Declaration of Land Patent Instruction Sheet
Declaration of Land Patent Instruction Sheet
Declaration of Land Patent Instruction Sheet
What is it?
Seven (7).
3. The legal inscription of the county where the Land is located. Most
county legal boundaries are listed in the state statutes, however,
if it is not then go to the County Recorder’s office and they will
have that data.
To find which judicial district you fall into within your county,
seek to find which educational district your land is within as of
1954 as the Educational districts were taken from the judicial
districts. E.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. judicial district.
6. The date and time (if available) the Land was acquired
Look at the deed filed. It will have that data.
8. Other Authorities
There are a number of authorities that can be inserted. See sample.
Yours may vary. None are required but the Treaty of Peace of 1783 is
9. Two Witnesses (not a Notary Public) on the front side, county notary
is ok.
10. Your (owner’s) autograph goes on the backside of the paper where
the witnesses autographed.
Land Patent No(s) 123456 Issued by the office of the congress for the original jurisdiction,
united states of america circa 1789, stewarded by office holders of the Atlantic and Pacific
Railroad in the year eighteen hundred and sixty six.
I, john-allen, born in the family Doe, said Doe family having settled within the boundaries of the
Arizona republic as early as the year nineteen hundred and ninety five, do declare that I bring
forward a Land Patent in my name, john-allen. Property so sought to be brought forward, and
lawfully inscribed and referenced with Patent Number(s) 123456, and
Starting with Township 13S, Range 1E, Section 23, 4.17 acres, Super Estates, with land held by
Charles & Marjorie Shelf located immediately north on the eastern end for 245 feet and land held
by Jason & Ann I Hurding located immediately north in the middle for 245 feet and land held by
Violet R Holder located immediately north on the western end for less than approximately 100
feet and land held by Daniel A & Betty Huey bordering the western land boundary for 233.32
feet and land held by Pat & Carol L Black bordering the southern land boundary for 477 feet and
land held by hooeyhooey county right-of-way bordering the eastern land boundary for 200 feet,
to have and to hold in the name of Yahweh, and
and said county being within The Arizona established by the people therein from the county(ies)
at large in 1911, by Preamble “We, the people of the State of Arizona, Grateful to Almighty God
for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution...” and recognized by said constitution of A.D. 1912,
is carried forward to the present time with the following land boundaries; Arizona Constitution
Article 1 Designation of boundaries Section 1; The boundaries of the Arizona shall be as
follows, namely: Beginning at a point on the Colorado River twenty English miles below the
junction of the Gila and Colorado Rivers, as fixed by the Gadsden Treaty between the United
States of America and Mexico, being in latitude thirty- two degrees, twenty-nine minutes, forty-
four and forty-five one- hundredths seconds north and longitude one hundred fourteen degrees,
forty-eight minutes, forty-four and fifty-three one -hundredths seconds west of Greenwich;
thence along and with the international boundary line between the United States of America and
Mexico in a southeastern direction to Monument Number 127 on said boundary line in latitude
thirty-one degrees, twenty minutes north; thence east along and with said parallel of latitude,
continuing on said boundary line to an intersection with the meridian of longitude one hundred
No claim is made herein that john-allen has been assigned the entire track of land inscribed in the
original Patent. The assignment is inclusive only written in the above lawful inscription. The
filing of the Declaration of Land Patent shall not deny or infringe on any right, privilege or
immunity of any assignee to any other portion of land covered in the above inscribed Patent
Number(s) 123456.
So, declared in the name of yahweh, in the year, five thousand seven hundred and sixty four,
translation in the year two thousand and four, on January 12, 2:35 p.m.
Within the boundaries of Hooeyhooey county at large, and carried forward within the boundaries
of the Arizona Republic, to the present time.
It is hereby established by the word, that, I, john-allen, do declare that I hold the great office of
assignee/steward to manage my part of the land patent; 123456, copy of which is attached
hereto. I further declare that, by the authority of yahshua, the Anointed One, manage the great
office of assignee in the name of yahweh, in the judicial district of tens, and said office is
attached and assigned to manage a portion of said land patent which is lawfully inscribed within
the attachments hereto and made a part hereof.
No claim is made herein that neither I, nor my office has been assigned the entire tract of land as
inscribed in the original patent. The assignment is inclusive of only the attached lawful
inscription. The filing of the declaration of Land Patent shall not deny or infringe on any right,
privilege, or immunity of any other office of assignee or assignee to any other portion of land
covered in the above inscribed patent number.
If the land patent is not challenged by a qualified claim under exclusive and original jurisdiction
of a district court of the United States within sixty (60) days from the day of filing, then the above
inscribed property shall be mine to steward in the name of my Sovereign, yahweh. Furthermore,
the land patent shall be in the condition precedent of nihil dicit, and is therefore been absolutely
brought forward in my name, john-doe, to have and to hold in the name of Yahweh, and as
promised by Yahweh, to pass on to my heirs, future assignments and callings forever;
Other authorities;
Wilcox v. Jackson, 13c Pet., (U.S.) 498, 10 L.Ed. 264: All questions of fact decided by the
General Land Office are binding everywhere, and injunctions and mandamus proceedings will
not lie against it. Litchfield v. Register, 9 Wall (U.S.) 575, 19 Ed. 681.
NOTICE AND EFFECT OF LAND PATENT. A grant of Land is a public law standing on the
statute books of the State, and is notice to every subsequent purchaser under any conflicting sale
made afterward: Wineman v. Gastrell, 54 FED. 819, 4 CCA 596, 2 US App. 581. A patent alone
passes title to the Grantee: Wilcox v. Jackson, 12 PET (U.S.) 498, 10 L. Ed. 264.
Where the United States has parted with title by a patent legally issued and upon surveys legally
made by itself and approved by the proper department, the title so granted cannot be impaired by
any subsequent survey made by the government for its own purposes: Cage v. Danks, 13 LA.
ANN. 128.
The final certificate or receipt acknowledging the payment in full by a homesteader or preemptor
is not in legal effect a conveyance of Land. U.S. v. Steenerson, 50 FED 504, 1 CCA 552, 4 U.S.
App. 332.
A Land Patent is conclusive evidence the patent has complied with the act of Congress as
concerns improvements on the Land, etc.: Jankins v. Gibson, 3 LA ANN 203.
Statutes at Large known as “An Act granting Lands to aid in the Construction of a Railroad and
Telegraph Line from the States of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacific Coast.” wherein said
land was transferred by the United States Congress to The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad
Company incorporated (July 27, 1866, Thirty Ninth Congress, Chapter 277, 278); and
So done and declared in the name of Yahweh, our elohim in the year, five thousand seven
hundred and sixty four, translation in the year two thousand and four,
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