Supplier Quality Management Process en
Supplier Quality Management Process en
Supplier Quality Management Process en
Management Process
Initial Product &
Design Samples Monitor
& Improvement
Targets Process Measures
Good-Practice-Manual for
Suppliers and Stakeholders
02 Supplier Quality Management Process
Leitung Einkauf Leitung Qualitätsmanagement Einkauf
Ludwig Merz Claudia Schiffhauer
Supplier Quality Management Process 03
This Good-Practice Manual defines the tasks for the INHALTSVERZEICHNIS
cooperation between Bosch Rexroth and its suppliers in
respect to quality assurance for products (products, raw 03 Aim
materials and trade goods) and from the selection of Application area
suitable suppliers to the monitoring and improvement in Responsibility
the series production. Short description
31-33 Glossary
04 Supplier Quality Management Process
DCCD 08016-42
Qualification, enabling and development of suppliers
Typical Customer
▶ Zero-defect target
▶ Safety stock, ability to supply and capacity consent
▶ Validation of important characteristics
▶ PEP in reconciliation with customer (e.g. PPAP)
▶ Ship-to-line concepts
▶ Close control of processes at supplier
▶ Processing of complaints according to 8D method
▶ Take over external failure costs
▶ Management System (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001)
▶ Efficient escalation processes
▶ Material conformity (REACH, RoHS, TSCA)
▶ Notification of changes with customer approval
(process, product)
Supplier Quality Management Process 07
Quality expectations
for our suppliers
▶ Optimized quality assurance ▶ Initial samples are perfect ▶ Self-driven measures for
measures and inspections at – avoid recursions continuous improvement and
supplier ▶ Supplier self-declaration of control plans
▶ Avoid double-work without part conformity (warrant): ▶ 8D failure cluster analysis
compromising quality confirmation, all require- ▶ Process capabilities, process
▶ Target: Ship-to-stock / ments fulfilled reviews, sustainable failure
Ship-to-line ▶ Use part family releases prevention
▶ Use possibilities of digital instead of single ISIR ▶ Use 3rd party audits to
collaboration (SUPO, ▶ Use of electronical initial improve your processes
connected supplier) sample inspection report ▶ Use of remote technologies
▶ lf failure occur: sustainable (elSIR) (e.g. MS Teams)
problem solving (8D, TRC, ▶ No need for DC to confirm
MRC, SRC, LRC) dimensions submitted by
the supplier
08 Supplier Quality Management Process
Good Practices “GPc”
Production Process Key Performance Indica- Key Performance Indica- Auditing of suppliers
Approval tion and Policy Deploy- tion and Policy Deploy-
ment – out of preventive ment – after SOP
Quality Assurance
GPC 22 GPC 23
GPc available in SOCOS at 07416-XXX (
Supplier Quality Management Process 09
GPc 3
Important Characteristics
1. Description Product characteristics or production process parameter which effect safety, compliance of official regula-
tions, correct fit, form, function or further processing are “Important Characteristics”. These potential impor-
tant characteristics are identified by R&D Department. The supplier considers the important characteristics
defined together with Development and Purchasing in his manufacturing processes.
2. Result Important characteristics are documented and clearly marked in drawings or specifications as reference for
validation and part release (e. g. critical characteristics) resp. documented in reference lists (DC 08918).
4. Due date Definition of potential important characteristics prior to RfQ. Verification of the process control measures
to insure important characteristics during ISIR, technical risk analysis or process audit resp. process
approval (DCGP 07416-16).
6. Method ▶ Potential important characteristics are identified and documented e.g. by development at Design FMEA
▶ Technical purchasing provides the supplier drawings, the potential important characteristics as well as
failure mode and impacts (from Design FMEA) as part of RfQ
▶ Supplier verifies feasibility of process control
▶ Supplier conducts technical risk analysis (recommendation: FMEA)
▶ Supplier implements appropriate measures to ensure important characteristics into manufacturing
process after discussion with Bosch Rexroth (generally project purchasing)
▶ Supplier verifies consideration of important characteristics during ISIR and Process Approval
(DCGP 07416-16), contracting and parts release
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
10 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 5
Lessons Learned Similar
Products and Projects
Task Owner Project Purchasing
1. Description Analysis of all internal or external defects and weak points at Bosch Rexroth or supplier based on a com-
plaint list including possible counter measures. Consideration and implementation of counter measures in
new processes.
2. Result Production and logistics are able to address existing and potential failures through preventive action.
Feedback for new developments and continuous improvement for existing parts is communicated to
development and manufacturing planning.
4. Due date At Technical Sourcing Review (QG2), latest before series tool release or technical risk analysis
(recommendation: FMEA)
▶ 8D Report
Purch. Quality Mgmt.
References ▶ CDQ0517
▶ DCCD 08901-AN5
▶ DCCD 08016-43
▶ DCFR 07416-5
▶ DCGP 07416-9
▶ DCGP 07416-16
Supplier Quality Management Process 11
GPc 6
Supplier Quality Plan (SQP) –
Quality Planning during Procurement
Task Owner Project Purchasing
1. Description Time table of sourcing process including all quality related deliverables and responsibilities. Monitoring of
deviation. The SQP has to be in line with the overall project schedule.
2. Result All necessary actions until SOP are known and scheduled. Responsibilities are defined. Binding resource planning.
3. Scope For all parts (drawing related parts and components, catalogue and company standard parts) as well
as software. SQP Scope 1 - 3
4. Due date Draft after project start (QG1). Detailed SQP after TSR (Technical Sourcing Review), before initial sample order.
