ECON - Ch. 1-4
ECON - Ch. 1-4
ECON - Ch. 1-4
chapter title
subtopic 1
table heading
main topic
Voluntary transactions create wealth by moving assets • The buyer and seller must agree to a price that
from lower to higher-valued uses splits surplus between buyer and seller. Here,
• capital goods → translate to something profitable • The buyer and seller both benefit from this
• diamond = nominal and sentimental value transaction:
• jewelry at face value = profit → valuable • Buyer surplus = buyer’s value minus the price
• value = maximize the thing $130,000 - $128,000 = $2,000 buyer surplus
• Seller surplus = the price minus the seller’s value
Anything that impedes the movement of assets to higher- $128,000 - $120,000 = $8,000 seller surplus
valued uses, like taxes, subsidies, or price controls, • Total surplus = buyer + seller surplus = difference
destroys wealth in values
$2,000 + $8,000 = $10,000 → $130,000 -
Economic analysis is useful to business for identifying $120,000 = $10,000
assets in lower-valued uses $10,000 are the gains from trade
The art of business consists of identifying assets ub low- • Which assets do these transactions move to
valued uses and devising ways to profitably move them to higher-valued uses?
higher-valued ones o Factory owners, real estate agents,
investment bankers, corporate raiders,
A company can be thought of a series of transactions. A insurance salesman
well-designed organization rewards employees who • Discussion: How does eBay create wealth?
identify and consummate profitable transactions or who • Discussion: Which individua; has created the
stop unprofitable. most wealth during your lifetime
• Discussion: How do you create wealth?
1. First, you would try a two-way trade TO A HIGHER-VALUED USE?
2. Failing that, you’d try three-way connection with
another city • Our largest and most valuable assets are
3. Need to find correct trades with correct timing = corporations
difficult! • Ex: Dell-Alienware merger:
4. Like with kidney transplants, compatibility problems o In 2006, Dell purchased Alienware, a
lead to inefficiency manufacturer of high-end gaming
To identify money-making opportunities, you must first o Dell left design, marketing, sales and
understand how wealth is created (and sometimes support in Alienware’s hands
destroyed). o Dell took over manufacturing though,
using its expertise to build Alienware’s
• Key note: Wealth is created when assets are computers at much a lower cost
moved from lower to higher-valued uses o However, many mergers and
• Definition: value = willingness to pay acquisitions do not create value
Desire + income = you want something + you can ▪ if they do, value creation is rarely
pay for it so clear
• Key note: Voluntary transactions, between o To create value, the assets of the
individuals or firms, create wealth acquired firm must be more valuable to
Meaning, people create wealth by pursuing self- the buyer than to the seller
• Enforcing property rights and contracts legal tools
• The buyer values the house at $130,000 that facilitate wealth creating transactions
(buyer’s top dollar – willingness to pay) • Ensures that buyers and sellers keep gains from
• The seller values the house at $120,000 trade
(This is the seller’s bottom line – won’t accept less)
• An economy is efficient if all assets are employed in 2. Taxes create a profit opportunity – 1983 Sweden Tax
their highest-valued assets
3. Subsidies destroy wealth – flood insurance
encourages people to build in areas that they
• This is an unattainable, but useful benchmark
otherwise wouldn’t
• The one lesson of economics
4. Subsidies create opportunity – health insurance
o Art of economic consists in looking not merely
5. Price controls destroy wealth – rent control price
at the immediate but at the longer effects of any
(price ceiling) in NYC deters transactions between
act or policy; it consists in tracing the
owners and renters.
consequences of that policy not merely for one
group but for all groups.
6. Price controls create opportunity – Regulation Q. &
Euro dollars
o Must look at the intended and unintended
effects of policies to understand their efficiency.
Which assets end up in lower-valued uses?
o The economist’s solution to inefficient outcomes
is to argue for a change in public policy.
• The art of business consists of identifying assets in • Ex: the overbidding form the oil company = “subsidy”
lower valued uses and devising ways to profitably paid to management for acquiring oil reserves
moving them to higher valued uses. • Allows us to use the same analysis
i. performance evaluation metric (revenue, Don’t define the problem as the lack of your solution
cost, profit, or return on investment) • if you define problem as “the lack of centralized
purchasing”, then solution will be “centralized
ii. a compensation scheme to reward good (or purchasing”, regardless of whether that is the best
punish bad) performance (commission, option
bonus, raise, promotion) • Instead, define problem as “high acquisition cost”
and examine “centralized purchasing” vs
• A well-designed organization is one in which “decentralized purchasing” as potential solutions to
employee incentives are aligned with organizational the problem
Avoid jargon
• By this we mean that employees have: • most people misuse it
• use simple language and communicate precisely
i. enough information to make good decisions
ii. the incentive to do so.
