operations as
2 High water use rates owing to poor field management, or light soils.
Reduced Releases
If the releases are apparently low, some or all of the command area
may be under-supplied owing to :
Rehabilitation could address problems 6), 8), and possibly 7). Other
measures would be needed to address the other problems.
5 - 8 above:
The underlying causes for lack of hydraulic capacity at any point in the
system may not be obvious. Channel backwater effects, particularly on very
flat lands, can extend for many kilometres upstream of the controlling point or
reach. (see Section 4.3). Deposition of sediment and weedgrowth occur at
points in the scheme where the velocity decreases below some threshold level.
The effects will therefore be unevenly spread throughout affected systems. It
may be possible to achieve marked improvement in conveyance upstream by
detecting and removing a choked section, reach or structure with relatively
limited works, rather than completely reforming the entire network of
channels. Experience is needed to identify such constraints. Section 4.3 and
Appendix 6 discuss ways of detecting problems. The standard procedure for
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 18
Hydraulic Indicators
Conventional measures of hydraulic performance, such as efficiency, only
provide a partial indication of the way the water supply system is performing,
and provide no guidance as to the causes for a reduced level of performance.
Efficiency is conventionally defined as the ratio between theoretical crop
needs and the water supply at some level of the system. At times of water
shortage, the efficiency parameter cannot indicate the extent to which the
supply meets crop needs. In cases of extreme shortage, the system efficiency
could apparently exceed 100%, whilst the effects on the crop would be
disastrous. Rehabilitation will probably be called for when greater or lesser
parts of the system are suffering water shortage, so efficiency alone will not
sufficiently describe hydraulic performance. On many schemes, the efficiency
may appear low (high unit water use). The principal reason is not necessarily
the condition of the water control and distribution system but may be poor
distribution of water by staff and/or farmers. On the other hand, farmers may
actually increase overall efficiency by pumping water from drains. If properly
interpreted, efficiency remains a useful measure of performance which is
universally recognized by irrigation engineers.
There are other measures of a system’s ability to deliver water. Most
have limited relevance to investigations for rehabilitation where there are
likely to be very few data. The most relevant seem to be indicators of
supply adequacy, either Relative Water Supply (RWS) or that due to
Molden and Gates (1990), shown below:
Sp =
Dreq 1
A value of Sp =1 indicates that crop water needs have just been met, in
other words, the supply is just adequate. It is most useful to calculate the
adequacy indicator at intervals less than a season to identify the scale of
inevitable variations, particularly around the time of maximum demand.
Oversupply at one period of the season (Sp> 1) will not compensate for
shortage at other stages (Sp<1). If Sp is limited to unity, periods of excess
supply will be discounted.
If data on supply at lower levels of the system are available, a number
of alternative indicators can be used to determine equity between areas.
For simplicity, the coefficient of variation of the supply may be used:
Cv = SD/Mean
Budgetary norms will limit the scale of the work which may be
Country norms Provide baseline comparison for individual projects Crop yield/ha (high/medium/low inputs)
Seasonal output by crop
Cropping intensity
Rehabilitation costs/ha
Climate Quantify average, dry and wet historic season 5 years minimum
to categorize current and past seasons • monthly rain totals
• monthly average evaporation
Nature and location of problems Identify principal constraints to performance Questionnaires included in Appendices 1 and 2
Irrigated area, by season Compare with designated area, also Agricultural department. 5 years’ minimum
Check on plan, and in field if possible
Terrain Identify on plan irrigated, deprived areas plus flooded regions and Outline scheme layout (s) with contours using
areas supplied from other sources information from interviews
Crop output/yield by season Compare with country norms (high/medium/low inputs) 5 years’ minimum official data.
• rates of input Check in the field for preceding season(s)
• soil types
Crop water requirements Compare with historic seasonal rain and headworks releases Penman monthly ETO
Headworks releases Compare with irrigated area and seasonal rains 5 years’ monthly records (if available)
Supply source discharges (if available) Determine whether records confirm questionnaire data 5 years
Discharge at problem sites (if available) Compare with headworks flows, rain and irrigated area monthly releases, or rapid field checks
Crop prices and farm budgets Determine incremental benefits in irrigated and areas Sector studies/feasibility reports
Detailed condition of scheme Identify current condition and potential problems Details in Appendices 3 and 4
Discharges at selected sites (if required) Confirm nature and location of hydraulic constraints Measurements at structures or current metering
Prioritize works Identify most cost-effective works and establish ranking order Prioritize according to condition, commanded
area and importance
Topographic survey of selected components Quantify work for costing selected items Details vary according to circumstances
Identify benefits
Background information
Table 2 shows the needs for information. The following paragraphs
provide information to supplement the table.
Maps at a scale of 1:5000 or 1:10000 will be needed. Project O & M
staff should indicate whether and where changes have been made to the
scheme, to cropped areas and to system layout since the maps were
prepared. The maps can be used to identify areas of poor supply, flooding,
and alternative sources of water. They may also be used to stratify the
scheme for the survey of farmers.