6. Method ▶ Project Purchasing, PUQ Technical Specialists and development decide SQP Scope for components
▶ DIN, standard parts and assemblies (all single parts released) are SQP Scope 1
▶ In case of SQP Scope 3 collaboration of PUQ Technical Specialists is required (contracting)
▶ Adopt SQP master document based on sourcing process details such as specifications, validation plan,
FPA/P1 results and parts release
▶ Propose back scheduling based on project / sub-project plan
▶ Propose responsible person for each task in SQP
▶ Overall resource planning and request for additional capacity if required
▶ Responsible persons to confirm task deadlines of SQP (incl. supplier)
▶ Monitor and update SQP
▶ Set up action plan in case of deviations from project plan
▶ Evaluate necessity Safe Launch and planning of respective measures
▶ Sustainable, economic and responsible behaviour of suppliers and their sub-suppliers
(see „Code of Business Partners“)
Producement Part
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
12 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 7
Specification up-to-date & complete
1. Description The check list ensures that RfQ package contains all required documents and these are up-to-date and
complete. For ensuring the up-to-dateness of the specification before relocation, localization, change of
supplier, setting second source, ratio projects, process changes, outsourcing a measurement of the current
manufacturing status from the current supplier and if required an adjustment of the drawing will be
effected. The responsible purchaser decides when and which documents have to be delivered to supplier.
2. Result Specification up-to-date and complete for RfQ. Prioritized document delivery process for inquiry.
4. Due date Start RfQ, but not later than Technical Sourcing Review (TSR).
6. Method ▶ Based on the check list, project purchasing gathers required RfQ specifications
▶ Check whether project effects Bosch Rexroth key competencies or involves critical parts. Discuss with
technology manager manufacturing
▶ Decision to be made when and which documents have to be delivered to supplier
▶ Long-term and delivering on benchmark-level Bosch Rexroth suppliers do not have to get entire specifica-
tion package (Attention: make sure specifications are up-to-date)
▶ Responsible departments ensure that current documents, specifications and information are available
▶ QB-I part B is part of the test planning and of TSR (as needed)
References ▶ N2580-1
▶ CD 03800-007
▶ N67W 0.2
▶ DCCD 08016-43
▶ DCFR 07416-7
▶ DCWI 12092-2 (part A)
▶ DCPD 06414-001
▶ DCPD 06414-001-AN1 - AN8
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
Supplier Quality Management Process 13
GPc 8
Technical Sourcing Review (TSR)
1. Description Technical review of all issues arising out of inquiry and quotation which are relevant to the feasibility of pro-
cess, technology, quality, logistics, deadlines and costs, incl. consideration of sustainability criteria within the
supply chain. Part of the TSR is the discussion of the measurement plan for assurance of a failure-free start of
production (safe launch). TSR is the final review at the end of RFQ procedure. TSR identifies risks of parts,
processes or potential difficulties at supplier (and its sub-suppliers) for escalation to project management.
Optionally: Performance of Pre-TSR (see “Method”)
2. Result Quotation is understood. Supplier realizes specifications and important characteristics. Risks in the supplier’s
(and its sub-suppliers) process are indicated. Supplier can be recommended for nomination.
3. Scope Drawing related parts and components. TSR will be conducted only if supplier has high potential for nomination.
TSR normally coincide with feasibility confirmation of supplier in case of parts already validated. SQP Scope 2 & 3
4. Due date The TSR takes place at the end of RFQ process.
▶ Quotation Supplier
Project Purchasing,
▶ Parts planning from prototype to initial sample
Purch. Quality Mgmt. Plant
6. Method ▶ Project purchasing initiates TSR with supplier, Purch. Quality Mgmt. (plant and Tech. Specialists)
if necessary, logistics, development and manufacturing (relocation internal to external)
▶ Supplier presents quotation and potential technologies to fulfill required specification
▶ All important characteristics and lessons learned gained from previous projects are defined
▶ Compare product-specific requirements and important characteristics with supplier’s solutions
▶ Evaluate potential risks - counter measures to be defined and escalated to Project Review (QG2)
▶ Discuss measurement plan for safe launch (if required)
▶ Important agreements resulting from TSR may become part of the QAA
▶ Pre-TSR: Clarification of technical requirements to ensure a valid offer. Completion of full TSR after sourcing
decision only with final supplier. For new suppliers full TSR before sourcing decision.
▶ N67W 0.2
Development Development
Table Only a possible selection
Project Leader Logistics
of participants. Group of
participants might be
Purchasing Quality Quality
extended by other special
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
14 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 9
Feasibility Confirmation of Supplier
1. Description Examine feasibility of customer requirements or validated product specifications together with the supplier.
2. Result Supplier confirms process capability and fulfillment of commercial requirements and important characteris-
tics – also by means of technical risk analysis.
Q-Problems of similar parts (lessons learned) are considered. Potential risks are addressed. Process limits
are defined.
4. Due date During or subsequent to Technical Sourcing Review (TSR). But latest prior to the release of series tooling
and manufacturing facilities.
References ▶ CD 80010-031/-032
▶ DCCD 08016-43
▶ DCGP 07416-8
▶ DCFR 07416-7
▶ DCFR 07416-8
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
Supplier Quality Management Process 15
GPc 10
Inspection Planning
1. Description Planning and definition of incoming inspections for sample and serial parts, if applicable including test
equipment procurement
2. Result Required testing capacity, test methods, characteristics, test positions on the part, sample size and test
frequency determined. Test equipment is available before delivery of the initial samples and ready to use
(incl. test equipment capability examination).
Testing (test methods, characteristics) is agreed upon with the supplier.
4. Due date Before initial sample production, at the latest before delivery of initial samples.
▶ Design-FMEA Development
6. Method ▶ Internal coordination of inspection method and inspection characteristics for preparation to the TSR,
between Project Purchasing, Development and Purch. Quality Mgmt. Plant, if applicable amended by
specialist department
▶ Creation of Q information package in the system by Project Purchasing
▶ Determination of test method, characteristics and frequency (dynamisation rule) between Project Pur-
chasing, Purch. Quality Mgmt. Plant and the supplier considering the checklists GPc 3 and 12 as well as
the specification out of the TSR
▶ Creation of inspection plan in the system (e. g. SAP) by Purch. Quality Mgmt. Plant
For every inspection characteristic the following questions need to be answered:
– What needs to be checked? (Determination of test characteristics)
– How much needs to be checked? (Determination of test extend)
– How often needs to be checked? (Determination of frequency of testing)
– Check needs to be carried out using what? (Determination of test equipment)
– How needs to be checked? (Determination of type/method of test)
– When needs to be checked? (Determination of test time)
– Who needs to check? (Determination of test personnel)
– Where needs to be checked? (Determination of test location)
– How to provide evidence? (Determination of record)
▶ After SOP the maintenance and adaptation of the (serial) inspection plans is carried out by Purch.
