Digital logic circuits implement binary logic using electronic circuits with discrete voltage values. George Boole developed Boolean logic in the 1800s, and Claude Shannon showed in 1938 how Boolean algebra could be applied to switch-based circuits. Logic circuits perform operations on digital signals and can be represented using Boolean algebra and analyzed using truth tables, representing all possible input combinations. Basic logic gates implement fundamental logic operations like AND, OR, and NOT.
Digital logic circuits implement binary logic using electronic circuits with discrete voltage values. George Boole developed Boolean logic in the 1800s, and Claude Shannon showed in 1938 how Boolean algebra could be applied to switch-based circuits. Logic circuits perform operations on digital signals and can be represented using Boolean algebra and analyzed using truth tables, representing all possible input combinations. Basic logic gates implement fundamental logic operations like AND, OR, and NOT.
Digital logic circuits implement binary logic using electronic circuits with discrete voltage values. George Boole developed Boolean logic in the 1800s, and Claude Shannon showed in 1938 how Boolean algebra could be applied to switch-based circuits. Logic circuits perform operations on digital signals and can be represented using Boolean algebra and analyzed using truth tables, representing all possible input combinations. Basic logic gates implement fundamental logic operations like AND, OR, and NOT.
Digital logic circuits implement binary logic using electronic circuits with discrete voltage values. George Boole developed Boolean logic in the 1800s, and Claude Shannon showed in 1938 how Boolean algebra could be applied to switch-based circuits. Logic circuits perform operations on digital signals and can be represented using Boolean algebra and analyzed using truth tables, representing all possible input combinations. Basic logic gates implement fundamental logic operations like AND, OR, and NOT.
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Logic Circuits • Logic circuits perform operations on digital signals – Implemented as electronic circuits where signal values are restricted to a few discrete values • In binary logic circuits there are only two values, 0 and 1 • The general form of a logic circuit is a switching network
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Boole and Shannon
George Boole (1815-1864)
Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001)
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Boole and Shannon Boolean logic was developed in the mid-1800s by the mathematician George Boole, not to build digital circuits but rather as a scheme for using algebraic methods to formalize human logic and thought
In 1938, an MIT graduate student named Claude Shannon wrote a
paper (based on his Masters thesis) describing how Boolean algebra could be applied to switch-based circuits, by showing that "on" switches could be treated as a 1 (or true). and "off ' switches as a 0 (or false), by connecting those switches in a certain way
We can build digital circuits by doing math.
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS) Boolean Algebra • Direct application to switching networks – Work with 2-state devices => 2-valued Boolean algebra (switching algebra) – Use a Boolean variable (X, Y, etc.) to represent an input or output of a switching network – Variable may take on only two values (0, 1) – X=0, X=1 – These symbols are not binary numbers, they simply represent the 2 states of a Boolean variable – They are not voltage levels, although they commonly refer to the low or high voltage input/output of some circuit element
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Variables and functions • The simplest binary element is a switch that has two states • If the switch is controlled by x, we say the switch is open if x = 0 and closed if x = 1
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Variables and functions • Assume the switch controls a lightbulb as shown – The output is defined as the state of the light L • If the light is on => L=1 • If the light is off => L=0 • The state of L, as function of x is – L(x)=x • L(x) is a logic function • x is an input variable
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Variables and functions (AND) • Consider the possibility of two switches controlling the state of the light • Using a series connection, the light will be on only if both switches are closed – L(x1, x2)= x1· x2 – L=1 iff (if and only if) x1 AND x2 are 1
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Variables and functions (OR) • Using a parallel connection, the light will be on only if either or both switches are closed – L(x1, x2)= x1+ x2 – L=1 if x1 OR x2 is 1 (or both)
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Variables and functions • Various series-parallel connections would realize various logic functions – L(x1, x2, x3)= (x1 + x2) · x3
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Variables and functions • What would the following logic function look like if implemented via switches?
L(x1, x2, x3, x4) = ?
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Inversion • Before, actions occur when a switch is closed. What about the possibility of an action occurring when a switch is opened? – L( x) = x – Where L=1 if x=0 and L=0 if x=1 • L(x) is the inverse (or complement) of x
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Inversion of a function • If a function is defined as – f(x1, x2)= x1+ x2 • Then the complement of f is – f (x1, x2)= x1 + x 2 = (x1+ x2)’ • Similarily, if – f(x1, x2)= x1 · x2 • Then the complement of f is – f(x1, x2)= x1 ⋅ x 2 = (x1 · x2)’
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Truth tables • Tabular listing that fully describes a logic function – Output value for all input combinations (valuations)
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Truth tables • Truth table for AND and OR functions of three variables
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Truth tables of functions • If L(x,y,z)=x+yz, then the truth table for L is:
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Logic gates and networks • Each basic logic operation (AND, OR, NOT) can be implemented resulting in a circuit element called a logic gate • A logic gate has one or more inputs and one output that is a function of its inputs
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Logic gates and networks
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Logic gates and networks • A larger circuit is implemented by a network of gates – Called a logic network or logic circuit
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Logic gates and networks • Draw the truth table and the logic circuit for the following function – F(a,b,c) = ac+bc’
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Analysis of a logic network • To determine the functional behavior of a logic network, we can apply all possible input signals to it
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Analysis of a logic network • The function of a logic network can also be described by a timing diagram (gives dynamic behavior of the network)
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Axioms of Boolean algebra • Boolean algebra: based on a set of rules derived from a small number of basic assumptions (axioms)
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Axioms of Boolean algebra • From the axioms are derived • Single-variable some rules for dealing with theorems can be proven single variables by perfect induction • Substitute the values x=0 and x=1 into the expressions and verify using the basic axioms
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Duality • Axioms and single-variable theorems are expressed in pairs – Reflects the importance of duality • Given any logic expression, its dual is formed by replacing all + with · , and vice versa and replacing all 0s with 1s and vice versa – f(a,b)=a+b dual of f(a,b)=a·b – f(x)=x+0 dual of f(x)=x·1 • The dual of any true statement is also true
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Two & three variable properties
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Two & three variable properties
• 17a. x·y+y·z+x’·z= x·y+x’·z Consensus
• 17b. (x+y)·(y+z)·(x’+z)= (x+y)·(x’+z)
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Proof by Perfect Induction This means that you must construct a truth table, enumerate all possible input variable combinations and develop outputs in the table for each side of the equalities below and hence prove the equality.
