Animal Classification: Activity 2. 1 Assignment 2.1
Animal Classification: Activity 2. 1 Assignment 2.1
Animal Classification: Activity 2. 1 Assignment 2.1
There is a vast diversity among animals that live in our environment.
It is easy to study about them by classifying organisms, based on different criteria.
Categorizing animals in a systematic way by considering their common
features is known as animal classification.
Animals can be classified on different criteria.
In grade 7 you learnt how to classify animals based on presence or absence of a
vertebral column (backbone).
Let us do Activity 2.1 from the knowledge and facts you learnt in grade 7.
Activity 2. 1
² Observe given pictures of the animals living in your surroundings.
² Divide and tabulate them into two groups using the feature, presence or
absence of a vertebral column.
² Invertebrates
² Vertebrates
Assignment 2.1
² Observe given diagrams of the invertebrate animal species.
² Classify them based on different criteria.
Figure 2.2
Annelids live in both marine and fresh water environments as well as in wet
terrestial environments.
Earthworm, leech, Nereis are some examples for Annelids.
Molluscs live in terrestial, marine and fresh water environment. Snail, bivalve,
chiton, slug, cuttle fish, octopus are some examples for Molluscs.
Arthropods live in terrestial as well as in aquatic environments. Arthropoda is the
group to which the highest number of animals belongs. Insects, spiders, scorpions,
millipedes, centipedes, prawns, crabs are some organisms that belong to the group
Assignment 2.3
² Observe the given pictures of different vertebrate animal species.
² Classify them using different criteria.
Fish, the group of animals well adapted to live in water belong to Pisces. Tilapia,
skate, shark, blue fin tuna, sear, gold stripped sardine, sprat are some fish that belong
to Pisces.
Swan Owl
These animals feed on mother's milk. Man, rat, loris, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzee,
bat, whale, dolphin, stag, deer are some examples for mammals.
Deer Loris
Figure 2.17 Some Mammals
Assignment 2.4
² Collect some pictures of mammals.
² Collect information about them.
² Prepare a booklet allocating one page for each animal. (Consider about the
cover page, foreword, contents, acknowledgement etc.)
By studying this lesson, you have identified that there is a wide diversity among
animals. You can further study about them by visiting zoological gardens and wildlife
parks. All animals contribute immensely to maintain the balance of environment.
Technical Terms
Classification - j¾.SlrKh - £õS£õk
Radial symmetry - wÍh iuñ;sh - Bøμa \©a^º
Bilateral symmetry - oaúmd¾Yaúl iuñ;sh - C¸£UPa \©a^º
Morphological features - rEmSh ,laIK - E¸Á¯À C¯À¦PÒ
Invertebrates - wmDIaGjxYSka - •ÒÍ¢usi¼PÒ
Vertebrates - mDIaGjxYSka - •ÒÍ¢uskÎPÒ
Cnidaria - ksvdßhdjka - {hõ›¯õ / SÈUSh¼PÒ
Annelida - wefk,svd - AÚ¼hõ / xsh¨ ¦ÊUPÒ
Mollusca - fud¨iald - ö©õ»ìPõ / ö©ßÝh¼PÒ
Arthropoda - wdf;%dfmdavd - Bzvμ¨÷£õhõ / ‰mkUPõ¼PÒ
Pisces - msiaflaia - ¤ìéì / «ßPÒ
Amphibia - weï*sìhd - A®¤¯õ / D¹hPÁõÈPÒ
Reptilia - frmaà,shd - öμ¨Ÿ¼¯õ / FºÁÚ
Aves - wdfõia - B÷Áì / £ÓøÁPÒ
Mammalia - uefï,shd - ©÷©¼¯õ / £õ¿miPÒ