Lesson 1 Edtpa 2022
Lesson 1 Edtpa 2022
Lesson 1 Edtpa 2022
While planning this lesson I took into consideration the students interests and adapted
my lesson to fit students learning styles.
In this standard we will be focusing on ordering numbers 1-20. Each lesson will be
scaffolded and get a bit harder as we move on. I have found that one of the most crucial
early skills is ordering numbers. It is a foundation block of learning, on which many other
skills are then built. It is also something we all use in our daily lives regularly.
Learning Objectives:
When given number cards 1-20 the student will put the cards in numerical order from 1
to 20 with 80% accuracy.
Academic Language:
Ordering- Ordering numbers mean arrangement of numbers either from small to big or
from big to small.
Numbers- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment:
- I formally assessed the student when he was asked to count with me to 50. I am
listening to see if he knows what number comes next etc.
- I am formally assessing to see if the student can order the number flash cards on
the floor in the correct order.
- When we are playing the spongebob game I will also be listening to the students
responses and observing where he is ordering the numbers
Assessment Plan, Summative Assessment:
Procedures, Lesson Introduction: ( 2 minutes)
- Pull the child out of the classroom and go to the resource room.
- Today we are going to work with ordering numbers 1-20. Do you know what
ordering means? We are going to put the numbers from small to big!
- Are you ready? Math first and then play!
Procedures, Lesson Body: (25 minutes)
- Explain the checklist chart to student. Help Spongebob get back to the sea! As
student completes a task he will make a check with the expo marker. Once he
checks all boxes and gets Spongebob home the student receives skittles!
- Have the student count to 50 with you out loud.
- Have student check box on the check list.
- Tell student we are now going to order these number cards from 1-20.
- Lay the cards randomly on the floor and tell student to find the number 1. Then
the number 2. Show the student how to line them up correctly.
- Work with the student to go to 20. Then when done point to each number and
count aloud once again. Make sure the student is repeating and looking!
- Tell the student great work and to check the next box!
- Now we are going to work with Spongebob!
- Have student spin the spinner
- Whichever the arrow lands on the student starts at that number and orders the
Spongebob cards up to 20.
- Example: arrow lands on 12. Student finds Spongebob cards
13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and 20 and lays them out on the table/floor.
- Spin a few rounds.
- Check the last box and give student a few skittles!
- Clean up activity, have student help.
Procedures, Lesson Closure: ( 5 minutes)
- Today, we ordered numbers 1-20!
- Okay, good job today!
- You can go play! 10 minutes
- Take the student back into the room after finishing.
Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment:
Content: The content has already been taught but students need extra practice
in a different setting. The content is working on ordering numbers 0-20. The
student and myself will look for the number 1 and start to order the flashcards up
to 20. Then we move along and play a Spongebob game ordering numbers! The
student also at the start of the lesson counts aloud with me to 50.
Process: Throughout the lesson, students will acquire information by listening
orally to the teacher giving instruction throughout the lesson. The student also
counts with me to 50 in the start of the lesson aloud. The student will listen to me
through the lesson while we count together and place the numbers cards in the
correct order. As the teacher you have to have patience because it takes our
friends a little longer to get through it. A lot of redirection will be needed. The
student works for skittles. Therefore the student will use a checklist to stay on
task and check each box as he completes a task. At the last box the student will
receive a few skittles for working hard. Lastly, he will like to play on his
computer, d.s or whatever it may be that day.
Product: The student will participate in the activity. Work first then play is the saying.
After the student completes the tasks he will be allowed play time for 10 minutes.
Environment: This activity will take place in Mrs. Johnson’s room. It will be myself, Mrs.
Johnson and the students. There are 2 other students there while I am there as well
working with my EDTPA student. The student will want to play as soon as he gets in the
room but you can redirect him. He must work first before he gets to play. The purpose of
this is practice and for our student to feel comfortable and excited to participate. The
student will work for skittles.
Individual student:
- The student can identify all numbers 0-20
- Diesel demonstrated global delays within all areas; cognition, academic, and
adaptive functioning. He needs to improve his ability to consistently demonstrate
academic skills mastered. The student has Autism. Diesel will benefit from small
group and individualized instruction with modeling, prompting, scaffolding,
repeated practice, and visual support throughout his day to support him.
- Instructional implications to improve academic skills suggest focusing on
recognition of differences and likenesses, stressing language development
involving abstract words/classifications/generalizations, developing math
computation skills, developing concentration skills, using concrete objects to
introduce concepts, drill in basic facts, discussion of the actions of others to help
develop an awareness of social relationships, using perceptual activities that
focus on recognizing and describing objects and attention to detail, focusing on
visual learning techniques, focusing on cause/effect relationships and logical
sequential presentation, using story completion exercises, discussing alternative
behaviors and endings in stories, and using puzzles, blocks and spatial-visual
- Diesel will likely benefit from an educational environment rich with opportunities
to engage with peers and adults, with modeling, prompting, and cuing available
to assist with improving expressive communication skills.
- Diesel may benefit from being taught social skills and play skills through direct
teaching. For example, teaching him to understand social language, feelings,
words, facial expressions, and body language. In order to enhance his comfort
level, try to establish a feel of safety and acceptance within the classroom.
- Diesel will likely benefit from an educational environment with clear and
consistent boundaries, consequences, rewards, and expectations to improve
persistence with non-preferred activities.
- He will benefit from instruction in shorter chunks of time, with clearly defined
breaks given intermittently; a positive reinforcement schedule may be helpful to
externally motivate him. He will also likely benefit from frequent reminders to stay
on task/focus his attention, particularly non-verbal reminders, such as visual cues
and prompts.
- All students will receive their accommodations and modifications that they qualify
for on their IEP. These include: read alouds, extended time if needed, preferred
seating and graphic organizers. Modifications include: shortened writing
assignments, shortened assignments, scribe, word banks and fewer answer