• Use perfect induction to prove
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Proof by Perfect Induction x+x’·y=x+y
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Proof by Perfect Induction • Use perfect induction to prove (xy)’=x’+y’
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Proof (algebraic manipulation)
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Algebraic manipulation • Algebraic manipulation can be used to simplify Boolean expressions – Simpler expression => simpler logic circuit • Not practical to deal with complex expressions in this way • However, the theorems & properties provide the basis for automating the synthesis of logic circuits in CAD tools – To understand the CAD tools the designer should be aware of the fundamental concepts 112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS) Venn diagrams • Venn diagram: graphical illustration of various operations and relations in an algebra of sets • A set s is a collection of elements that are members of s (for us this would be a collection of Boolean variables and/or constants) • Elements of the set are represented by the area enclosed by a contour (usually a circle)
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Venn diagrams
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Venn diagrams
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Venn diagrams (x+y)’= x’y’
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Notation and terminology • Because of the similarity with arithmetic addition and multiplication operations, the OR and AND operations are often called the logical sum and product operations • The expression – ABC+A’BD+ACE’ – Is a sum of three product terms • The expression – (A+B+C)(A’+B+D)(A+C+E’) – Is a product of three sum terms
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Precedence of operations • In the absence of parentheses, operations in a logical expression are performed in the order – NOT, AND, OR • Thus in the expression AB+A’B’, the variables in the second term are complemented before being ANDed together. That term is then ORed with the ANDed combination of A and B (the AB term)
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Precedence of operations • Draw the circuit diagrams for the following – f(a,b,c)=(a’+b)c
– f(a,b,c)=a’b+c
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Example logic circuit design • Assume we want to design a logic circuit with three inputs x, y, and z • The circuit output should be 1 only when x=1 and either y or z (or both) is 1 – Three possible combinations • x=1, y=0, z=1 => xy’z • x=1, y=1, z=0 => xyz’ • x=1, y=1, z=1 => xyz • The function could be written as – f(x,y,z)=xy’z+xyz’+xyz • sum of products form 112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS) Example logic circuit design
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Example logic circuit design
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Example logic circuit design • Obviously, the cost (in terms of gates and connections) of this network is much less than the initial network • The process of generating a circuit from a stated desired functional behavior is called synthesis • Generation of AND-OR style networks from a truth table is one of many types of synthesis techniques that we will cover
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Logic synthesis • If a function f is described in a truth table, then an expression that generates f can by obtained (synthesized) by – Considering all rows in the table where f=1, or – By considering all rows in the table where f=0 • This will be an application of the principal of duality
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Minterms • For a function of n variables f(a,b,c,…n) – A minterm of f is a product of n literals (variables)in which each variable appears once in either true or complemented form, but not both • f(a,b,c) -- minterm examples: abc, a’bc, abc’ • f(a,b,c) -- invalid examples: ab, c’, a’c – An n variable function has 2n valid minterms
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112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Minterm notation
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Minterm notation examples
• What is the minterm notation for the
following function? – f(a,b,c)=abc+a’bc+abc’+a’b’c
• What is the function (in terms of variables) if
the minterm notation is the following? – f(a,b,c)= Σm(1,5,6,7)
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Logic synthesis • Duality suggests that: – If it is possible to synthesize a function f by considering the truth table rows where f=1, then it should also be possible to synthesize f by considering the rows for which f=0. • This approach uses the complement of minterms, which are called maxterms
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112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Maxterm notation
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Maxterm notation examples • What is the maxterm notation for the following function? – f(a,b,c)=(a+b+c)(a’+b+c)(a+b+c’)(a’+b’+c)
• What is the function (in terms of variables) if
the maxterm notation is the following? – f(a,b,c)= ΠM(1,5,6,7)
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Sum-of-products and minimality
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Design examples • Logic circuits provide a solution to a problem • Some may be complex and difficult to design • Regardless of the complexity, the same basic design issues must be addressed 1. Specify the desired behavior of the circuit 2. Synthesize and implement the circuit 3. Test and verify the circuit
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Three-way light control
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Three-way light control
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Multiplexer circuit
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Multiplexer circuit
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Multiplexer circuit
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Car safety alarm
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
Car Safety Alarm
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H/W-Adder circuit
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H/W-Majority circuit
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
H/W- VST_Bot Design Digital Circuit for Very Simple Tracking Robot (VST_Bot).The VST_Bot must be move in Track-line . Digital Input Signals each sensors S1,S2,S3 = 1 if in Track-line = 0 if out Track-line Digital Output Signals ML =1 motor left on 0 motor left off MR=1 motor right on 0 motor right off 112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)