Engineer Comments To P1 To P6 LHS Design
Engineer Comments To P1 To P6 LHS Design
Engineer Comments To P1 To P6 LHS Design
Bridge Designs Office,
Proj ect Director (CEP3)
This refers to your letter no. RDA/CEP3/PACK 1J dated 07-03-2022 and the subsequent site
visit had by Design review team with CEP 3 Engineers and Contractors' staff on 10.03.2022
regarding the above subject.
As per the submitted set of design repofis and drawings, our noted comments on the following
documents are listed as below.
1) Design Reports
1.1 We are not in a position to check the design calculation report since it is compiled
based on the finite element model output values. Hence it is needed to submit
computer model along with the calculation reporl.
2) Drawings
2.6There are two types (Type T and Type B) mentioned in bar schedule which are not
Hence, you are hereby requested to resubmit the design reports and drawing, ut.. attending
the above comments.
Further, please note that comments to the remaining submissions will be forwarded to you in
due course. "