Quality Mgmt. Plant
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
16 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 12
Initial Sampling
1. Description Initial sampling is one of the series production release preconditions. Initial samples are manufactured with
serial production equipment under serial conditions, i. e. initial samples are representative for series
production according to respective revision level.
2. Result Proof of conformity to the drawings and specifications, of parts and components, as one of the series
production release preconditions.
3. Scope For all drawing related parts an components, catalogue parts, company standard parts as well as software.
SQP Scope 1 - 3
4. Due date Release type and scope defined before RfQ. Initial sampling can be carried out during the process approval
(before function/endurance tests), however it must be completed before Bosch Rexroth initial sampling
with the customer.
6. Method ▶ Extent of initial sampling defined by project team or during the ISIR Point CIP with check list GPc 12
▶ Send initial sampling extent to supplier with RfQ
▶ Use of electronic initial sampling (eISIR), where sensible and technically feasible
▶ Initial sampling details are discussed with supplier via check list during TSR
▶ Discussion of initial sample report and serial inspection plan with operating department
▶ Information project purchasing to purch. quality mgmt. plant, for consideration of important characteristics
out of technical discussions with supplier
▶ Project purchasing orders initial sample according to check list GPc 12
▶ Performance Production Process Approval (PPAP on customer request), according to decision (SQP)
▶ Supplier delivers initial samples, incl. manufacturer´s or sub-supplier marking, together with initial sample
documentation according to purchasing order. In particular cases initial sampling and productions process
approval may be carried out on-site
▶ Cross-check initial sample delivery. If reliability of supplier is proven, the sampling extent of the supplier may
be reduced and/or DC may abstain partly or completely from cross-checking the initial sample test report
(initial sample submission level)
▶ Respective release process owner summarizes initial sample inspection results as one of the series produc-
tion release preconditions
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
Supplier Quality Management Process 17
GPc 16
Production Process Approval
(PPAP on customer request)
Task Owner Project Purchasing
1. Description Examination of production and inspection processes and associated documentation based on product specifica-
tion to release series production. Review all documentation, open point lists, audit reports, technical risk analysis
(recommendation: FMEA) etc. If a supplier assigns a sub-supplier to produce a product (partly or complete produc-
tion) the supplier is committed to maintain an efficient sub-supplier-management and to carry out resp. permute
the production process approval described in this document for all processes and sub-processes involved in
production correspondingly (incl. supplier and parts release). Start of initial sample inspection at Bosch Rexroth
starts, if all significant open points out of the production process approval resp. the process audit are finalized.
2. Result Series process is stable, validated and controlled. Supplier is able/prepared to deliver products and compo-
nents on call, according to the agreed specifications.
4. Due date ▶ Before or simultaneous to start of initial sample production at the supplier (prior QG4)
▶ In case of process changes, relocation and tool maintenances/changes etc.
6. Method ▶ Supplier informs Bosch Rexroth after series production process is stable in place or in case of process change
▶ Bosch Rexroth decides whether to approve production process on site, if applicable, by using “remote
solutions” (MS TEAMS)
▶ Verification of the required process release documents (e. g. Technical risk analysis (recommendation:
FMEA), tool release, process capability study, maintenance schedules, contingency plan etc.)
▶ Monitor implementation of agreed measures and issues from Technical risk analysis (recommendation:
FMEA), audit report etc.
▶ Monitor efficiency of counter measures from preproduction and lessons learned
▶ Qualification matrix and proof of measures performed are available
▶ Control plan in running series production (measuring and test equipment, inspection criteria, method and
▶ Examine packaging – container and handling (avoid damage during transport, pollution, humidity etc. – all
required characteristics such as bar code, serial number, notation etc. are available)
▶ Execution of a CSR quick scan, if required (three resp. five year cycle), use of CSR quick scan APP
▶ Request emergency concept
* Terminus “Key Product Characteristics” only allowed in connection with customer requirements according to IATF16949.
18 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 17
Key Performance Indication and Policy Dep
loyment – out of preventive Quality Assurance
Task Owner Project Purchasing
1. Description Regular quality evaluation and tracking of measures for new projects and specific analysis of potential
disturbances for defined period.
2. Result Evaluation of VQS work of project purchasing by analysing and evaluating the adherence of SQP milestones
and the quality situation of SOP
3. Scope Development, second-source, relocation, ratio and change projects. SQP Scope 1 - 3
4. Due date Ongoing from start of SQP resp. for a defined period (e.g. 12 months after SOP)
▶ All completed and pending complaints (notice Supplier, Purch. Quality Mgmt.
of defects) from development, good receipt, Plant, Development
manufacturing and if applicable customers
6. Method ▶ Analysis of cause of initial sample recursions during sampling process and introduction of measures
▶ Transfer of product specific know how to PUQ Technical Specialists
▶ Ongoing evaluation of Q key performance indicators (initial sample recursions, PUE ipm and ipm) and
number of concessions, for alignment of strategy with development and commodity purchasing
▶ Exceeding of SQP milestones are analysed regarding cause and initialization of measures
▶ Monitoring number of complaints after SOP (ramp-up phase) and immediate introduction of optimization
measures in case of increased number of complaints through project purchasing
▶ Increased number of complaints indicates a non-robust design or a non-robust process. Initiation CIP or
initiation change process (ECR)
▶ There are dashboards available for the different Q-KPI
GPc 18
Key Performance Indication and Policy
Deployment – after SOP
Task Owner Purchasing Quality Management
1. Description Regular quality evaluation and tracking of measures regarding all supplied products for identification of
focus suppliers. Assure conformity to the specifications.