In 2006, an investigative news program sent a TV reporter
YOU CAN ANALYZE ANY PROBLEM BY ASKING with a perfectly good car into a garage owned by National
THREE QUESTIONS Auto Repair (NAR). The reporter came out with a new
muffler and transmission—and a bill for over $8,000. After
the story was aired on national TV, consumers began
Q1: Who made the bad decision?
avoiding NAR, and profit plunged. What is the problem,
Q2: Does the decision maker have enough information to
and how do you fix it?
make a good decision?
Q3: Does the decision maker have the incentive to make
Let’s run the problem throught our problem-solving
a good decision?
Q1: Who made the bad decision?
The NAR mechanic recommended unnecessary repairs.
S1: Let someone else make the decision, someone with Q2: Did the decision maker have enough information to
better information or incentives. make a good decision?
S2: Give the decision maker more information. Yes, in fact, the mechanic is the only one with enough
S3: Change the decision maker’s incentives. information to know whether repairs are necessary.
PAUSE HERE AND TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHY THIS Professor Holt – objects on principle to the practice of
CHANGE DID NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM. raising prices in times of shortage
Mechanics in the two divisions began colluding. In Spider Man Principle: with great power comes great
exchange for recom- mending unnecessary repairs, the responsibility
service mechanic shared his incentive pay with the
recommending mechanic. The unnecessary repairs Laws of capitalism allow corporations to amass significant
continued. power and in turn, society should demand high level of
responsibility from them
NAR used single mechanic again who both recommend
and perform repairs but replaced the incentive pay with
flat salary.
• Costs – associated with decisions not activities ● Fixed costs - do not vary with the amount of output.
• Opportunity cost – profit gave up for the
alternative ●Variable costs - change as output change
• Relevant costs and benefits of a decision
o Consider all costs and benefits that vary
with the consequences of a decision
o Only those costs and benefits that vary
with the consequences of the decision
• Fixed costs – do not vary with the amount of
• Variable cost – changes as output changes
o Decisions that change output will change
only variable cost • The cost of the factory is fixed.
• Employee pay and cost of ingredients are
variable costs
Big Coal Power Co. switched to a 8400 coal when the
price fell 5% below the price of 8800 coal
• 8400 coal generates 5% less power than 8800
• The manager was compensated based on the
average cost of electricity, and expected this
move to save money Instead – company profit
• Why? What happened?
o Discussion: Diagnose the problem. Are these costs fixed or variable?
o Discussion: Come up with a proposal to 1. Payments to your accountants to prepare your
fix it.
tax returns.
Three questions for analysis 2. Electricity to run the candy making machines.
Fees to design the packaging of your candy bar.
1. Who is making the bad decision? 3. Costs of material for packaging.
- The plant manager made the switch to
the lower-priced 8400 coal. REAL EXAMPLE: CADBURY (BOMBAY)
2. Did he have enough information to make a good
- Yes, presumably he knew that this would Beginning in 1978, Cadbury offered managers free
reduce his output. housing in company owned flats to offset the high cost
3. Did he have the incentive to make a good of living.
- No, because he was evaluated based on In 1991, Cadbury added low-interest housing loans to its
the average cost of electricity produced
benefits package. Managers moved out of the company
at his plant.
housing and purchased houses. The empty company flats
LESSON FROM COAL PROBLEM remained on Cadbury’s balance sheet for 6 years.
• The plant manager should have considered all In 1997, Cadbury adopted Economic Value Added (EVA)®
the costs of switching to the lower Btu coal Charges each division within a firm for the amount of
o Namely, the lost electricity capital it uses
• Average costs can be a poor measure of plant • Provides an incentive for management to reduce
capital expenditures if they do not cover costs
• Need to align incentives of a business unit with
the goals of the parent company
• Senior managers then decided to sell the unused • If you start with costs, you will always get
apartments after seeing the implicit cost of confused
capital o If you start with a decision, you will
never get confused
o The cost of the company of holding onto
ACCOUNTING PROFIT the apartments was the forgone
opportunity to invest capital in the
Accounting profit - recognizes only explicit costs company’s organization to earn a higher
Typical income statements include explicit costs:
o Costs paid to its suppliers for product Holding on to the flats cost the company £600,000 each
inputs year.
o General operating expenses, like salaries
to factory managers and marketing • Unless the benefits to the company of holding
expenses onto the apartments were at least £600,000, the
o Depreciation expenses related to capital was not employed in its highest-valued
investments in buildings and equipment use.
o Interest payments on borrowed funds • The cost of the company of holding onto the
apartments was the forgone opportunity to
What’s missing from Cadbury’s statements are implicit invest capital in the company’s organization to
costs: earn a higher return.
