Government Technical Examinations: C O M P U T E R O N O F F I C E A U T O M A T I O N
Government Technical Examinations: C O M P U T E R O N O F F I C E A U T O M A T I O N
Government Technical Examinations: C O M P U T E R O N O F F I C E A U T O M A T I O N
Computer on Office Automation
1. A candidate has to complete a minimum of 120 hrs. of training.
2. MS-OFFICE 2007, Linux EduBoss-3.0 and OPEN OFFICE 3.2 to be followed for Theory
and Practical Examinations.
3. No Course Material will be prepared and supplied by DOTE
4. The weightage for Theory and Practical Examinations as follows.
b. LINUX and OPEN OFFICE - 30%
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Computer on Office Automation
Introduction to Computer: Definition - History & Generation of Computer (From First to 5th) -
Applications of Computer – Advantages of Computer – Terms related to Computer - Characteristics
of Computer: Speed, Storage, Versatility and Diligence – Hardware & Software. Block Diagram and
Working Principle of Computer - Types of Computer: On the Basis of Working - Analog, Digital &
Hybrid, On the Basis of Size - Main frame, Mini Computer, Super Computer, Work station, Micro
Computer, Desktop Computer, Laptop Computer, Palmtop Computer; On the basis of Processor – XT,
AT & Pentium(i3, i5, i7); Memory: Units, Representation, Types - Primary memory: RAM, ROM,
PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, DDR Secondary memory: Hard disk, CD, DVD, Blue ray Disc, Pen
Drive Magnetic tape & Zip disk – CPU: Components of CPU - Mother board, Hard disk, RAM,
ROM, Processor, SMPS & Connecting wire - Graphics Card, Sound Card, Network Card – Modem;
Input, Output devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Digital Camera, Joystick, Pen drive, Monitor,
Printer, Plotter – Connecting port – Serial, parallel – USB port.
Computer Networks: Data Communications –Types of Computer Networks – Local Area Networks
& Wide Area Networks.
Definition of Operating System - Functions of OS - Types of OS: Single user, Multi-User,
multi-task, RTOS, Single-user, Multi-tasking – Windows Desk top - GUI: Definition, Standards,
Cursors/Pointers, Icons, GUI Menus, GUI-Share Data – Desktop icons and their functions: My
computer, My documents, Network neighbourhood, Recycle Bin, Quick launch tool bar, System tray,
Start menu, Task bar – Dialog Boxes: List Box, Spin Control Box, Slide, Drop-down list, Radio
button, Check box, Text box, Task Bar - System Tray - Quick launch tool bar - Start button - Parts
of Windows -Title bar-Menu bar - Scroll bar- Status bar, Maximize, Minimize, close and Resize &
Moving a Window – Windows - Start Menu –Help Menu- Preview Menu; Logoff & Shutdown –
Keyboard Accelerators: Key board short keys or hotkeys – Working with Notepad & Wordpad:
Opening & Saving files, Formatting, Printing, Inserting objects, Finding & replacing text, Creating &
Editing Images with Microsoft paint, using the Calculator – Personalising Windows.
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Linux Programming & Administration: Introduction to Linux – Features of Linux – Components
of Linux – Linux process and Thread Management – File Management System; Linux Commands
and Utilities – cat, tail, cmp, diff, wc, sort, mkdir, cd, rmdir, pwd, cp, more, passwd, who, whoami,
mv, chmod, kill, write, wall, merge, mail, news – pipes, filters and redirection utilities; System
Administration: Installing Linux – Booting the system – Maintaining user accounts – File systems
and special files – Backups and restoration.
OPEN OFFICE - WRITER: Introduction to Open Office Suite - Selecting the application
package, Working with Documents- Formatting Documents - Setting Page style- Creating Tables -
Drawing- Tools - Printing Documents - Operating with MS Word documents.
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Computer on Office Automation
Internet and Web Browsers: Definition & History of Internet - Uses of Internet - Definition of Web-
Addressing-URL-Different types of Internet Connections; Dial up connection, Broad band ( ISDN,
DSL, Cable), Wireless ( Wi-Fi, WiMax, Satellite, Mobile) naming convention, browsers and its
types, internet browsing, searching - Search Engines - Portals - Social Networking sites- Blogs -
viewing a webpage, downloading and uploading the website; Creating an email-ID, e-mail reading,
saving, printing, forwarding and deleting the mails, checking the mails, viewing and running file
attachments, addressing with cc and bcc.
Introduction to various devices & Applications: Other than the computers, (electronic gadgets),
which are widely using by executives in the Offices – Tablet, Smart Phone – concept of mobile
phone and Tablet and their uses – Various applications using by Tablets and Smart Phones such as
UC browser, WhatsApp, Maps, Skype.
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Distribution of Marks: In the Practical Examination, Question Paper should be in two Parts
i.e. Part A comprising 3 questions and
Part B comprising 2 questions.
i. Part A : 30 Marks
ii. Part B : 60 Marks
iii. Viva-voce : 05 Marks
iv. Record Note : 05 Marks
Note: Record Note should be hand written. Each exercise should state clearly the aim of the
exercise, Procedure followed (how to do the exercise, sequence of steps) and its Output.
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