Ansi Asse Z590.2

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ANSI/ASSE Z590.2-2003
Criteria for Establishing the Scope and
Functions of the Professional Safety Position

June 2003

American Society of Safety Engineers

1800 E. Oakton Street
ANSI/ASSE Z590.2-2003

Des Plaines, IL 60018

(847) 699-2929

ANSI Z590.2-2003

Foreword: (This foreword is not a part of American National Standard Z590.2-2003)

The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z590 standard projects were initiated by the
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) in response to requests from its membership. After a
careful evaluation of commentary from its membership in its various venues, consensus was reached
for the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) to initiate this standards project, including use
of the canvass method approach. This methodology was chosen as the subject area of the standards,
developed within the scope of the project, are primarily, but not exclusively, issues of ASSE's mission
and purpose. ASSE currently has almost 30,000 members representing a diverse range of safety
professionals from industry, business, government, and academia. This diverse membership, in
conjunction with ANSI procedure, allows for development of such standards in a manner which
encourages participation from a wide range of interested stakeholders.

Using the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) model for the development of these
standards, ASSE created the Operating Procedures (OPs) governing its role as secretariat.
Concurrently, and integral to establishing the OPs, was registration of the standards project via the
Project Initiation Notification System, which sought public comment of all interested and affected
parties. While this notice was published in the ANSI Standards Action of November 7, 1997, the
thirty (30) day notice expired on December 8, 1997 without any comment from the general public
or affected/interested parties.

Accordingly, and based upon this record and its procedural criteria, ANSI's Executive Standards
Council approved establishment of the standards project, its operating procedures, and the ASSE as
secretariat on February 12, 1998. Under the alphanumerical designation, Z590.1, and its title,
Criteria for Establishing Levels of Competence in the Safety Profession, various aspects related t o
the safety profession are addressed. This second standard in the series is Z590.2 Criteria for
Establishing the Scope and Function of the Professional Safety Position.

To perform their professional functions, individuals practicing in the safety profession generally
have education, training and experience from a common body of knowledge. They need to have a
fundamental knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, statistics, mathematics, computer
science, engineering mechanics, industrial processes, business, communication and psychology.
Professional safety studies include industrial hygiene and toxicology, design of engineering hazard
controls, fire protection, ergonomics, system and process safety, safety and health program
management, accident investigation and analysis, product safety, construction safety, education and
training methods, measurement of safety performance, human behavior, environmental safety and
health, and safety, health and environmental laws, regulations and standards. Many have
backgrounds or advanced study in other disciplines, such as management and business administration,
engineering, education, physical and social sciences and other fields. Others have advanced study in
safety, and this additional background extends their expertise beyond the basics of the safety

Because safety is an element in all human endeavors, the performance of these functions, in a variety
of contexts in both public and private sectors, often employ specialized knowledge and skills.
Typical settings are manufacturing, insurance, risk management, government, education, consulting,
construction, healthcare, engineering and design, waste management, petroleum, facilities

ANSI Z590.2-2003

management, retail, transportation and utilities. Within these contexts, they must adapt their
functions to fit the mission, operations and climate of their employer. Not only must individuals
practicing in the safety profession acquire the knowledge and skills to perform these functions
effectively in their employment context, through continuing education and training they stay
current with new technologies, changes in laws and regulations, and changes in the workforce,
workplace and world business, political and social climate.

As part of their positions, these individuals must plan for and manage resources and funds related t o
their functions. They may be responsible for supervising a diverse staff of professionals. By
acquiring the knowledge and skills of the profession, developing the mind set and wisdom to act
responsibly in the employment context, and keeping up with changes that affect the safety
profession, the required safety professional functions are able to be performed with confidence,
competence and respected authority.

This standard (Z590.2) sets forth common and reasonable parameters of the professional safety
position. The standard will help businesses and industry in identifying areas of responsibility for their
in-house practitioners of safety and outside safety consultants. In recent years legislation and
regulation at the national, state, and local levels has attempted to codify the professional areas of
responsibility for those practicing in the safety profession. The most compelling reason why such an
initiative should be undertaken is that ASSE identified hundreds of state and national
legislation/regulation in a single calendar year which would have established these levels of
responsibility. Having one American National Standard will offer a wide range of different options t o
private sector organizations and public agencies in creating their own benchmark.