Mapping :
Background Information
• Hydrometeorological
• rainfall
• evaporation/evapotranspiration
• dependable river flows
• historic floods (if available)
• Agronomic/soils
• soil types
• planned cropping patterns
• planned cropping intensities
• target yields
• Design service area
• Project economics
River flow records (run-of-river systems) for a site close to the scheme
may not be available. Indications of the pattern of seasonal flows for recent
years may be derived from gauging stations elsewhere on the river.
and MT2 seasons, “palowija” cropping in MT3. The table below shows the
seasonal water use and effective rainfall compared with design irrigation
depth and the ten year mean effective rainfall.
MT1 820 - 360 1550 750 1410 643 1480 670 1370
MT2 370 1050 450 750 390 800 403 867 380 960
MT3 10 1350 250 1050 20 800 93 1067 100 400
Identifying Problems
The checklist included in Appendix 1 lists issues which potentially
affect scheme performance. It should indicate, the need for further analysis
and specialist studies in e.g. hydrology, agriculture, management and
The questions in the five parts of the checklist can serve as the basis for
unstructured interviews with operations staff. The data sheet attached to
the checklist can be used to record the comments of staff. Information
relating to each factor should be cross-checked wherever possible with
data from field inspections and surveys, with operations records, and with
interviews at field level.
Each factor in the list should be checked in one of three classes Major,
Minor or No significance, according to its effect on system performance.
To reduce subjectivity, the user should be guided by the following points:
Major significance - Farmers from around 15% of the command area report a
particular factor regularly limits crop yields or area in one
or more seasons per year.
Minor significance - Farmers in less than, say, 15% of the command area report
a particular factor regularly limits crop yield or area in one
or more seasons per year.
The survey of farmers need not be an onerous procedure requiring
experienced interviewers. It is aimed at, and should be limited to, the
overall purpose of the Procedure, which is to characterise scheme
performance, identify key constraints, and allow priorities to be
It is essential that the interviewer does not deliberately lead the farmer
towards a common or “expected” reply. If a farmer gives an unusual or
unexpected reply it may be checked by phrasing the question differently.
The purpose of the interview is clearly to obtain the farmers’ views - not
those of the interviewer!
• Once a user is familiar with the format of the questionnaire it should require no
more than 15 to 20 minutes to interview a single farmer. If farmers are interviewed
together, the time required will be greater.
• Before using the questionnaire the interviewer should be familiar with the length
and timing of the cropping seasons and their local names, as most of the questions
refer to performance on a season - by -season basis.
• Interviews should be carried out at locations defined by logical stratification
of the scheme area.
• The interview should be conducted in an informal manner. Where possible, it is
preferable to approach and interview farmers in the field rather than rely on more
formal, pre-arranged meetings.
Notes for users are provided to clarify the issues involved in each part
of the questionnaire. Once the purpose of a question is understood, staff
who are familiar with local conditions and practices may wish to re-phrase
questions so that they relate more readily to farmers’ actual experience.
Thus, the material may be considered as a guide - indicating what issues
should be considered and providing a format for questions - rather than an
inflexible questionnaire.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 30
Canal reaches are designed to a uniform depth profile corresponding to
the design discharge using a Mannings (Strickler) friction coefficient
appropriate to conditions of good maintenance. Cross regulators may be
provided to ensure command over offtakes, particularly at lesser
The extent of the backwater arising from raised water level in one part
of the system will depend on the bedslope and the magnitude of the
surcharge. For example, a surcharge of 500mm in a canal falling at 1 in
10,000 will have an appreciable effect for some 6km upstream. As another
example, the water level in the parent canal may need to be raised, by
suitable operation of cross regulators or otherwise, if command is to be
retained over lower order canals in poor condition.
30 35
The cross sections of earth channels which have been operating for
some time will no longer appear prismatic. Surface unevenness within the
wetted perimeter of a section are not significant per se. Limited variation in
any individual cross sectional area from the design value (10-20%
variation) will also not have much effect on the water level since changes
in surface profiles occur gradually on typical bed slopes. Several cross
sections in sequence, at say 50m centres, all similarly differing from
design, will affect upstream levels. Normally a rise in water level would be
expected, but if the downstream channel had been overexcavated during
maintenance, the upstream water level could be drawn down.
Local stretches of bank instability may occur where the sideslopes are
too steep for the prevailing soil or the canal water level has been drawn
down too rapidly. Unless a substantial length is affected, say 50 meters, the
effects are likely to be restricted to local changes in water depth and
velocity and the section would not act as a control.
Solid local obstructions will also not materially affect upstream levels
until the waterway area is so restricted, say 33% of intended section, that
critical flow develops through the section. Earthen obstructions, unless
massive, are likely to be scoured out as critical flow approaches.
Field Investigations
Field investigations should assess both the structural integrity of system
components and their fitness to control and/or convey flows. Judgement
needs to be made about current performance and also the likely
performance under the maximum required flows. Though the design
discharge may in some circumstances be inappropriate, it represents a
baseline for comparisons.