2. Result Analysis and assessment: Overview about quality and current pending complaints, as well as achievement
of targets.
▶ All completed and pending complaints from ▶ Supplier, Purch. Quality Mgmt. GPc 44
incoming inspection, manufacturing and Plant, Service, Manufacturing,
customers in current year Quality Mgmt. and HSE
* ipm, customer incidents, ppm, manufacturing incidents, incidents incoming inspection, failure costs, concessions
20 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 21
Auditing of suppliers (Extract)
1. Description Performance of process audits within the scope of supplier qualification/development and/or performance
of incident/problem related Process Improvement Reviews (PIR)
4. Due date According to annual audit-/PIR-scheduling list and in case of incident/problem related cases (PIR)
6. Method ▶ Process audits at suppliers according to VDA 6.3. The selection of the audited elements rests with the lead auditor.
Normally in case of new developments of the supplier one starts with element 1 and 2, in all other cases with
element 3. Choice of audit questions: Questions, which do not apply to the audited area need to be marked with
“nb” and justified. During determining the questions not required a strict standard needs to be applied.
▶ The application normally takes place via WorkOn “Supplier Audit DC”. The pre-requisite is a complete supplier
self-disclosure, which must be attached to the WorkOn by the applicant.
▶ The CSR quick scan needs to be requested during the process audits, during PIR or during an on-site visit of the
supplier (every 3 to 5 years). In case of severe deviations DC/PUQ-PSG needs to be informed.
▶ For heat-treated parts, which are purchased from sub-suppliers, the specifications according to N67W 0.2 (list of
approved suppliers or heat treatment audit) are to be met.
▶ At the end of the audit a feedback discussion is carried out with the supplier. If necessary, the supplier
needs to prepare a measurement plan (dates, responsibilities, status) and to forward it to the lead auditor.
Audit reports of suppliers with international, language area overlapping supply relationships have to be
prepared in English language.
▶ As an alternative to the on-site audit, the audit may be performed as a remote meeting. An audit (on-site resp.
remote) must be carried out in any case. Details regarding execution see DCGP 07416-21 ANH.
▶ The audit evaluation is carried out in 3 steps: A-quality capable, B-limited quality capable, C-not quality capable.
In case of audit evaluation C-not quality capable a downgrading in the supplier pyramid might need to be checked.
In case of measures which are not completed in time, an escalation to the PURxy mentor is effected. In case of
audits with at least one major deviation the responsible Purch. Quality Management Plant receives the cover
▶ The measures defined need to be supervised and checked with respect to effectively.
In case of a missed deadline a risk evaluation needs to be carried out and documented through the lead auditor.
The completed audit report with the remark “Execution of audit performed in accordance to VDA 6.3” and if
applicable further documents need to be filed in the SRM tool.
▶ Criteria for the performance of a re-audit are: audit not achieved, major deviations or downgrading in evaluation.
Re-audits refer to the revalidation of the deviating process elements/steps (already audited modules). This is
documented with a new audit report and a new audit evaluation and also filed in SRM.
If no re-audit is necessary, a verifying of the introduced measures according to the measurement plan provided
from the supplier is sufficient. The total evaluation of the original audit does not change.
GPc 22
Sub-Supplier Quality Management (Extract)
1. Description Premise: “The direct supplier of DC is responsible for the quality management of sub-supplier.”
All suppliers are obligated to implement the DC requirements towards sub-supplier.
2. Result Sub-Supplier Quality Management serves the risk minimization by defined processes along the whole supply
chain. Risks in this connection are, among other things, defect parts at the customer, problems in the produc-
tion at DC and high failure costs.
6. Method Elements of a Sub-Supplier Quality Management and thus requirements of DC toward his suppliers are:
This includes the raw material suppliers defined through DC, and therefore also indirectly the sub-suppliers.
▶ Disclosure of the supply chain, outsourced processes, critical paths, and information about material composi-
tion and origin
▶ Risk analysis and evaluation of the individual processes, also the outsourced processes, including the emer-
gency and restart planning (business continuity management)
▶ Definition of a supplier selection process, qualification, and risk assessments of the supplier
▶ Guideline for preventive quality assurance, e. g. audits, technical risk analysis (recommendation: FMEA)
▶ Securing a continuously requirement management, starting with the DC requirements, especially for “important
▶ Change management for suppliers, processes, production facilities, etc.
▶ Complaint management, including the application of the 8D methodology or similar, for customer complaints,
internal complaints, and complaints toward our supplier
▶ Determination of quality indicators along the supply chain
The structuring of the individual elements and therefore for the measures to improve respectively to ensure the
quality of delivered products and materials (semi-finished products, components, systems, etc.) have to be set
according to the potential risks. Particularly critical are failures, which could not be identified in the following
process, this means will be detected later in the supply chain or in application.
The application of the requirements at the suppliers, including the raw material suppliers, could be processed
▶ Step 1: Presentation and discussion of the DC requirements with the supplier and point out its responsibility for
his sub-suppliers.
▶ Step 2: Description of already given, required elements, deviations, and proposals for the further proceeding by
the supplier.
▶ Step 3: Evaluation and discussion of the given elements at the supplier by DC. If necessary, decision to mea-
sures for a complete implementation of the requirements or for the improvement of given elements. Monitoring
of the measure implementation.
Regular review of the Sub-Supplier Quality Management, level of implementation as well as the effectiveness of DC
regulations, are to be carried out within given audits of DC at the supplier respectively at the raw material supplier.
For the topic Sub-Supplier Quality Management additional audits are not required, the topic have to be included.
Deviating of the above the following applies: For heat-treated parts, which are purchased from sub-suppliers, the
specifications according to N67W 0.2 (list of approved suppliers resp. heat treatment audit) are to be observed.
