Edu 201 Packet
Edu 201 Packet
Edu 201 Packet
ASSIGNMENT #1 (Observation)
1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Is it warm, inviting, organized, etc? Describe
the physical environment in detail.
Walking into the classroom it felt very warm and she invited me right in. The first day I got the
chance to go pick up the students, before going into class all the students lined up outside the door and
gave her a high five. Seeing their face get excited about the high five made me feel warm and I even
wanted a high five. The room is very colorful, lots of posters, and the room is very interactive with each
other. It is also very well organized; Ms. Yoder doesn’t waste a second at all and keeps everything in pace
with the schedule. If a student comes in they know to be respectful and get organized before they get to
their seats. If the kids have to go to the bathroom or have anything to say they either raise their hand or
make a number with their fingers.
2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL, students with physical
challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note.
In the class there is a variety of diversity of the class. There is a total of 18 students in the class.
Each student was unique in their own way. There were so many racial groups like African American,
Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, and etc. There are a few ELL students and students with challenges. I can
say that there were so many different types of students in the class and that made it fun and exciting. As
a student observer, I saw that in each class it contained different students with different challenges that
one has to face.
3: Are their posted class rules? If rules are posted write them exactly as they appear.
They have three different type of posted rules on each wall. One of them read, Class rules: 1)
follow instructions first time given 2) Treat others with respect 3 ) Keep hands, feet, and other object to
yourself 4) be the best student YOU can be. The second one read, Class expectations: 1) Practice
responsibly 2) Act respectfully 3) Care for others and self 4) Keep high expectations. The class
expectations spelled out P.A.C.T by the first letter of each of the four expectations. Then the last one was
if you were an earlier finisher: 1) Read a book 2) Finish other work 3) Write a story 4) Fill a bucket 5) Help
someone. These were the different type of rules I saw on posters. They were very bright and easy to see.
4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? What rewards or consequences are used for compliance or
Ms. Yoder enforces these rules every day. The rewards she provides for compliance are sticker
stars, candy, and an extra free time slip. For noncompliance, the students get 3 chances, if by the third
chance they continue to act up, they get extra time to stay in class and they have to work on a worksheet
provided by the teacher.
2: In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the room be improved?
In my opinion I don’t think I would change the physical arrangement of the room. Everything in the
room was placed where it could fit according to the class size and the size of the objects. I would
personally love to have my class arrangement similar to her arrangement.
ASSIGNMENT #3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record your
observations when presented with the questions below:
ASSIGNMENT #4 (Culture): Using the questions below, carefully observe and evaluate the culture of the
school.. Remember you are evaluating the school for its educational culture, place of learning, sense of safety,
invitation for learning, promotion of self-actualization, development of values and socialization.
Physical Characteristics: Look at the physical areas of the school to determine atmosphere, comfort, and
feelings the school creates for students in the educational setting.
1. Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees, parking lot,
crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols. Describe in detail.
Everything is safe and handled. There’s no trash outside and the school itself is very clean
and organized. The property is up to date, there aren’t any hazardous playgrounds preventing the
students from doing anything. The gates are closed once school starts so if you are late you have
to go through the front door. The streets are sturdy and the parking lot is efficient. You are able to
see the crosswalks and signs when you are near the school. Everything is visible to the human
eye and safe. The crosswalk people help students and parents cross safely and the whole
neighborhood itself is very clean and safe.
2. Next, study the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall colors and
decorations and entrance security. Explain in detail.
The interior is very beautiful. It gives me a home feeling. Everything is so colorful and
organized. The school itself is very motivational. They have these posters with mirrors and on top of each
mirror it says who is in charge of your attitude, grades, self, etc. It was just so sweet and very
CSN Field Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Page 3
inspirational. The walls are clean and the school is also. The staff is very sweet and helpful. There is
lighting provided for anything that needs light. Everything is vibrant and full of color. The posters are very
inspirational and motivational that catches the eye right away. They have security walking around making
sure everything is safe and okay. If you want to go inside the school you have to check in with the front
staff and sign in on the computer and have your picture taken.
Culture of the School: Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and atmosphere within the
ASSIGNMENT #5 (Cooperating Teacher Interview): Arrange for a convenient time to interview your
cooperating teacher. Ask the questions below. Include any school document, handouts, etc. the teacher
ASSIGNMENT #6 (Observing a student): Discretely observe one student in your assigned classroom during
direct instruction. Explain what the student did during the observation. Summarize the lesson given and the
student’s responses to the lesson. Make sure to document ALL behavior in relationship to what was being
presented by the classroom teacher. Please describe what you discovered about the student’s learning styles,
involvement in class, and his/her educational needs.
I observed Adrian. He’s in Ms. Yoder’s second grade class and he’s a very sweet boy. I noticed
that every day he would act out and just would not want to participate with the rest of the class.
He was a smart boy and he knew what was right and what was wrong. If the teacher called on
him, he would answer with an attitude, but it was the right answer. I would sit in the back table
of the room. When he was misbehaving, he would be sent to the back table and from there I
would try to talk to him and ask if he was okay. The first few times he would ignore me and just
stay with his attitude. The teacher would come back and talk to him and he would still have an
attitude but it was better than before. She was very patient with him even if he wasn’t with her.
One day we went to the computer lab and he was misbehaving again and didn’t want to do the
work he was asked to do, so she sent him to me so I can help him. At first, he didn’t want to talk
to me but as I kept being persistent and asking kindly, he finally talked to me. I got to help him
with his work and I figure out he was just hungry because every question he would ask me was
when was lunch? and he told me that his favorite food was chicken nuggets. We both eventually
finished his work and his attitude had gone away. The teacher was very pleased with my helping
and she told me “sometimes it’s hard to just help one student and help them with all their
needs, thank you for helping” you could see that she was happy with me helping her with the
students that give her trouble from time to time. His attitude did improve as I was there and the
teacher was happy with my help. He eventually warmed up to me and now he comes up to me
and asks me questions and gives me hugs.
Assignment #7 (Summary)
I learned so much thorough out my 10 hours observation. This really solidified my
teaching career. I now fully 101% know I want to become an elementary teacher. I got a chance
to observe 2nd grade. I fell in love with 2nd grade, even though it was the only grade I have
observed or been to, I love how my teacher Ms. Yoder explained 2nd grade. She said “2nd grade is
at the peak where they know things but they need help knowing things.” She also said, “Who
wouldn’t want to get hugs occasionally.” I learned how I want my classroom to be. The set up
and everything. I want to be an organized teacher just like the teachers I look up to. I realized
that teachers have it hard as well. Especially with the students. They not only have to take care
of their students but they also have to take care of themselves. They have to put others first
before them. Even when the student doesn’t want to listen you have to see ways you can help
them. The teachers do stuff behind the scenes that us students don’t get to see. All the grading
they have to do and many more. They also are human beings that have a life outside of school
Not only do teachers go through things but the students do too. Some may come to
school hungry and with the same clothes on and you just have to be prepared to handle that in