Ebook CyberSecurity
Ebook CyberSecurity
Ebook CyberSecurity
Introduction 01
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A good place to begin your information security planning is to
know where your priorities currently are, and where they should
be. IDG recently conducted its third annual Security Priorities
Study to learn what types of security projects companies are
focusing on and why. The survey looked at challenges and
strategic responsibilities that IT and security executives are
addressing, and where they are allocating their budgets. Among
the key findings:
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It’s also important to address business growth and alignment as
you put your plan together. Like it or not, IT security is usually
put together over a long period of time, as companies implement
different technologies and tools from different vendors and roll
them out as needed. The problem, of course, is that you develop
silos in your infrastructure, with different operating policies and
security protocols, which increases complexity and makes it
difficult to establish a cohesive series of best practices.
The better initial planning you do up front, and the more you
are able to align IT security cross-enterprise with existing
technologies, the more effective your framework will be.
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The critical need for a strong enterprise information security
framework is born from a rapidly growing range of threats from
hackers and cybercriminals. In most cases, they’re driven by financial
gain (from selling hacked information, credentials, trade secrets and
other assets), but some hackers just can’t resist the temptation to
break and enter.
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Cloud Infrastructure: Phishing:
The Oracle and KPMG Cloud Threat A report by Verizon shows that
Report 2019 reveals that cloud phishing was the #1 threat in 2019
vulnerability will continue to be one of and will continue to be a huge
the biggest cyber security challenges threat in 2020, thanks to its high-
organizations will face. Enterprises reward, minimal investment
are increasingly using cloud apps to approach for cybercriminals.
run things like customer support and
sales, as well as store customer and
employee information in the cloud, Cyber AI:
making it a key target to penetrate.
The report says that 59 percent of While on the one hand artificial
companies have had privileged cloud intelligence (AI) is aiding the
credentials phished, and 75 percent fight against cyber threats by
have had data loss from the cloud. quickly detecting fraud and risk,
it is also providing a new tool for
cybercriminals. What’s known
IoT Threats: as “adversarial AI” works just as
effectively to identify vulnerabilities,
According to the Symantec 2019 helping bad actors to sharpen their
Internet Security Threat Report, attacks on infrastructure. AI can
IoT attacks are rapidly evolving in be trained to recognize intrusion
sophistication, including bots and signatures (digital footprints) left
worm attacks that target smart behind by hackers, for example,
devices, and industrial control when they attempt to access your
systems that threaten critical systems, then act in real time to stop
infrastructure and public safety. them in their tracks.
Gartner predicts that more than 85
percent of successful attacks against
user endpoints in the enterprise will
come from exploiting configuration
and user errors by 2025.
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Implementing information security has become a well-honed
science. What’s commonly known as enterprise information
security architecture (EISA) is “the practice of applying a
comprehensive and rigorous method for describing a current
and/or future structure and behavior for an organization’s
security processes, information security systems, personnel, and
organizational sub-units so that they align with the organization’s
core goals and strategic direction.” According to Tenable’s
Trends in Security Framework Adoption Survey, 84 percent
of organizations in the US address meeting cyber security
regulations with specific security frameworks, and 44 percent use
more than just one.
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EISA frameworks should address National Institute
three key areas:
of Standards and
Integrity: Ensuring that there Technology (NIST)
is no unauthorized access,
transmission, or changing of The NIST Cybersecurity Framework
is voluntary guidance for companies,
systems or data under any
spanning standards, guidelines, and
best practices to better manage and
mitigate cybersecurity risk, as well as
Confidentiality: Taking steps to
improve communications between
maintain the confidentiality of internal and external stakeholders
critical systems and data so those by creating common risk language.
who are not authorized cannot The framework consists of three
access it—this includes both main components:
digital and physical access.