References ▶ CD 80008 (CP-CD08) ▶ DCCD 08016-42 ▶ DCCD 08910 (CDQ 0704) ▶ N67W 0.2
▶ DCCD 08016-41 ▶ DCCD 08016-45 ▶ DCCD 08911 (CDQ 0904)
22 Supplier Quality Management Process
GPc 23
ECR in Purchasing (Extract)
1. Description Changes to purchased parts are processed according to respective ECR and SQM processes
2. Result Released engineering change request (ECR) as input for engineering change notification (ECN)
3. Scope DC suppliers worldwide, construction, process, logistics and documentation changes. SQP Scope 1 - 3
4. Due date After completion of preliminary agreement phase ECR process according to DCCD 08927
▶ Eliminate Q problem in the plant, at supplier Development, Quality Mgmt. and HSE,
or customer Purchasing Quality Mgmt.
6. Method ▶ (*) Supplier passes engineering change request (ECR)/information to purchasing according to specification
out of agreed QAA considering the risk class and existing material field specific agreements (e. g. casting). The
procedure is also valid for internal ECR.
▶ Preliminary agreement phase: PUExx enters the change intent into the tool “oneECM”, the preliminary clarifi-
cation will be decided within purchasing. Amongst others, affected plants, products, customers need to be
considered. The manager evaluates the change intent and grants the release resp. declines it in the tool
“oneECM”. If the preliminary agreement phase decision is that the ECR will not be carried out the mentor
should inform the supplier correspondingly.
▶ Planning phase: ECR initiated from purchasing/supplier is introduced, explained through purchasing in the
ECR meeting of the leading plant and processed through the responsible “Change representative of purcha
sing” (generally project purchaser) in the tool “oneECM”. Further processing is carried out as engineering
change request (ECR) by the special departments.
▶ Required customer involvement needs to be decided on as soon as possible, latest however in the planning
phase. The decision is confirmed in writing through sales.
▶ The supplier quality plan (SQP) is created and started, if required.
▶ The completion of the planning phase forms a review through the ECR review team and, in case of approval,
the release of resources and budget.
▶ Processing and validation phase: Continuation of SQP with the supplier.
▶ The validation demand needs to be clarified and adjusted with all plants effected by the ECR.
▶ Execution of product and process release (if required) according to defined and in TSR with supplier agreed
sampling extend (e. g. adjustment technical risk analysis (recommendation: FMEA), required capability certifi-
cate, process release on side, internal product validation). The result is a released initial sample test report.
▶ Implementation phase: Preparation and distribution of released engineering change notification (ECN)
through the documentation site. After the customer’s requirements have been met, delivery release is given,
if required, with the customer’s consent.
▶ Start the follow up processes in purchasing: document exchange and adjustment of relevant contracts.
▶ The quality control during ramp up e.g. in case of new suppliers is carried out in line with the SQP (Hand over
report DCFR 07416-6).
▶ Valid for all phases: The review result out of the SQP mile stones (e. g. TSR DCFR 07416-8) are presented in
the ECR review team and - if applicable - existing risks (e. g. adherence of deadlines, expenses, technical
feasibility) discussed and decided and, if necessary, escalated into the ECR steering committee.
24 Supplier Quality Management Process
Matrix of Responsibilities
and Process Activities
Product Management
Head of Project PEP
Com. Purch. (MFV)
Proj. Purch. (PUE)
DCCD 08016-0..
Mile- Process step Procurement
No Result/Documentation
stone Process
QMM Plant
PUQ plant
1 Manage and develop supplier strategy ▶ Specific requirement profiles (product, raw material,
regarding market development and align- part family) R S S S 41
ment with part specific requirements ▶ Defined software-category/business case
2 Selection and verification of suitable ▶ Part family/material specific requirements know.
suppliers Future requirements to technologies for new products. R (S) 41
▶ Evaluation of PE competence
3 Innovation scouting & routing ▶ Ideas out of supplier market
Generally Supplier self-disclosure, solvency ▶ Identified innovative products and manufacturing
disclosure, CSR-Quick-Scan, certificates, technologies R S S (S) S 41
non-disclosure agreement, evaluation of ▶ List of pre-selected suppliers
technical competency,…
4 Contractual agreements + ▶ Overview of potentially suitable suppliers
supplier release process ▶ Requirements reg. certificats, CSR, techn.
competence etc. are satisfied
QG0 ▶ Signed corporate agreements uploaded in SRM R S A5) I S S 41
system (incl. QAA)
▶ Supplier created in the system
▶ Process responsible and involved have been informed
HD* 1 Supplier contracted & potential evaluated
5 Assignment for qualification and/or enabling ▶ Work packages on improvement measures have been
resp. development of suppliers defined
A R S 42
▶ Qualification team and project target have been
6 Draw up, track and implement action plan ▶ Action plan defined (responsibilities, deadlines)
S S R S S (S) S 42
▶ Guidelines regarding CSR considered
7 Validate implementation of measures ▶ Complete action plan (Minutes with evaluation) S S R S I S S 42
8 Determine special customer requirements ▶ Transfer of special customer requirements to the
and special issues regarding standards/ release plan, e.g.: specific tests, proof, sampling to
R S S S S S 43
directives for release customer, part submission warrant to customer,
safety related specification acc. to DCCD 08926
9 Definition of effort/integration/ ▶ Defined SQP-Scope (1 to 3)
contracting of conterminous ▶ Evaluation business model S R A1) S S 43
departments & service provider ▶ Estimation of required resources
10 Define packaging/transport ▶ Specifications for delivery and local/
R S S S S 43
global packaging (logistics specifications)
11 Define requirements for process release ▶ Defined sampling extend
R S S (S) S 43
GPc 3, 5, 6 and 12 ▶ Temporary SQP
QG1 12 Pre-Sourcing Meeting/ ▶ List of potential suppliers, who comply with customer
R S A S S 43
White list selection and DC requirements
13 Preparation inquiry package and ▶ Specifications/logistics specifications
review of document ▶ Quantity scenario
R S S S S S 43
GPc 5 and 7 ▶ Lessons Learned known problems
▶ Inquiry documents are complete and up-to-date
14 Send RfQ to supplier, and if necessary, ▶ if applicable, concept competition
R S (S) (S) S 43
carry out concept competitions ▶ Feedback tenders/concept presentation (Pilot Quotes)
HD 2 Quotation received
15 Pre-selection potential suppliers ▶ Define at least 2 suppliers out of tender
R S4) (S) S S 43
comparison/concept competition
16 Define SE project ▶ SE project preliminary documentation
I S (S) S S R S S S S 43
▶ SE agreement
17 Carry out Technical Sourcing Review ▶ Inquiry understood
GPc 8 ▶ Suggest supplier for Sourcing Meeting
R S1) S S (S) (S) S (S) S 43
▶ Particular risks named (DC & supplier)
▶ A/B samples are available
18 Comparison of quotation ▶ Completed CoQ form
QG2 ▶ Announcement global sourcing meeting at person (S) R S S 43
responsible for supplier/material field
19 Global sourcing Meeting ▶ Decision for supplier
R S S I I 43
▶ Documentation of decision
20 Start release and sampling process SQP ▶ Full definition of requirements for release (Finalized
Planning manufacturing sample/assembly SQP)
R2) S1) S (S) (S) S S 43
test 3) as well as ordering of tools ▶ Release and sampling process agreed upon with
GPc 6, 12 and 16 supplier
21 Perform function/endurance test (if stipulated), ▶ Report on function and endurance tests
S R S 43
in accordance with specifications of development
Supplier Quality Management Process 25
Product Management
Head of Project PEP
Com. Purch. (MFV)
Proj. Purch. (PUE)
DCCD 08016-0..
