2021 - TDS - Iso - PB5903 Astm
2021 - TDS - Iso - PB5903 Astm
2021 - TDS - Iso - PB5903 Astm
1183 23 ℃ g/cm3 1.01
Mass Density
Notes:These are typical properties only and are not to be construed as specifications. Users
should confirm results by their own tests.
The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the above products directly manufactured and supplied by CHIMEI
CORPORATION at the date of issue. CHIMEI CORPORATION makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection
with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI CORPORATION shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due
to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the products; (ii) any combination of the
products with material not provided or authorized by our company; (iii) any modifications to the products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) our
compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions
effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly
attributable to CHIMEI CORPORATION. In no event will CHIMEI CORPORATION be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential
damages (including lost profits) of any nature whatsoever whether arising out of the purchase, shipment, unloading, handling, or use of any product or otherwise.