• By selling the flats, the company moved the
o Payments to other capital suppliers capital to a higher-valued use
(stockholders) Stockholders expect a certain
return on their money (they could have invested RELEVANT COSTS AND BENEFITS
o “Profit” should recognize whether firm is When making decisions, you should consider all costs
generating a return beyond shareholders and benefits that vary with the consequence of a
expected return decision and only costs and benefits that vary with the
• These are the relevant costs and relevant
Economic profit - recognizes these implicit costs; benefits of a decision.
accounting profit recognizes only explicit costs • You can make only two mistakes
o You can consider irrelevant costs
OPPORTUNITY COSTS AND DECISION o You can ignore relevant ones
Hidden cost fallacy • Recall that accounting profit does not necessarily
• ignoring relevant costs (costs that vary with the correspond to economic profit.
consequences of your decision) when making a • Discussion: Economic Value Added
decision o EVA®= net operating profit after taxes
• Common hidden-cost fallacy: ignore the minus the cost of capital times the
opportunity cost of capital when making amount of capital utilized
investment or shutdown decisions. o Makes visible the hidden cost of capital
• The major benefit of EVA is identifying costs. If
Example: Football game (again) you cannot measure something, you cannot
• You buy a ticket for $20 control it.
• Scalpers are selling tickets for $50 because your o Those who control costs should be
team is playing cross-state rivals responsible for them.
• You go to the game, saying, “These tickets cost
• The tickets really cost you $50 because you give
up the opportunity to scalp them by going EVA® - measure of financial performance that makes
• Unless you value them at $50, you are sitting on visible the hidden cost of capital.
an unconsummated wealth-creating transaction
• Rewarding managers for increasing economic
EXAMPLE: should you fire an employee? profit increases profitability, but evidence
suggests that economic performance plans work
The revenue he provides to the company is $2,500 per no better than traditional incentive
month compensation schemes based on accounting
● His wages are $1,900 per month measures.
● His office could be rented out $800 per month
● YES, you are only making $600 a month from this • Goal alignment: “By taking all capital costs into
employee but could make $800 a month from renting his account, including the cost of equity, EVA shows
office the dollar amount of wealth a business has
created or destroyed in each reporting period. …
EVA is profit the way shareholders define it.”
Discussion: can you make mistakes using EVA? either performer. Based on this information, what is the
o Does it help avoid the hidden cost fallacy? opportunity cost of seeing Eric Clapton?
o Does it help avoid the fixed cost fallacy?
A. $0 B. $10 C. $40 D. $50
You won a free ticket to see an Eric Clapton concert
• Adopting companies of EPP’s (+ four years) (which has no resale value). Bob Dylan is performing on
o ROA from 3.5 to 4.7% the same night and is your next-best alternative activity.
o operating income/assets from 15.8 to Tickets to see Dylan cost $40.
• Indistinguishable from non-adopters On any given day, you would be willing to pay up to $50
o Bonuses increase 39.1% for EVA® firms to see Dylan. Assume there are no other costs of seeing
But 37.4% for control group either performer.
• Interpretations
o Selection bias? Based on this information, what is the minimum amount
o NO, cheaper to use existing plans (in dollars) you would have to value seeing Eric Clapton
o Goal alignment, YES. for you to choose his concert?
• EVA® is no better or worse
o Rival EPP’s A. $0 B. $10 C. $40 D. $50
o Bonus plans
o Discussion: Why?
Not enough information or bad
incentives are not the only causes for
business mistakes. Often psychological
biases get in the way of rational decision
Do not confuse average and marginal costs. ● He committed the fixed-cost fallacy by
● Average cost (AC) is total cost (fixed and looking at average cost, which include
variable) divided by total units produced. costs that do not vary with the decision.
• Average cost is irrelevant to an extent ● If he had ignored fixed costs, he would
decision. have seen that increasing the number of
● Marginal cost (MC) is the additional cost deliveries would increase profit.
incurred by producing and selling one more unit.
● Marginal revenue (MR) is the additional revenue AVERAGE COST
gained from selling one more unit.
● Sell more if MR > MC; sell less if MR < MC. If MR ● Definition: Average cost (AC) is simply the total
= MC, you are selling the right amount cost (TC) of production divided by the number of
(maximizing profit!). units produced (Q).
• AC = TC/Q
● The relevant costs and benefits of an extent ● Average costs often decrease as quantity
decision are marginal costs and marginal increases due to presence of fixed costs (FC)
revenue. If the marginal revenue of an activity is • AC = (VC + FC)/Q
larger than the marginal cost, then do more of it. • FC does not change as Q increases
● An incentive compensation scheme that ● Key note: Average costs are not relevant to
increases marginal revenue or reduces marginal extent decisions
cost will increase effort. Fixed fees have no
effects on effort.
● A good incentive compensation scheme links pay
to performance measures that reflect effort.