Assignment 1 (ECAD)

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Name: Christine Joy Murillo Subject: ELXL02E

Section: ECE 301 Date: Sept. 5, 2021

Assignment 1: Mini-Video Review

• 2 main types of transistor

- Bipolar junction transistor

- Field effect transistor

• Transistor 2 main functions

- It can be used as a switch

- It can be used to amplify signals

• Small, low power transistor (such as 2N2222) uses resin case to protect the internal parts.

• Higher power transistor (such as MOSFET)

– have metal in its case to help remove heat and is usually attached to a heatsink

when being used in a circuit. Its temperature increases as the current increases.

• 3 pins of a transistor

- Emitter = heavily doped

- Base = lighty doped

- Collector = moderately doped

• Note: Not all transistors have the same pin configuration. We must test it first using DMM

or by simply checking its data sheet.

• Advantages of using transistor

- It can be used to automate a circuit (for switching purposes).

- For example:

Using a transistor to turn on a LED.

When less than or equal to 0.5V is applied to the base pin of the transistor, the

LED is off. When 0.6V is applied to its base pin, the LED will turn on but not at full
brightness. When 0.7V is applied, the LED is brighter, and the current will flow

through the main circuit. When 0.8V is applied, the LED is at its full brightness and

the transistor is fully open.

• A transistor acts as an amplifier. Building a circuit that uses a microphone as an input

(which can vary voltage signal), and the output is connected to a speaker, thus the

output signal will be amplified. (Basic amplifier).

• β – ratio between collector current and base current (Ic / IB)

• 2 main types of BJT:


• When designing a circuit – conventional current flow is used.

• In reality – electrons flow from negative into the emitter, and out to the base and

collector pins. (NPN) (Electron flow).

• NPN – have 2 layers of N-type material and one P-type in the middle.

• PNP – have 2 layers of P0type material and one N-type in the middle.

• It is proved that more electrons flow in the emitter terminal than the collector terminal.

Reaction to the video

After I’ve watched the video, my knowledge about transistors widens. Before I didn’t fully

understand what is happening inside a transistor but now, I can say that my knowledge

about its basic operations is at 100 % level. I fully understand how current flows in a simple

BJT circuit in conventional current flow and electron flow. I’ve seen the difference between

those two because of the example shown in the video. I can now imagine how it works and

the current flow in real life. Therefore, my knowledge in solving BJT circuits has also improved.

Since it is about the basics of a transistor, I think it is better if the operating regions of a

transistor were also explained in the video for us to understand better its differences. Also, it

is better if it shows at least one example of how to solve a BJT circuit.

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