Additional Information: 8-9: Other Games With The Alphabet Arc
Additional Information: 8-9: Other Games With The Alphabet Arc
Additional Information: 8-9: Other Games With The Alphabet Arc
Repeat this activity frequently until the child can consistently place all
the letters in the proper order within two minutes.
Additional Information
The purpose of this arc, which is slightly more challenging than Side I, is to
learn to sequence the alphabet. Only four letters appear on the arc: A, M, N,
and Z. A and Z anchor the two ends of the arc, and M and N anchor the mid-
dle. When a student places letters on this arc, he is forced to know the order of
the alphabet, not just match the plastic letters to the traced letters. To provide
extra support the letters appear in a straight line at the top of the page.
In the Reading Readiness Manual there are at least a dozen other games to
play with the arcs and plastic letters. These can be found in the first section
of the manual. In one of these games, two students in the intervention group
can play, or the teacher and student can play. Each player places all his letters
in a brown paper bag. The players reach in their own bags, grab a letter, slap
it down on the mat, and try to be the first to move it to its proper place on the
arc. The player who gets his letter on the mat first gets to keep the letter on the
arc and the other player returns the letter to his bag. The game is over when
one player has all his letters properly placed on the mat.
Brief Description
Chapter 8 • Intervention Activities for Letter Naming Fluency (LNF)
Materials Needed
Set of cards with rows of letters arranged in random order.
Detailed Description