American National Standard Z590.2-2003 uses a two-column format to provide both basic
requirements and implementing information. The left column, "Standard Requirements," addresses
the central principles and is printed in bold type. The right column, "Implementing Information,"
offers various criteria or approaches whereby the basic requirement is carried out in whole or part by
the methodology set forth and described in the I-Column.

Recognized job analysis methods are often used to derive the description of a practice in a field. Late
in 2000, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) completed a comprehensive job analysis
study that involved about 1,500 safety professionals, most of who are members of ASSE. The study
identified and then validated through a survey twenty-four responsibility statements that describe
professional safety practice. Periodically, BCSP will conduct job analysis studies to ensure that the
examinations leading to the Certified Safety Professional (CSP) designation accurately reflect what
safety professionals do in practice. When one maps the responsibility statements from the BCSP
study to the statements in this standard that describe the professional safety position, there is a
strong correlation between the two sets of descriptions. As a result, most would conclude that results
of BCSP’s comprehensive job analysis study of professional safety practice validate the descriptions
of the professional safety position that appear in this standard. The BCSP study is cited in the
standard’s reference list.

ANSI Z590.2-2003



Those solicited and participating in the development of this standard are as follows:

Northrup Grumman Emory Knowles

Board of Certified Safety Professionals Roger Brauer
Frost Controls, Inc. Robert Thomson
Board of Certified Professional Ergonomists Dieter Jahns
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Lynn Strother
National Safety Council Leo Carey
Patton Boggs, L.L.P. Adele Abrams
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses Anne R. Cox
U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration Kenneth Howard
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Marthe Kent
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health David Votaw
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Sam Gualardo
American Industrial Hygiene Association Aaron Trippler
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Julius Jimeno
National Safety Management Society Carl Griffith
Integrated Project Management Co., Inc. L.E. Oldendorf
Alliance of American Insurers Keith Lessner
International Machinists and Aerospace Workers Michael Flynn
Office of King County Safety and Claims William Hager
National Ornamental/Misc. Metals Association J. Todd Daniel
Association for Manufacturing Technologies Charles Carlson
South Florida Water Mgt. District James Smith
Enercron Services Michael Kinney
Travelers Insurance Company John Cheffer
Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards William Anderson
Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology George Peterson
El Paso Natural Gas Company Fred Fleming
Wente and Associates Frank Wente
Granberry & Associates Edwin Granberry
RRS Engineering Thomas Lawrence
TOSCO Distribution Company Casey Conway
Professional Safety Consultants James Lapping
CNA Insurance Company William E. Phillips
Toledo Engineering Joseph Crawford
Southeastern Oklahoma State University Robert Semonisck
Construction Safety Council Thomas Broderick
International Chemical Workers Union Council Michael Sprinker
U.S. Army Safety Center Brenda Miller
American Petroleum Institute William Erny
Petroleum Education Council Jack Barnidge
Tower Automotive Jerry Williams
Cameron Corporation Frank Perry
Board of Certified Hazard Control Management Harold Gordon
Consultant Thomas Butler

ANSI Z590.2-2003

Visteon Auto Systems Drake Drobnick

Frederic R. Harris, Inc. Richard R. Bourlon
Hazards Limited Fred Manuele
American Foundrymen's Society, Inc. Jimmie Childress
Georgia Electric Membership Corporation Anthony Watkins
S&R Equipment Co., Inc. Guy Butts
World Safety Organization Glenn Hudson
Protective Safety Services Fred Weidner
American Board of Occupational Health Nursing Sharon Kemerer
Texas State Technical College David Day
Vidal Engineering Keith Vidal
Lithko Contracting Mike Hayslip
USAA Hank Austin
Environmental Safety Specialist William Jaeger
Global Solutions Kathy Seabrook
Hoffman Construction Brian Clarke
University Nevada/Reno David Lee
Millersville University Paul Specht
Weatherford International Mark Hansen
Halliburton Company M.E. Greer
Consulting Safety Engineer Jack Vetter
Amoco Michael Thompson
Luckhardt Group Jack Luckhardt
Delphi Warren Brown
ISP Corporation Douglas Pastore
APIH Thomas Webb

