8051 DC Motor Interfacing
8051 DC Motor Interfacing
8051 DC Motor Interfacing
DC Motor
DC motor converts electrical energy in the form of Direct Current into mechanical
• In the case of the motor, the mechanical energy produced is in the form of a
rotational movement of the motor shaft.
• The direction of rotation of the shaft of the motor can be reversed by reversing
the direction of Direct Current through the motor.
• The motor can be rotated at a certain speed by applying a fixed voltage to it. If
the voltage varies, the speed of the motor varies.
• Thus, the DC motor speed can be controlled by applying varying DC voltage;
whereas the direction of rotation of the motor can be changed by reversing the
direction of current through it.
• For applying varying voltage, we can make use of the PWM technique.
• For reversing the current, we can make use of H-Bridge circuit or motor driver
ICs that employ the H-Bridge technique or any other mechanisms.
For more information about DC motors and how to use them, H-Bridge circuit
configuration, PWM technique, refer to the topic DC Motors in the sensors and
modules section.
Interfacing Diagram
• As shown in the above figure we have connected two toggle switches on P1.0
and P1.1 pin of the AT89S52 microcontroller to change the speed of the DC
motor by 10%.
• One toggle switch at pin P1.2 controls the motor rotating direction.
• P1.6 and P1.7 pins are used as output direction control pins. It provides control
to motor1 input pins of L293D motor driver which rotate the motor clockwise
and anticlockwise by changing their terminal polarity.
• And Speed of the DC Motor is varied through PWM Out pin P2.0.
• Here we are using the timer of AT89S52 to generate PWM.
#include <reg52.h>
#include <intrins.h>
/* Calculate ON & OFF period from PWM period & duty cycle */
void Set_DutyCycle_To(float duty_cycle)
float period = 65535 - PWM_Period;
ON_Period = ((period/100.0) * duty_cycle);
OFF_Period = (period - ON_Period);
ON_Period = 65535 - ON_Period;
OFF_Period = 65535 - OFF_Period;
/* Initially Motor Speed & Duty cycle is zero and in either direction */
void Motor_Init()
Speed = 0;
M1_Pin1 = 1;
M1_Pin2 = 0;
int main()
EA = 1; /* Enable global interrupt */
ET0 = 1; /* Enable timer0 interrupt */
/* Increment Duty cycle i.e. speed by 10% for Speed_Inc Switch */
if(Speed_Inc == 1)
if(Speed < 100)
Speed += 10;
while(Speed_Inc == 1);
/* Decrement Duty cycle i.e. speed by 10% for Speed_Dec Switch */
if(Speed_Dec == 1)
if(Speed > 0)
Speed -= 10;
while(Speed_Dec == 1);
/* Change rotation direction for Change_Dir Switch */
if(Change_Dir == 1)
M1_Pin1 = !M1_Pin1;
M1_Pin2 = !M1_Pin2;
while(Change_Dir == 1);