0.3 0.66
0.6 0.68
0.9 0.70
1.2 0.72
1.5 0.74
1.8 0.76
2.7 0.77
3.6 0.78
4.6 0.79
> 6.0 0.80
Assessing the
Condition of Infrastructure
The US Corp of Army Engineers, under the Repair, Evaluation,
Maintenance and Rehabilitation project (REMR), has developed a number
of function-based condition indexing procedures to determine the
condition of large, multi-function, multi-element structures, (Andersen and
Torrey, 1995; Bullock, 1989).
This section describes procedures for determining the condition of
infrastructure, condition being judged in terms of hydraulic effectiveness
and structural integrity. The final output of the Procedure defines priorities
for work. Selected items can be detailed and costed. The method lends
itself for use with a computerised asset management system.
• Intake • Syphon
• Gated cross regulator/check • Flow measurement structure
• Gated offtake/ Head regulator • Canal reach
• Drop/chute • Drain
• Cross drainage culvert • Inspection road
• Aqueduct/flume • Side weir/escape
An asset may fail to perform its intended hydraulic functions whilst still
structurally sound. It may also fail structurally, with some associated
hazard. The scoring is intended to reflect the fitness of the asset for its
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 36
The assessment scores were developed as set out in the box below:
Derivation of scores:
• The key function, hydraulic or/and structural, of each type of asset was identified -
in most cases a single function predominates.
• The principal elements of each type of asset were defined.
• Questions relating to the expected modes of deterioration of each element
were formulated.
• The effect of deterioration of each element on overall effectiveness was judged.
The allotted score represents remaining percentage effectiveness.
The table below shows how the values for CI correspond to broad
descriptions of condition.
“Overall concern”
An Engineer’s inspection should be undertaken if the overseer responds
positively to the question “Does the overall condition concern you?” or
where the engineer believes there is a problem.
Engineer’s Inspection:
Once an inventory of asset condition is prepared, the priority of works
is based on the benefit actually, or potentially, foregone. The Priority Index
takes account of:
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 38
The contributions and help of DGWRD staff in Jakarta, particularly Irs.
Napitupulu and Tampubolan were essential to the project, and are
acknowledged with thanks.
Andersen G. R. & Torrey V. H.
1995. Function based condition indexing for embankment dams.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 121 8 p 579-588
Bullock R. E.
1989. A rating system for the concrete in navigation lock monoliths.
Tech Report REMR -OM--4 US Army Engr Waterways Experiment
Station Vicksberg, USA.
Cornish G.
1994. Methodology to Facilitate Cost-Effective Rehabilitation and
Modernisation of Irrigation Schemes. Interim Report OD/TN 62,
HR Wallingford.
Davies A.
1993. An asset management program for irrigation agencies in
Indonesia. Unpublished MSc Thesis. Institute of Irrigation Studies,
University of Southampton. .
Fasso C.A.
1987. General Reporter, Question 40: ICID 13th Congress,
Casablanca, 1987.
Ferguson G.
1993. Fixed Civil Assets (Irrigation Infrastructure) Inspection Guidelines.
Department of Water Resources, Murrumbidgee Region, Leeton NSW,
Francis M.
1988. Minor Canal Management in the Gezira Scheme, Sudan.
HR Wallingford, Report OD 106
Hogwood J.
1995. A brief explanation of the Asset Management System.
British Waterways, Midlands and South West Region, Tamworth,
Staffordshire, UK.
Murray-Rust D. H. .
1985. Managing the Rehabilitation Process In Proceedings from the
workshop on selected irrigation management issues. 15-19 July 1985,
Digana Village, Sri Lanka. IIMI Research Paper No.2
Smailes E. L.
1996. Hydraulic Effects of Vegetation Management. HR Wallingford,
Report TR 3
Snaith M. S.
1990. Efficient Management of the Road Infrastructure: The tasks required
and the techniques available. 6th Conference, Road Engineering
Association of Asia and Australia. March, 1990, Kuala Lumpur.
1975. Water Measurement Manual. 2nd edition Gov. Printing Office.
Washington DC. USA.
Ven Te Chow.
1959. Open Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill, Tokyo.
Welch J. W. 1995.
Asset management procedures for irrigation scheme Unpublished MSc
Thesis. Institute of Irrigation Studies, University of Southampton, UK.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 44
Checklist of possible
performance constraints
• fertilizer
• pesticides
• improved seed varieties
• machinery or draught animals
limit their use such that yields are depressed or land is left fallow?
Labour - price/availability
Does the cost or availability of labour, at times of peak demand:
Crop pests
Do crop pests reduce crop yield in any of the cropping seasons?
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 46
• Financial factors
• Failure to carry out land development (land clearance, drainage,
construction of tertiary/quaternary systems, etc.)
• Soils not suited to proposed crop types
• Inadequate/unreliable irrigation supply
Existing organisations/Institutions
Do weaknesses in farmer organisations or other institutions result in
reductions in crop yields or cropped area?
Operational practices
Note the design delivery pattern, guided by the following table. Record
specific details of intended operational practice where these are available.
