13 Bibliography
13 Bibliography
13 Bibliography
Dear Respondents,
a) Punchayath members
b) Neighbours
c) Hospitals
d) Asha workers
e) Akshya centers
f) Anganwadi teachers
g) Media
h) Kusumbasree
i) Others
16. Time taken for the issue of the smart card.
a) Less than 1week
b) Less than 2weeks
c) Less than 1-month
d) More than 1-month
e) On the spot
17. How many times have you availed of the services under the RSBY Scheme during
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) More than 3 times
18. How many members in your family did utilise the card during the period 2008-2019?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) All
20. The amount you utilised under the RSBY Scheme in the recent time?
a) Below 5000
b) 5001-10000
c) 10001-25000
d) 25001-30000
e) >30000
21. After enrolling on the Scheme, did you ever lose the benefits of the RSBY?
a) Yes
b) No
22. If yes, state the reason ……………………………………………………………
23. Do you think that the amount distributed under the Scheme in a year is sufficient?
a) Sufficient
b) Not Sufficient
24. Which type of hospitals have you chosen to avail the benefits under the Scheme for
most of the time?
a) Private
b) Government
25. What is the reason for the choice of a particular type of hospital?
a) Easy accessibility
b) Service quality
c) Suggested by relatives /friends
d) Decision of the head of the family
e) Speedy services
f) Hygienic environment
g) Only RSBY hospital in the nearby location
h) Only the hospital covering my disease
i) Most preferred hospital in case of medical emergency
j) Better facilities
k) Other reasons, if any
26. How many days on an average have you spent in the RSBY hospital for recent
hospitalization ?
a) 1-2days
b) 2-4days
c) 4-6days
d) 6-8days
e) 8-10days
f) More than 10days
27. How many times did you visit the same RSBY hospital during 2008-2019?
a) 1 Time
b) 2 Times
c) 3 Times
d) More than 3 Times
28. Have you been referred for better treatment to other hospitals (government/private)
that are not empanelled under the RSBY Scheme?
a) Yes
b) No
29. If yes, reason……………………………………………………………………..…..
30. Have you ever shifted to any Non-RSBY hospital at your own decision due to a service
gap when you were under treatment in this hospital?
a) Yes
b) No
31. Do you like to recommend that others visit the same hospital if they want a hospital
service in the future?
a) Yes
b) No
Sl No Awareness about: 1 2 3 4 5
33. Accessibility to RSBY services. Please assign your opinion about the accessibility
towards various RSBY benefits listed in Five-point Likert Scale given below.
( 5=Strongly Agree, 4=Agree, 3=Neural, 2= Disagree, 1= Strongly Disagree)
Statements 5 4 3 2 1
I got the financial benefits up to Rs 30000 offered
by the Scheme during my hospitalisation periods.
I enjoyed the CHIS PLUS benefits during my
hospitalization period.
c I had nothing paid for the medicines.
d I had obtained free food during my hospitalisation.
I had received travelling expenses of Rs 100 each
e for each of my hospitalisation.
f My pre-existing diseases were also freely treated.
I had enjoyed the benefits of 5 days post-
hospitalisation coverage.
I could freely treat my diseases with the help of the
I had struggled a lot to reach the hospitals to avail
the Scheme benefits.
34. Performance Rating. (Kindly rate the Execution and Delivery Performance of RSBY
in the Five-point Likert Scale given below. 1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good , 4=Very good,
I RSBY Scheme Execution Performance 1 2 3 4 5
36. Out-of-pocket expenditure due to hospitalisation .(Please enter the amount you spend
corresponding to each item).
Sl No Expenses Item Amount
Consultation Fee including
nursing charge
1. Medical Expenses Surgery charge
Cost of medicines
Cost for diagnostic test
Other Expenses
Room/ward rent
2. Cost of facilities Cost for life saving eequipment
used Cost of ambulance services
Other expenses
Expenses on Food (Patient and
3. Personal expenses Transportation expenses
Cost for communication
Miscellaneous expenses
Loss of salary/wage of patients
4. Opportunity cost Loss of salary/wage of bystanders
Other Expenses
37. How do you arrange the finance to meet the out-of-pocket expenditure?
a) Salary/Wages
b) Own savings
c) Borrowing from friends or relatives
d) Pledging/selling gold or any assets
e) Assistance from voluntary association/charity
f) Borrowing from banks or other financial institutions
g) Advance salary
h) Kudumbasree loan
i) Other sources
38. Impact assessment of RSBY on the Health-Related Quality of Life of beneficiaries.
(Kindly express your openion against each statement in Five-point Likert Scale.
