Two-Headed Chicken by Tom Angleberger Author's Note
Two-Headed Chicken by Tom Angleberger Author's Note
Two-Headed Chicken by Tom Angleberger Author's Note
very authentic. Have you ever been chased by a moose? go n
I’m afraid that’s classified information.
3. Where did you come up with the idea for the AstrocapTM? yo u
What are your thoughts on the multiverse?
Ah, the multiverse! Where everything is not only possible but is already
reality! Imagine the mind-bending technology it would take to travel the multiverse! Now . . . imagine how hard that
technology would be to draw. Instead, I drew an upside down U with a stick on it and called it the AstrocapTM.
4. What was the most fun part about creating Two-Headed Chicken?
Sending in my little black-and-white scribbles and seeing them come back in
gorgeous color! (That was hard work for the amazing colorist, Joey Ellis,
but it sure was fun for me!)