Cytochemical Stains in Haematology PDF
Cytochemical Stains in Haematology PDF
Cytochemical Stains in Haematology PDF
Assistant Professor, Department of Haematology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar, India.
Cytochemical stains are special stains used for staining peripheral blood and bone Corresponding Author:
Dr. Iffat Jamal,
marrow smears that help in classifying and differentiating different types of
Flat No. D/2, Phase-1,
leukaemias. In resource poor countries like ours, role of special stains cannot be Sapna Apartment, Nayatola,
ignored as they are cheap, time saving, easy to perform, yet effective tools in Patna- 800004, Bihar.
differentiating different types of leukaemias. E-mail: [email protected]
DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2020/259
Alkaline phosphatase activity is present in varying degrees in the neutrophil and
band form of the granulocytes.
Count 100 neutrophils and score them (0 to +4), then calculate the final score by
adding the total scores.
Score 0- no stain, 1+means faint staining, 2+ means moderate staining,
3+ means strong staining with cytoplasmic background, 4+ means strong
staining without cytoplasmic background.
Normal Range: 15-130
J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 7/Issue 25/June 22, 2020 Page 1215 Short Communication
LAP is Elevated in the primary and secondary granules of myelocytic and
1. Leukemoid reaction. monocytic cells.
2. Pregnancy
3. Other myeloproliferative disorders except CML
4. Aplastic anaemia. Interpretation
5. Multiple myeloma - Myelogenous cells show coarse staining granules with
6. Obstructive jaundice faint staining pattern for myeloblast and increase staining
7. Hodgkin’s disease with maturation.
8. Oral contraceptive drug intake - Auer rods are +vely stained.
9. Growth factor therapy - Monocytic cells show finely scattered granules.
- Negative staining in lymphocytes except Burkitt`s
lymphoma cells, may show +ve staining vacuoles.
LAP is Decreased in
1. Chronic myeloid leukemia
2. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
Acid Phosphatase (ACP)
3. Sickle cell anaemia
4. Hypophosphatasia
5. Myelodysplastic syndromes ACP is present in all hematopoietic cells
To differentiate acute myelogenous or monocytic leukemia
from acute lymphocytic leukemia. There are two types of esterases, specific and non-specific.
The specific esterase is naphthol AS-D chloroacetate
esterase (CAE). These identify the cells of the granulocytic
Principle series. It does not stain lymphocytes and monocytes. It can
Myeloperoxidase is present in the primary azurophilic even be used to identify granulocytes in formalin fixed
granules of neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes & tissues.
activity is increased with maturation and no activity is found The nonspecific esterase activity is seen in monocytes.
in red cells or lymphocytes. Both α-naphthyl butyrate or α-naphthyl acetate can used.
The cells of granulocytic series are negative with this stain.
Interpretation The α-naphthyl butyrate stain more specific, while the α-
- Red-brown granules are found in neutrophil and myeloid naphthyl acetate stain is more sensitive.
precursor cells. In a suspected acute myeloid leukemia, dual esterase
- Finely granular staining found in Monocytes. stains can be used as they can simultaneous classify the
- Negative stain found in lymphoblast, basophils and blasts as either myeloblasts or monoblasts. Monocytic
plasma cell. nonspecific esterase is Fluoride sensitive.
Periodic Acid-Schiff
Sudan Black B
J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 7/Issue 25/June 22, 2020 Page 1216 Short Communication
Toluidine Blue deposits in tissue (mainly as non heme iron like ferritin and
hemosiderin) react with the soluble ferrocyanide present in
the stain to form the insoluble Prussian blue pigment (a
Toluidine blue reacts with the acid mucopolysaccharides in complex hydrated ferric ferrocyanide substance). These
the granules of basophils and mast cells to form deposits are then visualizable microscopically as blue or
metachromatic complexes, however, malignant basophils or purple deposits.
mast cells may not show a positive reaction.
Perls Stain (Prussian Blue Reaction ) - To assess iron reserves in bone marrow.
- Hereditary hemochromatosis.
Siderotic granules are found in the cytoplasm of developing
cells in bone marrow in the form of Ferric ions. Ferric iron
J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc., pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 7/Issue 25/June 22, 2020 Page 1217