5= Strongly Agree , 4=Agree, 3=Neutral , 2= Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree.)
Statements. 5 4 3 2 1
a The Scheme reduces mental tensions, as it protects
my family from unexpected health failures.
b It increases my confidence level to meet any
health care challenges of my family.
c The standard of health care enhanced after the
execution of the Scheme.
d The Scheme saved my family from
impoverishment due to continuous health care
challenges of family members.
e I can save money from health care cost and
channel it into improving other necessities of life.
f It increases my standard of living.
g It helps me to improve the quality of my health.
h The entire community has achieved a boost due to
the initiation of the Scheme.
Sl No Satisfaction with: 5 4 3 2 1
a Enrollment procedures /conditions.
b Smart card operation .
c The terms and conditions of the Scheme.
d The amount covered under RSBY/CHIS.
e The amount covered under CHIS PLUS.
f Package for the senior citizens.
g The number of members included from a family.
h Premium payment by the government.
i Disease coverage under RSBY Scheme.
j Number and type of hospitals covered under the
RSBY Scheme.
k Post-hospitalisation coverage.
l Food and travelling expenses coverage.
m The grievance redressal system under the RSBY
40. Satisfaction with the RSBY hospital services . ( Please express your satisfaction level
against the services offered by the RSBY hospitals listed in Five-point Likert Scale
given below. 5=Highly Satisfied, 4= Satisfied, 3=Neutral, 2= Dissatisfied, 1= Highly
Sl.No. Satisfaction with: 1 2 3 4 5
I Infrastructure facilities
a Availability of bed/room.
b Electricity and water.
c Food and canteen facility.
d Toilets and bathroom facility.
II Medical Facilities
e Accessibility to lab, X-rays, scanning, and BCG
f Availability of specialised departments for
particular diseases.
g Availability of experienced and expert doctors for
each disease .
h Availability of medical, surgical and consulting
pieces of equipment.
i Availability of medicines.
42. Problems with the RSBY hospital services. (Kindly express your difficulties against
the RSBY hospital services listed in Five-point Likert Scale. 5=Strongly agree, 4=
Agree, 3=Neutral, 2= Disagree, 1=Strongly disagree)
Sl Particulars 5 4 3 2 1
I Pre-hospitalisation Problems
a The number of hospitals empanelled to the
Scheme is very few.
b There are no special counters for RSBY patients.
c It is tough to reach the selected hospital.
d Lengthy process to got admission.
e Smart card reading issues .
f Lengthy queue in front of various counter
irritating the patients and bystanders.
II Hospitalisation Problems concerning
g RSBY patients are feeling neglected as compared
to other patients.
h Continuous visiting to the same hospital
discourages the hospital authorities.
i Continuous delay in documentation work creates
a service gap.
j Hospital authorities refuse to pay the travelling
k Hospital authorities refuse to give free food to the
l Hospitals do not cover all the RSBY category
m Lengthy queue in front of various counters creates
conflicts with others.
n RSBY staff not experienced/trained to do their
o Hospitals charge extra cost for various services.
p Hospital staff are not adequately answering the
queries about Scheme benefits, procedures and
the balance left in their accounts after treatment
43. Do you like to give any suggestions to improve the performance of RSBY Scheme?
Dear Respondents,
This questionnaire is prepared for data collection in connection with the research
leading to a Ph.D degree from the University of Calicut. The study title is “Role of
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in the Health Sector of Kerala”. The study aims to
investigate the perception level, satisfaction level, impact, and challenges of the RSBY
based on its performance in Kerala. The impact analysis is based on the comparison
between RSBY beneficiaries with Non-RSBY group, therefore it requires some data from
the Non-RSBY respondents too. The success of the study depends on the responses to this
questionnaire. So, I request you to spare some of your valuable time to fill this
questionnaire. I assure you that the answers given by you will be kept confidential, and the
data will be used for academic purposes only. Thank you for taking the time to complete
this questionnaire.