5. On-demand
(Farmer control)
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 48
Design/operation compatibility
Where operational practice differs significantly from design,
rehabilitation planning must consider whether original structures, designed
for a method of flow control and water delivery which is no longer
implemented, should be restored or replaced with structures that allow a
different water allocation policy.
Staff numbers
Compare staff numbers with establishment figures. Are there sufficient
staff, with appropriate transport, to control structures and implement water
deliver schedules?
Staff grade Area/chainage served Target No. on Actual No. on
this system this system
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 49
Inappropriate design
Are there areas of land within the scheme area that are out of command
or receive inadequate water due to insufficient or badly sited off-takes, or
poor canal alignment? Has incorrect or inappropriate design of any structure,
canal reach or drain resulted in insufficient conveyance capacity or the
failure of the structure to function as required? Check the following factors:
Condition of assets
Does the condition of any component of the irrigation or drainage
networks restrict conveyance capacity, threaten structural stability or
otherwise lead to reduced water supply or flooding?
Surface flooding
Does surface flooding regularly affect any part of the command area
causing yields to be depressed or land to be left uncultivated?
Soil Salinization
Is there a build-up of saline or alkali (sodium) salts in the surface soil
layers in any part of the command area leading to reduced yields or
deterioration of soil structure? Is the severity or areal extent of this problem
increasing over time?
Land fragmentation
Has the sub-division of farm plots resulted in significant loss of irrigable
land or reductions in field irrigation efficiencies or has it led to problems
for on-farm water management.
Has land erosion within the scheme’s command area resulted in a loss
of irrigable land through deposition of sediment, gully formation or
extensive bank erosion?
Have municipal or industrial pollutants caused land to go out of crop
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 51
Surface flood
Shallow Groundwater
Land fragmentation
Total Area
If flows are close to design values, record this on the summary table
and ignore the remainder of this part. Where peak flows do vary from
design values, complete all of this part.
Deterioration of supply
Do records and/or staff experience show that in the past the supply was
reliable and sufficient but is now frequently insufficient? Where it is
possible, indicate the probable likely cause:
• For a river supply. Has the sediment burden in the river increased,
therefore requiring more frequent closure of the intake? Does it affect
the reliability and adequacy of supply to the scheme?
1. Agricultural & Economic Notes (Refer to any additional pages used)
Major Minor None
1.1 Production inputs - Price/availability
1.2 Water supply
1.3 Labour - Price/availability
1.4 Future inputs supply
1.5 Crop pests
1.6 Crop marketing
1.7 Credit - Price/availability
1.8 Changes in land use
1.9 Land out of command
1.10 Existing organisations/institutions
1.11 Consultation with farmers
2. System design and operation Notes (Refer to any additional pages used)
Major Minor None
2.1 Method of flow control
2.2 Design delivery pattern
2.3 Operational practices
2.4 Design/operation compatibility
2.5 Staff numbers
2.6 Variaton from design assumptions
2.7 Inappropriate design
Record summary sheet of possible performance constraints (cont'd)
3. Deterioration of system infrastructure Notes (Refer to any additional pages used)
Major Minor None
3.1 Condition of assets
Headworks & sediment exclusion
Primary canals
Secondary canals
Head regulators
Cross regulators
Distribution works below offtakes
Other structures
4. Land degradation Significance
Notes (Refer to any additional pages used)
(See separate summary matrix in checklist) Major Minor None
4.1 Surface flooding
4.2 Shallow groundwater table
4.3 Soil salinization
4.4 Land fragmentation
5. Supply at the headworks Notes (Refer to any additional pages used)
Major Minor None
5.1 Variation from design discharge
5.2 Command area less than design
5.3 Reduced conveyance capacity
5.4 Deterioration of supply
5.5 Unrealistic design hydology
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 56
Questionnaire for Farmers
The purpose of the questionnaire is to obtain information on the
“normal” or average conditions experienced by farmers in each season.
Farmers should therefore be encouraged to consider the situation over the
last three or four seasons rather than give a reply that only reflects their
most recent experience. It is important to be aware of any abnormal but
short lived circumstances which are influencing the current season, and
therefore farmers assessment of yield, water supply, or other factors.
Abnormally high or low rainfall will influence the current season and this
is reported in Part 4. Any other short-lived factors should be noted in the
section at the end of the questionnaire.
Where farmers are obtaining the major part of their water from
unauthorised off-takes or re-using drainage water there may be problems
with the present location of off-takes. Alternatively the development or
maintenance of farm channels below existing, authorised off-takes may
be inadequate.
Cropping Intensity
This part determines if farmers regularly leave potentially irrigable land
uncultivated in one season or more in a year, or if there has been a
reduction in cropping intensity over time. The questions aim to identify the
reasons for land being left fallow or for the change from more to less
intensive production, i.e. why, in the past, more land was cultivated and/or
more crops were grown per year.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 57
The farmer may report in question 2.1, that all of his currently irrigable
land is cropped in all seasons. Question 2.2 investigates whether in the
past he had more irrigable land which may now have changed in use and
is no longer irrigated. In this case we are interested to know what has led
to this change in land use. Where there has been a change in land use the
reason should be recorded in the “Notes” section.