ANSI Z590.2-2003


1. Preface: Individuals practicing in the safety

profession endorse a proactive approach to the issue of
professional responsibility. Numerous national/state
agencies, private sector organizations, and standards
development bodies are attempting to establish
limitations, parameters, and baseline competence
including standardization, regulations, and legislation.
This standard sets forth the paradigm for those entities
that establish competencies for the practice of safety and
for reciprocity agreements between national/state
regulatory agencies, legislative bodies, private sector
organizations, and national consensus standards
development bodies.

2. Scope - Purpose - Application

2.1 Scope: This standard establishes the scope and

functions of the professional safety position.

2.2 Purpose: The purpose of this standard is to

define the scope and functions of the professional safety

2.3 Application: The intent of this standard is to

consolidate in a clear and consistent manner an objective
assessment of the professional safety position.

2.3.1 Severability: If any of the provisions of

this standard are deemed to be not applicable, the other
requirements or recommendations of the standard shall
still apply.

2.3.2 The intent of the standard is to establish

criteria of the professional safety position for use by
employers, legislative bodies and regulatory agencies
when establishing the responsibilities of individuals
practicing in the safety profession and to provide
assurance to the public.

2.4 Interpretations: The intent of this standard is to I.2.4: Inquiries should be addressed to Secretary, ANSI
provide insight into the professional safety position. Z590, ASSE, 1800 E. Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL
Concerns, questions or inquiries should be directed to the 60018.

3. Scope and Functions of the Professional Safety I.3: This standard specifically recognizes that the
Position: The scope and functions of the professional professional safety position is not all-encompassing and
safety position shall be to: that there is a great need for specialties and expertise,
including such professionals as industrial hygienists,
• Anticipate, identify and evaluate hazardous occupational nurses, ergonomists, etc.
conditions and practices.

ANSI Z590.2-2003

• Develop hazard control designs, methods,

procedures and programs.

• Implement, administer and advise others on

hazard controls and hazard control programs.

• Measure, audit and evaluate the effectiveness of

hazard controls and hazard control programs.

3.1 Anticipate, identify and evaluate hazardous I.3.1: This function involves:
conditions and practices, as implemented in whole or in
part by the methodology cited in I.3.1. I.3.1.1: Anticipating and predicting hazards
from experience, historical data and other information

I.3.1.2: Identifying and recognizing hazards in

existing or future systems, equipment, products,
software, facilities, processes, operations and procedures
during their expected life.

I.3.1.3: Evaluating and assessing the

probability and severity of loss events and accidents,
which may result from actual or potential hazards.

I.3.1.4: Applying these methods and

conducting hazard analyses and interpreting results.

I.3.1.5: Reviewing, with the assistance of

specialists where needed, entire systems, processes and
operational failure modes, causes and effects of the entire
system, process or operation, or components due to:

1. system, subsystem, or component failures;

2. human error;
3. incomplete or faulty decision-making,
judgment or administrative actions; and/or
4. weaknesses in proposed or existing policies,
directives, objectives or practices.

I.3.1.6: Reviewing, compiling, analyzing and

interpreting data from accident and loss event reports
and other sources regarding injuries, illnesses, property
damage, environmental effects or public impacts to:

1. identify causes, trends and relationships;

2. ensure completeness, accuracy and validity of
required information;
3. evaluate the effectiveness of classification
schemes and data collection methods; and/or
4. initiate investigations.

I.3.1.7: Providing advice and counsel about

compliance with safety, health and environmental laws,
codes, regulations and standards.

I.3.1.8: Conducting research studies of existing

or potential safety and health problems and issues.

