Gravido Cardiac
Gravido Cardiac
Gravido Cardiac
Pharmacologic Treatment
How it Is treated?
Nursing Care:
❑Assess maternal vital signs and cardiopulmonary status
closely for changes
❑Monitor weight gain throughout pregnancy. Assess for
edema and note any pitting
❑Reinforce use of prescribed medications to control cardiac
❑Encourage frequent rest periods throughout the day
❑Advise the woman to immediately report signs and
symptoms of infection
❑ Assess FHR and ultrasound results to monitor fetal growth.
❑ Advise the woman to rest in the left lateral recumbent position
❑ Frequently assess a woman’s blood pressure, pulse, and respirations and
monitor fetal heart rate and uterine contractions
❑ Prepare the woman for labor, anticipating the use of epidural anesthesia
❑ Anticipate anticoagulant and cardiac glycoside therapy immediately after
delivery for the woman with severe heart failure.
❑ Encourage ambulation, as ordered, as soon as possible after delivery.
❑ Anticipate administration of prophylactic antibiotics, if not already ordered,
after delivery
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Consultation Hours
4 PM to 6 PM