Cropping Yields
The question should assess the farmer’s level of satisfaction with yield
compared to farmers on other parts of the same scheme. If farmers can
readily quantify their yield per unit area this may be recorded but
quantitative data is not essential. Where farmers report some level of
dissatisfaction with yield the cause of the low yield, as perceived by the
farmer, should be identified. Tick one or more of the check boxes to
indicate the cause of low yield, or where none of these factors apply, note
the cause under “other”.
Water Supply
Question 4.1 asks for the farmer’s evaluation of rainfall in the present
and previous seasons. Question 4.2 asks whether the farmer believes there
has been a trend for rainfall amounts to fall over the long term. Where
rainfall data are available farmers answers can be cross-checked with this.
More than one of these descriptions may apply for any season:
If the farmer states that the water supply is not good, check to see if the
farmer answered that water supply limited yield in Part 3.1.
The second part of question 4.3 asks for the farmer’s view on the cause
of the poor irrigation supply. The farmer may only have a partial
knowledge of the condition of the conveyance and distribution canals and
of their operation. However, it is important to obtain the view of the farmer
which can subsequently be cross-checked in discussions with operations
staff, through review of operations records and through assessment of
infrastructure condition.
Where a farmer reports that flooding is a problem that prevents him
from planting or reduces crop yield determine how frequently the problem
occurs and the duration of the flooding, i.e. for how long, on average, the
land remained flooded.
Where a farmer reports that flooding causes him to leave land un-
planted in a particular season cross-check with the answer to question 2
concerning cropping intensity. Did he refer to flooding when asked if he
left land fallow in any season? If not, is this because flooding occurs only
occasionally? Record the frequency of damaging floods at 5.4.
Part 5.5 records the farmer’s view as to the cause of flooding. As with
Part 4, the farmer may not have sufficient knowledge of the scheme to
accurately identify the cause of flooding. Information given should be
cross-checked. It is possible that the farmer may identify a local constraint
which may otherwise be overlooked.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 59
Type of interview:
Single farmer ¨ Farmer name:_______________________
Group of farmers ¨
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Cropping intesity
Do you regularly leave land un-planted in one season
or more per year?
Yes ¨ No ¨
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Do farmers think their yields are normally:
Good Average Poor
First Season
(month of harvest_______________) ¨ ¨ ¨
Second Season
(month of harvest_______________) ¨ ¨ ¨
If yields are poor then what, in the farmers’ opinion, is the cause?
Water supply ¨
Seed type ¨
Time of planting ¨
Soil fertility ¨
Weeds ¨
Crop pests ¨
Drainage ¨
Other __________________________________
Notes: ____________________________________________________
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 62
Water supply
Was/is the rainfall amount:
More than Average Less than
average average
Present season ¨ ¨ ¨
Last season ¨ ¨ ¨
Notes: ____________________________________________________
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 63
Does flooding around this area ever prevent planting or
cause damage to crops?
Yes ¨ No ¨
If “Yes”, then:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Note any unusual and short term constraints influencing production or
farmer perceptions at the time of carrying out the interview of farmers
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 65
Condition assessment -
Overseer’s inspection
1. Are any of the gates missing? ¨ ¨ ■
2. Is it difficult to fully open or
close any of the gates? ¨ ¨ ■
3. Is any gate seriously corroded or rotting? ¨ ¨ ■
4. Are there serious cracks or movement in
any part of the structure? ¨ ¨ ■
5. Is any part of the structure blocked
by sediment? ¨ ¨ ¨
6. Is seepage occurring around the
structure? ¨ ¨ ¨
7. Is the d/s apron seriously damaged
or undercut? ¨ ¨ ¨
8. Is it difficult to read the u/s or d/s
gauge boards? ¨ ¨ ■
9. Does the overall condition concern you? ¨ ¨ ■
1. Missing Gate
Only answer YES if a gate has been removed from the structure. Where
a gate is broken but still present, answer NO to this question and YES to
question 2.
2. Gate operation
Answer YES when the condition of the lift mechanism, missing
components or other factors make it impossible to effectively operate a
gate. If a gate is missing, answer YES to question 1 and NO to this
3. Gate Condition
Answer YES where corrosion or rotting has reduced the strength or
water tightness of any gate. Disregard minor patches of surface corrosion
or minor deterioration of any gate.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 66
5. Blockage
Answer YES where sediment accumulation is seriously reducing the
open area for water to pass through. Disregard blockage by floating
vegetation or other debris that could be quickly pulled away.
6. Seepage
Answer YES if there is washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas of
fill or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
7. D/s Apron
Answer YES where the apron, or other bed protection, is breaking up or
unstable because of serious undercutting. Disregard minor surface abrasion
or bed/bank scour if this appears stable and does not threaten the stability
of the structure. Answer NOT KNOWN, if you cannot see the apron or
gain reliable information from the operator.
