2021-12-10 TIME For Kids Family 5 UserUpload Net
2021-12-10 TIME For Kids Family 5 UserUpload Net
2021-12-10 TIME For Kids Family 5 UserUpload Net
ANIMAL RIGHTS An elephant should not be held in intelligence, the NhRP says Happy
a zoo. That’s what the Nonhuman should be set free.
Rights Project (NhRP) says. It’s an But the Bronx Zoo says Happy is
animal-rights group. well cared-for. And removing her
The NhRP is taking the Bronx Zoo could be a mistake, some say. At
to court. The zoo is in New York zoos, kids can form a connection
City. An elephant named Happy to elephants. That makes zoos
lives there. She’s lonely, the NhRP important for animal conservation.
says. The group wants Happy Jodi Gibson is president of the
moved to a sanctuary. She’ll have Zoological Society of Milwaukee.
more contact with other elephants. “Our greatest hope is for people to
want to protect and preserve these
The Debate beautiful animals,” she says.
The NhRP says Happy is an —By Brian S. McGrath
intelligent animal. She passed a
mirror test. It’s given to see if an conservation noun: the preservation and protection
of something
animal can recognize itself, like sanctuary noun: a safe place
a person does. Because of her
A giant inflatable duck is seen floating on
the water in Chile, in South America, on
November 2. The work is by Dutch artist
Florentijn Hofman. It’s part of the country’s
Hecho en Casa (“Homemade”) festival.
Hear the cover story read aloud in English and in Spanish at timeforkids.com. 3
TIME for Kids Edition 2 (ISSN 2156-9169) is published weekly and mailed monthly from October through May, except for a combined December/January issue, by Time USA, LLC. Volume #12, Issue #12. Principal Office: 3 Bryant Park, New York, NY 10036. Periodical postage paid at
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ocod ylus po ro su s 70 years
COMMONLY FOUND: ly seen on the
od ile s ar e m os t co m m on
Saltwater croc e is lands of New
he rn Au st ra lia an d on th
coasts of nort
Guinea and Indonesia.
FUN FACTS: t re pt ile in the world.
od ile is th e la rg es
● The saltwater cr oc
23 fe et long an d w ei gh 2, 20 0 pounds.
● It can grow to be
cr oc od ile ’s na m e is sl ig htly misleading.
● The salt w at er
er an d fresh water.
n live in bo th sa lt w at
The creature ca
st ay un de rw at er fo r at least an hour.
● A croc od ile ca n