A Preparation and Pharmaceutical Review of Makkaya Paneeya Kshara
A Preparation and Pharmaceutical Review of Makkaya Paneeya Kshara
A Preparation and Pharmaceutical Review of Makkaya Paneeya Kshara
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Govardhan Sahani J.*1, Dr. Sathish H. S.2, Dr. Vivekanand Kullolli3, Dr. Hemant
PG Scholar, Shalya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Associate Professor, Shalya Tantra, Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Hospital,
Rajkot, Gujarat.
Professor, Shalya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat.
HOD, Shalya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Article Received on
14 Jan. 2018, Kshara are derivatives of plant drug ashes in the form of solutions,
Revised on 05 Feb. 2018,
Accepted on 26 Feb. 2018,
powder orcrystals, all of which have the basic quality of being .It plays
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20185-11444 a very important role in pharmaceutics and also has great therapeutic
value. These formulations are mainly prescribed for various diseases
*Corresponding Author like Ashmari, Vidradhi, Bhagandra etc. According to Susruta, Kshara
Dr. Govardhan Sahani J. kalpana is considered to be best among the anushastras. This article
PG Scholar, Shalya Tantra,
details the method of preparation of Paneeyakshara prepared out of
Parul Institute of Ayurveda,
Makkaya Roma [Dried hairs of Stigma maydis] and its characteristic
Vadodara, Gujarat.
features. Thus, Kshara Karma has been considered as a wealth and a
strong weapon in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia.
Ayurveda, the science of life, mostly deals with medicinal plants. In Rigvedaand Atharvaveda
there are large numbers of medicinal plants mentioned to be used as drugs. Vedas are the
oldest written testimonials available to mankind on this earth. Plenty of medicinal uses have
been enumerated in these authentic texts. But there is no description of Kshara in Vedic
literature. In Upanishada, the use of word Kshara is found but nothing has been described in
In this regard, detailed explanation regarding Kshara has been made by Sushruta. Only
Sushruta has dedicated a chapter to Kshara. He has narrated Kshara considering its scope in
Shalya Tantra due to its qualities like Chhedana, Bhedana, Lekhanaetc.[1]
Consequently in the period of Samhita, Charaka has dealt with definition, varieties,
properties & application of Kshara. Charaka has mentioned two types of Kshara preparation.
In 1st chapter of Vimanasthana, definition, general properties andadverse effects of Kshara
are mentioned. He has also specified that Kshara does not possess a single Rasa, but it
possess multiple Rasas because it is a Dravya prepared from various drugs and consist all
rasas except Amla rasa. Apart from that, in surgical description also, Ksharahas been
mentioned as “Shastrapranidhana”.[2]
Dalhana, the eminent commentator of Sushruta Samhita explained the word „Ksharana‟ as
one which mobilizes and removes the deformed flesh, skin etc. andalso removes the vitiated
Doshas from their location.[3] Treatment by Kshara is technically termed as Kshara Karma
and it comes under the scope of Shalya Tantra, while Acharya Charaka has considered it as
one of the three fold treatment i.e. Shashtra Pranidhana.[4]
Sushruta emphasizes on the fact that, when the Kshara administered by anignorant physician
can harm the body like Agni, Shastra and Vajra or can cause death itself.[5] While the same
Kshara when administered by an intelligent and well skilled physician can prove potent
enough to subside all serious and most troublesome diseases rapidly in which it is
indicated.[6] Thus, Kshara Karma has been considered as a wealth and a strong weapon in
Ayurvedic pharmacopeia.
Pharmacognostical study
The Pharmacognostical study of the Ingredients of trial drug – Makkaya Paneeyakshara was
carried out in the Pharmacognosy laboratory, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University,
Vadodara. Paneeyakshara of the trial drug was used for macroscopic, microscopic studies
were carried out. Standards mentioned in API[7], Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal
Plants[8], Database on Medicinal Plants used in Ayurveda[9] are taken as reference for
Method of Preparation
Method: Open method
Drug Required: 150kg of dried Makkaya Roma (Silk hairs of Zea mays).
Table.1 Showing the Organoleptic characters of Makkaya Paneeya Kshara.
S. No Properties Characteristics
1. Colour Greyish white
2. Appearance Course powder
3. Touch Smooth
4. Taste Alkaline
5. Odour characteristic odour
Phytochemical parameters
Makkaya Paneeyakshara was evaluated for various physico-chemical analyses like loss
on drying, total ash, Acid insoluble ash, Water soluble extract, Alcohol soluble extract,
pH. The results were shown in table No. 2.
It was stored in air tight glass container in order to prevent from the moisture content.
Shelf life
Kshara has infinite shelf life but it has to be stored in airtight containers preventing its
exposure to the atmospheric conditions
Kshara is a unique concept mentioned in Ayurveda by which the water extracts water soluble
active principle after converting the drug into ash. Panneyakshara has gained much more
importance in the field of Ayurveda. It‟s a boon for those who is in a fear of doing surgeries.
By its quick action it is having the capacity to break the stones which is present in the
Pittasaya or Mutrasaya. The organoleptic characters of the Paneeyakshara denotes it is
highly alkaline medium which is greyish white in colour with smooth touch.
The Physico-chemical characters shows the drug possess less moisture content so it can be
stored for a longer period in an airtight container. Acid insoluble shows that there is more
presence of fibre contents and silica particles. Alcohol soluble extracts shows that Makkaya
Paneeya Kshara can‟t be used for the preparation of Asava and Arista. Water soluble extracts
shows with the help of Makkaya silk hairs preparation, Kasayas can be made possible.
Preparation of Makkaya Paneeyakshara is easy task. The silk hairs of Makkaya has much
more effect in many forms. Out of 150kg dried Makkaya hairs the resulted product was 4.5kg
only. This Makkaya Paneeyakshara will attribute a biggest role in the Field of Ayurveda by
reducing Stone size in Pittasaya Ashmari as well as Ashmari by itsKsharanat property.
1. Acharya Sushruta.Sushruta Samhita, with English Transulation Written by prof.
K.R.Srikantha Murthy, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. Reprint Edition
2012 ,Vol-1, Sutra sthana 11th chapter/3rd shloka, P.No.- 63.
2. Acharya Sushruta.Sushruta Samhita, with English Transulation Written by prof.
K.R.Srikantha Murthy, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. Reprint Edition
2012 ,Vol-1, Sutra sthana 11th chapter/3rd shloka, P.No.-63.
3. Acharya Sushruta.Sushruta Samhita, with English Transulation Written by prof.
K.R.Srikantha Murthy, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. Reprint Edition
2012 ,Vol-1, Sutra sthana 11th chapter/4th shloka, P.No.- 63.
4. Acharya Charaka, Charaka Samhita,with English Transulation Written by P.V. Tewari
Chikitsa Stana Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, Edition2012,Vol-4,16th
Chapter/7th Shloka, P.No-127.
5. Acharya Sushruta. Sushruta Samhita, with English Transulation Written by prof.
K.R.Srikantha Murthy, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. Reprint Edition
2012,Vol-1, Sutra sthana 11th chapter/31st shloka, P.No.-69.
6. Acharya Sushruta.Sushruta Samhita, with English Transulation Written by prof.
K.R.Srikantha Murthy, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. Reprint Edition
2012,Vol-1, Sutra sthana 11th chapter/31st shloka, P.No.-69.
7. Anonymous, Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part –I- Vol.1-5, Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Department of ISM & H, 1999; 82.
8. Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1-9, New Delhi, Indian Council of
Medical Research, 2003-2011.
9. Database on Medicinal Plants used in Ayurveda, Vol. 1-3, New Delhi, CCRAS.