8. Gauge Boards
Answer NO when gauge boards have not been installed.
9. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Missing Gate
Only answer YES if a gate has been removed from the structure. Where
a gate is broken but still present, answer NO to this question and YES to
question 2.
2. Gate operation
Answer YES when the condition of the lift mechanism, missing
components or other factors make it impossible to effectively operate a
gate. If a gate is missing, answer YES to question 1 and NO to this
3. Gate Condition
Answer YES where corrosion or rotting has reduced the strength or
water tightness of any gate. Disregard minor patches of surface corrosion
or minor deterioration of any gate.
5. Leakage
Answer YES if you can see washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas
or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 68
6. D/s Apron
Answer YES where the apron, or other bed protection, is breaking up or
unstable because of serious undercutting. Disregard minor surface abrasion
or bed/bank scour if this is now stable and does not threaten the stability
of the structure. Answer UNASSESSED, if you cannot see the apron or gain
reliable information from the operator.
7. Gauge Boards
Answer NO when gauge boards have not been installed.
8. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Illegal weirs or debris
Answer YES where farmers have placed material in the reach to raise
the water level or where a land slip or accumulation of rubbish appears to
reduce the conveyance capacity of the reach.
2. Sediment
Disregard minor and localised accumulation of sediment which does
not reduce the conveyance capacity of the canal or cause a reduction in
the freeboard. If you are uncertain, answer YES.
Disregard small areas of weed which do not appear to restrict the
conveyance capacity of the canal or cause a reduction in the freeboard. If
you are uncertain, answer YES.
4. Conveyance capacity
Ask farmers or staff if they believe that water supply is limited because
of a problem in THIS reach. If so, answer YES.
5. Freeboard
Answer YES where: There is sometimes a risk of overtopping that might
result in washout of an embankment and serious structural damage.
Disregard minor low points where the canal is in cut.
7. Lining damage
Disregard isolated damaged panels or masonry. Answer YES where
more than 1 in 10 of the lining panels or 10% of the surface within the
reach is seriously damaged.
8. Unauthorised off-takes
Look for deliberate cuts or submerged pipes etc. in the canal bank.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 70
9. Seepage
Look for standing water, washout of fine particles from the
embankment, flowing water emerging from the toe of the embankment,
reeds or salt deposits on ground lying close to the canal embankment. If
any of these is widespread answer YES.
1. Road width
Answer YES, if the width prevents necessary maintenance vehicles/plant
from using the road.
2. Surface condition
Answer YES, where the surface condition limits driving speed to less
than 15 km/hr over at least 1 km. Minor isolated holes or surface
deterioration to be disregarded.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 71
3. Cross drains
Answer YES if a culvert is:
4. Side slopes
Answer YES, where erosion or slippage is likely to weaken an
embankment or cause a slip that will block the road. Disregard isolated,
minor problems unless they may develop into a serious problem before the
next inspection.
6. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Channel obstruction
Answer YES where silt or debris influence the flow of water through the
measurement structure causing a serious disturbance of the flow. Ignore
weed growth that can be simply cleared.
2. Drowned structure
A “drowned“ measurement structure is one where the water level d/s of
the structure affects the level u/s. Structures require a minimum head
differential for accurate measurement:
For broad crested weirs and flumes H(d/s)/H(u/s) must be £ 0.6
For sharp crested weirs H(d/s) must be below crest
3. Structural damage
Look for any damage that influences flow measurement or the stability
of the structure. Common examples will be damage to a weir crest or
other control section, serious cracks or structural movement.
4. Leakage
Answer YES if there is/are washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas
of fill or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
5. D/s Apron
Answer YES where the apron, or other bed protection, is breaking up or
unstable because of serious undercutting. Disregard minor surface abrasion
or bed/bank scour if this is now stable and does not threaten the stability
of the structure. Answer UNASSESSED, if you cannot see the apron or gain
reliable information from the operator.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 73
6. Gauge boards
Answer YES if any gauge boards are missing or cannot be read.
7. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Missing Gate
Only answer YES if a gate has been removed from the structure. Where
a gate is broken but still present, answer NO to this question and YES to
question 2.
2. Gate operation
Answer YES when the condition of the lift mechanism, missing
components or other factors make it impossible to effectively operate a
gate. If a gate is missing, answer YES to question 1 and NO to this question.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 74
3. Gate Condition
Answer YES where corrosion or rotting has reduced the strength or
water tightness of any gate. Disregard minor patches of surface corrosion
or minor deterioration of any gate.
5. Blockage
Answer YES where sediment accumulation is seriously reducing the
open area for water to pass through. Disregard blockage by floating
vegetation or other debris that could be quickly pulled away.
6. Seepage
Answer YES if there is/are washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas
of fill or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
7. D/s Apron
Answer YES where the apron, or other bed protection, is breaking up or
unstable because of serious undercutting. Disregard minor surface abrasion
or bed/bank scour if this is now stable and does not threaten the stability
of the structure. Answer UNASSESSED, if you cannot see the apron or gain
reliable information from the operator.