Mile- Process step Procurement
No Result/Documentation
stone Process
QMM Plant
PUQ plant
22 Order initial samples ▶ Initial sample order with reference to
requirements for product and process release
R (S) S I I 43
▶ Incl. environmental requirements
▶ Mark order type in SAP accordingly
23 Prepare sample release ▶ Update release and sampling process confirmed with
QG3 (organization of sample release) supplier
R (S) S S (I) (S) I S 43
GPc 12 ▶ Resources, deadlines, all details are planned and
HD 3 Initial samples ordered, sample release prepared
24 Perform process check (if stipulated) ▶ Awarding protocol (software), certificate of process
GPc 16 proficiency. In case of negative result coordination of
R S1) S (S) S 43
further proceeding between PUE and PUQ Technical
25 Initial sampling (e.g. geometry, measures, ▶ Proposal for release
function, material, …) ▶ Verified EMPB I S R S S 43
▶ Documentation for release
26 Final release initial sample ▶ Parts and process released I I R1) I 43
27 Implement decision for release in SAP and ▶ Project purchasing hands over project to commodity
start series release purchasing/logistics after the first three error free
serial deliveries out of different production batches/
charges. If the number of serial deliveries is below the
required number (<3) (e.g. in project or service
I S S R S I I (I) I 43
business) the technical supervision is carried out
through project purchasing up to twelve months after
part SOP.
▶ SAP Q-stock material info report changed to series
▶ Start recording recursions initial samples (PUE-KPI)
HD 4 All releases completed
28 Transfer product specific know how ▶ Consideration of lessons learned out of earlier
I R S (S) S 44
projects / of sampling phase
29 Transfer of parts (e.g. order book, buyer ▶ Signed valid agreement with supplier
QG4 group, info record, delivery schedule, …) ▶ End of project S R S S 44
▶ Delivery according to order specification
HD 5 Start of serial production
30 Logistic incoming inspection ▶ LOG-PLKZ, DPR
R 44
▶ book goods in IT system
31 Technical incoming inspection ▶ Check on Skip (R: LOG)
S S R I 44
▶ Test results of incoming inspection
32 Approval test lot (delivery) ▶ Released delivery
▶ Determination of data on product related history of I R I 44
33 Complaint management ▶ Defined action plan for start subsequent process
Start complaint management or change inclusive consideration of failure costs.
QG5 S R (S) S S (S) (S) S S 44
management process, cause analysis, define ▶ Error permanently eliminated
action plan and tracking of realization
34 Monitor & report QKL-data (inc/mio_p, ipm, ▶ e.g. reports out of PILUM, SAP or BOSIS-Q
recursion initial sample, ppm, project costs, S S S S R S (I) 45
SQP milestones according to schedule)
35 Analysis & assessment of suppliers KPI and ▶ Proposal for nominations Q programs
R S S S S S 45
QKL incidents
36 Define QKL measures ▶ Q program, Supplier learning factory
▶ Relocation projects, technical projects
R S S S (S) S 45
▶ Negotiations
▶ BPS measures
37 Track, revise and escalate measures ▶ Degree of attainment of the objectives
R S S S S (S) S S 45
▶ Action plans
CIP Continuous Improvement Process
38 Supplier performance assessment ▶ Overall estimation in SRM tool
▶ Recommendation for supplier award
39 Supplier development Q methods ▶ Qualification for 8D/MRC (problem solving)
▶ 5W method, techn. risk analysis (recommendation:
FMEA), capability Q table, sub-supplier management,
40 Continuing improvement process (quality initi- ▶ Optimization QKL
R A S (S) (S) S S
ative, supplier talks, value stream mapping, etc.) ▶ Qualification for new projects
41 Series phase (change, modification, relocation) ▶ Change request (ECR) GPc 23 S R S I (S) S
Appendix GPc 6
Supplier Quality Plan
Material or Supplier Supplier Release Customer Define Important Lessons Local/ Require- Preparation Inquiry Technical Final
product self assessment for DC specifica- framework Characte- learned list global ment ISIR & of pre- docu- Sourcing drawings &
specific assessment has to be (SAP tion and for ristics similar packaging Production sourcing ments (incl. Review specifica-
require- done Input) require- engineering GPc 3 products defined process meeting drawings & (TSR) tion
ments (P1/FPA ments of phase GPc 5 approval spec.) incl. up-to-date &
analysis, the target Festlegung arranged up-to-date & required complete
etc.) market SQP Scope, (Start SQP) complete planning of GPc 7
considered Definition GPc 6 & 12 GPc 7 Safe Launch
SQP Scope GPc 8
Verantw. /
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Matrix of application
1 little extent required = low risk 2 higher extent required = medium risk 3 complete extent required = high risk
· new material group · Supplier/sub-supplier/manufacturer unknown
· new location · new process
· new equipment · new material
· new component group · SSL (Safety / Security / Legal) requirements
· for Bosch Rexroth developed or adapted SW
(no standard SW)
application mandatory
Supplier Quality Management Process 27
SQP (who Feasibility QAA Sourcing Perform Initial Preparation Production Initial Initial Initial SOP Project
& when) confirmation Contract Meeting function/ sample of initial process sample sample sample planned transfer PUE
finally of supplier negotiated endurance ordered sample approval at inspection inspection approval GPc 20 to PUR
discussed GPc 9 test inspection supplier (Part) (documen- (characte
GPc 6 carried out tation) ristics,
GPc 16 material,
part family material software level def.
