Gravido Cardiac

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Gravido Cardiac

Normal cardiac changes in pregnancy

•(1) functional (innocent) murmurs that can be

heard in many women during a usual
pregnancy and
•(2) heart palpitations on sudden exertion.
• As a rule, a woman with artificial but well functioning
heart valves can be expected to complete a pregnancy
without difficulty - consistent prenatal care.

• A woman with a pacemaker implant can also expect to

complete pregnancy successfully.
• Even women who have had heart transplants can be
expected to have successful pregnancies.
What Causes it?
❑ Valve damage caused by Rheumatic fever
❑ Congenital anomaly- ( ASD)
❑ Women becoming pregnant at an older age, the
incidences of ischemic cardiac disease and myocardial
infarction are increasing.
Failure to the
LEFT Failure to the
Common signs and symptoms are those RIGHT
associated with pulmonary hypertension Right-sided heart failure can occur in a
and pulmonary edema and may include: woman with a congenital heart defect,
• Decreased systemic blood pressure such as atrial ventricular septal defect
• Productive cough with blood-streaked and pulmonary valve stenosis.
sputum Signs and symptoms may include:
• Tachypnea
• Dyspnea on exertion, progressing to • Hypotension
dyspnea at rest • Jugular vein distention
• Tachycardia • Liver and spleen enlargement
• Orthopnea • Ascites
• Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea • Dyspnea and pain.
• Edema.
What to look for?
❑ Echocardiogram
What TEST tells
❑Digoxin (Lanoxin)
❑Antihypertensive and arrhythmia
agents such as adenosine, β- blockers,
and calcium channel blockers

Pharmacologic Treatment
How it Is treated?
Nursing Care:
❑Assess maternal vital signs and cardiopulmonary status
closely for changes
❑Monitor weight gain throughout pregnancy. Assess for
edema and note any pitting
❑Reinforce use of prescribed medications to control cardiac
❑Encourage frequent rest periods throughout the day
❑Advise the woman to immediately report signs and
symptoms of infection
❑ Assess FHR and ultrasound results to monitor fetal growth.
❑ Advise the woman to rest in the left lateral recumbent position
❑ Frequently assess a woman’s blood pressure, pulse, and respirations and
monitor fetal heart rate and uterine contractions
❑ Prepare the woman for labor, anticipating the use of epidural anesthesia
❑ Anticipate anticoagulant and cardiac glycoside therapy immediately after
delivery for the woman with severe heart failure.
❑ Encourage ambulation, as ordered, as soon as possible after delivery.
❑ Anticipate administration of prophylactic antibiotics, if not already ordered,
after delivery
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Please feel free to contact me,
Teacher Casey, through email or phone.
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Consultation Hours
4 PM to 6 PM

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