8. Gauge Boards
Answer NO when gauge boards have not been installed.
9. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Channel obstruction
Answer YES if silt, weed or debris limits flow in the drain so that
localised flooding or waterlogging of land occur frequently.
2. Overtopping
Look for the high water mark in the drain or for debris caught on the
banks or in adjacent vegetation.
3. Waterlogging
If necessary, ask farmers if problems of waterlogging, due to inadequate
drainage, are common.
4. Bank slippage
Answer YES where slippage threatens to restrict flow capacity of the
drain. Disregard minor slides if they are now stable.
5. Drainage structures
Answer YES only where damage to a structure threatens the correct
functioning of the drain.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 76
6. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Cracks/damage and movement
Answer YES where cracks appear to be caused by differential movement
of the structure or overloading of the structure. Vertical, horizontal or
rotational movement may be visible. Disregard shallow, surface cracks or
minor damage that does not affect function.
2. Leakage
Answer YES if there is/are washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas
of fill or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
3. D/s protection
Answer YES where the apron, or other bed protection, is breaking up or
unstable because of serious undercutting. Disregard minor surface abrasion
or bed/bank scour if this is now stable and does not threaten the stability
of the structure. Answer NOT KNOWN, if you cannot see the apron or
gain reliable information from the operator.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 77
5. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Cracks/damage and movement
Answer YES where cracks appear to be caused by differential movement
of the structure or overloading of the structure. Vertical, horizontal or
rotational movement may be visible. Disregard shallow, surface cracks or
minor damage that does not affect function.
3. Culvert capacity
Answer YES If farmers report that the drain frequently floods on the u/s
side of the culvert.
4. Blockage
Answer YES, where more than one quarter of the open area appears
blocked. Disregard small quantities of sediment or weed in the bottom of
the culvert.
5. Erosion
Answer YES if erosion is occurring that could lead to undercutting of the
6. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Cracks
Disregard shallow, surface cracks. Answer YES where cracks appear to
be caused by differential movement of the structure or overloading of the
3. Aqueduct/canal
Answer YES if there is any leakage, resulting in a serious loss of water or
erosion of the foundation slab.
4. Leakage
Disregard minor leakage from construction joints, but answer YES
where there are important leaks from expansion/contraction joint fillers.
5. Overtopping
Check the high water line or consult local farmers.
6. Damage to piers/Superstructure
Look for exposure/corrosion of reinforcing bars, split masonry or
settlement of any pier which can crack the aqueduct.
7. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Cracks
Disregard shallow, surface cracks. Answer YES where cracks appear to
be caused by differential movement of the structure or overloading of the
5. Blockage
It is not possible to inspect the syphon itself. Blockage will be indicated
by high u/s water levels.
7. Erosion of channel/drain
Answer YES if the barrel of the syphon is exposed where the channel or
roadway crosses. Where the syphon crosses a drainage line answer YES if
erosion of the drain bed threatens the stability of any part of the syphon.
8. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
1. Blockage
Answer YES if the blockage prevents water passing over the weir at the
design crest level or would prevent the safe discharge of water d/s of the weir.
3. Seepage
Answer YES if there is/are washout of fine soil particles, very wet areas
of fill or other evidence of water flowing around the structure.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 82
5. D/s protection
Answer YES where the d/s protection, is breaking up or unstable because
of serious undercutting. Disregard minor erosion if this is now stable and
does not threaten the stability of the structure.
6. Overall condition
Answer YES, if:
Offtake ID
1. Are any of the gates missing?
2. Is it difficult to fully open or close any of the gates?
3. Is any gate seriously corroded or rotting?
4. Are there serious cracks or movement in any part of the structure?
5. Is any part of the structure blocked by sediment?
6. Is seepage occurring around the structure?
7. Is the d/s apron seriously damaged or undercut?
8. Is it difficult to read the u/s or d/s gauge board?
9. Does the overall condition concern you?
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 84
Condition assessment -
Engineer’s inspection
Canal Name: _________________ Reach ID__________________
Design Parameters:
Discharge____________________ Flow depth ________________
Bed width ___________________ Freeboard _________________
Bed slope ____________________
A. Hydraulic functions:
Percentage of design
Value (125 - 80%) (79 - 70%) (69 - 50%) (<50%)
B. Channel condition:
Good Fair Poor Very Poor
(None/minimal) (Minor) (Serious) (Very serious)
Siltation ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Weeds ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Freeboard ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
C. Bank condition:
Slips ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Erosion ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Seepage ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
If lined:
Primary purpose - structural ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Primary purpose -
seepage reduction ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Condition summary:
Most serious defect _________________________________________________________
G. Required action:
None ¨
Repair ¨
Demolish & rebuild ¨
Demolish & redesign ¨
Structural failure:
Deep seated
b.Lining damage
Minor and stable
Progressive seepage failure
Very poor Discharge capacity reduced by more than 50% when running
at FSL. Reduced capacity results in serious yield loss or failure
to crop in some d/s areas.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 89
Factor: Freeboard
Good Freeboard at normal design Q is equal to or greater than design
Very poor Freeboard reduced at any point so design discharge cannot pass
without risk of overtopping. (Freeboard reduced by >50% at
any point.)