SSL require- no standard
known4 new known new final
ments SW
1 Sub-processes have to be taken into account, i.e. heat treatment, X X 32
2 If no validation by engineering is requested, down grading from SQP 3 X X 2
to SQP 2 is acceptable. X X 33
3 If no validation by engineering is requested, down grading from SQP 3 X X 1
to SQP 1 is acceptable. X 3
4 That means a reference part from this part family has been released
already. X 2
28 Supplier Quality Management Process
Appendix GPc 7
Check list Specification up-to-date &
SQP number Part number
Start RfQ
Supplier Quality Management Process 29
TSR Comments Responsible
1. Which part/system function(s) were discussed to be understood by the supplier?
2. Which potential Important characteristics has to be considered (see e.g. DCWI 12028-1)?
3. How does the supplier ensure a efficient sub-supplier management, incl. supplier/process and
part release (for all in the manufacturing involved processes and sub-processes in spite of
whether partial or complete production)?
4. Which design or production-orientated suggestions (material, equipment etc.) were made by
the supplier for process optimization and/or cost reduction?
5. Which testing and measuring methods, i.e. measuring equipment have been specified (incl.
appendix DCFR 07416-3, DCFR 07416-10)?
6. Which manual processes of the supplier (e.g. burring, cleaning, handling, preserving processes)
have been evaluated and which required examinations have been fixed?
7. Which Q-Targets (e.g. requirement benchmark level) were discussed and accepted (QAA
8. What details were agreed on the damand according to the non-binding customer preview
(quantity per year)?
9. What was agreed with regard to the logistics specifications for packaging specifications (sample
packaging, package circulation (ownership, cleaning, replacement), seaworthy packaging,
recovery plan, corrosion protection, ...)?
10. How is the output quantity ensured? (Machine and tool concept, tool life, assured production
quantity, cycle time, degree of capacity utilization, …)?
11. Which points of the offer were explicitly discussed in order to clearly understand the offer?
12. Does the quotation remain valid or can a supplementary quotation be dispensed with?
Feasibility Confirmation Comments Responsible
13. Can the product be manufactured reliably according to the requirements?
14. Can the supplier confirm the feasibility of Bosch Rexroth requirements (as defined in the TSR)?
Remark: All questions which are marked as “No” must be addressed in open points list
ffor supplier:
for Bosch Rexroth:
Remark: Latest with the proposal submittal the feasibility commitment is confirmed.
30 Supplier Quality Management Process
5W-Method The 5 W Method is a practice of asking, five times, why the failure has occurred in order to get to
the root cause/causes of the problem.
8D-Report/-Method 8 D is a short description for a concept formed of Ford-Motor-company for structured problem
solving in a project group. The concept contains an action plan divided in 8 steps, which was
introduced under the abbreviation 8D (8 disciplines).
This concept is divided as follows:
D1: Installation of Problem Solving Team
D2: Describe the problem
D3: Initiate interim (containment) actions
D4: Identify and prove the root cause
D5: Choose and verify (permanent) corrective actions
D6: Take actions to prevent reoccurrence
D7: Monitoring of dates
D8: Praise resp. critical acclaim
Audit An audit is a systematic inspection to determine whether a quality system complies with planned
arrangements. Quality audit applies to elements of QM-System (quality system audit), the elements
of production with quality risks (process audit) as well as elements affecting product quality
(product quality audit).
Abbr. Bosch Purchasing Information System Quality (German: Bosch Einkaufsinformationssystem
BOM Abbr. Bill of Materials (German: Stückliste)
CIP Abbr. Continuous Improvement Process (German: kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess)
Complaint list Claims list and grading of failures DCFRom prototype-build and first series production
CoQ Abbr. Comparison of Quotation (German: Angebotsvergleich)
DC Abbr. Drive and Control Technology, description of Bosch Rexroth AG
DCCD Abbr. Central Department Directive of DC (German: Zentralbereichsanweisung)
DC/PU Head of Purchasing (German: Einkaufsleitung)
DC/PUQ Head of Quality Management Purchasing (German: Leitung Qualitätsmanagement Einkauf)
DPR Abbr. Delivery Performance Reporting (German: Liefertermintreue)
ECR Abbr. Engineering Change Request (German: Änderungsanregung)
EMPB Abbr. Initial sample test report (ISIR) (German: Erstmusterprüfbericht)
The initial sample inspection report contains of a cover page and the inspection result sheets
agreed between the customer and the supplier as well as other required documents.
EZRS Abbr. Product raw materials (German: Erzeugnisrohstoffe)
FG Abbr. Feasibility Grade (German: Härtegrad)
Fit & finish Parts release in form, fit, function and colour by assembly
FMEA Abbr. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
The FMEA is a systematized technique which identifies and ranks potential risk in order to
prioritize improvement actions.