ANSI Z590.2-2003

I.3.1.9: Determining the need for surveys and

appraisals that help identify conditions or practices
affecting safety and health, including those that require
the services of specialists, such as physicians, health
physicists, industrial hygienists, fire protection
engineers, design and process engineers, ergonomists,
risk managers, environmental professionals,
psychologists and others.

I.3.1.10: Assessing environments, tasks and

other elements to ensure that physiological and
psychological capabilities, capacities and limits of
humans are not exceeded.

3.2 Develop hazard control designs, methods, I.3.2: This function involves:
procedures and programs, as implemented in whole or in
part by the methodology cited in I.3.2. I.3.2.1: Formulating and prescribing
engineering or administrative controls, preferably before
exposures, accidents and loss events occur, in order to:

1. eliminate hazards and causes of exposures,

accidents and loss events;
2. reduce the probability and/or severity of
injuries, illnesses, losses or environmental
damage from potential exposures, accidents and
loss events when hazards cannot be eliminated.

I.3.2.2: Developing methods that integrate

safety performance into the goals, operations and
productivity of organizations and their management and
into systems, processes, operations or their components.

I.3.2.3: Developing safety, health and

environmental policies, procedures, codes and standards
for integration into operational policies of organizations,
unit operations, purchasing and contracting.

I.3.2.4: Consulting with and advising

individual and participating on teams:

1. engaged in planning, design, development and

installation or implementation of systems or
programs involving hazard controls.

2. engaged in planning, design, development,

fabrication, testing, packaging and distribution
of products or services regarding safety
requirements and application of safety
principles that maximize product safety.

I.3.2.5: Advising and assisting human resource

specialists when applying hazard analysis results or
dealing with the capabilities and limitations of

I.3.2.6: Staying current with technological

developments, laws, regulations, standards, codes,
products, methods and practices related to hazard

ANSI Z590.2-2003

3.3 Implement, administer and advise others on I.3.3: This function involves:
hazard control programs, as implemented in whole or in
part by the methodology cited in I.3.2. I.3.3.1: Preparing reports that communicate
valid and comprehensive recommendations for hazard
controls based on analysis and interpretation of accident,
exposure, loss event and other data.

I.3.3.2: Using written and graphic materials,

presentations and other communication media to
recommend hazard controls and hazard control policies,
procedures and programs to decision-making personnel.

I.3.3.3: Directing or assisting in planning and

developing educational and training materials or courses
involving hazard recognition and control; and
conducting or assisting with courses related to designs,
policies, procedures and programs involving hazard
recognition and control.

I.3.3.4: Advising others about hazards, hazard

controls, relative risk and related safety matters when
they are communicating with the media, community
and public.

I.3.3.5: Managing and implementing hazard

controls and hazard control programs that are within the
duties of the individual’s professional safety position.

3.4 Measure, audit and evaluate the effectiveness of I.3.4: This function involves:
hazard controls and hazard control programs as
implemented in whole or part by the methodology cited in I.3.4.1: Establishing and implementing
I.3.4. techniques involving risk analysis, cost, cost-benefit
analysis, work sampling, loss rate and similar
methodologies for periodic and systematic evaluation of
hazard control and hazard control program effectiveness.

I.3.4.2: Developing methods to evaluate the

costs and effectiveness of hazard controls and programs
and measure the contribution of components of systems,
organizations, processes and operations towards the
overall effectiveness.

I.3.4.3: Providing results of evaluation

assessments, including recommended adjustments and
changes to hazard controls or hazard control programs to
individuals or organizations responsible for their
management and implementation.

I.3.4.4: Directing, developing or helping to

develop management accountability and audit programs
that assess safety performance of entire systems,
organizations, processes and operations or their
components and involve both deterrents and incentives.

ANSI Z590.2-2003

4. References and References to Other Standards

4.1 Brochure: Scope and Functions of the

Professional Safety Position, American Society of Safety
Engineers, 1800 East Oakton Street, Des Plaines, IL

4.2 Job Analysis: Job Analysis Study for Certified

Safety Professional Examinations, Board of Certified
Safety Professionals, Savoy, IL 61874, BCSP Technical
Report 2001-1, February 2001.


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