Factor: Slippage
Good No slips or signs of surface cracks.
No heave at slope toe.
No slumping or deep seated movement either in up-slope
terrain (cut) or in embankments
Factor: Erosion
Good No erosion, either within the channel, on upslope terrain (cut)
or on the external face of embankments.
Factor: Seepage
Good No evidence of seepage from embankment.
Very poor Minor canals: frequent breaches seriously diminish channel flow.
Conveyance canals: seepage/up-welling at bank toe visibly
increasing over time. Seepage may threaten stability of slopes
(cut) or embankments.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 91
Poor In situ concrete lining - Occasional panels deviate from line and
level. approximately one panel in 20 clearly damaged, back
erosion and/or bank settlement occurring at such points. Cracks
up to 5mm wide randomly distributed over the lining. Frequent
joint failures. Clear danger of progressive failure.
Masonry block lining - Lining clearly deviates from line and level.
Areas of bricks/blocks missing - up to 1.0m2 on main system.
Frequent joint failures. Clear danger of progressive failure.
Very poor In situ concrete lining - Line and level lost over groups of panels.
Panels collapsed, sub-grade erosion and/or settlement at these
points. Other panels cracked, progressive failure occurring.
Masonry block lining - line and level lost over tens of
metres. Major holes in the lining occur frequently. Bonding
lost over virtually full cross section in many places.
progressive failure occurring.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 93
A. Hydraulic functions
Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Conveyance capacity ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Where relevant:
Control of discharge/level ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Discharge measurement ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Water tightess ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
B. Structural condition:
Good Fair Poor Very Poor
(None/minimal) (Minor) (Serious) (Very serious)
Movement (settlement
displacement/heave/rotation) ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Joint condition ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Surface condition
(Spalling, rust, damaged coatings) ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨
Condition summary:
Most serious defect _________________________________________________________
G. Required action:
None ¨
Repair ¨
Demolish & rebuild ¨
Demolish & redesign ¨
Factor: Movement
Good No settlement or heave/rotation or displacement under load,
including temperature stress. All joints appear sound. No
structural cracking.
Fair Minor defects. Joints generally sound but localised areas where
sealant or filler is eroded or damaged. No obvious leakage path.
Very poor Sealant or filler lost over most of the joint length. Joint will be
completely ineffective in preventing leakage (hydraulic
structures), or entry of water, dirt and debris (bridge decks etc)
Fair Element(s) are generally sound. Minor damage may have been
sustained. Element(s) still fit to perform function within the
immediate future.
Very poor Soil mass unstable, cracking and/or deterioration affecting body
of soil. Clear evidence of significant movement with/without
seepage. Slip planes may be visible.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 100
Condition assessment scores
Ratings : > 80 = Good 51 - 70 = Poor
71 - 80 = Fair ≤ 50 = V. Poor
Relative importance
of different assets
The strategic importance of a given type of asset to the overall
functioning of the scheme is based on consideration of the following three
Hazard. The potential impact on the integrity of the system should the
asset fail. This does not consider the risk to life and limb. It anticipates the
most likely type of failures - a slow deterioration, which has low hazard, or
sudden, catastrophic failure and high hazard. For example, a cross
regulator in a canal system is unlikely to fail suddenly or dangerously. An
aqueduct has a much higher associated risk or hazard.
4. Do farmers and/or staff report the canal capacity restricts water supply? 30 0
5. Water level been dangerously near the canal top at any point? 25 35
1. Are there silt, weeds or rubbish within 5m u/s or d/s of the structure? 20 0
2. Are there any signs that water has overtopped the drain? 20 0
3. Do farmers or staff say the culvert fails to effectively carry peak flows? 35 0
3. Does the aqueduct leak at the union with u/s or d/s reach? 15 35
Hydraulic modelling
as an aid to diagnosis
In applying computer models to design, the designer will normally set
the principal system parameters uniformly over large parts of the system. In
contrast, in order to simulate the hydraulic behaviour of an existing system,
it is necessary to correctly represent parameters varying from place to
place in the system.
• Once a system of earthen channels has been operating for some time
the cross section may no longer appear prismatic. Surface unevenness
within the wetted perimeter of a section are not significant per se.
Limited variation of any individual cross sectional area from the
design value (10-20% variation) will also not have much effect on the
water level since changes in surface profiles occur gradually on
shallow slopes.
• A possible exception could be a section in hard ground which has
been under-excavated to the extent of some 33% or more of the
intended value. In this case, the section is likely to form a “choke”,
causing critical flow and afflux upstream.
A Procedure For Planning Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation 111
In the type of systems indicated above, hydraulic modelling can assist by:
In this case it was found that there were no material constraints to flow
within the system.
More recent models running seasonal simulations at, say, weekly time
steps, can be set up and calibrated in a few days.