FPA First Plant Assessment
Abbr. Good Practice - Document with recommendation for the implementation of an obligatory
32 Supplier Quality Management Process
HAWA Abbr. Trade goods (German: Handelsware)
HSE Abbr. Health, Safety and Environment (German: Arbeits-, Brand- und Umweltschutz)
ipm Number of incidents per million parts (German: Anzahl Störfälle pro Millionen Teile)
ISIR Abbr. Initial sample test report (ISIR) (German: Erstmusterprüfbericht)
ISIR Point CiP Abbr. Initial Sample Point CiP (German: Erstmuster-Point-CiP)
KPI Abbr. Key Performance Indicator (German: Kennzahl)
LOG Abbr. Logistics
LRC Abbr. Leadership Root Cause
MAE Abbr. Machinery and Equipment (German: Maschinen und Einrichtungen)
MCR Abbr. Material Cost Report
MFV Abbr. Person responsible for material field (German: Materialfeldverantwortlicher)
MRC Managerial Root Cause
OPL Abbr. Open points list (German: offene Punkte Liste)
PDCA Abbr. Plan, Do, Check, Act; (German: Planen, Tun, Prüfen, Umsetzen)
PEP Abbr. Product Engineering Process (German: Produktentstehungsprozess)
The Product Engineering Process (PEP) describes the work flows from the idea for a new product
until the production and sale of the product.
PIR Abbr. Process Improvement Review (German: Überprüfung der Prozessverbesserungen)
PPAP Abbr. Production Part Approval Process (German: Produktionsteil-Abnahmeverfahren)
Reference document to QS-9000. It includes generic requirements for production part approval for
all production and service commodities, including bulk materials. The purpose of this procedure is
to determine if all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly
understood by the supplier and that the process has the potential to produce series product,
meeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.
ppm Abbr. parts per million (German: Teile je Million)
100 ppm means 100 non-conformities per 1.000.000 parts.
This corresponds to 0,01 % non-conformities.
Process characteristics A process characteristic is a characteristic of a part, component or system, that:
a) significantly affects the following process to produce the Key Product Characteristics
b) has huge effects to the error risk in the production in case of small deviations.
PUE Abbr. Project Purchasing (German: Projekteinkauf)
PUE ppm ramp up ppm
PUQ Abbr. Purchasing Quality Management (German: Einkauf Qualitätsmanagement)
PUQ plant Abbr. Quality Management Purchasing Plant (German: Qualitätsmanagement Einkauf des Werkes)
PUR Abbr. Commodity Purchasing (German: Materialfeldeinkauf)
QAA Abbr. Quality Assurance Agreement (German: Qualitätssicherungsvereinbarung)
QAM Abbr. Quality-Assurance-Matrix
The main targets of the Quality-Assurance-Matrix (QAM) are no delivery of faulty parts to the
customer and the avoidance of failure reoccurrence. The QAM is the quality tool behind the expres-
sion “Firewall” and will support this goal by elaborating a virtual “wall” against faulty parts.
QG Abbr. Quality Gate
Quality assessment (QG0-QG5) serves the determination and recording of the quality level, from
product development to start of production. The results of the evaluation are essential for the
release decision concerning the following development phase (for details see DCCD 08934).
Supplier Quality Management Process 33
QKL Abbr. quality, costs, logistics (German: Qualität, Kosten, Logistik)
QI Abbr. Quality initiative
QMM Abbr. Quality Management and Methodes (German: Qualitätsmanagement und Methoden)
RB Abbr. Robert Bosch GmbH
RfQ Abbr. Request for Quotation (German: Angebotsanfrage)
Run@Rate Activity to verify that the supplier‘s actual manufacturing process is capable of producing compo-
nents that simultaneously meet:
(1) on-going quality requirements
(2) quoted tool capacity
(3) scheduled volume requirement
SE Abbr. Simultaneous Engineering (German: (wörtl.) „Gleichzeitige Ingenieurtätigkeit“)
SE aims to lower the duration of development and to decrease development costs. Often, SE is
named in connection with an organizational strategy to simultaneously develop products and
processes with interdisciplinary teams.
Ship to Line Concept Shipment directly to the conveyor/assembly
SOP Abbr. Start of Production (German: Start der Serienproduktion)
SPC Abbr. Statistical Process Control (German: Statistische Prozessregelung)
SPC is a standard method for visualizing and controlling processes based on the results of random
samples. The goal of SPC is to ensure that planned process results are achieved and the corre-
sponding customer requirements fulfilled.
SQM Abbr. Supplier Quality Management
SQP Abbr. Supplier Quality Plan
SQP Scope Classification of parts or components (level) for pre-selection of kind and extend of required
scope of delivery for quality planning and release.
Level 1: Common element or standard/ISO part. Production process without risks. No additional
requirements in excess to the general conditions of delivery.
Level 2: Common element or material according to drawing. Production process known. No
additional requirements for initial sampling with test report and parts, as well as a
production release on site.
Level 3: Complex element or module/component with important functions. Complex production
SRC Abbr. Systemic Root Cause (German: Systemische Grundursache)
SRM-Tool Abbr. Supplier Relationship Management
The Supplier Relationship Management Tool (SRM-Tool) is the leading system for strategic planning
and central management of supplier relations within the entire RB purchasing organization. Via
bundling information concerning supplier characteristics and performance indices it permits to
save resources and to further improve the supplier base.
TCO Abbr. Total Cost Ownership (German: Komplette Systemkosten)
TRC Technical Root Cause (German: techn. Grundursache)
TSCA Abbr. Toxic Substances Control Act (German: Gefahrstoff-Überwachungsgesetz)
TSR Abbr. Technical Sourcing Review
Review all issues of RFQ, relevant for feasibility of process, technology, logistics, schedule and
VQS Abbr. Preventive Quality Management (German: Vorbeugende Qualitätssicherung)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Maria-Theresien-Str. 23
97816 Lohr am Main, Germany
Claudia Schiffhauer
[email protected]
Längrich, Ralf
Phone +49 9352 18-4455
[email protected]
Printed in Germany
RD 09933/4. Auflage 07.21
© Bosch Rexroth AG 2021