MIL Summative 3rd Quarter Edited

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
Maguinao, San Rafael, Bulacan

Summative Examination in Media and Information Literacy

2nd Semester

Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Score:

I. Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. It/They is/are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data.
a. Media b. Information c. Literacy d. Communication

2. TV and Radio are some examples of what type of media?

a. Print Media b. Broadcast Media c. New Media d. Media Convergence

3. It is widely known as the ability to read and write.

a. Media b. Competency c. Literacy d. Communication

4. It can be the answer to a question, a news or a data.

a. Message b. Media c. Communication d. Information

5. Which is an example of Media Convergence?

a. Newspaper b. Radio c. Books d. Online Article/ Blog

6. These are well-researched articles found mostly in academic journals and published for the specialists
of a specific field.
a. Popular Publications b. Trade Publications c. Scholarly Publications d. Special Publications

7. From Latin word “genus” which means class of things that can be broken into subcategories.
a. Format b. Genre c. Forms d. message

8. It refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging messages through speaking, writing,
gestures or even using other symbolic forms
a. communication b. message c. mass media d. news

9. It is a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration.

a. Petroglyphs b. Pictogram c. Idiogram d. Fossils

10. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media..

a. Information literacy c. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. Media and information literacy

11. This is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to
access, locate, evaluate and use it effectively.
a. Information literacy c. Media literacy
b. b. Technology literacy d. Media and information literacy
12. Broadcast media initially used _______ to reach their audiences
a. Radio waves b. airwaves c. channels d. electricity

13. It is a combination of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices required to access, analyze, evaluate,
use, produce, and communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal and ethical ways that
respect human rights”
a. Information literacy c. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. Media and information literacy

14. It is a process in which a person, group of people, or an organization sends a message through a
channel of communication to a large group of people and organizations.
a. Mass communication b. Interpersonal Communication c. Mediated d. Organizational

15. It is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern-day tools to get, manage, apply,
evaluate, create and communicate information.
a. Information literacy c. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. Media and information literacy

16. It refers to people or groups of people imparting or exchanging messages through speaking, writing,
gestures or even using other symbolic forms
a. communication b. message c. mass media d. news

17. What is copying or closely imitating the work of another author, composer, etc., with no permission and
with the intention of passing the results off as original?
a. Plagiarism b. Cyber Bullying c. Fair use d. Digital Divide

18. What do you call the exclusive right granted for an invention?
a. Cybercrime b. Patent c. Netiquette d. Bullying

19. It refers to the communication between two persons, whether they are verbal or non-verbal.
a. Mass Communication b. Mediated Interpersonal c. Organizational d. Interpersonal

20. Reader’s Digest is an example of what type of media?

a. New Media b. Broadcast c. Media Convergence d. Print

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