Core: Creating a set of desired
Availability: Establishing business cybersecurity activities and
continuity of network systems outcomes using language that
before, during, and after a cyber is easy to understand
incident, with the goal to limit
system downtime and recover Implementation Tiers:
quickly from an incident. Determining the right
level of rigor for different
Fortunately, a number of key security programs
EISA frameworks have already
been developed that meet core Profile: Aligning organizational
standards and help companies goals with risk appetite and
achieve compliance with regulatory
resources to reach the
mandates. In fact, according to the
desired outcomes
IDG 2019 Security Priorities Study,
two-thirds of companies say that
compliance was a key driving factor
for their security spending. Following
are some of the most common
frameworks and data security
mandates to help guide you:
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PCI DSS General Data
Particularly in the era of online Protection Regulation
transactions, Payment Card Industry (GDPR)
Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
was designed to “enhance global The 2018 General Data Protection
payment account data security Regulation (GDPR) mandate was
by developing standards and created to protect the personal
supporting services that drive information of every European Union
education, awareness, and effective citizen. Companies must comply
implementation by stakeholders.” It is with this law or be subject to fines
a multi-faceted standard that spans of up to 20 million euros. The law
security policies, procedures, network forces companies to reexamine
architecture, software design, and how customer data is collected,
other areas to ensure organizations processed, stored, and deleted.
can proactively protect customer
credit card and account information.
Control Objectives
for Information and
ISO 27001
Related Technologies
The ISO 27000 family is an
international set of standards for
information security management. COBIT was developed by the
ISO 27001 is defined as helping to Information Systems Audit and
“manage the security of assets such Control Association (ISACA) to help
as financial information, intellectual organizations manage information
property, employee details, or and technology governance by
information entrusted to you by linking business and IT goals,
third parties.” The guidelines provide spanning audit, compliance,
specific steps for companies to follow operations, and risk management.
and ultimately helps grow customer
confidence in your ability to protect
their information.
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Your enterprise information security framework is only as good
as the people who envision it, build it, maintain it, and improve it
to ensure growing threats are kept at bay. Unfortunately, as fast
as the cyber security field is growing, there is still a shortage of
qualified professionals who can fill needed roles. Forbes recently
reported that there will be 3.5 million cyber security jobs left
unfilled by companies in 2020. That’s more than three times the
number that went unfilled just six years ago.
CISSP, or the Certified Information Systems Security
Professional, has long been considered to be the gold standard
in the field of information security. Senior cyber security
professionals pursuing the CISSP degree are trained in eight
distinct areas to protect their IT infrastructure, including security
and risk management, asset security, security architecture and
engineering, communication and network security, identity and
access management, security assessment and testing, security
operations, and software development security.
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Certified Ethical security programs and broader
business goals and objectives, so it
Hacker (CEH) is considered a strategic certification
for people who can lead cyber
For many organizations, their ace in
security teams.
the hold might just be the Certified
Ethical Hackers (CEH). As well
trained as many cyber security
professionals are, they are usually CISA
playing catch-up against hackers and
When it comes to auditing and
cybercriminals that have financial
governance, there is no better
incentive and extensive experience to
place to start than the Certified
stay at the top of their game. That’s
Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
where certified ethical hackers come
CISA certified professionals are able
into play.
to identify and assess vulnerabilities,
perform security audits, and report
Ethical hacking is the process of
on compliance and institutional
testing infrastructure vulnerabilities
controls, making them critical players
by using the same techniques that
in governing IT. Achieving compliance
malicious hackers do, but in a legal,
with the General Data Protection
legitimate manner. The results of a
Regulation (GDPR) is a great example
CEH professional’s testing can then
of where CISA professionals can
be used to proactively enhance the
apply their skills.
strength of an organization’s defensive
cyber security posture. Ethical hackers
learn to investigate vulnerabilities in
target systems, assess security status
of network systems, and master the The CompTIA IT certification is
latest hacking tools, malware codes, instrumental in pursuing most
and other tactics that hackers use successful careers in IT, helping to
every day. validate the use of hardware, software,
mobile and OS technologies in
complex IT environments, and in both
CISM wired and wireless networks. Since
CompTIA certifications are vendor-
Certified Information Security
neutral, the CompTIA certification
Manager (CISM) is another key
leads to a broad array of skillsets to
certification for IT professionals who
qualify for a variety of IT positions.
manage, design, oversee, and assess
enterprise information security.
CISM certified individuals must
demonstrate a deep understanding of
the relationship between information
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Planning can make all the difference in the world of IT and cyber
security, and the results can be felt all across your organization.
Accenture reports that by prioritizing infrastructure and
technology for cybersecurity protection, you can reduce the
ultimate consequences of cybercrime and unlock future economic
value, as you develop higher levels of trust (and grow business)
with customers and partners. Start building your enterprise-wide
security team and architecture today and you’ll see how fast the
benefits will appear.
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