1. Name of patients :
2. Age :
3. Gender : Male Female
4. Economic Status : APL BPL
5. Education :
6. Occupation :
7. Annual income :
8. Number of members in the family :
9. Number of earning members in the family :
10. Number of children in the family :
11. Numbers of members above 60 years :
12. Number of regular/ periodic patients :
13. How many times were you hospitalised during 2008 to 2019?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) More than 3
14. How many members of your family were hospitalised during 2008 to 2019?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) More than 3
15. How many days on average you have to spend in hospital recently?
a) 1-2days
b) 2-4days
c) 4-6days
d) 6-8days
e) 8-10days
f) More than 10days
16. Which type of hospitals did you choose for the most time for your treatment?
a) Private
b) Government
17. What is the reason for the selection of the particular hospital?
a) Easy accessibility
b) Service quality
c) Suggested by relative/friends
d) Decision of the head of the family
e) Speedy services
f) Hygienic environment
g) Specialization to my disease.
h) Most preferred hospital in case of a medical emergency
i) Better facilities
j) Other reasons
21. Out-of-pocket expenditure incurred by Non-RSBY respondents during the
hospitalization period. (Please enter the amount you spend against the corresponding
22. How do you arrange the finance to meet the out-of-pocket expenditure?
a) Salary/wage
b) Own savings
c) Borrowing from friends or relatives
d) Pledging/selling gold or any asset
e) Assistance from voluntary association/ charity
f) Borrowing from banks or other financial institutions
g) Advance salary
h) Kudumbaree loan
i) Other sources
23. Level of satisfaction of Non-RSBY respondents with the hospital services. ( Kindly
express your feeling of satisfaction against the hospital services in Five-point Likert
Scale. 5=Highly Satisfied, 4= Satisfied, 3=Neutral, 2= Dissatisfied, 1= Highly
I Infrastructure facilities
a Availability of bed/room.
b Electricity and water.
c Food and canteen facility.
d Toilets and bathroom facility .
II Medical Facilities
e Accessibility to lab, X-rays, scanning, BCG
f Availability of specialised departments for
particular diseases.
g Availability of experienced and expert
doctors for each disease.
h Availability of medical, surgical and
consulting pieces of equipment.
i Availability of medicines.
j Availability of ICU, CCU, ventilators and
other life-saving pieces of equipment.
III Consultation Services
k Attitude and behaviour on the part of doctors
and staff.
l Consulting time and patterns.
m 24 hours availability of doctors and staff.
IV Waste Management
n Waste disposal system.
o Hygienic and cleaning environment .
24. Why are you excluded from the health insurance coverage?
Report on Presentations (latest first)
Sl. Title of
Name Title of Paper Organized by Level Date
No. Conference
Role of RSBY on Post Covid
St Joseph’s
the HRQOL of Global 28th
1. Chaithanya U Beneficiaries During Scenario: International January
Covid-19 Pandemic Threats and 2021
in Kerala Opportunities
Emerging Post Graduate
Department of
RSBY in Kerala- Trends in 20th March
2. Chaithanya U Commerce, N S S International
Challenges Commerce and College 2019
Management Ottapalam
School of
Challenges of
Studies Dr. John
A Study on RSBY in Digital 12th
Mathai Centre,
3. Chaithanya U the Health Sector of Business in the International November
Kerala New 2018
University of
A Comparative PG Department
Study between the of Commerce,
Public and Private NSS College
Hospital Services Ottapalam 4th and 5th
Trends in
4. Chaithanya U Enjoyed by the International January
Commerce and
RSBY Beneficiaries 2018
with Special
Reference to
A Study on Research PG Department of National 7th and 8th
RSBY/CHIS Methodology Commerce, Seminar December
5. Chaithanya U Performance in Kerala for Social NMSM 2017
Science Government
Research College, Kalpetta
A study on Consumers Emerging Post Graduate National 6th and 7th
Attitude towards Trends in Department of seminar March,
Health Insurance in Banking and Commerce, N S S 2017
6. Chaithanya U Kerala – with Special Finance College
Reference to Thrissur Ottapalam
A study on the Research Post Graduate National 4th and 5th
Performance of Health Methodology in Department of Seminar November
Insurance in India Social Science Commerce, 2016
7. Chaithanya U Maharaja’s
8. Chaithanya U A study on Social Green Banking Post Graduate National September
Health Insurance –an Innovative Department of 30th and
Products in India Tool for Service Commerce and October 1st
Quality Management 2015
Studies, N.S.S
Rashtriya Swasthya Financial Post Graduate National 20th and
Bima Yojana (RSBY)- Engineering in Department of 21st
An Innovative Health India: Growth Commerce and November
9. Chaithanya U Insurance Product in Prospects and Management 2014
India Challenges Studies, N.S.S